1 | # safe-buffer [![travis][travis-image]][travis-url] [![npm][npm-image]][npm-url] [![downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![javascript style guide][standard-image]][standard-url]
2 |
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11 |
12 | #### Safer Node.js Buffer API
13 |
14 | **Use the new Node.js Buffer APIs (`Buffer.from`, `Buffer.alloc`,
15 | `Buffer.allocUnsafe`, `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow`) in all versions of Node.js.**
16 |
17 | **Uses the built-in implementation when available.**
18 |
19 | ## install
20 |
21 | ```
22 | npm install safe-buffer
23 | ```
24 |
25 | ## usage
26 |
27 | The goal of this package is to provide a safe replacement for the node.js `Buffer`.
28 |
29 | It's a drop-in replacement for `Buffer`. You can use it by adding one `require` line to
30 | the top of your node.js modules:
31 |
32 | ```js
33 | var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
34 |
35 | // Existing buffer code will continue to work without issues:
36 |
37 | new Buffer('hey', 'utf8')
38 | new Buffer([1, 2, 3], 'utf8')
39 | new Buffer(obj)
40 | new Buffer(16) // create an uninitialized buffer (potentially unsafe)
41 |
42 | // But you can use these new explicit APIs to make clear what you want:
43 |
44 | Buffer.from('hey', 'utf8') // convert from many types to a Buffer
45 | Buffer.alloc(16) // create a zero-filled buffer (safe)
46 | Buffer.allocUnsafe(16) // create an uninitialized buffer (potentially unsafe)
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ## api
50 |
51 | ### Class Method: Buffer.from(array)
52 | <!-- YAML
53 | added: v3.0.0
54 | -->
55 |
56 | * `array` {Array}
57 |
58 | Allocates a new `Buffer` using an `array` of octets.
59 |
60 | ```js
61 | const buf = Buffer.from([0x62,0x75,0x66,0x66,0x65,0x72]);
62 | // creates a new Buffer containing ASCII bytes
63 | // ['b','u','f','f','e','r']
64 | ```
65 |
66 | A `TypeError` will be thrown if `array` is not an `Array`.
67 |
68 | ### Class Method: Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])
69 | <!-- YAML
70 | added: v5.10.0
71 | -->
72 |
73 | * `arrayBuffer` {ArrayBuffer} The `.buffer` property of a `TypedArray` or
74 | a `new ArrayBuffer()`
75 | * `byteOffset` {Number} Default: `0`
76 | * `length` {Number} Default: `arrayBuffer.length - byteOffset`
77 |
78 | When passed a reference to the `.buffer` property of a `TypedArray` instance,
79 | the newly created `Buffer` will share the same allocated memory as the
80 | TypedArray.
81 |
82 | ```js
83 | const arr = new Uint16Array(2);
84 | arr[0] = 5000;
85 | arr[1] = 4000;
86 |
87 | const buf = Buffer.from(arr.buffer); // shares the memory with arr;
88 |
89 | console.log(buf);
90 | // Prints: <Buffer 88 13 a0 0f>
91 |
92 | // changing the TypedArray changes the Buffer also
93 | arr[1] = 6000;
94 |
95 | console.log(buf);
96 | // Prints: <Buffer 88 13 70 17>
97 | ```
98 |
99 | The optional `byteOffset` and `length` arguments specify a memory range within
100 | the `arrayBuffer` that will be shared by the `Buffer`.
101 |
102 | ```js
103 | const ab = new ArrayBuffer(10);
104 | const buf = Buffer.from(ab, 0, 2);
105 | console.log(buf.length);
106 | // Prints: 2
107 | ```
108 |
109 | A `TypeError` will be thrown if `arrayBuffer` is not an `ArrayBuffer`.
110 |
111 | ### Class Method: Buffer.from(buffer)
112 | <!-- YAML
113 | added: v3.0.0
114 | -->
115 |
116 | * `buffer` {Buffer}
117 |
118 | Copies the passed `buffer` data onto a new `Buffer` instance.
119 |
120 | ```js
121 | const buf1 = Buffer.from('buffer');
122 | const buf2 = Buffer.from(buf1);
123 |
124 | buf1[0] = 0x61;
125 | console.log(buf1.toString());
126 | // 'auffer'
127 | console.log(buf2.toString());
128 | // 'buffer' (copy is not changed)
129 | ```
130 |
131 | A `TypeError` will be thrown if `buffer` is not a `Buffer`.
