1 | # API Documentation
2 |
3 | *Please use only this documented API when working with the parser. Methods
4 | not documented here are subject to change at any point.*
5 |
6 | ## `parser` function
7 |
8 | This is the module's main entry point.
9 |
10 | ```js
11 | const parser = require('postcss-selector-parser');
12 | ```
13 |
14 | ### `parser([transform], [options])`
15 |
16 | Creates a new `processor` instance
17 |
18 | ```js
19 | const processor = parser();
20 | ```
21 |
22 | Or, with optional transform function
23 |
24 | ```js
25 | const transform = selectors => {
26 | selectors.walkUniversals(selector => {
27 | selector.remove();
28 | });
29 | };
30 |
31 | const processor = parser(transform)
32 |
33 | // Example
34 | const result = processor.processSync('*.class');
35 | // => .class
36 | ```
37 |
38 | [See processor documentation](#processor)
39 |
40 | Arguments:
41 |
42 | * `transform (function)`: Provide a function to work with the parsed AST.
43 | * `options (object)`: Provide default options for all calls on the returned `Processor`.
44 |
45 | ### `parser.attribute([props])`
46 |
47 | Creates a new attribute selector.
48 |
49 | ```js
50 | parser.attribute({attribute: 'href'});
51 | // => [href]
52 | ```
53 |
54 | Arguments:
55 |
56 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
57 |
58 | ### `parser.className([props])`
59 |
60 | Creates a new class selector.
61 |
62 | ```js
63 | parser.className({value: 'button'});
64 | // => .button
65 | ```
66 |
67 | Arguments:
68 |
69 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
70 |
71 | ### `parser.combinator([props])`
72 |
73 | Creates a new selector combinator.
74 |
75 | ```js
76 | parser.combinator({value: '+'});
77 | // => +
78 | ```
79 |
80 | Arguments:
81 |
82 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
83 |
84 | Notes:
85 | * **Descendant Combinators** The value of descendant combinators created by the
86 | parser always just a single space (`" "`). For descendant selectors with no
87 | comments, additional space is now stored in `node.spaces.before`. Depending
88 | on the location of comments, additional spaces may be stored in
89 | `node.raws.spaces.before`, `node.raws.spaces.after`, or `node.raws.value`.
90 | * **Named Combinators** Although, nonstandard and unlikely to ever become a standard,
91 | named combinators like `/deep/` and `/for/` are parsed as combinators. The
92 | `node.value` is name after being unescaped and normalized as lowercase. The
93 | original value for the combinator name is stored in `node.raws.value`.
94 |
95 |
96 | ### `parser.comment([props])`
97 |
98 | Creates a new comment.
99 |
100 | ```js
101 | parser.comment({value: '/* Affirmative, Dave. I read you. */'});
102 | // => /* Affirmative, Dave. I read you. */
103 | ```
104 |
105 | Arguments:
106 |
107 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
108 |
109 | ### `parser.id([props])`
110 |
111 | Creates a new id selector.
112 |
113 | ```js
114 | parser.id({value: 'search'});
115 | // => #search
116 | ```
117 |
118 | Arguments:
119 |
120 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
121 |
122 | ### `parser.nesting([props])`
123 |
124 | Creates a new nesting selector.
125 |
126 | ```js
127 | parser.nesting();
128 | // => &
129 | ```
130 |
131 | Arguments:
132 |
133 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
134 |
135 | ### `parser.pseudo([props])`
136 |
137 | Creates a new pseudo selector.
138 |
139 | ```js
140 | parser.pseudo({value: '::before'});
141 | // => ::before
142 | ```
143 |
144 | Arguments:
145 |
146 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
147 |
148 | ### `parser.root([props])`
149 |
150 | Creates a new root node.
151 |
152 | ```js
153 | parser.root();
154 | // => (empty)
155 | ```
156 |
157 | Arguments:
158 |
159 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
160 |
161 | ### `parser.selector([props])`
162 |
163 | Creates a new selector node.
164 |
165 | ```js
166 | parser.selector();
167 | // => (empty)
168 | ```
169 |
170 | Arguments:
171 |
172 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
173 |
174 | ### `parser.string([props])`
175 |
176 | Creates a new string node.
