1 | <!DOCTYPE html>
2 | <html lang="en">
3 | <head>
4 | <meta charset="UTF-8">
5 | <title>Make appointment</title>
6 | <link href="https://bootswatch.com/5/journal/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
7 | <script src="https://bootswatch.com/_assets/css/custom.min.css"></script>
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13 | <body>
14 | <div th:replace="layout.html::header"></div>
15 |
16 | <div style="width: 50%; padding: 5%">
17 | <form method="POST" th:action="@{'/makeAppointment'}" >
18 | <div class="form-group">
19 | <label for="uslugiIds" class="form-label mt-4 col-sm-4">Select Service</label>
20 | <select class="form-select selectMultiple input " name="uslugiIds" id="uslugiIds" multiple>
21 | <option value="" disabled>All</option>
22 | <option th:each="usluga :${uslugi}" th:value="${usluga.getId()}"
23 | th:text="${usluga.getDejnost()}">[usluga.dejnost] </option>
24 | <!-- th:selected="${usluga.getDejnost()} == ${usluga.getDejnost()}"-->
25 |
26 | </select>
27 | </div>
28 |
29 | <div class="form-group">
30 | <label for="terminId" class="form-label mt-4">Select Time</label>
31 | <select class="form-select" id="terminId" name="terminId">
32 | <option th:each="termin :${nerezTerm}"
33 | th:value="${termin.getId()}"
34 | th:text="${termin.format()}">[termin.pocetok] </option>
35 |
36 | </select>
37 |
38 | </div>
39 | <div class="form-group" >
40 | <label class="form-label mt-4" for="klientId" >Klient id:</label>
41 | <input id="klientId" name="klientId"
42 | type="text"
43 | th:value="${session.user.getKlienti()?.getId()}"
44 | class="form-control" readonly>
45 |
46 | </div>
47 |
48 |
49 | <div class="form-group">
50 | <label for="nacinPlakjanje" class="form-label mt-4">Payment method</label>
51 | <select class="form-select" id="nacinPlakjanje">
52 | <option> In the salon</option>
53 | <option> Credit card</option>
54 | </select>
55 | <div></div>
56 | <br>
57 | <br>
58 | <hr>
59 | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
60 | <a id="back" href="/services" type="button" class="btn btn-link">Back to services</a>
61 | </div>
62 | </form>
63 | </div>
64 |
65 | </body>
66 | </html> |