1 | Overview [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lydell/source-map-url.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lydell/source-map-url)
2 | ========
3 |
4 | [![browser support](https://ci.testling.com/lydell/source-map-url.png)](https://ci.testling.com/lydell/source-map-url)
5 |
6 | Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments.
7 |
8 | ```js
9 | var sourceMappingURL = require("source-map-url")
10 |
11 | var code = [
12 | "!function(){...}();",
13 | "/*# sourceMappingURL=foo.js.map */"
14 | ].join("\n")
15 |
16 | sourceMappingURL.existsIn(code)
17 | // true
18 |
19 | sourceMappingURL.getFrom(code)
20 | // foo.js.map
21 |
22 | code = sourceMappingURL.insertBefore(code, "// License: MIT\n")
23 | // !function(){...}();
24 | // // License: MIT
25 | // /*# sourceMappingURL=foo.js.map */
26 |
27 | code = sourceMappingURL.removeFrom(code)
28 | // !function(){...}();
29 | // // License: MIT
30 |
31 | sourceMappingURL.existsIn(code)
32 | // false
33 |
34 | sourceMappingURL.getFrom(code)
35 | // null
36 |
37 | code += "//# sourceMappingURL=/other/file.js.map"
38 | // !function(){...}();
39 | // // License: MIT
40 | // //# sourceMappingURL=/other/file.js.map
41 | ```
42 |
43 |
44 | Installation
45 | ============
46 |
47 | - `npm install source-map-url`
48 | - `bower install source-map-url`
49 | - `component install lydell/source-map-url`
50 |
51 | Works with CommonJS, AMD and browser globals, through UMD.
52 |
53 |
54 | Usage
55 | =====
56 |
57 | ### `sourceMappingURL.getFrom(code)` ###
58 |
59 | Returns the url of the sourceMappingURL comment in `code`. Returns `null` if
60 | there is no such comment.
61 |
62 | ### `sourceMappingURL.existsIn(code)` ###
63 |
64 | Returns `true` if there is a sourceMappingURL comment in `code`, or `false`
65 | otherwise.
66 |
67 | ### `sourceMappingURL.removeFrom(code)` ###
68 |
69 | Removes the sourceMappingURL comment in `code`. Does nothing if there is no
70 | such comment. Returns the updated `code`.
71 |
72 | ### `sourceMappingURL.insertBefore(code, string)` ###
73 |
74 | Inserts `string` before the sourceMappingURL comment in `code`. Appends
75 | `string` to `code` if there is no such comment.
76 |
77 | Lets you append something to a file without worrying about burying the
78 | sourceMappingURL comment (by keeping it at the end of the file).
79 |
80 | ### `sourceMappingURL.regex` ###
81 |
82 | The regex that is used to match sourceMappingURL comments. It matches both `//`
83 | and `/**/` comments, thus supporting both JavaScript and CSS.
84 |
85 |
86 | Tests
87 | =====
88 |
89 | Start by running `npm test`, which lints the code and runs the test suite in Node.js.
90 |
91 | To run the tests in a browser, run `testling` (`npm install -g testling`) or `testling -u`.
92 |
93 |
94 | License
95 | =======
96 |
97 | [The X11 (“MIT”) License](LICENSE).