1 | <!DOCTYPE html>
2 | <html lang="en">
3 | <head>
4 | <meta charset="UTF-8">
5 | <title>List of rates</title>
6 | <link href="https://bootswatch.com/5/journal/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
7 | <script src="https://bootswatch.com/_assets/css/custom.min.css"></script>
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10 | </head>
11 | <body>
12 | <div th:replace="layout.html :: header"></div>
13 | <h1 class="text-center" style="padding: 2%">List of rates</h1>
14 |
15 | <div style="margin-top: 5%">
16 | <div>
17 | <div class="container mb-4">
18 | <div class="row">
19 | <div class="col-12" >
20 | <div class="table-responsive">
21 |
22 | <a th:if="${session.user!=null && session.user.klienti!=null}"
23 | th:href="@{/services/rate}" class="btn btn-primary">
24 | Rate Service
25 | </a>
26 | <table class="table table-hover table-striped">
27 | <thead>
28 | <tr>
29 | <th>Ocena Id</th>
30 | <th>Klient</th>
31 | <th>Usluga</th>
32 | <th>Vrednost</th>
33 | <th>Komentar</th>
34 | <th>BrRez</th>
35 | </tr>
36 | </thead>
37 | <tbody>
38 | <tr th:if="${ocena?.getRezervacija()} != null">
39 | <td th:text="${ocena.id}">[ocena.id]</td>
40 | <td th:text="${ocena.klienti == null} ? null : 'id:'+ ${ocena.klienti?.getId()} +
41 | ' ime:'+${ocena.klienti?.getIme()}" >[ocena.klienti]</td>
42 | <td>
43 | <th:block th:each="rezU : ${rezOcena}"
44 | th:if="${rezU.getRezervacija().getId()} == ${ocena.getRezervacija()?.getId()}">
45 | <div class="item-rel" th:text="${rezU.getUslugi().getDejnost()}">
46 | [usluga]
47 | </div>
48 | </th:block>
49 | </td>
50 |
51 | <td th:text="${ocena.vrednost}" >[ocena.vrednost]</td>
52 | <td th:text="${ocena.komentar}">[ocena.komentar]</td>
53 | <td th:text="${ocena?.getRezervacija().getId()}">[ocena.rezervacija]</td>
54 | </tr>
55 |
56 | <tr class="item" th:each="ocena :${oceni}">
57 | <td th:text="${ocena.id}">[ocena.id]</td>
58 | <td th:text="${ocena.klienti == null} ? null : 'id:'+ ${ocena.klienti?.getId()} +
59 | ' ime:'+${ocena.klienti?.getIme()}" >[ocena.klienti]</td>
60 | <td th:text=" ${ocena.uslugi.getDejnost()}" >[ocena.klienti]</td>
61 |
62 | <td th:text="${ocena.vrednost}" >[ocena.vrednost]</td>
63 | <td th:text="${ocena.komentar}">[ocena.komentar]</td>
64 | <td th:text="${ocena.getRezervacija()?.getId()}">[ocena.rezervacija]</td>
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | </tr>
69 | </tbody>
70 | </table>
71 | </div>
72 | </div>
73 | </div>
74 | </div>
75 | </div>
76 | <div>
77 | <div th:replace="layout.html :: footer"></div>
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79 | </body>
80 | </html> |