[705d6f5] | 1 | using db_tsh.Models;
| 2 | using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
| 3 | using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
| 4 | using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
| 5 | using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
| 6 | using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
| 7 | using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
| 8 | using Npgsql;
| 9 | using OfficeOpenXml;
| 10 | using Renci.SshNet;
| 11 | using System;
| 12 | using System.Collections.Generic;
| 13 | using System.Data;
| 14 | using System.Data.SqlClient;
| 15 | using System.Diagnostics;
| 16 | using System.IO;
| 17 | using System.Linq;
| 18 | using System.Security.Claims;
| 19 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
| 20 |
| 21 | namespace db_tsh.Controllers
| 22 | {
| 23 | //[Authorize]
| 24 | public class HomeController : Controller
| 25 | {
| 26 | private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
| 27 |
| 28 | public HomeController(IConfiguration configuration)
| 29 | {
| 30 | _configuration = configuration;
| 31 | ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial;
| 32 | }
| 33 |
| 34 | private async Task<NpgsqlConnection> OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync()
| 35 | {
| 36 | var dbPort = 9999;
| 37 | var dbUser = _configuration["ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection"].Split(';')[2].Split('=')[1];
| 38 | var dbPassword = _configuration["ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection"].Split(';')[3].Split('=')[1];
| 39 | var dbName = _configuration["ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection"].Split(';')[4].Split('=')[1];
| 40 |
| 41 | var connectionString = $"Host=localhost;Port={dbPort};Username={dbUser};Password={dbPassword};Database={dbName}";
| 42 |
| 43 | var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);
| 44 | await conn.OpenAsync();
| 45 | return conn;
| 46 | }
| 47 |
| 48 |
| 49 | public IActionResult GetLoggedInUserInfo()
| 50 | {
| 51 | if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
| 52 | {
| 53 | // User is authenticated, you can retrieve information about the user
| 54 | string userName = User.Identity.Name;
| 55 | // You can also access other user properties like roles, claims, etc.
| 56 |
| 57 | // Example: Display the logged-in user's name
| 58 | ViewData["UserName"] = userName;
| 59 |
| 60 | return View();
| 61 | }
| 62 | else
| 63 | {
| 64 | // User is not authenticated, handle accordingly
| 65 | return RedirectToAction("Login", "Account");
| 66 | }
| 67 | }
| 68 |
| 69 |
| 70 | [HttpGet]
| 71 | [Authorize]
| 72 | public async Task<IActionResult> IndexAsync(int? page)
| 73 | {
| 74 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 75 |
| 76 | string userwhere = "";
| 77 | if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
| 78 | {
| 79 | // Retrieve the user email
| 80 | string userEmail = User.Identity.Name;
| 81 | userwhere = string.Format("WHERE c.email=''{0}''", userEmail);
| 82 |
| 83 | // Special case for the admin user
| 84 | if (userEmail == "a@trustshield.com")
| 85 | userwhere = ""; // No filtering for admin
| 86 | }
| 87 |
| 88 | if (User.Identity.Name == "a@trustshield.com")
| 89 | ViewBag.isadmin = "Yes";
| 90 |
| 91 | using (var con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 92 | {
| 93 | // Prepare the SQL query to call the GetPolicyData function
| 94 | string query = string.Format("SELECT * FROM project.GetPolicyData('{0}')", userwhere);
| 95 |
| 96 | // Create a command object
| 97 | NpgsqlCommand com = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con);
| 98 |
| 99 | // Add the userwhere parameter to the command
| 100 | com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserWhere", userwhere);
| 101 |
| 102 | // Execute the command and fill the results into a DataSet
| 103 | NpgsqlDataAdapter sqlda = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(com);
| 104 | DataSet ds = new DataSet();
| 105 | sqlda.Fill(ds);
| 106 |
| 107 | List<Policy> policies = new List<Policy>();
| 108 |
| 109 | if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
| 110 | {
| 111 | foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
| 112 | {
| 113 | policies.Add(new Policy
| 114 | {
| 115 | P_id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["p_id"]),
| 116 | PolicyType = Convert.ToString(dr["PolicyType"]),
| 117 | CustomerName = Convert.ToString(dr["CustomerName"]),
| 118 | Sdate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDate"]),
| 119 | Edate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDate"]),
