Changes between Version 97 and Version 98 of Version1

08/12/24 15:08:34 (5 months ago)



  • Version1

    v97 v98  
    7373* medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description (Секој лек има име,  и упатство)
    7474* manufacturers_id->city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description (Секој производител на лекот има град, држава, име и опис).
    75 * pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id (Секое милениче има име, боја, датум на раѓање и опис. Секое милениче припаѓа на еден вид. Секое милениче има само еден сопственик, во нашата база не е возможно едно милениче да има повеќе сопственици. Кога се врши микрочипирање се запишуваат податоци само од еден сопственик).
     75* pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id  (Секое милениче има име, боја, датум на раѓање и опис. Секое милениче припаѓа на еден вид. Секое милениче има само еден сопственик, во нашата база не е возможно едно милениче да има повеќе сопственици. Кога се врши микрочипирање се запишуваат податоци само од еден сопственик. Секое милениче во еден ветеринарен центар има само еден активен статус во даден момент. Кога статусот се менува, се брише претходниот и се запишува нов).
    7676* pet_galery_id->image, pets_id (Секоја слика во галеријата е поврзана само со едно милениче, во нашиот проект имаме замислено на една слика да има само едно милениче за поголема прегледност на идните вдомувачи).
    7777* orders_id → userid (Секоја нарачка  е направена од еден корисник).
    8181* type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description (Секој вид на милениче има име и опис).
    8282* medecines_id → manufacturers_id (Во нашиот проект претпоставуваме дека секој лек е произведен од само еден произведувач).
    83 * vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id (Секое милениче во еден ветеринарен центар има само еден активен статус во даден момент. Кога статусот се менува, се брише претходниот и се запишува нов.)
    8483==== Определување на кандидат клучеви
    166165Можеме да го отстраниме и pets_id бидејќи се добива преку pet_galery_id.
    167 Можеме да го отстраниме и pet_status_id бидејќи се добива преку vet_centers_id, pets_id.
     166Можеме да го отстраниме и pet_status_id бидејќи се добива преку pets_id.
    168167Можеме да го отстраниме и type_of_pets_id бидејќи се добива преку breeds_id.
    169168Можеме да го отстраниме и blog_post_for_consultation_id бидејќи се добова преку
    213212\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    214213\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    215 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    216 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    217 \\ orders_id → userid
    218 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    219 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    220 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    221 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    222 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    223 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id
     214\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id 
     215\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     216\\ orders_id → userid
     217\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     218\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     219\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     220\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     221\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    257255\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    258256\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    259 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    260 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    261 \\ orders_id → userid
    262 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    263 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    264 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    265 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    266 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    267 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     257\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     258\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     259\\ orders_id → userid
     260\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     261\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     262\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     263\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     264\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id)
    268265\\ **Клуч** (pet_cares_id, blog_post_answers_id, cities_id, reports_id, therapy_id, medecines_id,
    269266pet_galery_id, orders_id, products_id, breeds_id, vet_centers_id)
    297294\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    298295\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    299 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    300 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    301 \\ orders_id → userid
    302 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    303 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    304 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    305 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    306 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    307 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     296\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     297\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     298\\ orders_id → userid
     299\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     300\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     301\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     302\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     303\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id)
    308304\\ **R,,22,, n R,,21,,** = pet_cares_id, клуч за R,,21,, => нема губење на податоци.
    333329\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    334330\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    335 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    336 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    337 \\ orders_id → userid
    338 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    339 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    340 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    341 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    342 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    343 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     331\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     332\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     333\\ orders_id → userid
     334\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     335\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     336\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     337\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     338\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id)
    344339\\ **R,,222,, n R,,221,,** = vet_centers_id, клуч за R221 => нема губење на податоци.
    368363\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    369364\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    370 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    371 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    372 \\ orders_id → userid
    373 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    374 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    375 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    376 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    377 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    378 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     365\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     366\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     367\\ orders_id → userid
     368\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     369\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     370\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     371\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     372\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id)
    379373\\ **R,,2222,, n R,,2221,,** = roles_id, клуч за R2221 => нема губење на податоци.
