1 | # remove-trailing-separator
2 |
3 | [![NPM version][npm-img]][npm-url] [![Build Status: Linux][travis-img]][travis-url] [![Build Status: Windows][appveyor-img]][appveyor-url] [![Coverage Status][coveralls-img]][coveralls-url]
4 |
5 | Removes all separators from the end of a string.
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7 | ## Install
8 |
9 | ```
10 | npm install remove-trailing-separator
11 | ```
12 |
13 | ## Examples
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15 | ```js
16 | const removeTrailingSeparator = require('remove-trailing-separator');
17 |
18 | removeTrailingSeparator('/foo/bar/') // '/foo/bar'
19 | removeTrailingSeparator('/foo/bar///') // '/foo/bar'
20 |
21 | // leaves only/last separator
22 | removeTrailingSeparator('/') // '/'
23 | removeTrailingSeparator('///') // '/'
24 |
25 | // returns empty string
26 | removeTrailingSeparator('') // ''
27 | ```
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29 | ## Notable backslash, or win32 separator behavior
30 |
31 | `\` is considered a separator only on WIN32 systems. All POSIX compliant systems
32 | see backslash as a valid file name character, so it would break POSIX compliance
33 | to remove it there.
34 |
35 | In practice, this means that this code will return different things depending on
36 | what system it runs on:
37 |
38 | ```js
39 | removeTrailingSeparator('\\foo\\')
40 | // UNIX => '\\foo\\'
41 | // WIN32 => '\\foo'
42 | ```
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44 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/remove-trailing-separator
45 | [npm-img]: https://badge.fury.io/js/remove-trailing-separator.svg
46 | [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/darsain/remove-trailing-separator
47 | [travis-img]: https://travis-ci.org/darsain/remove-trailing-separator.svg?branch=master
48 | [appveyor-url]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/darsain/remove-trailing-separator/branch/master
49 | [appveyor-img]: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/wvg9a93rrq95n2xl/branch/master?svg=true
50 | [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/github/darsain/remove-trailing-separator?branch=master
51 | [coveralls-img]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/darsain/remove-trailing-separator/badge.svg?branch=master