
Version 1 (modified by trac, 3 years ago) ( diff )


TicketQuery Wiki Macro

The TicketQuery macro lets you display ticket information anywhere that accepts WikiFormatting. The query language used by the [[TicketQuery]] macro is described in the TracQuery page.



Wiki macro listing tickets that match certain criteria.

This macro accepts a comma-separated list of keyed parameters, in the form "key=value".

If the key is the name of a field, the value must use the syntax of a filter specifier as defined in TracQuery#QueryLanguage. Note that this is not the same as the simplified URL syntax used for query: links starting with a ? character. Commas (,) can be included in field values by escaping them with a backslash (\).

Groups of field constraints to be OR-ed together can be separated by a literal or argument.

In addition to filters, several other named parameters can be used to control how the results are presented. All of them are optional.

The format parameter determines how the list of tickets is presented:

  • list -- the default presentation is to list the ticket ID next to the summary, with each ticket on a separate line.
  • compact -- the tickets are presented as a comma-separated list of ticket IDs.
  • count -- only the count of matching tickets is displayed
  • rawcount -- only the count of matching tickets is displayed, not even with a link to the corresponding query (since 1.1.1)
  • table -- a view similar to the custom query view (but without the controls)
  • progress -- a view similar to the milestone progress bars

The max parameter can be used to limit the number of tickets shown (defaults to 0, i.e. no maximum).

The order parameter sets the field used for ordering tickets (defaults to id).

The desc parameter indicates whether the order of the tickets should be reversed (defaults to false).

The group parameter sets the field used for grouping tickets (defaults to not being set).

The groupdesc parameter indicates whether the natural display order of the groups should be reversed (defaults to false).

The verbose parameter can be set to a true value in order to get the description for the listed tickets. For table format only. deprecated in favor of the rows parameter

The rows parameter can be used to specify which field(s) should be viewed as a row, e.g. rows=description|summary

The col parameter can be used to specify which fields should be viewed as columns. For table format only.

For compatibility with Trac 0.10, if there's a last positional parameter given to the macro, it will be used to specify the format. Also, using "&" as a field separator still works (except for order) but is deprecated.


Example Result Macro
Number of Triage tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=new&milestone=,count)]]
Number of new tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=new,count)]]
Number of reopened tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=reopened,count)]]
Number of assigned tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=assigned,count)]]
Number of invalid tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=invalid,count)]]
Number of worksforme tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=worksforme,count)]]
Number of duplicate tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=duplicate,count)]]
Number of wontfix tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=wontfix,count)]]
Number of fixed tickets: 6 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=fixed,count)]]
Number of untriaged tickets (milestone unset): 0 [[TicketQuery(status!=closed,milestone=,count)]]
Total number of tickets: 6 [[TicketQuery(count)]]
Number of tickets reported or owned by current user: 0 [[TicketQuery(reporter=$USER,or,owner=$USER,count)]]
Number of tickets created this month: 0 [[TicketQuery(created=thismonth..,count)]]
Number of closed Firefox tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox,count)]]
Number of closed Opera tickets: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=opera,count)]]
Number of closed tickets affecting Firefox and Opera: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox opera,count)]]
Number of closed tickets affecting Firefox or Opera: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox|opera,count)]]
Number of tickets that affect Firefox or are closed and affect Opera: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=opera,or,keywords~=firefox,count)]]
Number of closed Firefox tickets that don't affect Opera: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox -opera,count)]]
Last 3 modified tickets: #4, #1, #6 [[TicketQuery(max=3,order=modified,desc=1,compact)]]

Details of ticket #1:


Ticket Owner Reporter
#1 193021 nenad.anchev
Summary Забелешки за ЕР

Format: list


This is displayed as:

No results


This is displayed as:

No results

Format: compact

[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, compact)]]

This is displayed as:

No results

Format: count

[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, count)]]

This is displayed as:


Format: progress


This is displayed as:

Format: table

You can choose the columns displayed in the table format (format=table) using col=<field>. You can specify multiple fields and the order they are displayed by placing pipes (|) between the columns:


This is displayed as:

Results (1 - 3 of 6)

1 2
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#6 fixed Проектот е за само еден салон, а моделирате повеќе салони somebody vangel.ajanovski
#5 fixed Доправки кај сценарија somebody nenad.anchev
#4 fixed Поправки кај модел somebody nenad.anchev
1 2

Full rows

In table format you can specify full rows using rows=<field>:


This is displayed as:

Results (1 - 3 of 6)

1 2
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#6 fixed Проектот е за само еден салон, а моделирате повеќе салони somebody vangel.ajanovski

Идејата на проектот тргнува од тоа да направите систем за еден конкретен салон, неговите вработени и услуги. Моделот ви опфаќа повеќе салони и можност истиот вработен да работи во повеќе салони.

#5 fixed Доправки кај сценарија somebody nenad.anchev

Кај основните сценарија да се напишат чекорите од сценаријата (не мора слики и SQL)

Кај сценариото за закажување термин, да се додадат сите SQL прашалници кои прикажуваат податоци на погледите.

#4 fixed Поправки кај модел somebody nenad.anchev

Релацијата помеѓу вработен и резервација треба да биде еден-многу. Мапирањето е во ред, само да се поправи кај ЕР дијаграмот.

Кај релациската шема и кај DDL да се ревидираат nullable опциите кај надворепните клучеви. Да бидат соодветни според тоталните учества.

1 2

See also: TracQuery, TracTickets, TracReports

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.