[6a3a178] | 1 | "use strict";
| 2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
| 3 | exports.SOCKS5_NO_ACCEPTABLE_AUTH = exports.SOCKS5_CUSTOM_AUTH_END = exports.SOCKS5_CUSTOM_AUTH_START = exports.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES = exports.SocksClientState = exports.Socks5Response = exports.Socks5HostType = exports.Socks5Auth = exports.Socks4Response = exports.SocksCommand = exports.ERRORS = exports.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = void 0;
| 4 | const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30000;
| 6 | // prettier-ignore
| 7 | const ERRORS = {
| 8 | InvalidSocksCommand: 'An invalid SOCKS command was provided. Valid options are connect, bind, and associate.',
| 9 | InvalidSocksCommandForOperation: 'An invalid SOCKS command was provided. Only a subset of commands are supported for this operation.',
| 10 | InvalidSocksCommandChain: 'An invalid SOCKS command was provided. Chaining currently only supports the connect command.',
| 11 | InvalidSocksClientOptionsDestination: 'An invalid destination host was provided.',
| 12 | InvalidSocksClientOptionsExistingSocket: 'An invalid existing socket was provided. This should be an instance of stream.Duplex.',
| 13 | InvalidSocksClientOptionsProxy: 'Invalid SOCKS proxy details were provided.',
| 14 | InvalidSocksClientOptionsTimeout: 'An invalid timeout value was provided. Please enter a value above 0 (in ms).',
| 15 | InvalidSocksClientOptionsProxiesLength: 'At least two socks proxies must be provided for chaining.',
| 16 | InvalidSocksClientOptionsCustomAuthRange: 'Custom auth must be a value between 0x80 and 0xFE.',
| 17 | InvalidSocksClientOptionsCustomAuthOptions: 'When a custom_auth_method is provided, custom_auth_request_handler, custom_auth_response_size, and custom_auth_response_handler must also be provided and valid.',
| 18 | NegotiationError: 'Negotiation error',
| 19 | SocketClosed: 'Socket closed',
| 20 | ProxyConnectionTimedOut: 'Proxy connection timed out',
| 21 | InternalError: 'SocksClient internal error (this should not happen)',
| 22 | InvalidSocks4HandshakeResponse: 'Received invalid Socks4 handshake response',
| 23 | Socks4ProxyRejectedConnection: 'Socks4 Proxy rejected connection',
| 24 | InvalidSocks4IncomingConnectionResponse: 'Socks4 invalid incoming connection response',
| 25 | Socks4ProxyRejectedIncomingBoundConnection: 'Socks4 Proxy rejected incoming bound connection',
| 26 | InvalidSocks5InitialHandshakeResponse: 'Received invalid Socks5 initial handshake response',
| 27 | InvalidSocks5IntiailHandshakeSocksVersion: 'Received invalid Socks5 initial handshake (invalid socks version)',
| 28 | InvalidSocks5InitialHandshakeNoAcceptedAuthType: 'Received invalid Socks5 initial handshake (no accepted authentication type)',
| 29 | InvalidSocks5InitialHandshakeUnknownAuthType: 'Received invalid Socks5 initial handshake (unknown authentication type)',
| 30 | Socks5AuthenticationFailed: 'Socks5 Authentication failed',
| 31 | InvalidSocks5FinalHandshake: 'Received invalid Socks5 final handshake response',
| 32 | InvalidSocks5FinalHandshakeRejected: 'Socks5 proxy rejected connection',
| 33 | InvalidSocks5IncomingConnectionResponse: 'Received invalid Socks5 incoming connection response',
| 34 | Socks5ProxyRejectedIncomingBoundConnection: 'Socks5 Proxy rejected incoming bound connection',
| 35 | };
| 36 | exports.ERRORS = ERRORS;
| 38 | Socks5InitialHandshakeResponse: 2,
| 39 | Socks5UserPassAuthenticationResponse: 2,
| 40 | // Command response + incoming connection (bind)
| 41 | Socks5ResponseHeader: 5,
| 42 | Socks5ResponseIPv4: 10,
| 43 | Socks5ResponseIPv6: 22,
| 44 | Socks5ResponseHostname: (hostNameLength) => hostNameLength + 7,
| 45 | // Command response + incoming connection (bind)
| 46 | Socks4Response: 8, // 2 header + 2 port + 4 ip
| 47 | };
| 49 | var SocksCommand;
| 50 | (function (SocksCommand) {
| 51 | SocksCommand[SocksCommand["connect"] = 1] = "connect";
| 52 | SocksCommand[SocksCommand["bind"] = 2] = "bind";