177 |
178 | ```js
179 | parser.string();
180 | // => (empty)
181 | ```
182 |
183 | Arguments:
184 |
185 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
186 |
187 | ### `parser.tag([props])`
188 |
189 | Creates a new tag selector.
190 |
191 | ```js
192 | parser.tag({value: 'button'});
193 | // => button
194 | ```
195 |
196 | Arguments:
197 |
198 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
199 |
200 | ### `parser.universal([props])`
201 |
202 | Creates a new universal selector.
203 |
204 | ```js
205 | parser.universal();
206 | // => *
207 | ```
208 |
209 | Arguments:
210 |
211 | * `props (object)`: The new node's properties.
212 |
213 | ## Node types
214 |
215 | ### `node.type`
216 |
217 | A string representation of the selector type. It can be one of the following;
218 | `attribute`, `class`, `combinator`, `comment`, `id`, `nesting`, `pseudo`,
219 | `root`, `selector`, `string`, `tag`, or `universal`. Note that for convenience,
220 | these constants are exposed on the main `parser` as uppercased keys. So for
221 | example you can get `id` by querying `parser.ID`.
222 |
223 | ```js
224 | parser.attribute({attribute: 'href'}).type;
225 | // => 'attribute'
226 | ```
227 |
228 | ### `node.parent`
229 |
230 | Returns the parent node.
231 |
232 | ```js
233 | root.nodes[0].parent === root;
234 | ```
235 |
236 | ### `node.toString()`, `String(node)`, or `'' + node`
237 |
238 | Returns a string representation of the node.
239 |
240 | ```js
241 | const id = parser.id({value: 'search'});
242 | console.log(String(id));
243 | // => #search
244 | ```
245 |
246 | ### `node.next()` & `node.prev()`
247 |
248 | Returns the next/previous child of the parent node.
249 |
250 | ```js
251 | const next = id.next();
252 | if (next && next.type !== 'combinator') {
253 | throw new Error('Qualified IDs are not allowed!');
254 | }
255 | ```
256 |
257 | ### `node.replaceWith(node)`
258 |
259 | Replace a node with another.
260 |
261 | ```js
262 | const attr = selectors.first.first;
263 | const className = parser.className({value: 'test'});
264 | attr.replaceWith(className);
265 | ```
266 |
267 | Arguments:
268 |
269 | * `node`: The node to substitute the original with.
270 |
271 | ### `node.remove()`
272 |
273 | Removes the node from its parent node.
274 |
275 | ```js
276 | if (node.type === 'id') {
277 | node.remove();
278 | }
279 | ```
280 |
281 | ### `node.clone()`
282 |
283 | Returns a copy of a node, detached from any parent containers that the
284 | original might have had.
285 |
286 | ```js
287 | const cloned = parser.id({value: 'search'});
288 | String(cloned);
289 |
290 | // => #search
291 | ```
292 |
293 | ### `node.isAtPosition(line, column)`
294 |
295 | Return a `boolean` indicating whether this node includes the character at the
296 | position of the given line and column. Returns `undefined` if the nodes lack
297 | sufficient source metadata to determine the position.
298 |
299 | Arguments:
300 |
301 | * `line`: 1-index based line number relative to the start of the selector.
302 | * `column`: 1-index based column number relative to the start of the selector.
303 |
304 | ### `node.spaces`
305 |
306 | Extra whitespaces around the node will be moved into `node.spaces.before` and
307 | `node.spaces.after`. So for example, these spaces will be moved as they have
308 | no semantic meaning:
309 |
310 | ```css
311 | h1 , h2 {}
312 | ```
313 |
314 | For descendent selectors, the value is always a single space.
315 |
316 | ```css
317 | h1 h2 {}
318 | ```
319 |
320 | Additional whitespace is found in either the `node.spaces.before` and `node.spaces.after` depending on the presence of comments or other whitespace characters. If the actual whitespace does not start or end with a single space, the node's raw value is set to the actual space(s) found in the source.
321 |
322 | ### `node.source`
323 |
324 | An object describing the node's start/end, line/column source position.
325 |
326 | Within the following CSS, the `.bar` class node ...
327 |
328 | ```css
329 | .foo,
330 | .bar {}
331 | ```
332 |
333 | ... will contain the following `source` object.
