1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | const fs = require('fs');
4 | const path = require('path');
5 | const colors = require('picocolors');
6 | const { loadConfig, optimize } = require('../svgo-node.js');
7 | const pluginsMap = require('../../plugins/plugins.js');
8 | const PKG = require('../../package.json');
9 | const { encodeSVGDatauri, decodeSVGDatauri } = require('./tools.js');
10 |
11 | const regSVGFile = /\.svg$/i;
12 |
13 | /**
14 | * Synchronously check if path is a directory. Tolerant to errors like ENOENT.
15 | * @param {string} path
16 | */
17 | function checkIsDir(path) {
18 | try {
19 | return fs.lstatSync(path).isDirectory();
20 | } catch (e) {
21 | return false;
22 | }
23 | }
24 |
25 | module.exports = function makeProgram(program) {
26 | program
27 | .name(PKG.name)
28 | .description(PKG.description, {
29 | INPUT: 'Alias to --input',
30 | })
31 | .version(PKG.version, '-v, --version')
32 | .arguments('[INPUT...]')
33 | .option('-i, --input <INPUT...>', 'Input files, "-" for STDIN')
34 | .option('-s, --string <STRING>', 'Input SVG data string')
35 | .option(
36 | '-f, --folder <FOLDER>',
37 | 'Input folder, optimize and rewrite all *.svg files'
38 | )
39 | .option(
40 | '-o, --output <OUTPUT...>',
41 | 'Output file or folder (by default the same as the input), "-" for STDOUT'
42 | )
43 | .option(
44 | '-p, --precision <INTEGER>',
45 | 'Set number of digits in the fractional part, overrides plugins params'
46 | )
47 | .option('--config <CONFIG>', 'Custom config file, only .js is supported')
48 | .option(
49 | '--datauri <FORMAT>',
50 | 'Output as Data URI string (base64), URI encoded (enc) or unencoded (unenc)'
51 | )
52 | .option(
53 | '--multipass',
54 | 'Pass over SVGs multiple times to ensure all optimizations are applied'
55 | )
56 | .option('--pretty', 'Make SVG pretty printed')
57 | .option('--indent <INTEGER>', 'Indent number when pretty printing SVGs')
58 | .option(
59 | '--eol <EOL>',
60 | 'Line break to use when outputting SVG: lf, crlf. If unspecified, uses platform default.'
61 | )
62 | .option('--final-newline', 'Ensure SVG ends with a line break')
63 | .option(
64 | '-r, --recursive',
65 | "Use with '--folder'. Optimizes *.svg files in folders recursively."
66 | )
67 | .option(
68 | '--exclude <PATTERN...>',
69 | "Use with '--folder'. Exclude files matching regular expression pattern."
70 | )
71 | .option(
72 | '-q, --quiet',
73 | 'Only output error messages, not regular status messages'
74 | )
75 | .option('--show-plugins', 'Show available plugins and exit')
76 | // used by picocolors internally
77 | .option('--no-color', 'Output plain text without color')
78 | .action(action);
79 | };
80 |
81 | async function action(args, opts, command) {
82 | var input = opts.input || args;
83 | var output = opts.output;
84 | var config = {};
85 |
86 | if (opts.precision != null) {
87 | const number = Number.parseInt(opts.precision, 10);
88 | if (Number.isNaN(number)) {
89 | console.error(
90 | "error: option '-p, --precision' argument must be an integer number"
91 | );
92 | process.exit(1);
93 | } else {
94 | opts.precision = number;
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 | if (opts.datauri != null) {
99 | if (
100 | opts.datauri !== 'base64' &&
101 | opts.datauri !== 'enc' &&
102 | opts.datauri !== 'unenc'
103 | ) {
104 | console.error(
105 | "error: option '--datauri' must have one of the following values: 'base64', 'enc' or 'unenc'"
106 | );
107 | process.exit(1);
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | if (opts.indent != null) {
112 | const number = Number.parseInt(opts.indent, 10);
113 | if (Number.isNaN(number)) {
114 | console.error(
115 | "error: option '--indent' argument must be an integer number"
116 | );
117 | process.exit(1);
118 | } else {
119 | opts.indent = number;
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 | if (opts.eol != null && opts.eol !== 'lf' && opts.eol !== 'crlf') {