132 |
133 | ### Class Method: Buffer.from(str[, encoding])
134 | <!-- YAML
135 | added: v5.10.0
136 | -->
137 |
138 | * `str` {String} String to encode.
139 | * `encoding` {String} Encoding to use, Default: `'utf8'`
140 |
141 | Creates a new `Buffer` containing the given JavaScript string `str`. If
142 | provided, the `encoding` parameter identifies the character encoding.
143 | If not provided, `encoding` defaults to `'utf8'`.
144 |
145 | ```js
146 | const buf1 = Buffer.from('this is a tést');
147 | console.log(buf1.toString());
148 | // prints: this is a tést
149 | console.log(buf1.toString('ascii'));
150 | // prints: this is a tC)st
151 |
152 | const buf2 = Buffer.from('7468697320697320612074c3a97374', 'hex');
153 | console.log(buf2.toString());
154 | // prints: this is a tést
155 | ```
156 |
157 | A `TypeError` will be thrown if `str` is not a string.
158 |
159 | ### Class Method: Buffer.alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])
160 | <!-- YAML
161 | added: v5.10.0
162 | -->
163 |
164 | * `size` {Number}
165 | * `fill` {Value} Default: `undefined`
166 | * `encoding` {String} Default: `utf8`
167 |
168 | Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `fill` is `undefined`, the
169 | `Buffer` will be *zero-filled*.
170 |
171 | ```js
172 | const buf = Buffer.alloc(5);
173 | console.log(buf);
174 | // <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00>
175 | ```
176 |
177 | The `size` must be less than or equal to the value of
178 | `require('buffer').kMaxLength` (on 64-bit architectures, `kMaxLength` is
179 | `(2^31)-1`). Otherwise, a [`RangeError`][] is thrown. A zero-length Buffer will
180 | be created if a `size` less than or equal to 0 is specified.
181 |
182 | If `fill` is specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be initialized by calling
183 | `buf.fill(fill)`. See [`buf.fill()`][] for more information.
184 |
185 | ```js
186 | const buf = Buffer.alloc(5, 'a');
187 | console.log(buf);
188 | // <Buffer 61 61 61 61 61>
189 | ```
190 |
191 | If both `fill` and `encoding` are specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be
192 | initialized by calling `buf.fill(fill, encoding)`. For example:
193 |
194 | ```js
195 | const buf = Buffer.alloc(11, 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=', 'base64');
196 | console.log(buf);
197 | // <Buffer 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64>
198 | ```
199 |
200 | Calling `Buffer.alloc(size)` can be significantly slower than the alternative
201 | `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` but ensures that the newly created `Buffer` instance
202 | contents will *never contain sensitive data*.
203 |
204 | A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
205 |
206 | ### Class Method: Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)
207 | <!-- YAML
208 | added: v5.10.0
209 | -->
210 |
211 | * `size` {Number}
212 |
213 | Allocates a new *non-zero-filled* `Buffer` of `size` bytes. The `size` must
214 | be less than or equal to the value of `require('buffer').kMaxLength` (on 64-bit
215 | architectures, `kMaxLength` is `(2^31)-1`). Otherwise, a [`RangeError`][] is
216 | thrown. A zero-length Buffer will be created if a `size` less than or equal to
217 | 0 is specified.
218 |
219 | The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is *not
220 | initialized*. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and
221 | *may contain sensitive data*. Use [`buf.fill(0)`][] to initialize such
222 | `Buffer` instances to zeroes.
223 |
224 | ```js
225 | const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(5);
226 | console.log(buf);
227 | // <Buffer 78 e0 82 02 01>
228 | // (octets will be different, every time)
229 | buf.fill(0);
230 | console.log(buf);
231 | // <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00>
232 | ```
233 |
234 | A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
235 |
236 | Note that the `Buffer` module pre-allocates an internal `Buffer` instance of
237 | size `Buffer.poolSize` that is used as a pool for the fast allocation of new
238 | `Buffer` instances created using `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` (and the deprecated
239 | `new Buffer(size)` constructor) only when `size` is less than or equal to
240 | `Buffer.poolSize >> 1` (floor of `Buffer.poolSize` divided by two). The default
241 | value of `Buffer.poolSize` is `8192` but can be modified.
242 |
243 | Use of this pre-allocated internal memory pool is a key difference between
244 | calling `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` vs. `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)`.
245 | Specifically, `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` will *never* use the internal Buffer
246 | pool, while `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)` *will* use the internal
247 | Buffer pool if `size` is less than or equal to half `Buffer.poolSize`. The
248 | difference is subtle but can be important when an application requires the
249 | additional performance that `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` provides.
250 |
251 | ### Class Method: Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)
252 | <!-- YAML
253 | added: v5.10.0
254 | -->
255 |
256 | * `size` {Number}
257 |
258 | Allocates a new *non-zero-filled* and non-pooled `Buffer` of `size` bytes. The
259 | `size` must be less than or equal to the value of
260 | `require('buffer').kMaxLength` (on 64-bit architectures, `kMaxLength` is
261 | `(2^31)-1`). Otherwise, a [`RangeError`][] is thrown. A zero-length Buffer will
262 | be created if a `size` less than or equal to 0 is specified.
263 |
264 | The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is *not
265 | initialized*. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and
266 | *may contain sensitive data*. Use [`buf.fill(0)`][] to initialize such
267 | `Buffer` instances to zeroes.
268 |
269 | When using `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` to allocate new `Buffer` instances,
270 | allocations under 4KB are, by default, sliced from a single pre-allocated
271 | `Buffer`. This allows applications to avoid the garbage collection overhead of
272 | creating many individually allocated Buffers. This approach improves both
273 | performance and memory usage by eliminating the need to track and cleanup as
274 | many `Persistent` objects.
275 |
276 | However, in the case where a developer may need to retain a small chunk of
277 | memory from a pool for an indeterminate amount of time, it may be appropriate
278 | to create an un-pooled Buffer instance using `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` then
279 | copy out the relevant bits.
280 |
281 | ```js
282 | // need to keep around a few small chunks of memory
283 | const store = [];
284 |
285 | socket.on('readable', () => {
286 | const data = socket.read();
287 | // allocate for retained data
288 | const sb = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(10);
289 | // copy the data into the new allocation
290 | data.copy(sb, 0, 0, 10);
291 | store.push(sb);
292 | });
293 | ```
294 |
295 | Use of `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` should be used only as a last resort *after*
296 | a developer has observed undue memory retention in their applications.
297 |
298 | A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
299 |
300 | ### All the Rest
301 |
302 | The rest of the `Buffer` API is exactly the same as in node.js.
303 | [See the docs](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html).
304 |
305 |
306 | ## Related links
307 |
308 | - [Node.js issue: Buffer(number) is unsafe](https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/4660)
309 | - [Node.js Enhancement Proposal: Buffer.from/Buffer.alloc/Buffer.zalloc/Buffer() soft-deprecate](https://github.com/nodejs/node-eps/pull/4)
310 |
311 | ## Why is `Buffer` unsafe?
312 |
313 | Today, the node.js `Buffer` constructor is overloaded to handle many different argument
314 | types like `String`, `Array`, `Object`, `TypedArrayView` (`Uint8Array`, etc.),
315 | `ArrayBuffer`, and also `Number`.
316 |
317 | The API is optimized for convenience: you can throw any type at it, and it will try to do
318 | what you want.
319 |
320 | Because the Buffer constructor is so powerful, you often see code like this:
321 |
322 | ```js
323 | // Convert UTF-8 strings to hex
324 | function toHex (str) {
325 | return new Buffer(str).toString('hex')
326 | }
327 | ```
328 |
329 | ***But what happens if `toHex` is called with a `Number` argument?***
330 |
331 | ### Remote Memory Disclosure
332 |
333 | If an attacker can make your program call the `Buffer` constructor with a `Number`
334 | argument, then they can make it allocate uninitialized memory from the node.js process.
335 | This could potentially disclose TLS private keys, user data, or database passwords.
336 |
337 | When the `Buffer` constructor is passed a `Number` argument, it returns an
338 | **UNINITIALIZED** block of memory of the specified `size`. When you create a `Buffer` like
339 | this, you **MUST** overwrite the contents before returning it to the user.
340 |
341 | From the [node.js docs](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_new_buffer_size):
342 |
343 | > `new Buffer(size)`
344 | >
345 | > - `size` Number
346 | >
347 | > The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is not initialized.
348 | > **The contents of a newly created `Buffer` are unknown and could contain sensitive
349 | > data.** Use `buf.fill(0)` to initialize a Buffer to zeroes.
350 |
351 | (Emphasis our own.)