334 |
335 | ```js
336 | source: {
337 | start: {
338 | line: 2,
339 | column: 3
340 | },
341 | end: {
342 | line: 2,
343 | column: 6
344 | }
345 | }
346 | ```
347 |
348 | ### `node.sourceIndex`
349 |
350 | The zero-based index of the node within the original source string.
351 |
352 | Within the following CSS, the `.baz` class node will have a `sourceIndex` of `12`.
353 |
354 | ```css
355 | .foo, .bar, .baz {}
356 | ```
357 |
358 | ## Container types
359 |
360 | The `root`, `selector`, and `pseudo` nodes have some helper methods for working
361 | with their children.
362 |
363 | ### `container.nodes`
364 |
365 | An array of the container's children.
366 |
367 | ```js
368 | // Input: h1 h2
369 | selectors.at(0).nodes.length // => 3
370 | selectors.at(0).nodes[0].value // => 'h1'
371 | selectors.at(0).nodes[1].value // => ' '
372 | ```
373 |
374 | ### `container.first` & `container.last`
375 |
376 | The first/last child of the container.
377 |
378 | ```js
379 | selector.first === selector.nodes[0];
380 | selector.last === selector.nodes[selector.nodes.length - 1];
381 | ```
382 |
383 | ### `container.at(index)`
384 |
385 | Returns the node at position `index`.
386 |
387 | ```js
388 | selector.at(0) === selector.first;
389 | selector.at(0) === selector.nodes[0];
390 | ```
391 |
392 | Arguments:
393 |
394 | * `index`: The index of the node to return.
395 |
396 | ### `container.atPosition(line, column)`
397 |
398 | Returns the node at the source position `index`.
399 |
400 | ```js
401 | selector.at(0) === selector.first;
402 | selector.at(0) === selector.nodes[0];
403 | ```
404 |
405 | Arguments:
406 |
407 | * `index`: The index of the node to return.
408 |
409 | ### `container.index(node)`
410 |
411 | Return the index of the node within its container.
412 |
413 | ```js
414 | selector.index(selector.nodes[2]) // => 2
415 | ```
416 |
417 | Arguments:
418 |
419 | * `node`: A node within the current container.
420 |
421 | ### `container.length`
422 |
423 | Proxy to the length of the container's nodes.
424 |
425 | ```js
426 | container.length === container.nodes.length
427 | ```
428 |
429 | ### `container` Array iterators
430 |
431 | The container class provides proxies to certain Array methods; these are:
432 |
433 | * `container.map === container.nodes.map`
434 | * `container.reduce === container.nodes.reduce`
435 | * `container.every === container.nodes.every`
436 | * `container.some === container.nodes.some`
437 | * `container.filter === container.nodes.filter`
438 | * `container.sort === container.nodes.sort`
439 |
440 | Note that these methods only work on a container's immediate children; recursive
441 | iteration is provided by `container.walk`.
442 |
443 | ### `container.each(callback)`
444 |
445 | Iterate the container's immediate children, calling `callback` for each child.
446 | You may return `false` within the callback to break the iteration.
447 |
448 | ```js
449 | let className;
450 | selectors.each((selector, index) => {
451 | if (selector.type === 'class') {
452 | className = selector.value;
453 | return false;
454 | }
455 | });
456 | ```
457 |
458 | Note that unlike `Array#forEach()`, this iterator is safe to use whilst adding
459 | or removing nodes from the container.
460 |
461 | Arguments:
462 |
463 | * `callback (function)`: A function to call for each node, which receives `node`
464 | and `index` arguments.
465 |
466 | ### `container.walk(callback)`
467 |
468 | Like `container#each`, but will also iterate child nodes as long as they are
469 | `container` types.
470 |
471 | ```js
472 | selectors.walk((selector, index) => {
473 | // all nodes
474 | });
475 | ```
476 |
477 | Arguments:
478 |
479 | * `callback (function)`: A function to call for each node, which receives `node`
480 | and `index` arguments.
481 |
482 | This iterator is safe to use whilst mutating `container.nodes`,
483 | like `container#each`.
