1 |
2 | # socket.io-parser
3 |
4 | [![Build Status](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-parser/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-parser/actions)
5 | [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/socket.io-parser.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/socket.io-parser)
6 |
7 | A socket.io encoder and decoder written in JavaScript complying with version `5`
8 | of [socket.io-protocol](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-protocol).
9 | Used by [socket.io](https://github.com/automattic/socket.io) and
10 | [socket.io-client](https://github.com/automattic/socket.io-client).
11 |
12 | Compatibility table:
13 |
14 | | Parser version | Socket.IO server version | Protocol revision |
15 | |----------------| ------------------------ | ----------------- |
16 | | 3.x | 1.x / 2.x | 4 |
17 | | 4.x | 3.x | 5 |
18 |
19 |
20 | ## Parser API
21 |
22 | socket.io-parser is the reference implementation of socket.io-protocol. Read
23 | the full API here:
24 | [socket.io-protocol](https://github.com/learnboost/socket.io-protocol).
25 |
26 | ## Example Usage
27 |
28 | ### Encoding and decoding a packet
29 |
30 | ```js
31 | var parser = require('socket.io-parser');
32 | var encoder = new parser.Encoder();
33 | var packet = {
34 | type: parser.EVENT,
35 | data: 'test-packet',
36 | id: 13
37 | };
38 | encoder.encode(packet, function(encodedPackets) {
39 | var decoder = new parser.Decoder();
40 | decoder.on('decoded', function(decodedPacket) {
41 | // decodedPacket.type == parser.EVENT
42 | // decodedPacket.data == 'test-packet'
43 | // decodedPacket.id == 13
44 | });
45 |
46 | for (var i = 0; i < encodedPackets.length; i++) {
47 | decoder.add(encodedPackets[i]);
48 | }
49 | });
50 | ```
51 |
52 | ### Encoding and decoding a packet with binary data
53 |
54 | ```js
55 | var parser = require('socket.io-parser');
56 | var encoder = new parser.Encoder();
57 | var packet = {
58 | type: parser.BINARY_EVENT,
59 | data: {i: new Buffer(1234), j: new Blob([new ArrayBuffer(2)])},
60 | id: 15
61 | };
62 | encoder.encode(packet, function(encodedPackets) {
63 | var decoder = new parser.Decoder();
64 | decoder.on('decoded', function(decodedPacket) {
65 | // decodedPacket.type == parser.BINARY_EVENT
66 | // Buffer.isBuffer(decodedPacket.data.i) == true
67 | // Buffer.isBuffer(decodedPacket.data.j) == true
68 | // decodedPacket.id == 15
69 | });
70 |
71 | for (var i = 0; i < encodedPackets.length; i++) {
72 | decoder.add(encodedPackets[i]);
73 | }
74 | });
75 | ```
76 | See the test suite for more examples of how socket.io-parser is used.
77 |
78 |
79 | ## License
80 |
81 | MIT