124 | console.error(
125 | "error: option '--eol' must have one of the following values: 'lf' or 'crlf'"
126 | );
127 | process.exit(1);
128 | }
129 |
130 | // --show-plugins
131 | if (opts.showPlugins) {
132 | showAvailablePlugins();
133 | return;
134 | }
135 |
136 | // w/o anything
137 | if (
138 | (input.length === 0 || input[0] === '-') &&
139 | !opts.string &&
140 | !opts.stdin &&
141 | !opts.folder &&
142 | process.stdin.isTTY === true
143 | ) {
144 | return command.help();
145 | }
146 |
147 | if (
148 | typeof process == 'object' &&
149 | process.versions &&
150 | process.versions.node &&
151 | PKG &&
152 | PKG.engines.node
153 | ) {
154 | var nodeVersion = String(PKG.engines.node).match(/\d*(\.\d+)*/)[0];
155 | if (parseFloat(process.versions.node) < parseFloat(nodeVersion)) {
156 | throw Error(
157 | `${PKG.name} requires Node.js version ${nodeVersion} or higher.`
158 | );
159 | }
160 | }
161 |
162 | // --config
163 | const loadedConfig = await loadConfig(opts.config);
164 | if (loadedConfig != null) {
165 | config = loadedConfig;
166 | }
167 |
168 | // --quiet
169 | if (opts.quiet) {
170 | config.quiet = opts.quiet;
171 | }
172 |
173 | // --recursive
174 | if (opts.recursive) {
175 | config.recursive = opts.recursive;
176 | }
177 |
178 | // --exclude
179 | config.exclude = opts.exclude
180 | ? opts.exclude.map((pattern) => RegExp(pattern))
181 | : [];
182 |
183 | // --precision
184 | if (opts.precision != null) {
185 | var precision = Math.min(Math.max(0, opts.precision), 20);
186 | config.floatPrecision = precision;
187 | }
188 |
189 | // --multipass
190 | if (opts.multipass) {
191 | config.multipass = true;
192 | }
193 |
194 | // --pretty
195 | if (opts.pretty) {
196 | config.js2svg = config.js2svg || {};
197 | config.js2svg.pretty = true;
198 | if (opts.indent != null) {
199 | config.js2svg.indent = opts.indent;
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | // --eol
204 | if (opts.eol) {
205 | config.js2svg = config.js2svg || {};
206 | config.js2svg.eol = opts.eol;
207 | }
208 |
209 | // --final-newline
210 | if (opts.finalNewline) {
211 | config.js2svg = config.js2svg || {};
212 | config.js2svg.finalNewline = true;
213 | }
214 |
215 | // --output
216 | if (output) {
217 | if (input.length && input[0] != '-') {
218 | if (output.length == 1 && checkIsDir(output[0])) {
219 | var dir = output[0];
220 | for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
221 | output[i] = checkIsDir(input[i])
222 | ? input[i]
223 | : path.resolve(dir, path.basename(input[i]));
224 | }
225 | } else if (output.length < input.length) {
226 | output = output.concat(input.slice(output.length));
227 | }
228 | }
229 | } else if (input.length) {
230 | output = input;
231 | } else if (opts.string) {
232 | output = '-';
233 | }
234 |
235 | if (opts.datauri) {
236 | config.datauri = opts.datauri;
237 | }
238 |
239 | // --folder
240 | if (opts.folder) {
241 | var ouputFolder = (output && output[0]) || opts.folder;
242 | await optimizeFolder(config, opts.folder, ouputFolder);
243 | }
244 |
245 | // --input
246 | if (input.length !== 0) {
247 | // STDIN
248 | if (input[0] === '-') {
249 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
250 | var data = '',
251 | file = output[0];
252 |
253 | process.stdin
254 | .on('data', (chunk) => (data += chunk))
255 | .once('end', () =>
256 | processSVGData(config, { input: 'string' }, data, file).then(
257 | resolve,
258 | reject
259 | )
260 | );
261 | });
262 | // file
263 | } else {
264 | await Promise.all(
265 | input.map((file, n) => optimizeFile(config, file, output[n]))
266 | );
267 | }
268 |
269 | // --string
270 | } else if (opts.string) {
271 | var data = decodeSVGDatauri(opts.string);
272 |
273 | return processSVGData(config, { input: 'string' }, data, output[0]);
274 | }
275 | }
276 |
277 | /**
278 | * Optimize SVG files in a directory.
