1 |
2 | INSERT INTO project.cities
3 | ("name")
4 | VALUES('Skopje'),
5 | ('Ohrid'),
6 | ('Skopje');
7 |
8 | INSERT INTO project.vet_centers
9 | ("name", description, adress, phonenumber, latitude, longitude, workinghours, citiesid)
10 | VALUES( 'Vet Svet', 'Тhe best for your pets', 'Nikola Parapunov 27', '+389(0)23161019', 41.9966401, 21.41712, 'Monday-Friday 10-19, Saturday 10-15', 4),
11 | ( 'Veterinarian Ambulance - Dr.Tonit', 'Your pets are safe with us', 'Bulevar Makedonski Prosvetiteli', '070575881', 41.1196292, 20.7996689, 'Monday-Thursday 08-20, Friday-Saturday 08-07', 5),
12 | ( 'Vet In', 'We exist for you and your pets', 'Blvd. Partizanski Odredi 62', '077 698 250', 42.0030601, 21.395752, 'Monday-Friday 9-12, 14-19', 6);
13 |
14 | INSERT INTO project.jobs
15 | (description, predictedsalery, vetcentersid)
16 | VALUES('doctor', '1500 EUR', 4), --9
17 | ('secretary', '800 EUR', 4), --10
18 | ('doctor', '1400 EUR', 5), --11
19 | ('developer', '1800 EUR', 6); --12
20 |
21 | INSERT INTO project.roles
22 | ("type")
23 | VALUES('admin'), --5
24 | ('standard'), --6
25 | ('manager'), --7
26 | ('employee'); --8
27 |
28 | INSERT INTO project.users
29 | ("name", lastname, email, password, "number", role_id, jobs_id) --17 do 24
30 | VALUES('Ana', 'Kirova', 'ana.kirova99@gmail.com', 'Ana@123', '071220234', 2, 6),
31 | ('Riste', 'Rizov', 'riste.rizov01@hotmail.com', 'Riste$11', '075450290', 2, 7),
32 | ('Keti', 'Atanasova', 'keti.atanasovaaa@gmail.com', 'Keti12@', '078760330', 2, 5),
33 | ('Elena', 'Rizova', 'elena.rizova05@gmail.com', 'Rizova12!', '071762110', 3, null),
34 | ('Marina', 'Abrasheva', 'marina.abrashevaa@hotmail.com', 'Marina!1', '072324112', 1, null),
35 | ('Angela', 'Pavlova', 'angela.pavlova07@hotmail.com', 'Angela@12', '078765240', 1, null),
36 | ('Marija', 'Kortova', 'marija.kortova199@gmail.com', 'Marija123&', '072231129', 2, 7),
37 | ('Silvana', 'Dodeva', 'silvana.dodeva9@gmail.com', 'Silvana123*', '078231129', 4, null);
38 |
39 | INSERT INTO project.blog_post_for_consultations
40 | (date_askes, title, description, users_id)
41 | VALUES('2023-12-11', 'Urinary food', 'Can you recommend a urinary food because my kitten has urinary problems.', 1),
42 | ('2023-06-12', 'Frequent vomiting', 'Мy dog is vomiting a lot, despite the therapy from the vet, please advise.', 2),
43 | ('2023-04-10', 'Sterilization', 'When is the best time to sterilize a dog, before or after a period.', 3),
44 | ('2023-05-09', 'Panleukopenia', 'Мy kitten got sick, he does not want to eat or drink water. The vet suspects panleukopenia despite the negative test. I am asking for your experience.', 8);
45 |
46 | INSERT INTO project.blog_post_answers
47 | (parent_id, reply, blogpostconsid, usersid)
48 | VALUES(1, 'Royal Canin', 5, 1),
49 | (2, 'Did you change his food?', 6, 2),
50 | (3, 'before a period', 7, 3),
51 | (4, 'seek advice from another vet!', 8, 1);
52 |
53 | INSERT INTO project.pet_cares
54 | (title, description, dateending, usersid, vetcentersid, start_date)
55 | VALUES('Naslov','Moeto mace ima problemi povraka i ima dijareja. Ve molam da ostane kaj vas 3 dena','2023-07-22', 1, 4, '2023-07-19'),
56 | ('Naslov','Sakam da go kastriram moeto kuce','2023-08-10', 2, 5,'2023-08-10'),
57 | ('Naslov','Zagrizena sum za mojot papagal moze li da go pricuvate 6 dena', '2023-06-18', 3, 6,'2023-06-24');
58 |
59 | INSERT INTO project.type_of_pets
60 | (description, kind_of_pet)
61 | VALUES('mace', 'Cat'),
62 | ('kuce', 'Dog'),
63 | ('papagal', 'Parrot');
64 |
65 | INSERT INTO project.pet_status
66 | ("type", node)
67 | VALUES('received', 'admitted for examination'),
68 | ('weiting','waiting for his turn'),
69 | ('weiting','waiting for surgery'),
70 | ('received','admitted to surgery'),
71 | ('recovers','');
72 |
73 | INSERT INTO project.pets
74 | (color, description, dateofbirthday, usersid, typeofpetsid, petstatusid,"name", petcares)
75 | VALUES('white', 'Scottish Fold silver chincilla', '2022-05-20', 1, 1, 1,'Lana',1),
76 | ('grey', 'Persian long hair', '2021-06-16', 2, 2, 3,'Riki',2),
77 | ('brown', 'Large brown eyes, hanging ears,', '2020-12-30', 3, 3, 2, 'Boba',3);
78 |
79 |
80 | INSERT INTO project.pet_galery
81 | (picture, petsid)
82 | VALUES('https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/scottish-fold-cat-special-friendly-cat-breed-famous-their-folded-little-ears-their-extremely-affectionate-139562562.jpg', 1),
83 | ('https://cyprusanimals.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/persian.jpg',2),