352 |
353 | Whenever the programmer intended to create an uninitialized `Buffer` you often see code
354 | like this:
355 |
356 | ```js
357 | var buf = new Buffer(16)
358 |
359 | // Immediately overwrite the uninitialized buffer with data from another buffer
360 | for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
361 | buf[i] = otherBuf[i]
362 | }
363 | ```
364 |
365 |
366 | ### Would this ever be a problem in real code?
367 |
368 | Yes. It's surprisingly common to forget to check the type of your variables in a
369 | dynamically-typed language like JavaScript.
370 |
371 | Usually the consequences of assuming the wrong type is that your program crashes with an
372 | uncaught exception. But the failure mode for forgetting to check the type of arguments to
373 | the `Buffer` constructor is more catastrophic.
374 |
375 | Here's an example of a vulnerable service that takes a JSON payload and converts it to
376 | hex:
377 |
378 | ```js
379 | // Take a JSON payload {str: "some string"} and convert it to hex
380 | var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
381 | var data = ''
382 | req.setEncoding('utf8')
383 | req.on('data', function (chunk) {
384 | data += chunk
385 | })
386 | req.on('end', function () {
387 | var body = JSON.parse(data)
388 | res.end(new Buffer(body.str).toString('hex'))
389 | })
390 | })
391 |
392 | server.listen(8080)
393 | ```
394 |
395 | In this example, an http client just has to send:
396 |
397 | ```json
398 | {
399 | "str": 1000
400 | }
401 | ```
402 |
403 | and it will get back 1,000 bytes of uninitialized memory from the server.
404 |
405 | This is a very serious bug. It's similar in severity to the
406 | [the Heartbleed bug](http://heartbleed.com/) that allowed disclosure of OpenSSL process
407 | memory by remote attackers.
408 |
409 |
410 | ### Which real-world packages were vulnerable?
411 |
412 | #### [`bittorrent-dht`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bittorrent-dht)
413 |
414 | [Mathias Buus](https://github.com/mafintosh) and I
415 | ([Feross Aboukhadijeh](http://feross.org/)) found this issue in one of our own packages,
416 | [`bittorrent-dht`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bittorrent-dht). The bug would allow
417 | anyone on the internet to send a series of messages to a user of `bittorrent-dht` and get
418 | them to reveal 20 bytes at a time of uninitialized memory from the node.js process.
419 |
420 | Here's
421 | [the commit](https://github.com/feross/bittorrent-dht/commit/6c7da04025d5633699800a99ec3fbadf70ad35b8)
422 | that fixed it. We released a new fixed version, created a
423 | [Node Security Project disclosure](https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/68), and deprecated all
424 | vulnerable versions on npm so users will get a warning to upgrade to a newer version.
425 |
426 | #### [`ws`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ws)
427 |
428 | That got us wondering if there were other vulnerable packages. Sure enough, within a short
429 | period of time, we found the same issue in [`ws`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ws), the
430 | most popular WebSocket implementation in node.js.
431 |
432 | If certain APIs were called with `Number` parameters instead of `String` or `Buffer` as
433 | expected, then uninitialized server memory would be disclosed to the remote peer.
434 |
435 | These were the vulnerable methods:
436 |
437 | ```js
438 | socket.send(number)
439 | socket.ping(number)
440 | socket.pong(number)
441 | ```
442 |
443 | Here's a vulnerable socket server with some echo functionality:
444 |
445 | ```js
446 | server.on('connection', function (socket) {
447 | socket.on('message', function (message) {
448 | message = JSON.parse(message)
449 | if (message.type === 'echo') {
450 | socket.send(message.data) // send back the user's message
451 | }
452 | })
453 | })
454 | ```
455 |
456 | `socket.send(number)` called on the server, will disclose server memory.
457 |
458 | Here's [the release](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases/tag/1.0.1) where the issue
459 | was fixed, with a more detailed explanation. Props to
460 | [Arnout Kazemier](https://github.com/3rd-Eden) for the quick fix. Here's the
461 | [Node Security Project disclosure](https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/67).
462 |
463 |
464 | ### What's the solution?
465 |
466 | It's important that node.js offers a fast way to get memory otherwise performance-critical
467 | applications would needlessly get a lot slower.
468 |
469 | But we need a better way to *signal our intent* as programmers. **When we want
470 | uninitialized memory, we should request it explicitly.**
471 |
472 | Sensitive functionality should not be packed into a developer-friendly API that loosely
473 | accepts many different types. This type of API encourages the lazy practice of passing
474 | variables in without checking the type very carefully.