484 |
485 | ### `container.walk` proxies
486 |
487 | The container class provides proxy methods for iterating over types of nodes,
488 | so that it is easier to write modules that target specific selectors. Those
489 | methods are:
490 |
491 | * `container.walkAttributes`
492 | * `container.walkClasses`
493 | * `container.walkCombinators`
494 | * `container.walkComments`
495 | * `container.walkIds`
496 | * `container.walkNesting`
497 | * `container.walkPseudos`
498 | * `container.walkTags`
499 | * `container.walkUniversals`
500 |
501 | ### `container.split(callback)`
502 |
503 | This method allows you to split a group of nodes by returning `true` from
504 | a callback. It returns an array of arrays, where each inner array corresponds
505 | to the groups that you created via the callback.
506 |
507 | ```js
508 | // (input) => h1 h2>>h3
509 | const list = selectors.first.split(selector => {
510 | return selector.type === 'combinator';
511 | });
512 |
513 | // (node values) => [['h1', ' '], ['h2', '>>'], ['h3']]
514 | ```
515 |
516 | Arguments:
517 |
518 | * `callback (function)`: A function to call for each node, which receives `node`
519 | as an argument.
520 |
521 | ### `container.prepend(node)` & `container.append(node)`
522 |
523 | Add a node to the start/end of the container. Note that doing so will set
524 | the parent property of the node to this container.
525 |
526 | ```js
527 | const id = parser.id({value: 'search'});
528 | selector.append(id);
529 | ```
530 |
531 | Arguments:
532 |
533 | * `node`: The node to add.
534 |
535 | ### `container.insertBefore(old, new)` & `container.insertAfter(old, new)`
536 |
537 | Add a node before or after an existing node in a container:
538 |
539 | ```js
540 | selectors.walk(selector => {
541 | if (selector.type !== 'class') {
542 | const className = parser.className({value: 'theme-name'});
543 | selector.parent.insertAfter(selector, className);
544 | }
545 | });
546 | ```
547 |
548 | Arguments:
549 |
550 | * `old`: The existing node in the container.
551 | * `new`: The new node to add before/after the existing node.
552 |
553 | ### `container.removeChild(node)`
554 |
555 | Remove the node from the container. Note that you can also use
556 | `node.remove()` if you would like to remove just a single node.
557 |
558 | ```js
559 | selector.length // => 2
560 | selector.remove(id)
561 | selector.length // => 1;
562 | id.parent // undefined
563 | ```
564 |
565 | Arguments:
566 |
567 | * `node`: The node to remove.
568 |
569 | ### `container.removeAll()` or `container.empty()`
570 |
571 | Remove all children from the container.
572 |
573 | ```js
574 | selector.removeAll();
575 | selector.length // => 0
576 | ```
577 |
578 | ## Root nodes
579 |
580 | A root node represents a comma separated list of selectors. Indeed, all
581 | a root's `toString()` method does is join its selector children with a ','.
582 | Other than this, it has no special functionality and acts like a container.
583 |
584 | ### `root.trailingComma`
585 |
586 | This will be set to `true` if the input has a trailing comma, in order to
587 | support parsing of legacy CSS hacks.
588 |
589 | ## Selector nodes
590 |
591 | A selector node represents a single complex selector. For example, this
592 | selector string `h1 h2 h3, [href] > p`, is represented as two selector nodes.
593 | It has no special functionality of its own.
594 |
595 | ## Pseudo nodes
596 |
597 | A pseudo selector extends a container node; if it has any parameters of its
598 | own (such as `h1:not(h2, h3)`), they will be its children. Note that the pseudo
599 | `value` will always contain the colons preceding the pseudo identifier. This
600 | is so that both `:before` and `::before` are properly represented in the AST.
601 |
602 | ## Attribute nodes
603 |
604 | ### `attribute.quoted`
605 |
606 | Returns `true` if the attribute's value is wrapped in quotation marks, false if it is not.
607 | Remains `undefined` if there is no attribute value.
608 |
609 | ```css
610 | [href=foo] /* false */
611 | [href='foo'] /* true */
612 | [href="foo"] /* true */
613 | [href] /* undefined */
614 | ```
615 |
616 | ### `attribute.qualifiedAttribute`
617 |
618 | Returns the attribute name qualified with the namespace if one is given.
619 |
620 | ### `attribute.offsetOf(part)`
621 |
622 | Returns the offset of the attribute part specified relative to the
623 | start of the node of the output string. This is useful in raising
624 | error messages about a specific part of the attribute, especially
625 | in combination with `attribute.sourceIndex`.
626 |
627 | Returns `-1` if the name is invalid or the value doesn't exist in this
628 | attribute.