84 | ('https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHiFuem-8UxpTNsp3uo1tFYNScsL7CBOPO6hIn5-2XIwzVVI7N',3);
85 |
86 |
87 | INSERT INTO project.reports
88 | (description, usersid, petsid)
89 | VALUES('Аfter receiving therapy for vomiting and diarrhea, the kitten is better, we will monitor his condition', 8, 1),
90 | ('Тhe dog passed the castration well', 8, 2),
91 | ('Feel better', 8, 3);
92 |
93 | INSERT INTO project."diagnostics"
94 | (description, usersid, vetcenterid)
95 | VALUES('Diarrhea and vomiting', 8,4),
96 | ('Castration', 8,5),
97 | ('Urinary problems', 8,6);
98 |
99 | INSERT INTO project.manufacturers
100 | (name,description, city, state)
101 | VALUES('Sunvet PharmaPrivate','We are themanufacturer of Pharmaceutical Injection', 'Belgrade', 'Serbian'),
102 | ('Macwell Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd','we believe to work according to international quality standards and process reliable','Frankfurt', 'Germany'), --FORTAN,
103 | ('SAM S FIELD','Top quality', 'Nuremberg', 'Germany'),
104 | ('MMG Healthcare','We are offering Veterinary Injections in both wet and dry formulations. ', 'Nuremberg', 'Germany');
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 | INSERT INTO project.medecines
109 | (name,description, diagnosticsid, manufacturersid)
110 | VALUES('Biomix','Vitamin concentrate for cats with a high content of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, as ideal as a supplement when feeding cats with raw food.', 1, 1),
111 | ('Fortan','For quality, shiny and beautiful fur',2,2),
112 | ('Sam ''s field','Functional semi-moist soft snacks for dogs with a reduced percentage of fat, to stimulate the digestive system and to improve skin and fur',3,3);
113 |
114 |
115 | INSERT INTO project.therapy
116 | (description, appoitmentdate, diagnosticsid, pet_statusid)
117 | VALUES('antibiotic', '2023-12-12', 3, 1),
118 | ('anesthesiac', '2022-10-09', 2, 3),
119 | ('vitamins', '2023-07-06', 1, 5),
120 | ('antibiotic', '2023-10-12', 3, 1);
121 |
122 |
123 | INSERT INTO project.breeds
124 | ("name")
125 | VALUES('scottishfold'),
126 | ('beagle'),
127 | ('poodle');
128 |
129 | INSERT INTO project.products
130 | ("name", description, price, isactive, dateadded, category,available_quantity)
131 | VALUES('CAT ROYALE','High quality premium clamping cat litter ', '7 euro', true, '2022-10-09', 'Hygiene and cosmetics', 50),
132 | ('Superior Care','Intended for white breed dogs to support full vision function', '3.50 euro', true, '2022-10-08', 'Dietary supplements',100),
133 | ('Lifestyle','Intended for adult cats over 1 year of age with a sensitive digestive system', '4.40 euro', true, '2022-10-09', 'Dietary supplements',40),
134 | ('Veterinary necklacke', 'for protection', '2 euro', 'false', '2022-10-09', 'Hygiene and cosmetics',0);
135 |
136 | INSERT INTO project.orders
137 | (quantity,userid)
138 | VALUES(3,1),
139 | (10,2),
140 | (5,3);
141 |
142 | INSERT INTO project.pets_visit_vet_centers
143 | (id_pets, id_vet_centers)
144 | VALUES(1, 4),
145 | (2,5),
146 | (3,6);
147 |
148 |
149 | INSERT INTO project.product_are_made_orders
150 | (id_products, id_orders)
151 | VALUES(1, 4),
152 | (2,5),
153 | (3,6);
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 | INSERT INTO project.products_there_are_for_typepets
158 | (id_typeofpets, id_products)
159 | VALUES(1, 1),
160 | (2, 2),
161 | (3, 1);
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 | INSERT INTO project.therapy_takes_pets
166 | (id_therapy, id_pets)
167 | VALUES(1, 3),
168 | (2, 2),
169 | (1, 1),
170 | (3, 2);
171 |
172 | INSERT INTO project.diagnostics_established_pets
173 | (id_diagnostics, id_pets)
174 | VALUES(1, 1),
175 | (2, 2),
176 | (3, 3);
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 | INSERT INTO project.users
181 | ("name", lastname, email, "password", "number", role_id, jobs_id)
182 | VALUES('Nika', 'Nikova', 'nika12@yahoo.com', 'Nika1!', '334455', 3, null);
183 |
184 |
185 | INSERT INTO project.users
186 | ("name", lastname, email, "password", "number", role_id, jobs_id)
187 | VALUES('elenaaadmin', 'elenaadminn', 'elenaadminn12@yahoo.com', 'Elena11!', '445546666', 1, null);
188 |
189 | INSERT INTO project.users
190 | ("name", lastname, email, "password", "number", role_id, jobs_id)
191 | VALUES('test12', 'test222', 'ttel@yahoo.com', '', '445756666', 2, null);
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |