1 | /**
2 | * @dynamic is for runtime initializing DomHandler.browser
3 | *
4 | * If delete below comment, we can see this error message:
5 | * Metadata collected contains an error that will be reported at runtime:
6 | * Only initialized variables and constants can be referenced
7 | * because the value of this variable is needed by the template compiler.
8 | */
9 | export declare class DomHandler {
10 | static zindex: number;
11 | private static calculatedScrollbarWidth;
12 | private static calculatedScrollbarHeight;
13 | private static browser;
14 | static addClass(element: any, className: string): void;
15 | static addMultipleClasses(element: any, className: string): void;
16 | static removeClass(element: any, className: string): void;
17 | static hasClass(element: any, className: string): boolean;
18 | static siblings(element: any): any;
19 | static find(element: any, selector: string): any[];
20 | static findSingle(element: any, selector: string): any;
21 | static index(element: any): number;
22 | static indexWithinGroup(element: any, attributeName: string): number;
23 | static relativePosition(element: any, target: any): void;
24 | static absolutePosition(element: any, target: any): void;
25 | static getParents(element: any, parents?: any): any;
26 | static getScrollableParents(element: any): any[];
27 | static getHiddenElementOuterHeight(element: any): number;
28 | static getHiddenElementOuterWidth(element: any): number;
29 | static getHiddenElementDimensions(element: any): any;
30 | static scrollInView(container: any, item: any): void;
31 | static fadeIn(element: any, duration: number): void;
32 | static fadeOut(element: any, ms: any): void;
33 | static getWindowScrollTop(): number;
34 | static getWindowScrollLeft(): number;
35 | static matches(element: any, selector: string): boolean;
36 | static getOuterWidth(el: any, margin?: any): any;
37 | static getHorizontalPadding(el: any): number;
38 | static getHorizontalMargin(el: any): number;
39 | static innerWidth(el: any): any;
40 | static width(el: any): any;
41 | static getInnerHeight(el: any): any;
42 | static getOuterHeight(el: any, margin?: any): any;
43 | static getHeight(el: any): number;
44 | static getWidth(el: any): number;
45 | static getViewport(): any;
46 | static getOffset(el: any): {
47 | top: any;
48 | left: any;
49 | };
50 | static replaceElementWith(element: any, replacementElement: any): any;
51 | static getUserAgent(): string;
52 | static isIE(): boolean;
53 | static isIOS(): boolean;
54 | static isAndroid(): boolean;
55 | static isTouchDevice(): boolean;
56 | static appendChild(element: any, target: any): void;
57 | static removeChild(element: any, target: any): void;
58 | static removeElement(element: Element): void;
59 | static isElement(obj: any): boolean;
60 | static calculateScrollbarWidth(el?: HTMLElement): number;
61 | static calculateScrollbarHeight(): number;
62 | static invokeElementMethod(element: any, methodName: string, args?: any[]): void;
63 | static clearSelection(): void;
64 | static getBrowser(): any;
65 | static resolveUserAgent(): {
66 | browser: any;
67 | version: any;
68 | };
69 | static isInteger(value: any): boolean;
70 | static isHidden(element: HTMLElement): boolean;
71 | static getFocusableElements(element: HTMLElement): any[];
72 | static generateZIndex(): number;
73 | }