629 |
630 | The legal values for `part` are:
631 |
632 | * `"ns"` - alias for "namespace"
633 | * `"namespace"` - the namespace if it exists.
634 | * `"attribute"` - the attribute name
635 | * `"attributeNS"` - the start of the attribute or its namespace
636 | * `"operator"` - the match operator of the attribute
637 | * `"value"` - The value (string or identifier)
638 | * `"insensitive"` - the case insensitivity flag
639 |
640 | ### `attribute.raws.unquoted`
641 |
642 | Returns the unquoted content of the attribute's value.
643 | Remains `undefined` if there is no attribute value.
644 |
645 | ```css
646 | [href=foo] /* foo */
647 | [href='foo'] /* foo */
648 | [href="foo"] /* foo */
649 | [href] /* undefined */
650 | ```
651 |
652 | ### `attribute.spaces`
653 |
654 | Like `node.spaces` with the `before` and `after` values containing the spaces
655 | around the element, the parts of the attribute can also have spaces before
656 | and after them. The for each of `attribute`, `operator`, `value` and
657 | `insensitive` there is corresponding property of the same nam in
658 | `node.spaces` that has an optional `before` or `after` string containing only
659 | whitespace.
660 |
661 | Note that corresponding values in `attributes.raws.spaces` contain values
662 | including any comments. If set, these values will override the
663 | `attribute.spaces` value. Take care to remove them if changing
664 | `attribute.spaces`.
665 |
666 | ### `attribute.raws`
667 |
668 | The raws object stores comments and other information necessary to re-render
669 | the node exactly as it was in the source.
670 |
671 | If a comment is embedded within the identifiers for the `namespace`, `attribute`
672 | or `value` then a property is placed in the raws for that value containing the full source of the propery including comments.
673 |
674 | If a comment is embedded within the space between parts of the attribute
675 | then the raw for that space is set accordingly.
676 |
677 | Setting an attribute's property `raws` value to be deleted.
678 |
679 | For now, changing the spaces required also updating or removing any of the
680 | raws values that override them.
681 |
682 | Example: `[ /*before*/ href /* after-attr */ = /* after-operator */ te/*inside-value*/st/* wow */ /*omg*/i/*bbq*/ /*whodoesthis*/]` would parse as:
683 |
684 | ```js
685 | {
686 | attribute: "href",
687 | operator: "=",
688 | value: "test",
689 | spaces: {
690 | before: '',
691 | after: '',
692 | attribute: { before: ' ', after: ' ' },
693 | operator: { after: ' ' },
694 | value: { after: ' ' },
695 | insensitive: { after: ' ' }
696 | },
697 | raws: {
698 | spaces: {
699 | attribute: { before: ' /*before*/ ', after: ' /* after-attr */ ' },
700 | operator: { after: ' /* after-operator */ ' },
701 | value: { after: '/* wow */ /*omg*/' },
702 | insensitive: { after: '/*bbq*/ /*whodoesthis*/' }
703 | },
704 | unquoted: 'test',
705 | value: 'te/*inside-value*/st'
706 | }
707 | }
708 | ```
709 |
710 | ## `Processor`
711 |
712 | ### `ProcessorOptions`
713 |
714 | * `lossless` - When `true`, whitespace is preserved. Defaults to `true`.
715 | * `updateSelector` - When `true`, if any processor methods are passed a postcss
716 | `Rule` node instead of a string, then that Rule's selector is updated
717 | with the results of the processing. Defaults to `true`.
718 |
719 | ### `process|processSync(selectors, [options])`
720 |
721 | Processes the `selectors`, returning a string from the result of processing.
722 |
723 | Note: when the `updateSelector` option is set, the rule's selector
724 | will be updated with the resulting string.
725 |
726 | **Example:**
727 |
728 | ```js
729 | const parser = require("postcss-selector-parser");
730 | const processor = parser();
731 |
732 | let result = processor.processSync(' .class');
733 | console.log(result);
734 | // => .class
735 |
736 | // Asynchronous operation
737 | let promise = processor.process(' .class').then(result => {
738 | console.log(result)
739 | // => .class
740 | });
741 |
742 | // To have the parser normalize whitespace values, utilize the options
743 | result = processor.processSync(' .class ', {lossless: false});
744 | console.log(result);
745 | // => .class
746 |
747 | // For better syntax errors, pass a PostCSS Rule node.