| 120 | Package = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PackageCode"]),
| 121 | PackageTitle = Convert.ToString(dr["PackageTitle"]),
| 122 | PackageTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["PackageTotal"])
| 123 | });
| 124 | }
| 125 | }
| 126 | else
| 127 | {
| 128 | ViewBag.Error = "Nuk ka te dhena ne baze!"; // No data found
| 129 | }
| 130 |
| 131 | int pageNumber = page ?? 1; // Default page number is 1
| 132 | int pageSize = 5; // Number of items to display per page
| 133 |
| 134 | // Apply paging
| 135 | List<Policy> pagedPolicies = policies.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
| 136 |
| 137 | ViewBag.TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(policies.Count / (double)pageSize);
| 138 | ViewBag.CurrentPage = pageNumber;
| 139 |
| 140 | ModelState.Clear();
| 141 |
| 142 | return View(pagedPolicies);
| 143 | //return View();
| 144 | }
| 145 |
| 146 |
| 147 | }
| 148 |
| 149 | public async Task<IActionResult> PrivacyAsync()
| 150 | {
| 151 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 152 | NpgsqlConnection sqlcon = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync();
| 153 | //sqlcon.Open();
| 154 | string query = "";
| 155 |
| 156 | // Check if the user is "a@trustshield.com"
| 157 | if (User.Identity.Name == "a@trustshield.com")
| 158 | {
| 159 | // If the user is "a@trustshield.com", select all employees
| 160 | query = "SELECT email, name FROM project.Customer";
| 161 | }
| 162 | else
| 163 | {
| 164 | // If the user is not "a@trustshield.com", select only the current user
| 165 | query = string.Format("SELECT email, name FROM project.Customer WHERE email='{0}'", User.Identity.Name);
| 166 | }
| 167 |
| 168 | using (NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(query, sqlcon))
| 169 | {
| 170 | // Execute the command and retrieve the data
| 171 | using (NpgsqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
| 172 | {
| 173 | // Create a list to store the data
| 174 | List<Customer> items = new List<Customer>();
| 175 |
| 176 | if (User.Identity.Name == "a@trustshield.com")
| 177 | {
| 178 | // If the user is "a@trustshield.com", add a row for "ALL"
| 179 | string email = ""; // Define the customer ID for "ALL"
| 180 | Customer allCustomer = new Customer
| 181 | {
| 182 | Email = email,
| 183 | Name = "ALL"
| 184 | };
| 185 |
| 186 | items.Add(allCustomer);
| 187 | }
| 188 |
| 189 | // Read the data and add it to the list
| 190 | while (reader.Read())
| 191 | {
| 192 | string email = (string)reader["email"];
| 193 | string val = (string)reader["name"];
| 194 | items.Add(new Customer { Email = email, Name = val });
| 195 | }
| 196 |
| 197 | // Pass the list to the view
| 198 | ViewBag.Items = items;
| 199 | }
| 200 | }
| 201 | return View();
| 202 | }
| 203 |
| 204 |
| 205 | [HttpPost]
| 206 | public async Task<ActionResult> PrivacyAsync(string datef, string datem, string dropdown)
| 207 | {
| 208 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 209 | NpgsqlConnection sqlcon = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync();
| 210 | //sqlcon.Open();
| 211 | string dropdown_params = string.Empty;
| 212 | if (dropdown != null)
| 213 | dropdown_params = string.Format(" and c.email = '{0}'", dropdown);
| 214 |
| 215 | string query = string.Format(@"SELECT p.p_id,
| 216 | CASE
| 217 | WHEN v.pol_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'Auto Policy'
| 218 | WHEN t.pol_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'Travel Health'
| 219 | ELSE 'Property Policy'
| 220 | END AS PolicyType,
| 221 | c.name AS CustomerName,
| 222 | p.sdate AS StartDate,
| 223 | p.edate AS EndDate,
| 224 | p.package AS PackageCode,
| 225 | pkg.title AS PackageTitle,
| 226 | pkg.total AS PackageTotal
| 227 | FROM project.policy p
| 228 | LEFT JOIN project.Auto_pol v ON p.p_id = v.pol_id
| 229 | LEFT JOIN project.Travel_pol t ON p.p_id = t.pol_id
| 230 | LEFT JOIN project.property_pol pp ON p.p_id = pp.pr_id
| 231 | left join project.pol_dog pd on p.p_id =pd.policy
| 232 | LEFT JOIN project.customer c ON pd.c_id = c.c_id--OR t.o_embg = c.c_id
| 233 | LEFT JOIN project.package pkg ON p.package = pkg.code
| 234 | where p.sdate between '{0}' and '{1}' {2}", datef, datem, dropdown_params);
| 235 |
| 236 | DataTable dataTable = await GetDataFromSqlServerAsync(connectionString, query);
| 237 |
| 238 | if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
| 239 | {
| 240 | TempData["Nodata"] = "Nuk ka te dhena per kete periudhe!!";
| 241 | return RedirectToAction("Privacy");
| 242 | }
| 243 |
| 244 | string fileName = "template.xlsx";
| 245 | return GenerateExcelFile(fileName, dataTable);
| 246 | }
