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| 23 | <h5>WHY CHOOSE US</h5>
| 24 | <h2>The salon beautyCenter has been at the forefront of skin care and beauty since 2020.</h2>
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| 47 | <h5 class="text-primary">Our Specializations</h5>
| 48 | <h2>Welcome to beautyCenter</h2>
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| 56 | <img height="150px" src="https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/ksUvX7Lr5cFyfhScfS6VyB.png"
| 57 | width="250px">
| 58 | <h4>Hair Services </h4>
| 59 | <p>We offer a variety of hair services such as trimming, wedding hair styles, curling, botox
| 60 | treatments.</p>
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| 63 | <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 container">
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| 65 | <img height="150px"
| 66 | src="https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/portrait-of-young-afro-woman-with-bright-makeup-picture-id1331637318?b=1&k=20&m=1331637318&s=170667a&w=0&h=0i4Viz3mAqNm9Pz1b6tnUKqpp6zHQb_OvPFsnHSOUh4=" width="250px">
| 67 | <h4>Make up</h4>
| 68 | <p>Even if you don't want to spend a lot of money on make up, we got you covered.
| 69 | We have the best artists in the area with lower prices than you can imagine.</p>
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| 74 | <img height="150px"
| 75 | src="https://www.msccollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/what-is-aromatherapy-1024x680.jpg" width="250px">
| 76 | <h4>Massage</h4>
| 77 | <p>Who doesn't want to relax after a busy week!? We are here to make you enjoy!</p>
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| 80 | <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6">
| 81 | <div class="services__item">
| 82 | <img height="150px"
| 83 | src="https://www.thelist.com/img/gallery/why-getting-pedicures-may-be-damaging-your-feet/how-to-stay-safe-while-getting-a-pretty-pedicure-1644019242.jpg" width="250px">
| 84 | <h4>Pedicure</h4>
| 85 | <p>We provide pedicure with massage that will make your feet glow.</p>
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| 89 | <div class="services__item">
| 90 | <img height="150px" src="https://cdn1.treatwell.net/images/view/v2.i784919.w1472.h981.x19481829.jpg"
| 91 | width="250px">
| 92 | <h4>Manicure</h4>
| 93 | <p>Every woman deserves tidy and fresh done nails. Come and get yours done by our professionals and
| 94 | get a
| 95 | free hand massage.</p>
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| 100 | <img height="150px"
| 101 | src="https://post.healthline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/HL-197081-Whats_the_Difference_Between_Sugaring_and_Waxing-732x549-thumbnail.jpg" width="250px">
| 102 | <h4>Waxing</h4>
| 103 | <p>The summer is coming closer ever day! Experience our gentle wax that will leave your hands shiny
| 104 | and soft.</p>
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