748 | const postcss = require('postcss');
749 | rule = postcss.rule({selector: ' #foo > a, .class '});
750 | processor.process(rule, {lossless: false, updateSelector: true}).then(result => {
751 | console.log(result);
752 | // => #foo>a,.class
753 | console.log("rule:", rule.selector);
754 | // => rule: #foo>a,.class
755 | })
756 | ```
757 |
758 | Arguments:
759 |
760 | * `selectors (string|postcss.Rule)`: Either a selector string or a PostCSS Rule
761 | node.
762 | * `[options] (object)`: Process options
763 |
764 |
765 | ### `ast|astSync(selectors, [options])`
766 |
767 | Like `process()` and `processSync()` but after
768 | processing the `selectors` these methods return the `Root` node of the result
769 | instead of a string.
770 |
771 | Note: when the `updateSelector` option is set, the rule's selector
772 | will be updated with the resulting string.
773 |
774 | ### `transform|transformSync(selectors, [options])`
775 |
776 | Like `process()` and `processSync()` but after
777 | processing the `selectors` these methods return the value returned by the
778 | processor callback.
779 |
780 | Note: when the `updateSelector` option is set, the rule's selector
781 | will be updated with the resulting string.
782 |
783 | ### Error Handling Within Selector Processors
784 |
785 | The root node passed to the selector processor callback
786 | has a method `error(message, options)` that returns an
787 | error object. This method should always be used to raise
788 | errors relating to the syntax of selectors. The options
789 | to this method are passed to postcss's error constructor
790 | ([documentation](http://api.postcss.org/Container.html#error)).
791 |
792 | #### Async Error Example
793 |
794 | ```js
795 | let processor = (root) => {
796 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
797 | root.walkClasses((classNode) => {
798 | if (/^(.*)[-_]/.test(classNode.value)) {
799 | let msg = "classes may not have underscores or dashes in them";
800 | reject(root.error(msg, {
801 | index: classNode.sourceIndex + RegExp.$1.length + 1,
802 | word: classNode.value
803 | }));
804 | }
805 | });
806 | resolve();
807 | });
808 | };
809 |
810 | const postcss = require("postcss");
811 | const parser = require("postcss-selector-parser");
812 | const selectorProcessor = parser(processor);
813 | const plugin = postcss.plugin('classValidator', (options) => {
814 | return (root) => {
815 | let promises = [];
816 | root.walkRules(rule => {
817 | promises.push(selectorProcessor.process(rule));
818 | });
819 | return Promise.all(promises);
820 | };
821 | });
822 | postcss(plugin()).process(`
823 | .foo-bar {
824 | color: red;
825 | }
826 | `.trim(), {from: 'test.css'}).catch((e) => console.error(e.toString()));
827 |
828 | // CssSyntaxError: classValidator: ./test.css:1:5: classes may not have underscores or dashes in them
829 | //
830 | // > 1 | .foo-bar {
831 | // | ^
832 | // 2 | color: red;
833 | // 3 | }
834 | ```
835 |
836 | #### Synchronous Error Example
837 |
838 | ```js
839 | let processor = (root) => {
840 | root.walkClasses((classNode) => {
841 | if (/.*[-_]/.test(classNode.value)) {
842 | let msg = "classes may not have underscores or dashes in them";
843 | throw root.error(msg, {
844 | index: classNode.sourceIndex,
845 | word: classNode.value
846 | });
847 | }
848 | });
849 | };
850 |
851 | const postcss = require("postcss");
852 | const parser = require("postcss-selector-parser");
853 | const selectorProcessor = parser(processor);
854 | const plugin = postcss.plugin('classValidator', (options) => {
855 | return (root) => {
856 | root.walkRules(rule => {
857 | selectorProcessor.processSync(rule);
858 | });
859 | };
860 | });
861 | postcss(plugin()).process(`
862 | .foo-bar {
863 | color: red;
864 | }
865 | `.trim(), {from: 'test.css'}).catch((e) => console.error(e.toString()));
866 |
867 | // CssSyntaxError: classValidator: ./test.css:1:5: classes may not have underscores or dashes in them
868 | //
869 | // > 1 | .foo-bar {
870 | // | ^
871 | // 2 | color: red;
872 | // 3 | }
873 | ```