Changes between Version 99 and Version 100 of Version1
- Timestamp:
- 08/14/24 23:55:36 (7 months ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v99 v100 70 70 * pet_status_id->node, pet_status_type (Секој статус има забелешка и тип). 71 71 * therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description (Секоја терапија има датум на започнување и опис). 72 * diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description (Секоја дијагноза има опис) 73 * medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description (Секој лек има име, и упатство)72 * diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description (Секоја дијагноза има опис). 73 * medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id (Секој лек има име, и упатство. Во нашиот проект претпоставуваме дека секој лек е произведен од само еден произведувач). 74 74 * manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description (Секој производител на лекот има град, држава, име и опис). 75 75 * pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id (Секое милениче има име, боја, датум на раѓање и опис. Секое милениче припаѓа на еден вид. Секое милениче има само еден сопственик, во нашата база не е возможно едно милениче да има повеќе сопственици. Кога се врши микрочипирање се запишуваат податоци само од еден сопственик. Секое милениче во еден ветеринарен центар има само еден активен статус во даден момент. Кога статусот се менува, се брише претходниот и се запишува нов). … … 79 79 * products_id, orders_id → quantity (Секој продукт кој што се наоѓа во нарачката има одредена нарачана количина). 80 80 * breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id (Секоја раса си има име. Секоја раса припаѓа на еден вид на милениче, Пр.расата Scottish Fold припага само на видот маче не припага и на видот куче итн). 81 * type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description (Секој вид на милениче има име и опис). 82 * medecines_id → manufacturers_id (Во нашиот проект претпоставуваме дека секој лек е произведен од само еден произведувач). 81 * type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description (Секој вид на милениче има име и опис). 83 82 ==== Определување на кандидат клучеви 84 83 {{{ … … 111 110 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 112 111 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 113 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,112 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 114 113 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 115 114 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 124 123 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 125 124 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 126 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,125 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 127 126 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 128 127 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 155 154 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 156 155 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 157 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,156 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 158 157 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 159 158 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 190 189 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 191 190 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 192 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,191 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 193 192 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 194 193 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 211 210 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 212 211 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 213 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 212 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 213 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 214 214 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 215 215 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id … … 219 219 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 220 220 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 221 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id 221 222 222 223 223 … … 236 236 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 237 237 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 238 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,238 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 239 239 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 240 240 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 254 254 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 255 255 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 256 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 256 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 257 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 257 258 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 258 259 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id … … 262 263 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 263 264 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 264 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id)265 ) 265 266 \\ **Клуч** (pet_cares_id, blog_post_answers_id, cities_id, reports_id, therapy_id, medecines_id, 266 267 pet_galery_id, orders_id, products_id, breeds_id, vet_centers_id) … … 277 278 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 278 279 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 279 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,280 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 280 281 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 281 282 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 293 294 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 294 295 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 295 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 296 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 297 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 296 298 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 297 299 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id … … 301 303 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 302 304 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 303 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id)305 ) 304 306 \\ **R,,22,, n R,,21,,** = pet_cares_id, клуч за R,,21,, => нема губење на податоци. 305 307 … … 328 330 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 329 331 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 330 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 332 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 331 333 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 332 334 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id … … 348 350 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 349 351 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 350 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,352 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 351 353 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 352 354 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 362 364 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 363 365 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 364 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 365 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 366 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 367 \\ orders_id → userid 368 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 369 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 370 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 371 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 372 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id) 366 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 367 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 368 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 369 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 370 \\ orders_id → userid 371 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 372 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 373 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 374 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 375 ) 373 376 \\ **R,,2222,, n R,,2221,,** = roles_id, клуч за R2221 => нема губење на податоци. 374 377 … … 381 384 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 382 385 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 383 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,386 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 384 387 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 385 388 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 394 397 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 395 398 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 396 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 399 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 400 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 397 401 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id 398 402 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id … … 402 406 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 403 407 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 404 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id405 408 ) 406 409 \\ **R,,22222,, n R,,22221,,** = users_id, клуч за R22221 => нема губење на податоци. … … 413 416 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 414 417 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 415 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,418 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 416 419 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 417 420 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 425 428 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 426 429 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 427 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 430 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 431 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 428 432 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 429 433 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id … … 432 436 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 433 437 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 434 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 435 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id 438 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 436 439 ) 437 440 \\ **R,,222222,, n R,,222221,,** = blog_post_for_consultation_id, клуч за R,,222221,, => нема губење на податоци. … … 443 446 \\ **R,,2222222,,** (blog_post_answers_id, cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 444 447 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 445 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,448 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 446 449 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 447 450 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 