| 53 | SocksCommand[SocksCommand["associate"] = 3] = "associate";
| 54 | })(SocksCommand || (SocksCommand = {}));
| 55 | exports.SocksCommand = SocksCommand;
| 56 | var Socks4Response;
| 57 | (function (Socks4Response) {
| 58 | Socks4Response[Socks4Response["Granted"] = 90] = "Granted";
| 59 | Socks4Response[Socks4Response["Failed"] = 91] = "Failed";
| 60 | Socks4Response[Socks4Response["Rejected"] = 92] = "Rejected";
| 61 | Socks4Response[Socks4Response["RejectedIdent"] = 93] = "RejectedIdent";
| 62 | })(Socks4Response || (Socks4Response = {}));
| 63 | exports.Socks4Response = Socks4Response;
| 64 | var Socks5Auth;
| 65 | (function (Socks5Auth) {
| 66 | Socks5Auth[Socks5Auth["NoAuth"] = 0] = "NoAuth";
| 67 | Socks5Auth[Socks5Auth["GSSApi"] = 1] = "GSSApi";
| 68 | Socks5Auth[Socks5Auth["UserPass"] = 2] = "UserPass";
| 69 | })(Socks5Auth || (Socks5Auth = {}));
| 70 | exports.Socks5Auth = Socks5Auth;
| 71 | const SOCKS5_CUSTOM_AUTH_START = 0x80;
| 73 | const SOCKS5_CUSTOM_AUTH_END = 0xfe;
| 75 | const SOCKS5_NO_ACCEPTABLE_AUTH = 0xff;
| 77 | var Socks5Response;
| 78 | (function (Socks5Response) {
| 79 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["Granted"] = 0] = "Granted";
| 80 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["Failure"] = 1] = "Failure";
| 81 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["NotAllowed"] = 2] = "NotAllowed";
| 82 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["NetworkUnreachable"] = 3] = "NetworkUnreachable";
| 83 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["HostUnreachable"] = 4] = "HostUnreachable";
| 84 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["ConnectionRefused"] = 5] = "ConnectionRefused";
| 85 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["TTLExpired"] = 6] = "TTLExpired";
| 86 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["CommandNotSupported"] = 7] = "CommandNotSupported";
| 87 | Socks5Response[Socks5Response["AddressNotSupported"] = 8] = "AddressNotSupported";
| 88 | })(Socks5Response || (Socks5Response = {}));
| 89 | exports.Socks5Response = Socks5Response;
| 90 | var Socks5HostType;
| 91 | (function (Socks5HostType) {
| 92 | Socks5HostType[Socks5HostType["IPv4"] = 1] = "IPv4";
| 93 | Socks5HostType[Socks5HostType["Hostname"] = 3] = "Hostname";
| 94 | Socks5HostType[Socks5HostType["IPv6"] = 4] = "IPv6";
| 95 | })(Socks5HostType || (Socks5HostType = {}));
| 96 | exports.Socks5HostType = Socks5HostType;
| 97 | var SocksClientState;
| 98 | (function (SocksClientState) {
| 99 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["Created"] = 0] = "Created";
| 100 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["Connecting"] = 1] = "Connecting";
| 101 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["Connected"] = 2] = "Connected";
| 102 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["SentInitialHandshake"] = 3] = "SentInitialHandshake";
| 103 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["ReceivedInitialHandshakeResponse"] = 4] = "ReceivedInitialHandshakeResponse";
| 104 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["SentAuthentication"] = 5] = "SentAuthentication";
| 105 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["ReceivedAuthenticationResponse"] = 6] = "ReceivedAuthenticationResponse";
| 106 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["SentFinalHandshake"] = 7] = "SentFinalHandshake";
| 107 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["ReceivedFinalResponse"] = 8] = "ReceivedFinalResponse";
| 108 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["BoundWaitingForConnection"] = 9] = "BoundWaitingForConnection";
| 109 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["Established"] = 10] = "Established";
| 110 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["Disconnected"] = 11] = "Disconnected";
| 111 | SocksClientState[SocksClientState["Error"] = 99] = "Error";
| 112 | })(SocksClientState || (SocksClientState = {}));
| 113 | exports.SocksClientState = SocksClientState;
| 114 | //# sourceMappingURL=constants.js.map |