1 | # toidentifier
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3 | [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url]
4 | [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
5 | [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
6 | [![Test Coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url]
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8 | > Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifier
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10 | ## Install
11 |
12 | This is a [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) module available through the
13 | [npm registry](https://www.npmjs.com/). Installation is done using the
14 | [`npm install` command](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-npm-packages-locally):
15 |
16 | ```bash
17 | $ npm install toidentifier
18 | ```
19 |
20 | ## Example
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22 | ```js
23 | var toIdentifier = require('toidentifier')
24 |
25 | console.log(toIdentifier('Bad Request'))
26 | // => "BadRequest"
27 | ```
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29 | ## API
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31 | This CommonJS module exports a single default function: `toIdentifier`.
32 |
33 | ### toIdentifier(string)
34 |
35 | Given a string as the argument, it will be transformed according to
36 | the following rules and the new string will be returned:
37 |
38 | 1. Split into words separated by space characters (`0x20`).
39 | 2. Upper case the first character of each word.
40 | 3. Join the words together with no separator.
41 | 4. Remove all non-word (`[0-9a-z_]`) characters.
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43 | ## License
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47 | [codecov-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/component/toidentifier.svg
48 | [codecov-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/component/toidentifier
49 | [downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/toidentifier.svg
50 | [downloads-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/toidentifier
51 | [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/toidentifier.svg
52 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/toidentifier
53 | [travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/component/toidentifier/master.svg
54 | [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/component/toidentifier
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57 | ##
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59 | [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/
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61 | [yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/