279 | * @param {Object} config options
280 | * @param {string} dir input directory
281 | * @param {string} output output directory
282 | * @return {Promise}
283 | */
284 | function optimizeFolder(config, dir, output) {
285 | if (!config.quiet) {
286 | console.log(`Processing directory '${dir}':\n`);
287 | }
288 | return fs.promises
289 | .readdir(dir)
290 | .then((files) => processDirectory(config, dir, files, output));
291 | }
292 |
293 | /**
294 | * Process given files, take only SVG.
295 | * @param {Object} config options
296 | * @param {string} dir input directory
297 | * @param {Array} files list of file names in the directory
298 | * @param {string} output output directory
299 | * @return {Promise}
300 | */
301 | function processDirectory(config, dir, files, output) {
302 | // take only *.svg files, recursively if necessary
303 | var svgFilesDescriptions = getFilesDescriptions(config, dir, files, output);
304 |
305 | return svgFilesDescriptions.length
306 | ? Promise.all(
307 | svgFilesDescriptions.map((fileDescription) =>
308 | optimizeFile(
309 | config,
310 | fileDescription.inputPath,
311 | fileDescription.outputPath
312 | )
313 | )
314 | )
315 | : Promise.reject(
316 | new Error(`No SVG files have been found in '${dir}' directory.`)
317 | );
318 | }
319 |
320 | /**
321 | * Get svg files descriptions
322 | * @param {Object} config options
323 | * @param {string} dir input directory
324 | * @param {Array} files list of file names in the directory
325 | * @param {string} output output directory
326 | * @return {Array}
327 | */
328 | function getFilesDescriptions(config, dir, files, output) {
329 | const filesInThisFolder = files
330 | .filter(
331 | (name) =>
332 | regSVGFile.test(name) &&
333 | !config.exclude.some((regExclude) => regExclude.test(name))
334 | )
335 | .map((name) => ({
336 | inputPath: path.resolve(dir, name),
337 | outputPath: path.resolve(output, name),
338 | }));
339 |
340 | return config.recursive
341 | ? [].concat(
342 | filesInThisFolder,
343 | files
344 | .filter((name) => checkIsDir(path.resolve(dir, name)))
345 | .map((subFolderName) => {
346 | const subFolderPath = path.resolve(dir, subFolderName);
347 | const subFolderFiles = fs.readdirSync(subFolderPath);
348 | const subFolderOutput = path.resolve(output, subFolderName);
349 | return getFilesDescriptions(
350 | config,
351 | subFolderPath,
352 | subFolderFiles,
353 | subFolderOutput
354 | );
355 | })
356 | .reduce((a, b) => [].concat(a, b), [])
357 | )
358 | : filesInThisFolder;
359 | }
360 |
361 | /**
362 | * Read SVG file and pass to processing.
363 | * @param {Object} config options
364 | * @param {string} file
365 | * @param {string} output
366 | * @return {Promise}
367 | */
368 | function optimizeFile(config, file, output) {
369 | return fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8').then(
370 | (data) =>
371 | processSVGData(config, { input: 'file', path: file }, data, output, file),
372 | (error) => checkOptimizeFileError(config, file, output, error)
373 | );
374 | }
375 |
376 | /**
377 | * Optimize SVG data.
378 | * @param {Object} config options
379 | * @param {string} data SVG content to optimize
380 | * @param {string} output where to write optimized file
381 | * @param {string} [input] input file name (being used if output is a directory)
382 | * @return {Promise}
383 | */
384 | function processSVGData(config, info, data, output, input) {
385 | var startTime = Date.now(),
386 | prevFileSize = Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf8');
387 |
388 | const result = optimize(data, { ...config, ...info });
389 | if (result.modernError) {
390 | console.error(colors.red(result.modernError.toString()));
391 | process.exit(1);
392 | }
393 | if (config.datauri) {
394 | result.data = encodeSVGDatauri(result.data, config.datauri);
395 | }
396 | var resultFileSize = Buffer.byteLength(result.data, 'utf8'),
397 | processingTime = Date.now() - startTime;
398 |
399 | return writeOutput(input, output, result.data).then(
400 | function () {
401 | if (!config.quiet && output != '-') {
402 | if (input) {
403 | console.log(`\n${path.basename(input)}:`);
404 | }
405 | printTimeInfo(processingTime);
406 | printProfitInfo(prevFileSize, resultFileSize);
407 | }
408 | },
409 | (error) =>
410 | Promise.reject(
411 | new Error(
412 | error.code === 'ENOTDIR'
413 | ? `Error: output '${output}' is not a directory.`
414 | : error
415 | )
416 | )
417 | );
418 | }
419 |
420 | /**
421 | * Write result of an optimization.
422 | * @param {string} input
423 | * @param {string} output output file name. '-' for stdout
424 | * @param {string} data data to write
425 | * @return {Promise}
426 | */
427 | function writeOutput(input, output, data) {
428 | if (output == '-') {
429 | console.log(data);
430 | return Promise.resolve();
431 | }
432 |
433 | fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(output), { recursive: true });
434 |
435 | return fs.promises
436 | .writeFile(output, data, 'utf8')
437 | .catch((error) => checkWriteFileError(input, output, data, error));
438 | }
439 |
440 | /**
441 | * Write a time taken by optimization.
442 | * @param {number} time time in milliseconds.
443 | */
444 | function printTimeInfo(time) {
445 | console.log(`Done in ${time} ms!`);
446 | }
447 |
448 | /**
449 | * Write optimizing information in human readable format.
450 | * @param {number} inBytes size before optimization.
451 | * @param {number} outBytes size after optimization.
452 | */
453 | function printProfitInfo(inBytes, outBytes) {
454 | var profitPercents = 100 - (outBytes * 100) / inBytes;
455 |
456 | console.log(
457 | Math.round((inBytes / 1024) * 1000) / 1000 +
458 | ' KiB' +
459 | (profitPercents < 0 ? ' + ' : ' - ') +
460 | colors.green(Math.abs(Math.round(profitPercents * 10) / 10) + '%') +
461 | ' = ' +
462 | Math.round((outBytes / 1024) * 1000) / 1000 +
463 | ' KiB'
464 | );
465 | }
466 |
467 | /**
468 | * Check for errors, if it's a dir optimize the dir.
469 | * @param {Object} config
470 | * @param {string} input
471 | * @param {string} output
472 | * @param {Error} error
473 | * @return {Promise}
474 | */
475 | function checkOptimizeFileError(config, input, output, error) {
476 | if (error.code == 'EISDIR') {
477 | return optimizeFolder(config, input, output);
478 | } else if (error.code == 'ENOENT') {
479 | return Promise.reject(
480 | new Error(`Error: no such file or directory '${error.path}'.`)
481 | );
482 | }
483 | return Promise.reject(error);
484 | }
485 |
486 | /**
487 | * Check for saving file error. If the output is a dir, then write file there.
488 | * @param {string} input
489 | * @param {string} output
490 | * @param {string} data
491 | * @param {Error} error
492 | * @return {Promise}
493 | */
494 | function checkWriteFileError(input, output, data, error) {
495 | if (error.code == 'EISDIR' && input) {
496 | return fs.promises.writeFile(
497 | path.resolve(output, path.basename(input)),
498 | data,
499 | 'utf8'
500 | );
501 | } else {
502 | return Promise.reject(error);
503 | }
504 | }
505 |
506 | /**
507 | * Show list of available plugins with short description.
508 | */
509 | function showAvailablePlugins() {
510 | const list = Object.entries(pluginsMap)
511 | .sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b))
512 | .map(([name, plugin]) => ` [ ${colors.green(name)} ] ${plugin.description}`)
513 | .join('\n');
514 | console.log('Currently available plugins:\n' + list);
515 | }
516 |
517 | module.exports.checkIsDir = checkIsDir;