1 | # webpack-sources
2 |
3 | Contains multiple classes which represent a `Source`. A `Source` can be asked for source code, size, source map and hash.
4 |
5 | ## `Source`
6 |
7 | Base class for all sources.
8 |
9 | ### Public methods
10 |
11 | All methods should be considered as expensive as they may need to do computations.
12 |
13 | #### `source`
14 |
15 | ``` js
16 | Source.prototype.source() -> String | ArrayBuffer
17 | ```
18 |
19 | Returns the represented source code as string.
20 |
21 | #### `size`
22 |
23 | ``` js
24 | Source.prototype.size() -> Number
25 | ```
26 |
27 | Returns the size in chars of the represented source code.
28 |
29 | #### `map`
30 |
31 | ``` js
32 | Source.prototype.map(options: Object) -> Object | null
33 | ```
34 |
35 | Returns the SourceMap of the represented source code as JSON. May return `null` if no SourceMap is available.
36 |
37 | The `options` object can contain the following keys:
38 |
39 | * `columns: Boolean` (default `true`): If set to false the implementation may omit mappings for columns.
40 | * `module: Boolean` (default `true`): If set to false the implementation may omit inner mappings for modules.
41 |
42 | #### `sourceAndMap`
43 |
44 | ``` js
45 | Source.prototype.sourceAndMap(options: Object) -> {
46 | source: String,
47 | map: Object
48 | }
49 | ```
50 |
51 | Returns both, source code (like `Source.prototype.source()` and SourceMap (like `Source.prototype.map()`). This method could have better performance than calling `source()` and `map()` separately.
52 |
53 | See `map()` for `options`.
54 |
55 | #### `updateHash`
56 |
57 | ``` js
58 | Source.prototype.updateHash(hash: Hash) -> void
59 | ```
60 |
61 | Updates the provided `Hash` object with the content of the represented source code. (`Hash` is an object with an `update` method, which is called with string values)
62 |
63 | #### `node` (optional)
64 |
65 | ``` js
66 | Source.prototype.node(options: Object) -> SourceNode
67 | ```
68 |
69 | This is an optional method. It may be `null` if not implemented.
70 |
71 | Returns a `SourceNode` (see source-map library) for the represented source code.
72 |
73 | See `map()` for `options`.
74 |
75 | #### `listNode` (optional)
76 |
77 | ``` js
78 | Source.prototype.listNode(options: Object) -> SourceNode
79 | ```
80 |
81 | This is an optional method. It may be `null` if not implemented.
82 |
83 | Returns a `SourceListMap` (see source-list-map library) for the represented source code.
84 |
85 | See `map()` for `options`.
86 |
87 | ## `RawSource`
88 |
89 | Represents source code without SourceMap.
90 |
91 | ``` js
92 | new RawSource(sourceCode: String)
93 | ```
94 |
95 | ## `OriginalSource`
96 |
97 | Represents source code, which is a copy of the original file.
98 |
99 | ``` js
100 | new OriginalSource(
101 | sourceCode: String,
102 | name: String
103 | )
104 | ```
105 |
106 | * `sourceCode`: The source code.
107 | * `name`: The filename of the original source code.
108 |
109 | OriginalSource tries to create column mappings if requested, by splitting the source code at typical statement borders (`;`, `{`, `}`).
110 |
111 | ## `SourceMapSource`
112 |
113 | Represents source code with SourceMap, optionally having an additional SourceMap for the original source.
114 |
115 | ``` js
116 | new SourceMapSource(
117 | sourceCode: String,
118 | name: String,
119 | sourceMap: Object | String,
120 | originalSource?: String,
121 | innerSourceMap?: Object | String,
122 | removeOriginalSource?: boolean
123 | )
124 | ```
125 |
126 | * `sourceCode`: The source code.
127 | * `name`: The filename of the original source code.
128 | * `sourceMap`: The SourceMap for the source code.
129 | * `originalSource`: The source code of the original file. Can be omitted if the `sourceMap` already contains the original source code.
130 | * `innerSourceMap`: The SourceMap for the `originalSource`/`name`.
131 | * `removeOriginalSource`: Removes the source code for `name` from the final map, keeping only the deeper mappings for that file.
132 |
133 | The `SourceMapSource` supports "identity" mappings for the `innerSourceMap`.
134 | When original source matches generated source for a mapping it's assumed to be mapped char by char allowing to keep finer mappings from `sourceMap`.
135 |
136 | ## `LineToLineMappedSource`
137 |
138 | Represents source code, which is mapped line by line to the original file.
139 |
140 | ``` js
141 | new LineToLineMappedSource(
142 | sourceCode: String,
143 | name: String,
144 | originalSource: String
145 | )
146 | ```
147 |
148 | * `sourceCode`: The source code.
149 | * `name`: The filename of the original source code.
150 | * `originalSource`: The original source code.
151 |
152 | ## `CachedSource`
153 |
154 | Decorates a `Source` and caches returned results of `map`, `source`, `size` and `sourceAndMap` in memory. Every other operation is delegated to the wrapped `Source`.
155 |
156 | ``` js
157 | new CachedSource(source: Source)
158 | ```
159 |
160 | ## `PrefixSource`
161 |
162 | Prefix every line of the decorated `Source` with a provided string.
163 |
164 | ``` js
165 | new PrefixSource(
166 | prefix: String,
167 | source: Source
168 | )
169 | ```
170 |
171 | ## `ConcatSource`
172 |
173 | Concatenate multiple `Source`s or strings to a single source.
174 |
175 | ``` js
176 | new ConcatSource(
177 | ...items?: Source | String
178 | )
179 | ```
180 |
181 | ### Public methods
182 |
183 | #### `add`
184 |
185 | ``` js
186 | ConcatSource.prototype.add(item: Source | String)
187 | ```
188 |
189 | Adds an item to the source.
190 |
191 | ## `ReplaceSource`
192 |
193 | Decorates a `Source` with replacements and insertions of source code.
194 |
195 | The `ReplaceSource` supports "identity" mappings for child source.
196 | When original source matches generated source for a mapping it's assumed to be mapped char by char allowing to split mappings at replacements/insertions.
197 |
198 | ### Public methods
199 |
200 | #### `replace`
201 |
202 | ``` js
203 | ReplaceSource.prototype.replace(
204 | start: Number,
205 | end: Number,
206 | replacement: String
207 | )
208 | ```
209 |
210 | Replaces chars from `start` (0-indexed, inclusive) to `end` (0-indexed, inclusive) with `replacement`.
211 |
212 | Locations represents locations in the original source and are not influenced by other replacements or insertions.
213 |
214 | #### `insert`
215 |
216 | ``` js
217 | ReplaceSource.prototype.insert(
218 | pos: Number,
219 | insertion: String
220 | )
221 | ```
222 |
223 | Inserts the `insertion` before char `pos` (0-indexed).
224 |
225 | Location represents location in the original source and is not influenced by other replacements or insertions.
226 |
227 | #### `original`
228 |
229 | Get decorated `Source`.
230 |