| 247 | public async Task<DataTable> GetDataFromSqlServerAsync(string connectionString, string query)
| 248 | {
| 249 | DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
| 250 |
| 251 | using (NpgsqlConnection connection = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 252 | {
| 253 | NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(query, connection);
| 254 | NpgsqlDataAdapter adapter = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(command);
| 255 |
| 256 | adapter.Fill(dataTable);
| 257 | connection.Close();
| 258 | }
| 259 |
| 260 | return dataTable;
| 261 | }
| 262 |
| 263 | public FileResult GenerateExcelFile(string fileName, DataTable dataTable)
| 264 | {
| 265 | using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage())
| 266 | {
| 267 | ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
| 268 |
| 269 | // Add column headers
| 270 | int colIndex = 1;
| 271 | foreach (DataColumn column in dataTable.Columns)
| 272 | {
| 273 | worksheet.Cells[1, colIndex].Value = column.ColumnName;
| 274 | colIndex++;
| 275 | }
| 276 |
| 277 | // Add data rows
| 278 | int rowIndex = 2;
| 279 | foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
| 280 | {
| 281 | colIndex = 1;
| 282 | foreach (DataColumn column in dataTable.Columns)
| 283 | {
| 284 | object value = row[column];
| 285 |
| 286 | // Format date values explicitly
| 287 | if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
| 288 | {
| 289 | DateTime dateValue = (DateTime)value;
| 290 | worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex].Value = dateValue.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
| 291 | }
| 292 | else
| 293 | {
| 294 | worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex].Value = value;
| 295 | }
| 296 |
| 297 | colIndex++;
| 298 | }
| 299 | rowIndex++;
| 300 | }
| 301 |
| 302 | // Write the file to the response stream
| 303 | MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
| 304 | excelPackage.SaveAs(memoryStream);
| 305 |
| 306 | // Return the Excel file as a byte array
| 307 | byte[] fileBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
| 308 |
| 309 | // Set the response headers for file download
| 310 | //string fileName = "YourFileName.xlsx";
| 311 | string contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
| 312 | return File(fileBytes, contentType, fileName);
| 313 | }
| 314 | }
| 315 |
| 316 | public IActionResult Auto()//typepolicy = 3
| 317 | {
| 318 | return View();
| 319 | }
| 320 |
| 321 | [HttpPost]
| 322 | public async Task<IActionResult> AutoAsync(Vehicle veh)
| 323 | {
| 324 | if (ModelState.IsValid)
| 325 | {
| 326 | NpgsqlTransaction transaction = null;
| 327 | try
| 328 | {
| 329 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 330 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 331 | {
| 332 | transaction = (NpgsqlTransaction)await con.BeginTransactionAsync();
| 333 | DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["startDate"]);
| 334 | DateTime enddate = startDate.AddYears(1);
| 335 |
| 336 | // Insert data into Policy table and get p_id (use RETURNING to get the inserted ID in PostgreSQL)
| 337 | string insertPolicyQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Policy (sdate, edate, package) " +
| 338 | "VALUES (@Sdate, @Edate, 4) " +
| 339 | "RETURNING p_id";
| 340 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertPolicyCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertPolicyQuery, con))
| 341 | {
| 342 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sdate", startDate);
| 343 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Edate", enddate);
| 344 | int p_id = (int)insertPolicyCmd.ExecuteScalar();
| 345 |
| 346 | // Insert data into Auto_pol table and get a_id (again using RETURNING)
| 347 | string insertPolAutoQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Auto_pol (pol_id) " +
| 348 | "VALUES (@Pol_Id) " +
| 349 | "RETURNING a_id";
| 350 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertPolAutoCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertPolAutoQuery, con))
| 351 | {
| 352 | insertPolAutoCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Pol_Id", p_id);
| 353 | int a_id = (int)insertPolAutoCmd.ExecuteScalar();
| 354 |
| 355 | // Insert data into Vehicle table
| 356 | string insertVehicleQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Vehicle (policy, type, marka, model, license_plate) " +
| 357 | "VALUES (@Policy, @Type, @Marka, @Model, @LicensePlate)";
| 358 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertVehicleCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertVehicleQuery, con))
| 359 | {
| 360 | insertVehicleCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Policy", a_id);
