[0791611] | 1 | <?php
| 2 | require_once('./inc/common.php');
| 3 |
| 4 | /**
| 5 | * Check whether the required parameter ID is sent. Go back with an error message if not.
| 6 | */
| 7 | if ((! isset($_GET['id'])) || (empty($_GET['id'])) || (! is_numeric($_GET['id']))) {
| 8 | header('Location: /businesses.php?err=no_id');
| 9 | exit();
| 10 | }
| 11 | $business_id = $_GET['id'];
| 12 |
| 13 | /**
| 14 | * Get the name of this business (needed for the page title).
| 15 | */
| 16 | $sql = 'SELECT business_name FROM business WHERE business_id = :id';
| 17 | $stm = $conn->prepare($sql);
| 18 | $stm->execute([':id' => $business_id]);
| 19 | $business_name = $stm->fetch()[0];
| 20 | /**
| 21 | * Go back with an error message if the business with this id does not exist.
| 22 | */
| 23 | if (empty($business_name)) {
| 24 | header('Location: /businesses.php?err=bad_id');
| 25 | exit();
| 26 | }
| 27 |
| 28 | $pageTitle = 'Business: ' . $business_name;
| 29 | $pageSlug = 'businesses';
| 30 |
| 31 | require_once('./inc/head.php');
| 32 | require_once('./inc/header.php');
| 33 | ?>
| 34 | <div class="container">
| 35 | <h1 class="mt-5"><?= $business_name ?></h1>
| 36 |
| 37 | <?php require_once('./inc/alerts-msg.php'); ?>
| 38 |
| 39 | <?php
| 40 | /**
| 41 | * Fetch the details of the business with the given business id.
| 42 | */
| 43 | $sql = '
| 44 | select
| 45 | b.business_name,
| 46 | (
| 47 | select avg(r.review_stars)
| 48 | from review r
| 49 | where r.business_id = b.business_id
| 50 | ) as business_avg_stars,
| 51 | c.category_name,
| 52 | b.business_hours,
| 53 | b.business_descr,
| 54 | b.business_phone
| 55 | from
| 56 | business b
| 57 | join category c on
| 58 | b.category_id = c.category_id
| 59 | where
| 60 | b.business_id = :id';
| 61 | $stm = $conn->prepare($sql);
| 62 | $stm->execute([':id' => $business_id]);
| 63 | $business = $stm->fetch();
| 64 |
| 65 | /**
| 66 | * Fetch all services that this business offers and concatenate them in a single string.
| 67 | */
| 68 | $sql = '
| 69 | select
| 70 | string_agg(s.service_name, \'; \') as services
| 71 | from
| 72 | business_service bs
| 73 | join service s on
| 74 | bs.service_id = s.service_id
| 75 | where business_id = :id';
| 76 | $stm = $conn->prepare($sql);
| 77 | $stm->execute([':id' => $business_id]);
| 78 | $services = $stm->fetch()[0];
| 79 | ?>
| 80 | <div class="row">
| 81 | <div class="col-md-6">
| 82 | <?= outputStars($business['business_avg_stars'], 48) ?>
| 83 |
| 84 | <div class="lead my-3"><strong>Category:</strong> <?= $business['category_name'] ?></div>
| 85 |
| 86 | <div class="fw-light my-3"><strong>Service(s):</strong> <?= $services ?></div>
| 87 |
| 88 | <div class="fw-light my-3"><strong>Description:</strong> <?= $business['business_descr'] ?></div>
| 89 | </div>
| 90 | <div class="col-md-6">
| 91 | <div class="fw-light my-3"><strong>Phone:</strong> <?= $business['business_phone'] ?></div>
| 92 |
| 93 | <div class="fw-light my-3"><strong>Work hours:</strong> <?= $business['business_hours'] ?></div>
| 94 |
| 95 | <div class="fw-light my-3">
| 96 | <strong>Address(es):</strong>
| 97 | <ul>
| 98 | <?php
| 99 | /**
| 100 | * Get all addresses of this business and display them in a list.
| 101 | */
| 102 | $sql = '
| 103 | select
| 104 | address_id,
| 105 | address_street,
| 106 | address_postal_code,
| 107 | address_city
| 108 | from address
| 109 | where business_id = :id';
| 110 | $stm = $conn->prepare($sql);
| 111 | $stm->execute([':id' => $business_id]);
| 112 | $addresses = $stm->fetchAll();
| 113 | foreach ($addresses as $row) {
| 114 | ?>
| 115 | <li>
| 116 | <?= $row['address_street'] ?><br>
| 117 | <?= $row['address_postal_code'] . ' ' . $row['address_city'] ?>
| 118 | </li>
| 119 | <?php } ?>
| 120 | </ul>
| 121 | </div>
| 122 | </div>
| 123 | </div>
| 124 |
| 125 | <hr class="my-5">
| 126 |
| 127 | <h3>Reviews</h3>
| 128 |
| 129 | <?php
| 130 | /**
| 131 | * Get all reviews for this business and display them in a list.
