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67 | <h1 class="jumbotron-heading">Register a new borrowed book</h1>
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73 | <div class="col-md-5">
74 | <form th:action="${'/borrow/add'}" th:method="POST">
75 | <input id="id" type="hidden" name="id" th:value="(${poz} != null ? ${poz.getId()} : '')">
76 | <div class="form-group">
77 | <label for="reciept">Date of reciept</label>
78 | <input type="date"
79 | class="form-control"
80 | id="reciept"
81 | name="reciept"
82 | th:value="(${poz} != null ? ${poz.getDatumNaVrakjanje()} : '')"
83 | required
84 | placeholder="Enter date of reciept">
85 | </div>
86 | <div class="form-group">
87 | <label for="return">Return date</label>
88 | <input type="date"
89 | class="form-control"
90 | id="return"
91 | name="return"
92 | th:value="(${poz} != null ? ${poz.getDatumNaVrakjanje()} : '')"
93 | required
94 | placeholder="Enter return date">
95 | </div>
96 | <div class="form-group">
97 | <label>Status</label>
98 | <select nameQ="status">
99 | <!-- <option th:each="poz: ${pozajmici}"-->
100 | <!-- th:text="${poz.getStatus()}"-->
101 | <!-- th:value="${poz}"-->
102 | <!-- th:selected="${poz.getStatus()}">-->
103 |
104 | <!-- </option>-->
105 | <option th:value="true">true</option>
106 | <option th:value="false">false</option>
107 | </select>
108 | </div>
109 | <div class="form-group">
110 | <label>Member</label>
111 | <select name="member" class="form-control">
112 | <option th:if="${poz} != null"
113 | th:each="mem : ${chlen}"
114 | th:value="${mem.getId()}"
115 | th:text="${mem.getBroj()}">
116 | </option>
117 | <option th:if="${poz} == null"
118 | th:each="mem : ${chlen}"
119 | th:value="${mem.getId()}"
120 | th:text="${mem.getBroj()}">
121 | </option>
122 | </select>
123 | </div>
124 | <div class="form-group">
125 | <label>Librarian</label>
126 | <select name="librarian" class="form-control">
127 | <option th:if="${poz} != null"
128 | th:each="lib : ${bibliotekar}"
129 | th:value="${lib.id}"
130 | th:text="${lib.getChovek().getIme()}">
131 | </option>
132 | <option th:if="${poz} == null"
133 | th:each="lib : ${bibliotekar}"
134 | th:value="${lib.getId()}"
135 | th:text="${lib.getChovek().getIme()}">
136 | </option>
137 | </select>
138 | </div>
139 | <div class="form-group">
140 | <label>Book name</label>
141 | <select name="bname" class="form-control">
142 | <!-- <option th:if="${poz} != null"-->
143 | <!-- th:selected="${poz.getInstancaOdKniga().getIdNaKniga() != null && poz.getInstancaOdKniga().getIdNaKniga().getNaslov() == isbn.getId()}"-->
144 | <!-- th:each="is : ${isbn}"-->
145 | <!-- th:value="${is.getId()}"-->
146 | <!-- th:text="${is.getIdNaKniga().getNaslov()}">-->
147 | <!-- </option>-->
148 | <!-- <option th:if="${poz} == null"-->
149 | <!-- th:each="is : ${isbn}"-->
150 | <!-- th:value="${is.getId()}"-->
151 | <!-- th:text="${is.getIdNaKniga().getNaslov()}">-->
152 | <!-- </option>-->
153 | <option th:if="${kniga} != null"
154 | th:each="kniga : ${knigi}"
155 | th:value="${kniga.getId()}"
156 | th:text="${kniga.getNaslov()}">
157 | </option>
158 | </select>
159 | </div>
160 | <div class="form-group">
161 | <label>Book ISBN</label>
162 | <select name="uniqueid" class="form-control">
163 | <option th:if="${poz} != null"
164 |
165 | th:each="is : ${isbn}"
166 | th:value="${is.getId()}"
167 | th:text="${is.getId().getUniqueId()}">
168 | </option>
169 | <option th:if="${poz} == null"
170 | th:each="is : ${isbn}"
171 | th:value="${is.getId()}"
172 | th:text="${is.getId().getUniqueId()}">
173 | </option>
174 | </select>
175 | </div>
176 | <button id="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
177 | <a type="button" class="btn btn-primary" href="/borrow">Back</a>
178 | </form>
179 | </div>
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