| 361 | insertVehicleCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Type", veh.Type);
| 362 | insertVehicleCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Marka", veh.Marka);
| 363 | insertVehicleCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Model", veh.Model);
| 364 | insertVehicleCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LicensePlate", veh.License_Plate);
| 365 | insertVehicleCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
| 366 | }
| 367 |
| 368 | // Insert data into pol_dog table
| 369 | string insertDogQuery = @"INSERT INTO project.pol_dog (d_embg, c_id, name, policy, birthdate)
| 370 | SELECT @a_id, c_id, name, @Policy, CURRENT_DATE
| 371 | FROM project.Customer WHERE email = @Email";
| 372 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertDogCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertDogQuery, con))
| 373 | {
| 374 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Policy", p_id);
| 375 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", User.Identity.Name);
| 376 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a_id", p_id); // a_id + 1 as per your logic
| 377 | insertDogCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
| 378 | }
| 379 | await transaction.CommitAsync();
| 380 | return RedirectToAction("Payment", new { policyId = p_id, package = 4 });
| 381 | }
| 382 | }
| 383 | }
| 384 | }
| 385 | catch (Exception ex)
| 386 | {
| 387 | if (transaction != null)
| 388 | {
| 389 | await transaction.RollbackAsync();
| 390 | }
| 391 | ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error occurred while creating the auto policy.");
| 392 | // Log the exception if needed
| 393 | }
| 394 | }
| 395 | return View();
| 396 | }
| 397 |
| 398 |
| 399 | [HttpGet]
| 400 | public async Task<IActionResult> TravelAsync()
| 401 | {
| 402 | List<Package> packages = new List<Package>();
| 403 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync()) // Replace NpgsqlConnection with your database connection type
| 404 | {
| 405 | string query = "SELECT code, title FROM project.Package WHERE type_pol = 1";
| 406 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con))
| 407 | {
| 408 | using (NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
| 409 | {
| 410 | while (reader.Read())
| 411 | {
| 412 | int code = reader.GetInt32(0);
| 413 | string title = reader.GetString(1);
| 414 | packages.Add(new Package { Code = code, Title = title }); // Replace Package with your actual model class
| 415 | }
| 416 | }
| 417 | }
| 418 | }
| 419 |
| 420 | // Store packages data in ViewBag
| 421 | ViewBag.Packages = packages;
| 422 |
| 423 | // Return the view
| 424 | return View();
| 425 | }
| 426 |
| 427 |
| 428 | [HttpPost]
| 429 | public async Task<IActionResult> TravelAsync(Osi polOsi)
| 430 | {
| 431 | if (ModelState.IsValid)
| 432 | {
| 433 | try
| 434 | {
| 435 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 436 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 437 | {
| 438 | int packageId = int.Parse(Request.Form["package"]);
| 439 |
| 440 | // Calculate end date based on the selected start date and number of days
| 441 | DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["startDate"]);
| 442 | int numberOfDays = int.Parse(Request.Form["numberOfDays"]);
| 443 | DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(numberOfDays);
| 444 |
| 445 | // Insert data into Policy table with automatic ID generation and returning the p_id
| 446 | string insertPolicyQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Policy (sdate, edate, package) " +
| 447 | "VALUES (@Sdate, @Edate, @Package) " +
| 448 | "RETURNING p_id";
| 449 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertPolicyCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertPolicyQuery, con))
| 450 | {
| 451 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sdate", startDate);
| 452 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Edate", endDate);
| 453 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Package", packageId);
| 454 | int p_id = (int)insertPolicyCmd.ExecuteScalar();
| 455 |
| 456 | // Insert data into PolTravel table and return tr_id
| 457 | string insertPolTravelQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Travel_pol (pol_id) " +
| 458 | "VALUES (@Pol_Id) " +
| 459 | "RETURNING tr_id";
| 460 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertPolTravelCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertPolTravelQuery, con))
| 461 | {
| 462 | insertPolTravelCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Pol_Id", p_id);
| 463 | int tr_id = (int)insertPolTravelCmd.ExecuteScalar();