| 132 | */
| 133 | $sql = '
| 134 | select
| 135 | r.reviewer_name,
| 136 | r.reviewer_verified,
| 137 | rv.review_title,
| 138 | rv.review_text,
| 139 | rv.review_stars,
| 140 | rv.address_id,
| 141 | rv.review_timestamp
| 142 | from review rv
| 143 | join reviewer r on
| 144 | rv.reviewer_id = r.reviewer_id
| 145 | where
| 146 | rv.business_id = :id
| 147 | order by
| 148 | rv.review_timestamp';
| 149 | $stm = $conn->prepare($sql);
| 150 | $stm->execute([':id' => $business_id]);
| 151 | $reviews = $stm->fetchAll();
| 152 | foreach ($reviews as $row) {
| 153 | ?>
| 154 | <div class="card shadow-sm mb-3">
| 155 | <div class="card-body">
| 156 | <div class="row">
| 157 | <div class="col-lg-8">
| 158 | <h5 class="card-title">
| 159 | <?= $row['reviewer_name'] ?>
| 160 | <?php if ($row['reviewer_verified']) {
| 161 | echo '<small class="ms-5 text-success"><small>✅ Verified</small></small>';
| 162 | } else {
| 163 | echo '<small class="ms-5 text-muted"><small><span class="opacity-25">☑️</span> Not verified</small></small>';
| 164 | } ?>
| 165 | </h5>
| 166 | </div>
| 167 | <div class="col-lg-4 text-lg-end"><?= outputStars($row['review_stars'], 24) ?></div>
| 168 | </div>
| 169 |
| 170 | <div class="card-text">
| 171 | <div class="lead fw-bold"><?= $row['review_title'] ?></div>
| 172 | <div class="mb-3"><?= $row['review_text'] ?></div>
| 173 | <?php
| 174 | $aid = $row['address_id'];
| 175 | $location = array_values(array_filter($addresses, function($item) use ($aid) {
| 176 | return $item[0] == $aid;
| 177 | }))[0];
| 178 | ?>
| 179 | <div class="text-muted"><small><strong>Location:</strong> <?= $location[1] . ', ' . $location[2] . ' ' . $location[3] ?></small></div>
| 180 | <div class="text-muted"><small><strong>Reviewed at:</strong> <?= date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($row['review_timestamp'])) ?></small></div>
| 181 | </div>
| 182 | </div>
| 183 | </div>
| 184 | <?php } ?>
| 185 |
| 186 | <?php
| 187 | /**
| 188 | * If the person viewing this page is logged in as a reviewer, display a form from where
| 189 | * the reviewer can add a review.
| 190 | */
| 191 | ?>
| 192 | <?php if (isset($_SESSION['is_reviewer'])) { ?>
| 193 | <hr id="add-review" class="my-5">
| 194 |
| 195 | <h3 class="text-center pt-3">Add review</h3>
| 196 |
| 197 | <div class="row justify-content-center mt-3">
| 198 | <div class="col-md-8 col-lg-6 col-xl-5">
| 199 | <div class="card shadow-sm p-3">
| 200 | <?php require_once('./inc/alerts-err.php'); ?>
| 201 |
| 202 | <form action="review-add.php" method="POST">
| 203 | <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?= $business_id ?>">
| 204 | <div class="mb-3">
| 205 | <label class="form-label">Location</label>
| 206 | <div>
| 207 | <?php foreach ($addresses as $i => $row) { ?>
| 208 | <div class="form-check">
| 209 | <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="address" id="address<?= $i ?>" value="<?= $row['address_id'] ?>" <?= ($i == 0) ? 'checked' : '' ?>>
| 210 | <label class="form-check-label" for="address<?= $i ?>"><?= $row['address_street'] . ', ' . $row['address_postal_code'] . ' ' . $row['address_city'] ?></label>
| 211 | </div>
| 212 | <?php } ?>
| 213 | </div>
| 214 | </div>
| 215 | <div class="mb-3">
| 216 | <label class="form-label">Star rating</label>
| 217 | <div>
| 218 | <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { ?>
| 219 | <div class="form-check form-check-inline">
| 220 | <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="rating" id="rating<?= $i ?>" value="<?= $i ?>" <?= ($i == 3) ? 'checked' : '' ?>>
| 221 | <label class="form-check-label" for="rating<?= $i ?>"><?= $i ?></label>
| 222 | </div>
| 223 | <?php } ?>
| 224 | </div>
| 225 | </div>
| 226 | <div class="mb-3">
| 227 | <label for="title" class="form-label">Review title</label>
| 228 | <?php
| 229 | /**
| 230 | * Value by default holds the "old" value, i.e. when the user submits
| 231 | * the form, but it has errors, we don't want to lose reviewer's review.
| 232 | */
| 233 | ?>
| 234 | <input type="text" id="title" name="title" class="form-control" minlength="2" maxlength="150" value="<?= (isset($_REQUEST["title"])) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST["title"]) : '' ?>" required>
| 235 | </div>
| 236 | <div class="mb-3">
| 237 | <label for="text" class="form-label">Your review</label>
| 238 | <textarea id="text" name="text" class="form-control" rows="7" minlength="2" maxlength="1000" required><?= (isset($_REQUEST["title"])) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST["title"]) : '' ?></textarea>
| 239 | </div>
| 240 | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Submit</button>
| 241 | </form>
| 242 | </div>
| 243 | </div>
| 244 | </div>
| 245 | <?php } ?>
| 246 | </div>
| 247 | <?php
| 248 | require_once('./inc/footer.php');