454 457 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 455 458 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 456 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 457 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id458 \\ pet _galery_id->image, pets_id459 \\ orders_id → userid460 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity461 \\ products_id , orders_id →quantity462 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id463 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description464 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id459 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 460 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 461 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 462 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 463 \\ orders_id → userid 464 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 465 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 466 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 467 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 465 468 ) 466 469 \\ **R,,2222222,, n R,,2222221,,** = blog_post_answers_id, клуч за R,,2222221,, => нема губење на податоци. … … 472 475 \\ **R,,22222222,,** ( cities_id, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node, 473 476 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 474 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,477 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 475 478 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 476 479 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 482 485 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 483 486 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 484 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 485 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id486 \\ pet _galery_id->image, pets_id487 \\ orders_id → userid488 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity489 \\ products_id , orders_id →quantity490 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id491 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description492 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id487 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 488 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 489 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 490 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 491 \\ orders_id → userid 492 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 493 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 494 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 495 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 493 496 ) 494 497 \\ **R,,22222222,, n R,,22222221,,** = cities_id, клуч за R,,22222221,, => нема губење на податоци. … … 500 503 \\ **R,,222222222,,** ( reports_id, pet_status_id, node, 501 504 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 502 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,505 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 503 506 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 504 507 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 509 512 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 510 513 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 511 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 512 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id513 \\ pet _galery_id->image, pets_id514 \\ orders_id → userid515 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity516 \\ products_id , orders_id →quantity517 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id518 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description519 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id514 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 515 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 516 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 517 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 518 \\ orders_id → userid 519 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 520 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 521 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 522 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 520 523 ) 521 524 \\ **R,,222222222,, n R,,222222221,,** = reports_id, клуч за R,,222222221,, => нема губење на податоци. … … 526 529 \\ **F,,2222222221,,** {pet_status_id->node, pet_status_type} 527 530 \\ **R,,2222222222,,** ( pet_status_id, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id, 528 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,531 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 529 532 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 530 533 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 534 537 \\ **F,,2222222222,,** = (therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description 535 538 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 536 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 537 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id538 \\ pet _galery_id->image, pets_id539 \\ orders_id → userid540 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity541 \\ products_id , orders_id →quantity542 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id543 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description544 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id539 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 540 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 541 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 542 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 543 \\ orders_id → userid 544 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 545 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 546 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 547 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 545 548 ) 546 549 \\ **R,,2222222222,, n R,,2222222221,,** = pet_status_id, клуч за R,,2222222221,, => нема губење на податоци. … … 551 554 \\ **F,,22222222221,,** {therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description} 552 555 \\ **R,,22222222222,,** ( therapy_id, diagnostics_id, 553 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, m anufacturers_name, medecines_description,556 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, medecines_description, 554 557 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 555 558 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, … … 558 561 ) 559 562 \\ **F,,22222222222,,** = (diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description 560 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 561 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id562 \\ pet _galery_id->image, pets_id563 \\ orders_id → userid564 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity565 \\ products_id , orders_id →quantity566 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id567 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description568 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id563 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 564 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 565 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 566 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 567 \\ orders_id → userid 568 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 569 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 570 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 571 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 569 572 ) 570 573 \\ **R,,22222222222,, n R,,22222222221,,** = therapy_id, клуч за R,,22222222221,, => нема губење на податоци. … … 574 577 \\ **R,,222222222221,,** (diagnostics_id, diagnostics_description) клуч diagnostics_id BCNF 575 578 \\ **F,,222222222221,,** {diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description} 576 \\ **R,,222222222222,,** ( diagnostics_id, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description, 577 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 578 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, 579 products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price, 580 available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 581 ) 582 \\ **F,,222222222222,,** = (medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description 583 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 584 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 585 \\ orders_id → userid 586 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 587 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 588 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 589 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 590 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id 579 \\ **R,,222222222222,,** ( diagnostics_id, medecines_id, medecines_description, 580 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 581 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, 582 products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price, 583 available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 584 ) 585 \\ **F,,222222222222,,** = (medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 586 \\ manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 587 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 588 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 589 \\ orders_id → userid 590 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 591 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 592 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 593 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 594 591 595 ) 592 596 \\ **R,,222222222222,, n R,,222222222221,,** = diagnostics_id, клуч за R,,222222222221,, => нема губење на податоци. 597 598 \\ **R,,222222222222,,** не е во 2NF поради medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id 599 \\ medecines_id +={ medecines_id, medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id } 600 \\ **R,,2222222222221,,** ( medecines_id, medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id) клуч medecines_id BCNF 601 \\ **F,,2222222222221,,** {medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description, manufacturers_id } 602 \\ **R,,2222222222222,,** ( medecines_id, 603 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name, 604 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id, 605 products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price, 606 available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 607 ) 608 \\ **F,,2222222222222,,** = (manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description 609 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 610 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id 611 \\ orders_id → userid 612 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity 613 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity 614 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id 615 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description 616 ) 617 \\ **R,,2222222222222,, n R,,2222222222221,,** = medecines_id, клуч за R,,2222222222221,, => нема губење на податоци.