| 464 |
| 465 | // Insert data into PolOsi table
| 466 | string insertPolOsiQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Pol_osi (o_embg, policy, name, surname, birthdate, kontakt) " +
| 467 | "VALUES (@O_Embg, @Policy, @Name, @Surname, @Birthdate, @Kontakt)";
| 468 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertPolOsiCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertPolOsiQuery, con))
| 469 | {
| 470 | insertPolOsiCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@O_Embg", polOsi.OEmbg);
| 471 | insertPolOsiCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Policy", tr_id);
| 472 | insertPolOsiCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", polOsi.Name);
| 473 | insertPolOsiCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Surname", polOsi.Surname);
| 474 | insertPolOsiCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Birthdate", polOsi.Birthdate);
| 475 | insertPolOsiCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Kontakt", polOsi.Kontakt);
| 476 | insertPolOsiCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
| 477 | }
| 478 |
| 479 | // Insert data into pol_dog table
| 480 | string insertDogQuery = @"INSERT INTO project.pol_dog (d_embg, c_id, name, policy, birthdate)
| 481 | SELECT @tr_id, c_id, name, @Policy, CURRENT_DATE
| 482 | FROM project.Customer
| 483 | WHERE email = @email";
| 484 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertDogCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertDogQuery, con))
| 485 | {
| 486 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Policy", p_id);
| 487 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", User.Identity.Name);
| 488 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tr_id", p_id); // tr_id + 3 as per your logic
| 489 | insertDogCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
| 490 | }
| 491 |
| 492 | // Redirect to Payment action with policyId and packageId
| 493 | return RedirectToAction("Payment", new { policyId = p_id, package = packageId });
| 494 | }
| 495 | }
| 496 | }
| 497 | }
| 498 | catch (Exception ex)
| 499 | {
| 500 | ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error occurred while creating the travel policy.");
| 501 | // Log the exception if needed
| 502 | }
| 503 | }
| 504 |
| 505 | return View(polOsi);
| 506 | }
| 507 |
| 508 | [HttpGet]
| 509 | public async Task<IActionResult> Property()
| 510 | {
| 511 | List<Package> packages = new List<Package>();
| 512 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 513 | {
| 514 | string query = "SELECT code, title FROM project.Package WHERE type_pol = 2";
| 515 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con))
| 516 | {
| 517 | using (NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
| 518 | {
| 519 | while (reader.Read())
| 520 | {
| 521 | int code = reader.GetInt32(0);
| 522 | string title = reader.GetString(1);
| 523 | packages.Add(new Package { Code = code, Title = title });
| 524 | }
| 525 | }
| 526 | }
| 527 | }
| 528 | ViewBag.Packages = packages;
| 529 | return View();
| 530 | }
| 531 |
| 532 |
| 533 | [HttpPost]
| 534 | public async Task<IActionResult> Property(Property property)
| 535 | {
| 536 | try
| 537 | {
| 538 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 539 | int packageId = int.Parse(Request.Form["package"]);
| 540 |
| 541 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 542 | {
| 543 | DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["startDate"]);
| 544 | int numberOfDays = int.Parse(Request.Form["numberOfDays"]);
| 545 | DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(numberOfDays);
| 546 |
| 547 | string insertPolicyQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Policy (sdate, edate, package) " +
| 548 | "VALUES (@Sdate, @Edate, @Package) " +
| 549 | "RETURNING p_id";
| 550 | int p_id;
| 551 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertPolicyCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertPolicyQuery, con))
| 552 | {
| 553 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sdate", startDate);
| 554 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Edate", endDate);
| 555 | insertPolicyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Package", packageId);
| 556 | p_id = (int)insertPolicyCmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Get the policy ID (p_id)
| 557 | }
| 558 |
| 559 | int pr_id = 0;
| 560 | string policyQuery = "INSERT INTO project.Property_pol (pol_id) " +
| 561 | "VALUES (@pol_id) " +
| 562 | "RETURNING pr_id";
| 563 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(policyQuery, con))
| 564 | {
| 565 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pol_id", p_id); // Use p_id from Policy table
