11/23/21 14:58:44 (3 years ago)
Ema <ema_spirova@…>

adding photos

4 edited


  • trip-planner-front/node_modules/schema-utils/node_modules/ajv-keywords/package.json

    rceaed42 r59329aa  
    2   "name": "ajv-keywords",
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  • trip-planner-front/node_modules/schema-utils/node_modules/ajv/package.json

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  • trip-planner-front/node_modules/schema-utils/node_modules/json-schema-traverse/package.json

    rceaed42 r59329aa  
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     102    "lint:js": "eslint --cache .",
     103    "lint:prettier": "prettier \"{**/*,*}.{js,json,md,yml,css,ts}\" --list-different",
     104    "lint:types": "tsc --pretty --noEmit",
     105    "prebuild": "npm run clean",
     106    "prepare": "npm run build",
     107    "pretest": "npm run lint",
     108    "release": "standard-version",
     109    "security": "npm audit",
     110    "start": "npm run build -- -w",
     111    "test": "npm run test:coverage",
     112    "test:coverage": "npm run test:only -- --collectCoverageFrom=\"src/**/*.js\" --coverage",
     113    "test:only": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test jest",
     114    "test:watch": "npm run test:only -- --watch"
     115  },
     116  "types": "declarations/index.d.ts",
     117  "version": "2.7.1"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.