10/19/21 16:40:43 (3 years ago)
Ema <ema_spirova@…>


4 edited


  • trip-planner/src/main/java/finki/diplomska/tripplanner/repository/jpa/JpaLocationRepository.java

    reed0bf8 r188ee53  
    4747    @Query(value = "SELECT  * FROM locations AS l  " +
    48             "LEFT JOIN recommended_companion AS rc ON l.id_location = rc.id_location " +
    49             "LEFT JOIN companions AS com ON rc.id_companion = com.id_companion " +
    50             "LEFT JOIN locations_belong lb ON l.id_location = lb.id_location " +
    51             "LEFT JOIN categories AS cate ON lb.id_category = cate.id_category " +
    52             "LEFT JOIN regions AS r" +
    53             " ON l.id_region = r.id_region" +
    54             " LEFT JOIN cities AS cit" +
    55             " ON r.id_region = cit.id_region AND cit.id_city = l.id_city " +
    56             "WHERE cit.id_city = :locationId and com.id_companion = :companionId and cate.id_category in (:categories) " +
    57             "GROUP BY l.id_location " +
    58             "ORDER BY CASE l.priority WHEN 'high' THEN 1 WHEN 'medium' THEN 2 WHEN 'low' THEN 3 END", nativeQuery = true)
    59     List<Location> findLocationsFromForm(@Param("locationId") Long locationId, @Param("companionId") Long companionId, @Param("categories") List<Long> categories);
     48            "LEFT JOIN recommended_companion AS rc " +
     49            "ON l.id_location = rc.id_location " +
     50            "LEFT JOIN companions AS companion " +
     51            "ON rc.id_companion = companion.id_companion " +
     52            "LEFT JOIN locations_belong lb " +
     53            "ON l.id_location = lb.id_location " +
     54            "LEFT JOIN categories AS category " +
     55            "ON lb.id_category = category.id_category " +
     56            "LEFT JOIN cities AS city " +
     57            "ON city.id_city = l.id_city " +
     58            "WHERE city.id_city = :cityId and companion.id_companion = :companionId and category.id_category IN (:categoryIds) " +
     59            "GROUP BY l.id_location ORDER BY CASE l.priority WHEN 'high' THEN 1 WHEN 'medium' THEN 2 WHEN 'low' THEN 3 END", nativeQuery = true)
     60    List<Location> findLocationsFromCityForm(@Param("cityId") Long cityId, @Param("companionId") Long companionId, @Param("categoryIds") List<Long> categoryIds);
     62    @Query(value="SELECT * FROM locations AS location " +
     63            "LEFT JOIN recommended_companion AS rc " +
     64            "ON location.id_location = rc.id_location " +
     65            "LEFT JOIN companions AS companion " +
     66            "ON rc.id_companion = companion.id_companion " +
     67            "LEFT JOIN locations_belong lb " +
     68            "ON location.id_location = lb.id_location " +
     69            "LEFT JOIN categories AS category " +
     70            "ON lb.id_category = category.id_category " +
     71            "LEFT JOIN regions AS region " +
     72            "ON location.id_region = region.id_region " +
     73            "LEFT JOIN cities AS city " +
     74            "ON region.id_region  = city.id_region " +
     75            "AND city.id_city = location.id_city " +
     76            "WHERE region.id_region = :regionId AND companion.id_companion  = :companionId AND category.id_category  IN (:categoryIds) " +
     77            "GROUP BY location.id_location ORDER BY CASE location.priority WHEN 'high' THEN 1 WHEN 'medium' THEN 2 WHEN 'low' THEN 3 END", nativeQuery = true)
     78    List<Location> findLocationsFromRegionForm(@Param("regionId") Long regionId, @Param("companionId") Long companionId, @Param("categoryIds") List<Long> categoryIds);
  • trip-planner/src/main/java/finki/diplomska/tripplanner/service/LocationService.java

    reed0bf8 r188ee53  
    1010public interface LocationService {
    1111    List<Location> findLocationsFromCity(String locName, String companion, List<String> categories);
     12    List<Location> findLocationsFromCountry (String locName, String companion,String region, List<String> categories );
    1213    List<Location> findAll();
    1314    Location getById(Long id);
    14     List<Location> findLocationsFromCountry (String locName, String companion,String region, List<String> categories );
    1515    List<Location> scheduleLocations(String locName, String companion,String region, List<String> categories, int numberOfDays);
    1616    Optional<Location> findById(Long id);
    18     List<Location> findLocations(Long locationId, Long companionId, Long lengthOfStay, String categoryIds);
     17    List<Location> findLocationsFromCityForm(Long cityId, Long companionId, Long lengthOfStay, String categoryIds);
     18    List<Location> findLocationsFromRegionForm(Long regionId, Long companionId, Long lengthOfStay, String categoryIds);
  • trip-planner/src/main/java/finki/diplomska/tripplanner/service/impl/LocationServiceImpl.java

    reed0bf8 r188ee53  
    5151    @Override
    52     public List<Location> findLocations(Long locationId, Long companionId, Long lengthOfStay, String categoryIds) {
     52    public List<Location> findLocationsFromCityForm(Long cityId, Long companionId, Long lengthOfStay, String categoryIds) {
    5353        List<Long> categories = null;
    5454        if(categoryIds != null && !categoryIds.isEmpty()){
    5656            categories = ids.stream().map(Long::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());
    5757        }
    58         List<Location> foundLocations = locationRepository.findLocationsFromForm(locationId, companionId, categories);
    59         return foundLocations;
     58        Long maxMinutesPerDay = lengthOfStay *6 * 60;
     59        int minutesPerDay = 0;
     60        List<Location> citylocations = this.locationRepository.findLocationsFromCityForm(cityId, companionId, categories);
     61        List<Location> newList = new ArrayList<>();
     62        int listSize = citylocations.size();
     64        while(minutesPerDay < maxMinutesPerDay ){
     65            for(Location l: citylocations) {
     66                if (minutesPerDay < maxMinutesPerDay && l.getDuration() + minutesPerDay <= maxMinutesPerDay && listSize != 0) {
     67                    newList.add(l);
     68                    listSize --;
     69                }
     70                minutesPerDay += l.getDuration();
     71                if (minutesPerDay > maxMinutesPerDay) {
     72                    break;
     73                }
     74            }
     75        }
     77        List<Location> foundLocations = locationRepository.findLocationsFromCityForm(cityId, companionId, categories);
     78        return newList;
    6079    }
     81    @Override
     82    public List<Location> findLocationsFromRegionForm(Long regionId, Long companionId, Long lengthOfStay, String categoryIds) {
     83        List<Long> categories = null;
     84        if(categoryIds != null && !categoryIds.isEmpty()){
     85            List<String> ids = Arrays.asList(categoryIds.split(","));
     86            categories = ids.stream().map(Long::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());
     87        }
     88        Long maxMinutesPerDay = lengthOfStay *6 * 60;
     89        int minutesPerDay = 0;
     90        List<Location> countryLocations = this.locationRepository.findLocationsFromRegionForm(regionId, companionId, categories);
     91        List<Location> newList = new ArrayList<>();
     92        int listCountrySize = countryLocations.size();
     94            while(minutesPerDay < maxMinutesPerDay){
     95                for(Location l: countryLocations) {
     96                    if (minutesPerDay < maxMinutesPerDay && l.getDuration() + minutesPerDay <= maxMinutesPerDay && listCountrySize != 0) {
     97                        newList.add(l);
     98                        listCountrySize --;
     99                    }
     100                    minutesPerDay += l.getDuration();
     101                    if (minutesPerDay > maxMinutesPerDay) {
     102                        break;
     103                    }
     104                }
     106        }
     107        return newList;
     108    }
    62111    @Override
  • trip-planner/src/main/java/finki/diplomska/tripplanner/web/rest/LocationRestController.java

    reed0bf8 r188ee53  
    3434    }
    36     @GetMapping(value = "/trip/locations")
    37     public List<Location> allLocationsAfterSubmittedForm(@RequestParam(required = false) Long locationId,
     36    @GetMapping(value = "/city/locations")
     37    public List<Location> getAllLocationsFromCity(@RequestParam(required = false) Long cityId,
    3838                                                         @RequestParam(required = false)  Long companionId,
    3939                                                         @RequestParam(required = false) Long lengthOfStay,
    4040                                                         @RequestParam(required = false) String categoryIds)  {
    41         return this.locationService.findLocations(locationId, companionId, lengthOfStay, categoryIds);
    42         /* List<Location> generatedLocations = this.locationService.scheduleLocations(locName, companion, region, categories, numberOfDays);
    43         if(locName.equals("Macedonia")){
    44             return generatedLocations;
    45         }else{
    46             return generatedLocations;
    47         }*/
     41        return this.locationService.findLocationsFromCityForm(cityId, companionId, lengthOfStay, categoryIds);
     43    }
     45    @GetMapping(value = "/region/locations")
     46    public List<Location> getAllLocationsFromRegion(@RequestParam(required = false) Long regionId,
     47                                                    @RequestParam(required = false)  Long companionId,
     48                                                    @RequestParam(required = false) Long lengthOfStay,
     49                                                    @RequestParam(required = false) String categoryIds){
     50        return this.locationService.findLocationsFromRegionForm(regionId, companionId,lengthOfStay, categoryIds);
    4851    }
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