1 | # node-promise-retry
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5 | [npm-url]:https://npmjs.org/package/promise-retry
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17 | Retries a function that returns a promise, leveraging the power of the [retry](https://github.com/tim-kos/node-retry) module to the promises world.
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19 | There's already some modules that are able to retry functions that return promises but
20 | they were rather difficult to use or do not offer an easy way to do conditional retries.
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23 | ## Installation
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25 | `$ npm install promise-retry`
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28 | ## Usage
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30 | ### promiseRetry(fn, [options])
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32 | Calls `fn` until the returned promise ends up fulfilled or rejected with an error different than
33 | a `retry` error.
34 | The `options` argument is an object which maps to the [retry](https://github.com/tim-kos/node-retry) module options:
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36 | - `retries`: The maximum amount of times to retry the operation. Default is `10`.
37 | - `factor`: The exponential factor to use. Default is `2`.
38 | - `minTimeout`: The number of milliseconds before starting the first retry. Default is `1000`.
39 | - `maxTimeout`: The maximum number of milliseconds between two retries. Default is `Infinity`.
40 | - `randomize`: Randomizes the timeouts by multiplying with a factor between `1` to `2`. Default is `false`.
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43 | The `fn` function will receive a `retry` function as its first argument that should be called with an error whenever you want to retry `fn`. The `retry` function will always throw an error.
44 | If there are retries left, it will throw a special `retry` error that will be handled internally to call `fn` again.
45 | If there are no retries left, it will throw the actual error passed to it.
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47 | If you prefer, you can pass the options first using the alternative function signature `promiseRetry([options], fn)`.
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49 | ## Example
50 | ```js
51 | var promiseRetry = require('promise-retry');
52 |
53 | // Simple example
54 | promiseRetry(function (retry, number) {
55 | console.log('attempt number', number);
56 |
57 | return doSomething()
58 | .catch(retry);
59 | })
60 | .then(function (value) {
61 | // ..
62 | }, function (err) {
63 | // ..
64 | });
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66 | // Conditional example
67 | promiseRetry(function (retry, number) {
68 | console.log('attempt number', number);
69 |
70 | return doSomething()
71 | .catch(function (err) {
72 | if (err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') {
73 | retry(err);
74 | }
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76 | throw err;
77 | });
78 | })
79 | .then(function (value) {
80 | // ..
81 | }, function (err) {
82 | // ..
83 | });
84 | ```
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87 | ## Tests
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89 | `$ npm test`
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92 | ## License
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94 | Released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).