1 |
2 | drop table if exists project.Policy;
3 | drop table if exists project.Customer;
4 | drop table if exists project.Pol_dog;
5 | drop table if exists project.Payment;
6 | drop table if exists project.Package;
7 | drop table if exists project.Covers;
8 | drop table if exists project.Property_pol;
9 | drop table if exists project.Property;
10 | drop table if exists project.Travel_pol;
11 | drop table if exists project.Pol_osi;
12 | drop table if exists project.Auto_pol;
13 | drop table if exists project.Vehicle;
14 |
15 | create schema project;
16 |
17 | create table project.Package(
18 | code serial4 primary key,
19 | title varchar(255) not null,
20 | total numeric NULL,
21 | valuet varchar(255) NULL,
22 | type_pol int4 NULL
23 | );
24 |
25 | create table project.Policy(
26 | p_id serial4 primary key NOT NULL,
27 | sdate date not null,
28 | edate date not null,
29 | package int4,
30 | constraint fk_package_pol foreign key (package) references project.Package(code)
31 | );
32 |
33 | create table project.Payment(
34 | payment_num serial4 primary key,
35 | "policy" int4,
36 | p_date date NULL,
37 | p_amount int4 NULL,
38 | visa_number varchar(255)
39 | constraint fk_payment_pol foreign key (policy) references project.Policy(p_id)
40 | );
41 |
42 | create table project.Covers(
43 | cov_id int serial4 primary key,
44 | cov_amount int4,
45 | package int4,
46 | cov_type varchar(max),
47 | constraint fk_covers_pol foreign key (package) references project.Package(code)
48 | );
49 |
50 |
51 | create table project.Customer(
52 | c_id serial4 primary key,
53 | name varchar(50),
54 | email varchar(50) not null,
55 | password varchar(50) not null,
56 | type bool not null
57 | );
58 |
59 | create table project.Pol_dog(
60 | d_embg varchar(13) primary key,
61 | c_id int4 NULL,
62 | name varchar(255) not null,
63 | policy int4,
64 | surname varchar(255),
65 | birthdate date not null,
66 | kontakt varchar(255),
67 | constraint fk_Profile_User foreign key (c_id) references project.Customer(c_id),
68 | constraint fk_Pol foreign key (policy) references project.Policy(p_id)
69 | );
70 |
71 | CREATE TABLE project.auto_pol (
72 | a_id serial4 NOT NULL,
73 | pol_id int4 NULL,
74 | CONSTRAINT auto_pol_pkey PRIMARY KEY (a_id)
75 | );
76 | ALTER TABLE project.auto_pol ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pol_vehicle FOREIGN KEY (pol_id) REFERENCES project."policy"(p_id);
77 |
78 | create table project.Vehicle(
79 | v_id serial4 primary key,
80 | policy int4,
81 | type varchar(255) not null,
82 | marka varchar(255),
83 | model varchar(255),
84 | license_plate varchar(25) not null,
85 | constraint fk_Pol_veh foreign key (policy) references project.Auto_pol(a_id)
86 | );
87 |
88 | create table project.Travel_pol(
89 | tr_id serial4 primary key,
90 | pol_id int4 ,
91 | constraint fk_pol_travel foreign key (pol_id) references project.Policy(p_id)
92 | );
93 |
94 | create table project.Pol_osi(
95 | o_embg varchar(13) primary key,
96 | policy int4,
97 | name varchar(255) not null,
98 | surname varchar(255),
99 | birthdate date not null,
100 | kontakt varchar(255),
101 | constraint fk_Polosi foreign key (policy) references project.Travel_pol(tr_id)
102 | );
103 |
104 | create table project.Property_pol(
105 | pr_id serial4 primary key,
106 | pol_id int4,
107 | constraint fk_PolProperty foreign key (pol_id) references project.Policy(p_id)
108 | );
109 |
110 | create table project.Property(
111 | prop_id serial4 primary key,
112 | policy int4,
113 | address varchar(255),
114 | floor int4,
115 | year_build varchar(255),
116 | security bool,
117 | constraint fk_pol_propp foreign key (policy) references project.Property_pol(pr_id)
118 | );
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 |
124 | --View
125 | -- project.packageview source
126 |
127 | CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW project.packageview
128 | AS SELECT c.cov_amount,
129 | c.cov_type,
130 | p.title AS packagetitle,
131 | p.total AS packagetotal,
132 | p.valuet AS packagevalue,
133 | CASE
134 | WHEN p.type_pol = 3 THEN 'Auto Policy'::text
135 | WHEN p.type_pol = 1 THEN 'Travel Health'::text
136 | ELSE 'Property Policy'::text
137 | END AS policytype
138 | FROM project.covers c
139 | JOIN project.package p ON c.package::integer = p.code;
140 |
141 |
142 | --Function
143 |
144 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION project.getpolicydata(userwhere text)
145 | RETURNS TABLE(p_id integer, policytype text, customername text, startdate date, enddate date, packagecode text, packagetitle text, packagetotal numeric)
146 | LANGUAGE plpgsql
147 | AS $function$
148 | BEGIN
150 | EXECUTE '
151 | SELECT p.p_id,
152 | CASE
153 | WHEN v.pol_id IS NOT NULL THEN ''Auto Policy''
154 | WHEN t.pol_id IS NOT NULL THEN ''Travel Health''
155 | ELSE ''Property Policy''
156 | END AS PolicyType,
157 | c.name::TEXT AS CustomerName,
158 | p.sdate AS StartDate,
159 | p.edate AS EndDate,
160 | p.package::TEXT AS PackageCode,
161 | pkg.title::TEXT AS PackageTitle,
162 | pkg.total AS PackageTotal
163 | FROM project.policy p
164 | LEFT JOIN project.Auto_pol v ON p.p_id = v.pol_id
165 | LEFT JOIN project.Travel_pol t ON p.p_id = t.pol_id
166 | LEFT JOIN project.property_pol pp ON p.p_id = pp.pr_id
167 | LEFT JOIN project.pol_dog pd ON p.p_id = pd.policy
168 | LEFT JOIN project.customer c ON pd.c_id = c.c_id --OR t.o_embg = c.c_id
169 | LEFT JOIN project.package pkg ON p.package = pkg.code
170 | ' || userwhere || '
171 | ORDER BY p.p_id DESC;
172 | ';
173 | END;
174 | $function$
175 | ;
176 |
177 | --Trigger
178 | --#1
179 | create trigger trigger_check_duplicate_p_id before
180 | insert
181 | on
182 | project.policy for each row execute function project.check_duplicate_p_id();
183 |
184 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION project.check_duplicate_p_id()
185 | RETURNS trigger
186 | LANGUAGE plpgsql
187 | AS $function$
188 | BEGIN
189 | -- Check if the p_id already exists in the table
190 | IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM project."policy" WHERE p_id = NEW.p_id) THEN
191 | -- Raise an exception if a duplicate p_id is found
192 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Duplicate p_id: %, cannot insert.', NEW.p_id;
193 | END IF;
195 | END;
196 | $function$
197 | ;
198 |
199 | --#2
200 |
201 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION validate_license_plate()
203 | BEGIN
204 | -- Check if the license plate matches the expected format (XX-1234-XX)
205 | IF NEW.license_plate !~ '^[A-Z]{2}-\d{4}-[A-Z]{2}$' THEN
206 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid license plate format: %', NEW.license_plate;
207 | END IF;
209 | END;
210 | $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
211 |
212 | --Index
213 |
214 | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX policy_pkey ON project.policy USING btree (p_id);
215 |