1 | require("should");
2 |
3 | const fs = require('fs-extra');
4 | const path = require('path');
5 | const zlib = require('zlib');
6 | const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noPreserveCache();
7 | const moveAndMaybeCompressFile = require('../lib/moveAndMaybeCompressFile');
8 | const TEST_DIR = path.normalize(`/tmp/moveAndMaybeCompressFile_${Math.floor(Math.random()*10000)}`);
9 |
10 | describe('moveAndMaybeCompressFile', () => {
11 | beforeEach(async () => {
12 | await fs.emptyDir(TEST_DIR);
13 | });
14 |
15 | after(async () => {
16 | await fs.remove(TEST_DIR);
17 | });
18 |
19 | it('should move the source file to a new destination', async () => {
20 | const source = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'test.log');
21 | const destination = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'moved-test.log');
22 | await fs.outputFile(source, 'This is the test file.');
23 | await moveAndMaybeCompressFile(source, destination);
24 |
25 | const contents = await fs.readFile(destination, 'utf8');
26 | contents.should.equal('This is the test file.');
27 |
28 | const exists = await fs.pathExists(source);
29 | exists.should.be.false();
30 |
31 | });
32 |
33 | it('should compress the source file at the new destination', async () => {
34 | const source = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'test.log');
35 | const destination = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'moved-test.log.gz');
36 | await fs.outputFile(source, 'This is the test file.');
37 | await moveAndMaybeCompressFile(source, destination, true);
38 |
39 | const zippedContents = await fs.readFile(destination);
40 | const contents = await new Promise(resolve => {
41 | zlib.gunzip(zippedContents, (e, data) => {
42 | resolve(data.toString());
43 | });
44 | });
45 | contents.should.equal('This is the test file.');
46 |
47 | const exists = await fs.pathExists(source);
48 | exists.should.be.false();
49 | });
50 |
51 | it('should do nothing if the source file and destination are the same', async () => {
52 | const source = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'pants.log');
53 | const destination = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'pants.log');
54 | await fs.outputFile(source, 'This is the test file.');
55 | await moveAndMaybeCompressFile(source, destination);
56 |
57 | (await fs.readFile(source, 'utf8')).should.equal('This is the test file.');
58 | });
59 |
60 | it('should do nothing if the source file does not exist', async () => {
61 | const source = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'pants.log');
62 | const destination = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'moved-pants.log');
63 | await moveAndMaybeCompressFile(source, destination);
64 |
65 | (await fs.pathExists(destination)).should.be.false();
66 | });
67 |
68 | it('should use copy+truncate if source file is locked (windows)', async () => {
69 | const moveWithMock = proxyquire('../lib/moveAndMaybeCompressFile', {
70 | "fs-extra": {
71 | exists: () => Promise.resolve(true),
72 | move: () => Promise.reject({ code: 'EBUSY', message: 'all gone wrong'}),
73 | copy: (fs.copy.bind(fs)),
74 | truncate: (fs.truncate.bind(fs))
75 | }
76 | });
77 |
78 | const source = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'test.log');
79 | const destination = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'moved-test.log');
80 | await fs.outputFile(source, 'This is the test file.');
81 | await moveWithMock(source, destination);
82 |
83 | const contents = await fs.readFile(destination, 'utf8');
84 | contents.should.equal('This is the test file.');
85 |
86 | // won't delete the source, but it will be empty
87 | (await fs.readFile(source, 'utf8')).should.be.empty()
88 |
89 | });
90 |
91 | it('should truncate file if remove fails when compressed (windows)', async () => {
92 | const moveWithMock = proxyquire('../lib/moveAndMaybeCompressFile', {
93 | "fs-extra": {
94 | exists: () => Promise.resolve(true),
95 | unlink: () => Promise.reject({ code: 'EBUSY', message: 'all gone wrong'}),
96 | createReadStream: fs.createReadStream.bind(fs),
97 | truncate: fs.truncate.bind(fs)
98 | }
99 | });
100 |
101 | const source = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'test.log');
102 | const destination = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'moved-test.log.gz');
103 | await fs.outputFile(source, 'This is the test file.');
104 | await moveWithMock(source, destination, true);
105 |
106 | const zippedContents = await fs.readFile(destination);
107 | const contents = await new Promise(resolve => {
108 | zlib.gunzip(zippedContents, (e, data) => {
109 | resolve(data.toString());
110 | });
111 | });
112 | contents.should.equal('This is the test file.');
113 |
114 | // won't delete the source, but it will be empty
115 | (await fs.readFile(source, 'utf8')).should.be.empty()
116 |
117 | });
118 | });