    409403\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    410404\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    411 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
    412406\\ **R,,22222,, n R,,22221,,** = users_id, клуч за R22221 => нема губење на податоци.
    432426\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    433427\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    434 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id 
    435 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    436 \\ orders_id → userid
    437 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    438 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    439 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    440 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    441 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    442 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     428\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     429\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     430\\ orders_id → userid
     431\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     432\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     433\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     434\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     435\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    443437\\ **R,,222222,, n R,,222221,,** = blog_post_for_consultation_id, клуч за R,,222221,, => нема губење на податоци.
    461455\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    462456\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    463 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    464 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    465 \\ orders_id → userid
    466 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    467 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    468 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    469 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    470 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    471 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     457\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     458\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     459\\ orders_id → userid
     460\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     461\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     462\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     463\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     464\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    472466\\ **R,,2222222,, n R,,2222221,,** = blog_post_answers_id, клуч за R,,2222221,, => нема губење на податоци.
    489483\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    490484\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    491 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    492 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    493 \\ orders_id → userid
    494 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    495 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    496 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    497 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    498 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    499 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     485\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     486\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     487\\ orders_id → userid
     488\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     489\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     490\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     491\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     492\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    500494\\ **R,,22222222,, n R,,22222221,,** = cities_id, клуч за R,,22222221,, => нема губење на податоци.
    516510\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
    517511\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
    518 \\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id
    519 \\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
    520 \\ orders_id → userid
    521 \\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
    522 \\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
    523 \\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
    524 \\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
    525 \\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    526 \\ vet_centers_id, pets_id → pet_status_id)
     512\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     513\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     514\\ orders_id → userid
     515\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     516\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     517\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     518\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     519\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
    527521\\ **R,,222222222,, n R,,222222221,,** = reports_id, клуч за R,,222222221,, => нема губење на податоци.
     523\\ **R,,222222222,,** не е во 3NF поради pet_status_id->node, pet_status_type
     524\\ pet_status_id +={pet_status_id, node, pet_status_type}
     525\\ **R,,2222222221,,** (pet_status_id, node, pet_status_type) клуч pet_status_id BCNF
     526\\ **F,,2222222221,,** {pet_status_id->node, pet_status_type}
     527\\ **R,,2222222222,,** ( pet_status_id, therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description, diagnostics_id,
     528diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
     529manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
     530color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
     531products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
     532available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     534\\ **F,,2222222222,,** = (therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description
     535\\ diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
     536\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
     537\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     538\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     539\\ orders_id → userid
     540\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     541\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     542\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     543\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     544\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
     546\\ **R,,2222222222,, n R,,2222222221,,** = pet_status_id, клуч за R,,2222222221,, => нема губење на податоци.
     548\\ **R,,2222222222,,** не е во 2NF поради therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description
     549\\  therapy_id +={ therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description}
     550\\ **R,,22222222221,,** (therapy_id, appoitmentDate, therapy_description) клуч therapy_id BCNF
     551\\ **F,,22222222221,,** {therapy_id->appoitmentDate, therapy_description}
     552\\ **R,,22222222222,,** ( therapy_id, diagnostics_id,
     553diagnostics_description, medecines_id, manufacturers_name, medecines_description,
     554manufacturers_id, city, state, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_description, pets_name,
     555color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, pet_galery_id, image, orders_id,
     556products_id, products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded,isActive, price,
     557available_quantity, quantity, breeds_id, breeds_name, kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     559\\ **F,,22222222222,,** = (diagnostics_id-> diagnostics_description
     560\\ medecines_id-> medecines_name, medecines_description
     561\\ pets_id-> pets_name, color, dateOfBirthday, pets_description, type_of_pets_id, users_id, pet_status_id
     562\\ pet_galery_id->image, pets_id
     563\\ orders_id → userid
     564\\ products_id-> products_name, products_description, category, dateAdded, isActive, price, available_quantity
     565\\ products_id, orders_id → quantity
     566\\ breeds_id-> breeds_name, type_of_pets_id
     567\\ type_of_pets_id->kind_of_pet, type_of_pets_description
     568\\ medecines_id → manufacturers_id
     570\\ **R,,22222222222,, n R,,22222222221,,** = therapy_id, клуч за R,,22222222221,, => нема губење на податоци.