Changes between Version 89 and Version 90 of Version1

08/11/24 23:38:33 (5 months ago)



  • Version1

    v89 v90  
    312312\\ **R,,22,, n R,,21,,** = pet_cares_id, клуч за R,,21,, => нема губење на податоци.
    314 \\ R22 не е во 2NF поради vet_centers_id-> name, address, vet_centers_description, workingHours, latitude, longitude
     314\\ **R,,22,,** не е во 2NF поради vet_centers_id-> name, address, vet_centers_description, workingHours, latitude, longitude
    315315\\vet_centers_id +={ vet_centers_id, name, address, vet_centers_description, workingHours, latitude, longitude}
    316 \\ **R221** (vet_centers_id, name, address, vet_centers_description, workingHours, latitude, longitude) клуч vet_centers_id, BCNF
    317 \\ **F221** { vet_centers_id-> name, address, vet_centers_description, workingHours, latitude, longitude}
    318 \\ **R222** (vet_centers_id,roles_id, type, users_id, first_name, last_name,
    319 phoneNumber, email, password, blog_post_for_consultation_id, blog_post_title,
    320 blog_post_description, dateAsked, blog_post_answers_id, parent_id, reply, date_answers,
    321 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node,
    322 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id,
    323 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
    324 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
    325 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
    326 products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
    327 available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    328 )
    329 \\ **F222** = (roles_id->type
     316\\ **R,,221,,** (vet_centers_id, name, address, vet_centers_description, workingHours, latitude, longitude) клуч vet_centers_id, BCNF
     317\\ **F,,221,,** { vet_centers_id-> name, address, vet_centers_description, workingHours, latitude, longitude}
     318\\ **R,,222,,** (vet_centers_id,roles_id, type, users_id, first_name, last_name,
     319phoneNumber, email, password, blog_post_for_consultation_id, blog_post_title,
     320blog_post_description, dateAsked, blog_post_answers_id, parent_id, reply, date_answers,
     321cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node,
     322pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id,
     323diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
     324manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
     325color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
     326products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
     327available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     329\\ **F,,222,,** = (roles_id->type
    330330\\ users_id -> first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id
    331331\\ blog_post_for_consultation_id -> blog_post_title, blog_post_description, dateAsked, users_id
    347347\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    348348\\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
    349 \\ **R222 n R221** = vet_centers_id, клуч за R221 => нема губење на податоци.
    351 \\ R222 не е во 3NF поради roles_id->type
     349\\ **R,,222,, n R,,221,,** = vet_centers_id, клуч за R221 => нема губење на податоци.
     351\\ R,,222,, не е во 3NF поради roles_id->type
    352352\\ roles_id +={roles_id, type}
    353 \\ **R2221** (roles_id, type) клуч roles_id BCNF
    354 \\ **F2221** { roles_id-> type}
    355 \\ **R2222** (roles_id, users_id, first_name, last_name,
    356 phoneNumber, email, password, blog_post_for_consultation_id, blog_post_title,
    357 blog_post_description, dateAsked, blog_post_answers_id, parent_id, reply, date_answers,
    358 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node,
    359 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id,
    360 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
    361 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
    362 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
    363 products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
    364 available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    365 )
    366 \\ **F2222** = (users_id -> first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id
     353\\ **R,,2221,,** (roles_id, type) клуч roles_id BCNF
     354\\ **F,,2221,,** { roles_id-> type}
     355\\ **R,,2222,,** (roles_id, users_id, first_name, last_name,
     356phoneNumber, email, password, blog_post_for_consultation_id, blog_post_title,
     357blog_post_description, dateAsked, blog_post_answers_id, parent_id, reply, date_answers,
     358cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node,
     359pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id,
     360diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
     361manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
     362color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
     363products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
     364available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     366\\ **F,,2222,,** = (users_id -> first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id
    367367\\ blog_post_for_consultation_id -> blog_post_title, blog_post_description, dateAsked, users_id
    368368\\ blog_post_answers_id ->parent_id, reply, date_answers, blog_post_for_consultation_id, users_id
    383383\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    384384\\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
    385 \\ **R2222 n R2221** = roles_id, клуч за R2221 => нема губење на податоци.
    387 \\ **R2222** не е во 3NF поради users_id -> first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id
     385\\ **R,,2222,, n R,,2221,,** = roles_id, клуч за R2221 => нема губење на податоци.
     387\\ **R,,2222,,** не е во 3NF поради users_id -> first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id
    388388\\ users_id +={users_id, first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id}
    389 \\ **R22221** (users_id, first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id) клуч users_id BCNF
    390 \\ **F22221** { users_id -> first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id }
    391 \\ **R22222** (users_id, blog_post_for_consultation_id, blog_post_title,
    392 blog_post_description, dateAsked, blog_post_answers_id, parent_id, reply, date_answers,
    393 cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node,
    394 pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id,
    395 diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
    396 manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
    397 color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
    398 products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
    399 available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    400 )
    401 \\ **F22222** = (blog_post_for_consultation_id -> blog_post_title, blog_post_description, dateAsked, users_id
    402 \\ blog_post_answers_id ->parent_id, reply, date_answers, blog_post_for_consultation_id, users_id
    403 \\ cities_id-> cities_name
    404 \\ reports_id-> reports_description, pets_id
    405 \\ reports_id , pets_id→ users_id
    406 \\ pet_status_id->node, pet_status_type
    407 \\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description
    408 \\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    409 \\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    410 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    411 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    412 \\ orders_id → userid
    413 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    414 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    415 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    416 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    417 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    418 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
    419 \\ **R22222 n R22221** = users_id, клуч за R22221 => нема губење на податоци.
     389\\ **R,,22221,,** (users_id, first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id) клуч users_id BCNF
     390\\ **F,,22221,,** { users_id -> first_name, last_name, phoneNumber, email, password, roles_id }
     391\\ **R,,22222,,** (users_id, blog_post_for_consultation_id, blog_post_title,
     392blog_post_description, dateAsked, blog_post_answers_id, parent_id, reply, date_answers,
     393cities_id, cities_name, reports_id, reports_description, pets_id, pet_status_id, node,
     394pet_status_type, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id,
     395diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
     396manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
     397color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
     398products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
     399available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     401\\ **,,F22222,,** = (blog_post_for_consultation_id -> blog_post_title, blog_post_description, dateAsked, users_id
     402\\ blog_post_answers_id ->parent_id, reply, date_answers, blog_post_for_consultation_id, users_id
     403\\ cities_id-> cities_name
     404\\ reports_id-> reports_description, pets_id
     405\\ reports_id , pets_id→ users_id
     406\\ pet_status_id->node, pet_status_type
     407\\ therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description
     408\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
     409\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
     410\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
     411\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     412\\ orders_id → userid
     413\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     414\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     415\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     416\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     417\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
     418\\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     419\\ **R,,22222,, n R,,22221,,** = users_id, клуч за R22221 => нема губење на податоци.
    421421\\ **R22222** не е во 3NF поради blog_post_for_consultation_id -> blog_post_title, blog_post_description, dateAsked, users_id
    453453\\ **R22222 n R22221** = users_id, клуч за R22221 => нема губење на податоци.
    455 F,,2,,