| 566 | pr_id = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Get the generated pr_id for Property_pol
| 567 | }
| 568 |
| 569 | string query = "INSERT INTO project.Property (policy, address, floor, year_build, security) " +
| 570 | "VALUES (@policy, @address, @floor, @year_build, @security)";
| 571 |
| 572 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con))
| 573 | {
| 574 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@policy", pr_id); // Use pr_id from Property_pol
| 575 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@address", property.Address);
| 576 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@floor", property.Floor);
| 577 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@year_build", property.YearBuild);
| 578 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@security", true);
| 579 |
| 580 | cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Insert into Property table
| 581 | }
| 582 |
| 583 | string insertdog = @"INSERT INTO project.pol_dog (d_embg, c_id, name, policy, birthdate)
| 584 | SELECT @a_id, c_id, name, @Policy, CURRENT_DATE
| 585 | FROM project.Customer WHERE email=@email";
| 586 | using (NpgsqlCommand insertDogCmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertdog, con))
| 587 | {
| 588 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Policy", p_id);
| 589 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", User.Identity.Name);
| 590 | insertDogCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a_id", p_id); // pr_id + 1 as per your logic
| 591 | insertDogCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
| 592 | }
| 593 |
| 594 | return RedirectToAction("Payment", new { policyId = p_id, package = packageId });
| 595 | }
| 596 | }
| 597 | catch (Exception ex)
| 598 | {
| 599 | ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = $"Error: {ex.Message}";
| 600 | return View(property);
| 601 | }
| 602 | }
| 603 |
| 604 |
| 605 |
| 606 |
| 607 |
| 608 | [HttpGet]
| 609 | public async Task<IActionResult> Package()
| 610 | {
| 611 | try
| 612 | {
| 613 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 614 |
| 615 | List<Package> packages = new List<Package>();
| 616 |
| 617 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 618 | {
| 619 | string query = "SELECT * FROM project.package"; // Adjust query to fetch all packages
| 620 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con))
| 621 | {
| 622 | NpgsqlDataReader reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
| 623 | while (await reader.ReadAsync())
| 624 | {
| 625 | Package package = new Package
| 626 | {
| 627 | Code = (int)reader["Code"],
| 628 | Title = (string)reader["Title"],
| 629 | Total = reader["Total"] as decimal?,
| 630 | Valuet = (string)reader["Valuet"],
| 631 | TypePol = (int)reader["type_pol"] // Read the policy type
| 632 | };
| 633 | packages.Add(package);
| 634 | }
| 635 | }
| 636 | }
| 637 |
| 638 | return View(packages);
| 639 | }
| 640 | catch (Exception ex)
| 641 | {
| 642 | ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = $"Error: {ex.Message}";
| 643 | return View();
| 644 | }
| 645 | }
| 646 |
| 647 | // POST: Insert or Update package
| 648 | [HttpPost]
| 649 | public async Task<IActionResult> Package(Package package)
| 650 | {
| 651 | if (ModelState.IsValid)
| 652 | {
| 653 | try
| 654 | {
| 655 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 656 | {
| 657 | if (package.Code == 0) // New package (insert)
| 658 | {
| 659 | string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.package (Title, Total, Valuet, Type_Pol) " +
| 660 | "VALUES (@Title, @Total, @Valuet, @TypePol)";
| 661 |
| 662 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insertQuery, con))
| 663 | {
| 664 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", package.Title);
| 665 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Total", package.Total);
| 666 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Valuet", package.Valuet);
| 667 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TypePol", package.TypePol);
| 668 |
| 669 | await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
| 670 | }
| 671 | }
| 672 | else
| 673 | {
| 674 | string updateQuery = "UPDATE project.package SET Title = @Title, Total = @Total, Valuet = @Valuet " +
| 675 | "WHERE Code = @Code";
| 676 |
| 677 | string typepolquery = string.Format("select type_pol from project.Package where code={0}", package.Code);
| 678 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd1 = new NpgsqlCommand(typepolquery, con))
| 679 | {
| 680 | int type = (int)cmd1.ExecuteScalar();
| 681 | package.TypePol = type;
