1 | import React from "react";
2 | import { useLocation, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'
3 | import CenteredContainer from "../UtilComponents/CenteredContainer";
4 | import axios from "../../custom-axios/axios";
5 | import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, Popup } from 'react-leaflet'
6 | import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';
7 | import markerIconPng from "leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png"
8 | import {Icon} from 'leaflet'
9 | import '../UtilComponents/App.css'
10 |
11 | const MadeRequest = (props) => {
12 | const location = useLocation()
13 | const navigate = useNavigate()
14 | const [formData, updateFormData] = React.useState({
15 | status : location.state.madeRequest.status,
16 | cityAddress : location.state.madeRequest.cityAddress,
17 | numberAddress : location.state.madeRequest.numberAddress,
18 | streetAddress : location.state.madeRequest.streetAddress,
19 | latitude: location.state.madeRequest.latitude,
20 | longitude : location.state.madeRequest.longitude,
21 | confirmedByDriver: "",
22 | })
23 |
24 | const updateMadeRequest = async () => {
25 | const requestId = location.state.madeRequest.id
26 | const response = await axios.get(`/request/${requestId}`)
27 | updateFormData({
28 | status : response.data.status,
29 | cityAddress : response.data.cityAddress,
30 | numberAddress : response.data.numberAddress,
31 | streetAddress : response.data.streetAddress,
32 | latitude: response.data.latitude,
33 | longitude : response.data.longitude,
34 | confirmedByDriver: response.data.confirmedByDriver
35 | })
36 | }
37 |
38 | const joinDriveForPassenger = async () => {
39 | const requestId = location.state.madeRequest.id
40 | const response = await axios.get(`/drive/request/${requestId}`)
41 | .catch(function (error) {
42 | if (error.response) {
43 | alert("Wait for the driver to pick you up and start the drive. Then you can join.");
44 | }
45 | });
46 | localStorage.removeItem("madeRequestId")
47 | const startLatitude = formData.latitude;
48 | const startLongitude = formData.longitude;
49 | navigate("/started-drive", {state: {startedDrive: response.data, startLatitude: startLatitude, startLongitude: startLongitude}})
50 | }
51 |
52 | let messageAfterConfirmation1 = ""
53 | let messageAfterConfirmation2 = ""
54 | let joinDrive = ""
55 |
56 | if(formData.status === "CONFIRMED"){
57 | messageAfterConfirmation1 = <p style={{color: "darkgreen", fontStyle: "bold"}}>Your request has been confirmed,
58 | please wait for the driver on the provided address.</p>
59 | messageAfterConfirmation2 = <p style={{color: "darkred", fontStyle: "bold"}}>After your driver picks you up and starts the drive,
60 | you should start the drive too.</p>
61 | joinDrive = <a title={"Start Drive"} className={"myButton btn btn-danger"}
62 | style={{backgroundColor: "cyan", borderColor: "black", color: "black", width: '90%'}}
63 | onClick={() => joinDriveForPassenger()} >
64 | Join Drive
65 | </a>
66 | }
67 |
68 | let confirmedByDriver = ""
69 | if(formData.confirmedByDriver){
70 | confirmedByDriver = <h6 className="card-text">
71 | Confirmed by Driver: {formData.confirmedByDriver.name} {formData.confirmedByDriver.surname}</h6>
72 | }
73 |
74 | return (
75 | <CenteredContainer>
76 | <div className="card text-center">
77 | <div className="card-header" style={{color : "darkcyan"}}>
78 | {formData.status}
79 | </div>
80 | <div className="card-body">
81 | <h6 className="card-title" style={{color : "darkcyan"}}>You have created your request, please wait until some driver confirms it</h6>
82 | <h5 className="card-title">{formData.cityAddress}, {formData.streetAddress}, {formData.numberAddress}</h5>
83 | {confirmedByDriver}
84 | </div>
85 | <br></br>
86 | {messageAfterConfirmation1}
87 | {messageAfterConfirmation2}
88 | <p style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
89 | <a style={{backgroundColor: "darkcyan", color: 'white', borderColor: 'black', width: '90%'}} className="myButton btn btn-primary"
90 | onClick={() => updateMadeRequest()}>Refresh</a>
91 | </p>
92 | <p style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
93 | {joinDrive}
94 | </p>
95 | </div>
96 | <MapContainer className="border border-info rounded-2" center={[formData.latitude, formData.longitude]} zoom={16} scrollWheelZoom={true} style={{width: '100%', marginTop: '50px', position: 'relative', zIndex: 0}}>
97 | <TileLayer
98 | attribution='© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
99 | url="https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
100 | />
101 | <Marker position={[formData.latitude, formData.longitude]} icon={new Icon({iconUrl: markerIconPng, iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41]})}>
102 | <Popup position={[formData.latitude, formData.longitude]}>
103 | <p>Pick up location. Wait here.</p>
104 | </Popup>
105 | </Marker>
106 | </MapContainer>
107 | </CenteredContainer>
108 | )
109 | }
110 |
111 | export default MadeRequest; |