1 | import React from "react";
2 | import { useLocation, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'
3 | import axios from "../../custom-axios/axios";
4 | import '../UtilComponents/App.css'
5 |
6 | const UnapprovedDrivers = (props) => {
7 |
8 | const location = useLocation();
9 | const navigate = useNavigate();
10 |
11 | const checkDriversCar = async (driverId) => {
12 | const carResponse = await axios.get(`/car/driver/${driverId}`).catch(function (error) {
13 | if (error.response) {
14 | alert("There is no car registered for that driver.")
15 | }
16 | })
17 | navigate("/car", {state: {car: carResponse.data}})
18 | }
19 |
20 | return(
21 | <div className={"container mm-4 mt-5"} style={{width: "85%", margin: 'auto'}}>
22 | <h2 style={{textAlign: "center", color: "darkcyan"}}>Unapproved Drivers</h2>
23 | <hr></hr>
24 | <div className={"row table-responsive"}>
25 | <div className={"row"} style={{margin: 'auto'}}>
26 | <table className={"table table-hover"}>
27 | <thead>
28 | <tr>
29 | <th scope={"col"}>Name</th>
30 | <th scope={"col"}>Surname</th>
31 | <th scope={"col"}>Price per kilometer</th>
32 | <th scope={"col"}>Status</th>
33 | <th scope={"col"}>Level</th>
34 | <th scope={"col"}>Number of grades</th>
35 | <th scope={"col"}>Grade</th>
36 | <th scope={"col"}></th>
37 | <th scope={"col"}></th>
38 | <th scope={"col"}></th>
39 | </tr>
40 |
41 | </thead>
42 | <tbody>
43 | {props.drivers.map((term) => {
44 | return(
45 | <tr>
46 | <td>{term.name}</td>
47 | <td>{term.surname}</td>
48 | <td>{term.pricePerKm}</td>
49 | <td>{term.status}</td>
50 | <td>{term.level}</td>
51 | <td>{term.numGrades}</td>
52 | <td>{term.grade}</td>
53 | <td className={"text-right"}>
54 | <a title={"Approve Driver"} className={"myButton btn btn-primary"}
55 | style={{backgroundColor: "cyan", borderColor: "black", color: 'black'}}
56 | onClick={() => props.onApproveDriver(term.id)}>Approve</a>
57 | </td>
58 | <td className={"text-right"}>
59 | <a title={"Check driver's car"} className="myButton btn btn-primary"
60 | style={{backgroundColor: "coral", borderColor: "black", borderColor: 'black', color: 'black'}}
61 | onClick={() => checkDriversCar(term.id)}>Check car</a>
62 | </td>
63 | <td className={"text-right"}>
64 | <a title={"Check driver's car"} className="myButton btn btn-primary"
65 | style={{backgroundColor: "red", borderColor: "black", borderColor: 'black', color: 'black'}}
66 | onClick={() => props.onDenyDriver(term.id)}>Deny</a>
67 | </td>
68 | </tr>
69 | )
70 | })}
71 | </tbody>
72 | </table>
73 | </div>
74 | </div>
75 | </div>
76 | )
77 | }
78 |
79 | export default UnapprovedDrivers; |