| 682 | }
| 683 |
| 684 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(updateQuery, con))
| 685 | {
| 686 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", package.Title);
| 687 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Total", package.Total);
| 688 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Valuet", package.Valuet);
| 689 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TypePol", package.TypePol);
| 690 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Code", package.Code);
| 691 |
| 692 | await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
| 693 | }
| 694 | }
| 695 | }
| 696 |
| 697 | return RedirectToAction("Package"); // Redirect back to the package list after saving
| 698 | }
| 699 | catch (Exception ex)
| 700 | {
| 701 | ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error occurred while saving the package.");
| 702 | }
| 703 | }
| 704 |
| 705 | return View("Package", package); // Stay on the same view in case of errors
| 706 | }
| 707 |
| 708 | [HttpGet]
| 709 | public async Task<IActionResult> Covers()
| 710 | {
| 711 | try
| 712 | {
| 713 | // Get the connection string
| 714 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 715 |
| 716 | List<SelectListItem> packages = new List<SelectListItem>();
| 717 | List<Covers> covers = new List<Covers>();
| 718 |
| 719 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 720 | {
| 721 | // Query to fetch packages
| 722 | string query = "SELECT code, title FROM project.Package";
| 723 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con))
| 724 | {
| 725 | NpgsqlDataReader reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
| 726 | while (await reader.ReadAsync())
| 727 | {
| 728 | packages.Add(new SelectListItem
| 729 | {
| 730 | Value = reader["code"].ToString(),
| 731 | Text = reader["title"].ToString()
| 732 | });
| 733 | }
| 734 | }
| 735 | }
| 736 |
| 737 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 738 | {
| 739 | // Query to fetch packages
| 740 | string query = "SELECT (select title from project.Package where code=CAST(pc.package AS INTEGER)) as package_name,pc.* FROM project.covers pc";
| 741 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con))
| 742 | {
| 743 | NpgsqlDataReader reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
| 744 | while (await reader.ReadAsync())
| 745 | {
| 746 | Covers cover = new Covers
| 747 | {
| 748 | cov_id = (int)reader["cov_id"],
| 749 | cov_amount = (string)reader["cov_amount"],
| 750 | cov_type = (string)reader["cov_type"],
| 751 | PackageName = (string)reader["package_name"]
| 752 | };
| 753 | covers.Add(cover);
| 754 | }
| 755 | }
| 756 | }
| 757 |
| 758 | // Pass the packages to the view for the dropdown
| 759 | ViewData["Packages"] = packages;
| 760 |
| 761 | return View(covers);
| 762 | }
| 763 | catch (Exception ex)
| 764 | {
| 765 | ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = $"Error: {ex.Message}";
| 766 | return View();
| 767 | }
| 768 | }
| 769 |
| 770 | [HttpPost]
| 771 | public async Task<IActionResult> Covers(Covers cover)
| 772 | {
| 773 | try
| 774 | {
| 775 | // Get the connection string
| 776 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 777 |
| 778 | using (NpgsqlConnection con = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 779 | {
| 780 |
| 781 | string package = null;
| 782 | if (cover.cov_id > 0)
| 783 | {
| 784 | package = string.Format("select code from project.Package where title='{0}'", cover.package_code);
| 785 | NpgsqlCommand cmd1 = new NpgsqlCommand(package, con);
| 786 | object result = cmd1.ExecuteScalar();
| 787 | cover.package_code = result.ToString();
| 788 | }
| 789 |
| 790 | // If the cover has a valid id, we're updating an existing cover, otherwise, it's a new cover (insert)
| 791 | string query;
| 792 |
| 793 | if (cover.cov_id > 0) // Update existing cover
| 794 | {
| 795 | query = "UPDATE project.Covers SET cov_amount = @cov_amount, package = @package, cov_type = @cov_type WHERE cov_id = @cov_id";
| 796 | }
| 797 | else // Insert new cover
| 798 | {
| 799 | query = "INSERT INTO project.Covers (cov_amount, package, cov_type) VALUES (@cov_amount, @package, @cov_type)";
| 800 | }
| 801 |
| 802 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con))
| 803 | {
| 804 | // Add parameters to prevent SQL injection
| 805 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cov_amount", cover.cov_amount);
| 806 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@package", cover.package_code); // Use the selected package_code
| 807 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cov_type", cover.cov_type);
| 808 |
| 809 | // If updating, include the ID in the parameters
| 810 | if (cover.cov_id > 0)
| 811 | {
| 812 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cov_id", cover.cov_id);
| 813 | }
| 814 |
| 815 | // Execute the query
| 816 | int result = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
| 817 | if (result > 0)
| 818 | {
| 819 | return RedirectToAction("Covers"); // Redirect after success
| 820 | }
| 821 | else
| 822 | {
| 823 | ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = "An error occurred while creating/updating the cover.";
| 824 | return View(cover); // Return to the form with an error message
| 825 | }
| 826 | }
| 827 | }
| 828 | }
| 829 | catch (Exception ex)
| 830 | {
| 831 | ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = $"Error: {ex.Message}";
| 832 | return View(cover);
| 833 | }
| 834 | }
| 835 |
| 836 |
| 837 | [HttpGet]
| 838 | public async Task<IActionResult> PaymentAsync(int policyId, int package = 0)
| 839 | {
| 840 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 841 | int total = 0;
| 842 | if (package != 0)
| 843 | {
| 844 | // SQL query to get total amount for the specified package
| 845 | string query = "SELECT total FROM project.Package WHERE code = @package";
| 846 |
| 847 | try
| 848 | {
| 849 | using (NpgsqlConnection conn = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 850 | {
| 851 |
| 852 | // Create and configure the SQL command
| 853 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, conn))
| 854 | {
| 855 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@package", package);
| 856 |
| 857 | // Execute the query and retrieve the result as a single value (ExecuteScalar)
| 858 | object result = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
| 859 |
| 860 | if (result != null)
| 861 | {
| 862 | total = Convert.ToInt32(result);
| 863 | }
| 864 | else
| 865 | {
| 866 | // Handle the case when no result is found, if necessary
| 867 | total = 0;
| 868 | }
| 869 | }
| 870 | }
| 871 | }
| 872 | catch (Exception ex)
| 873 | {
| 874 | // Handle exceptions (e.g., log them)
| 875 | // You can return an error page or return a view with an error message
| 876 | return View("Error", new { message = ex.Message });
| 877 | }
| 878 | }
| 879 | var model = new Payment
| 880 | {
| 881 | PolicyId = policyId,
| 882 | PAmount = total
| 883 | // You can populate the model with any additional data you need for the payment form
| 884 | };
| 885 |
| 886 | return View(model);
| 887 | }
| 888 |
| 889 | [HttpPost]
| 890 | public async Task<IActionResult> PaymentAsync(Payment model)
| 891 | {
| 892 | if (ModelState.IsValid)
| 893 | {
| 894 | try
| 895 | {
| 896 | // Connection string from appsettings.json
| 897 | string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
| 898 |
| 899 | // SQL query to insert payment data
| 900 | string query = "INSERT INTO project.Payment (policy, p_date, p_amount, visa_number) " +
| 901 | "VALUES (@PolicyId, @PaymentDate, @PaymentAmount, @VisaNumber);";
| 902 |
| 903 | using (NpgsqlConnection conn = await OpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
| 904 | {
| 905 | // Create and configure the SQL command
| 906 | using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, conn))
| 907 | {
| 908 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PolicyId", model.PolicyId);
| 909 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PaymentDate", model.PDate);
| 910 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PaymentAmount", model.PAmount);
| 911 | cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@VisaNumber", model.VisaNumber);
| 912 |
| 913 | // Execute the query
| 914 | int rowsAffected = (int)cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
| 915 |
| 916 | if (rowsAffected > 0)
| 917 | {
| 918 | // If the payment was inserted successfully, redirect or return a success message
| 919 | return View("PaymentSuccess");
| 920 | }
| 921 | else
| 922 | {
| 923 | // Handle failure case
| 924 | ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error occurred while processing the payment.");
| 925 | }
| 926 | }
| 927 | }
| 928 | }
| 929 | catch (Exception ex)
| 930 | {
| 931 | // Log exception or handle accordingly
| 932 | ModelState.AddModelError("", $"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
| 933 | }
| 934 | }
| 935 |
| 936 | // Return the view with error if model validation fails or something went wrong
| 937 | return View(model);
| 938 | }
| 939 |
| 940 | [ResponseCache(Duration = 0, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]
| 941 | public IActionResult Error()
| 942 | {
| 943 | return View(new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier });
| 944 | }
| 945 | }
| 946 | }