475 |
476 | #### A new API: `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)`
477 |
478 | The functionality of creating buffers with uninitialized memory should be part of another
479 | API. We propose `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)`. This way, it's not part of an API that
480 | frequently gets user input of all sorts of different types passed into it.
481 |
482 | ```js
483 | var buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(16) // careful, uninitialized memory!
484 |
485 | // Immediately overwrite the uninitialized buffer with data from another buffer
486 | for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
487 | buf[i] = otherBuf[i]
488 | }
489 | ```
490 |
491 |
492 | ### How do we fix node.js core?
493 |
494 | We sent [a PR to node.js core](https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4514) (merged as
495 | `semver-major`) which defends against one case:
496 |
497 | ```js
498 | var str = 16
499 | new Buffer(str, 'utf8')
500 | ```
501 |
502 | In this situation, it's implied that the programmer intended the first argument to be a
503 | string, since they passed an encoding as a second argument. Today, node.js will allocate
504 | uninitialized memory in the case of `new Buffer(number, encoding)`, which is probably not
505 | what the programmer intended.
506 |
507 | But this is only a partial solution, since if the programmer does `new Buffer(variable)`
508 | (without an `encoding` parameter) there's no way to know what they intended. If `variable`
509 | is sometimes a number, then uninitialized memory will sometimes be returned.
510 |
511 | ### What's the real long-term fix?
512 |
513 | We could deprecate and remove `new Buffer(number)` and use `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)` when
514 | we need uninitialized memory. But that would break 1000s of packages.
515 |
516 | ~~We believe the best solution is to:~~
517 |
518 | ~~1. Change `new Buffer(number)` to return safe, zeroed-out memory~~
519 |
520 | ~~2. Create a new API for creating uninitialized Buffers. We propose: `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)`~~
521 |
522 | #### Update
523 |
524 | We now support adding three new APIs:
525 |
526 | - `Buffer.from(value)` - convert from any type to a buffer
527 | - `Buffer.alloc(size)` - create a zero-filled buffer
528 | - `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` - create an uninitialized buffer with given size
529 |
530 | This solves the core problem that affected `ws` and `bittorrent-dht` which is
531 | `Buffer(variable)` getting tricked into taking a number argument.
532 |
533 | This way, existing code continues working and the impact on the npm ecosystem will be
534 | minimal. Over time, npm maintainers can migrate performance-critical code to use
535 | `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)` instead of `new Buffer(number)`.
536 |
537 |
538 | ### Conclusion
539 |
540 | We think there's a serious design issue with the `Buffer` API as it exists today. It
541 | promotes insecure software by putting high-risk functionality into a convenient API
542 | with friendly "developer ergonomics".
543 |
544 | This wasn't merely a theoretical exercise because we found the issue in some of the
545 | most popular npm packages.
546 |
547 | Fortunately, there's an easy fix that can be applied today. Use `safe-buffer` in place of
548 | `buffer`.
549 |
550 | ```js
551 | var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
552 | ```
553 |
554 | Eventually, we hope that node.js core can switch to this new, safer behavior. We believe
555 | the impact on the ecosystem would be minimal since it's not a breaking change.
556 | Well-maintained, popular packages would be updated to use `Buffer.alloc` quickly, while
557 | older, insecure packages would magically become safe from this attack vector.
558 |
559 |
560 | ## links
561 |
562 | - [Node.js PR: buffer: throw if both length and enc are passed](https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4514)
563 | - [Node Security Project disclosure for `ws`](https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/67)
564 | - [Node Security Project disclosure for`bittorrent-dht`](https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/68)
565 |
566 |
567 | ## credit
568 |
569 | The original issues in `bittorrent-dht`
570 | ([disclosure](https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/68)) and
571 | `ws` ([disclosure](https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/67)) were discovered by
572 | [Mathias Buus](https://github.com/mafintosh) and
573 | [Feross Aboukhadijeh](http://feross.org/).
574 |
575 | Thanks to [Adam Baldwin](https://github.com/evilpacket) for helping disclose these issues
576 | and for his work running the [Node Security Project](https://nodesecurity.io/).
577 |
578 | Thanks to [John Hiesey](https://github.com/jhiesey) for proofreading this README and
579 | auditing the code.
580 |
581 |
582 | ## license
583 |
584 | MIT. Copyright (C) [Feross Aboukhadijeh](http://feross.org)