1 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/isaacs/rimraf.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/isaacs/rimraf) [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/isaacs/rimraf.svg)](https://david-dm.org/isaacs/rimraf) [![devDependency Status](https://david-dm.org/isaacs/rimraf/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/isaacs/rimraf#info=devDependencies)
2 |
3 | The [UNIX command](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rm_(Unix)) `rm -rf` for node.
4 |
5 | Install with `npm install rimraf`, or just drop rimraf.js somewhere.
6 |
7 | ## API
8 |
9 | `rimraf(f, [opts], callback)`
10 |
11 | The first parameter will be interpreted as a globbing pattern for files. If you
12 | want to disable globbing you can do so with `opts.disableGlob` (defaults to
13 | `false`). This might be handy, for instance, if you have filenames that contain
14 | globbing wildcard characters.
15 |
16 | The callback will be called with an error if there is one. Certain
17 | errors are handled for you:
18 |
19 | * Windows: `EBUSY` and `ENOTEMPTY` - rimraf will back off a maximum of
20 | `opts.maxBusyTries` times before giving up, adding 100ms of wait
21 | between each attempt. The default `maxBusyTries` is 3.
22 | * `ENOENT` - If the file doesn't exist, rimraf will return
23 | successfully, since your desired outcome is already the case.
24 | * `EMFILE` - Since `readdir` requires opening a file descriptor, it's
25 | possible to hit `EMFILE` if too many file descriptors are in use.
26 | In the sync case, there's nothing to be done for this. But in the
27 | async case, rimraf will gradually back off with timeouts up to
28 | `opts.emfileWait` ms, which defaults to 1000.
29 |
30 | ## options
31 |
32 | * unlink, chmod, stat, lstat, rmdir, readdir,
33 | unlinkSync, chmodSync, statSync, lstatSync, rmdirSync, readdirSync
34 |
35 | In order to use a custom file system library, you can override
36 | specific fs functions on the options object.
37 |
38 | If any of these functions are present on the options object, then
39 | the supplied function will be used instead of the default fs
40 | method.
41 |
42 | Sync methods are only relevant for `rimraf.sync()`, of course.
43 |
44 | For example:
45 |
46 | ```javascript
47 | var myCustomFS = require('some-custom-fs')
48 |
49 | rimraf('some-thing', myCustomFS, callback)
50 | ```
51 |
52 | * maxBusyTries
53 |
54 | If an `EBUSY`, `ENOTEMPTY`, or `EPERM` error code is encountered
55 | on Windows systems, then rimraf will retry with a linear backoff
56 | wait of 100ms longer on each try. The default maxBusyTries is 3.
57 |
58 | Only relevant for async usage.
59 |
60 | * emfileWait
61 |
62 | If an `EMFILE` error is encountered, then rimraf will retry
63 | repeatedly with a linear backoff of 1ms longer on each try, until
64 | the timeout counter hits this max. The default limit is 1000.
65 |
66 | If you repeatedly encounter `EMFILE` errors, then consider using
67 | [graceful-fs](http://npm.im/graceful-fs) in your program.
68 |
69 | Only relevant for async usage.
70 |
71 | * glob
72 |
73 | Set to `false` to disable [glob](http://npm.im/glob) pattern
74 | matching.
75 |
76 | Set to an object to pass options to the glob module. The default
77 | glob options are `{ nosort: true, silent: true }`.
78 |
79 | Glob version 6 is used in this module.
80 |
81 | Relevant for both sync and async usage.
82 |
83 | * disableGlob
84 |
85 | Set to any non-falsey value to disable globbing entirely.
86 | (Equivalent to setting `glob: false`.)
87 |
88 | ## rimraf.sync
89 |
90 | It can remove stuff synchronously, too. But that's not so good. Use
91 | the async API. It's better.
92 |
93 | ## CLI
94 |
95 | If installed with `npm install rimraf -g` it can be used as a global
96 | command `rimraf <path> [<path> ...]` which is useful for cross platform support.
97 |
98 | ## mkdirp
99 |
100 | If you need to create a directory recursively, check out
101 | [mkdirp](https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp).