1 | INSERT INTO users (username, is_activate, password, description, registered_at, sex,name,email)
3 | ('user1', true, '$2a$12$0f.x7aBM2wFBZBXoLPj0BObVsk.J1kXFYo5nb4niAWkI4hk5tHvDy', 'First user', NOW(), 'M','viki', 'viki@gmail.com'),
4 | ('user2', true, '$2a$12$VkR0a47LDVM6aUqFcEJGSu9jhZCz.05tCoyiRicFObt4f2x2gijKa', 'Second user', NOW(), 'F','stefan', 'stefan@gmail.com'),
5 | ('user3', true, '$2a$12$eSLdHHJ1KFgv.dOupmloXeItjrt2o1IB6ER6Nq7WYj9Jfr2bEwK2a', 'Third user', NOW(), 'M','darko', 'darko@gmail.com'),
6 | ('user4', true, '$2a$12$dF5SXcNhMulgU3Qre3nh1e.aatRiJZsnfoBSqReGnXe9rIbHYVWhe', 'Fourth user', NOW(), 'F','andrej', 'andrej@gmail.com'),
7 | ('user5', true, '$2a$12$zHrloz8WG2zo5S6MTf1C0ez1raMlmDJdB8OOa2I1S2pVy9oI76YTa', 'Fifth user', NOW(), 'M','ramche', 'ramche@gmail.com');
8 |
9 |
10 | INSERT INTO thread (content, user_id)
12 | ('Main content for topic thread 1', 1), --1
13 | ('Main content for topic thread 2', 2), --2
14 | ('Discussion content for topic 1', 1), --3
15 | ('Discussion content for topic 2', 2), --4
16 | ('Project-specific thread content', 3), --5
17 | ('Reply to topic 1', 4), -- 6
18 | ('Further discussion on topic 2', 5), --7
19 | ('Main content for topic thread', 1), --8
20 | ('Project-specific thread content 2', 5); --9
21 |
22 | insert into embeddable_thread(id)
23 | values (1),(2),(3),(4),(6),(7),(8);
24 |
25 |
26 | INSERT INTO project_thread (id, title, repo_url)
28 | (5, 'Project 1 Thread', 'http://github.com/project1'),
29 | (9, 'Project 2 Thread', 'http://github.com/project1');
30 |
31 | INSERT INTO topic_thread (id, title, parent_id)
33 | (1, 'Topic 1' , 5),
34 | (2, 'Topic 2', NULL),
35 | (8, 'Topic 7' , NULL);
36 |
37 | insert into topic_guidelines(topic_id,description)
38 | values
39 | (1,'Follow guidelines'),
40 | ( 2,'Be respectful');
41 |
42 | INSERT INTO discussion_thread (id, parent_id)
44 | (3, 1),
45 | (4, 2),
46 | (6, 1),
47 | (7, 4);
48 |
49 |
50 | INSERT INTO likes (user_id, thread_id)
52 | (1, 3),
53 | (2, 4),
54 | (3, 5),
55 | (4, 6),
56 | (5, 7);
57 |
58 |
59 | INSERT INTO blacklisted_user (topic_id, user_id, moderator_id, start_date, end_date, reason)
61 | (1, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '7 days', 'Spamming'),
62 | (2, 3, 2, NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '3 days', 'Offensive language');
63 |
64 | INSERT INTO permissions (name)
66 | ('Create Thread'),
67 | ('Delete Thread');
68 |
69 | INSERT INTO project_roles (name, project_id, description)
71 | ('Admin', 5, 'Admin role for the project'),
72 | ('Developer', 5, 'Developer role for the project');
73 |
74 |
75 | INSERT INTO users_project_roles (user_id, project_id, role_name)
77 | (3, 5, 'Admin'),
78 | (5, 5, 'Developer');
79 |
80 | INSERT INTO project_roles_permissions (permission_name, role_name, project_id)
82 | ('Create Thread', 'Admin', 5),
83 | ('Delete Thread', 'Admin', 5);
84 |
85 | insert into submission(created_by,status,description)
86 | values
87 | (1,'PENDING','Inappropriate content'),
88 | (3,'DENIED','Spam content');
89 |
90 | INSERT INTO report (id,thread_id, for_user_id)
92 | (1, 2, 1),
93 | (2, 1, 3);
94 |
95 | INSERT INTO channel (name, description, project_id, developer_id)
97 | ('Updates', 'Project updates channel', 5, 3);
98 |
99 | INSERT INTO messages (sent_at, content, sent_by, project_id, channel_name)
100 | VALUES
101 | (NOW(), 'Zdravo. Ova e real-time chat za dopisuvanje', 3, 5, 'General'),
102 | (NOW(), 'Resen ladno a?', 3, 5, 'Updates');
103 |
104 | ---------------- NOV TEST DATA
105 |
106 | -- Add new users
107 | INSERT INTO users (username, is_activate, password, description, registered_at, sex, name, email)
108 | VALUES
109 | -- Password: user6pass
110 | ('user6', true, '$2a$12$jB9g/.KP95fsYYOTy0pwZ.kFrwA/G2cMvPvFLzGtCk8jJ2qO3O.3u', 'Sixth user', NOW(), 'M', 'marko', 'marko@gmail.com'),
111 | -- Password: user7pass
112 | ('user7', true, '$2a$12$KRxRufuMscrlQOLKGw4fBehNLWaP7Zu.M964G2JedKVM4o4wTiJaG', 'Seventh user', NOW(), 'F', 'jana', 'jana@gmail.com'),
113 | -- Password: user8pass
114 | ('user8', true, '$2a$12$SCqlK.Rl72tFT0kIUNP6KuSy6BYzfdb9sKJPSWbIK8/uk7y8U7hgS', 'Eighth user', NOW(), 'M', 'nikola', 'nikola@gmail.com'),
115 | -- Password: user9pass
116 | ('user9', true, '$2a$12$LpDTYNb/i0cohkmszkx93ef9rkgFTNFQz/KqHEYIAE9MPOmlyXJ9m', 'Ninth user', NOW(), 'F', 'elena', 'elena@gmail.com'),
117 | -- Password: user10pass
118 | ('user10', true, '$2a$12$p/kZdDKCUCmXjWTsknss/.UaD4a8vxrTcfvc6mdkpHRRPqRZLLtr6', 'Tenth user', NOW(), 'M', 'petar', 'petar@gmail.com');
119 |
120 | -- Add new developers
121 | INSERT INTO developer (id)
122 | VALUES
123 | (6), -- user6
124 | (7), -- user7
125 | (8), -- user8
126 | (9), -- user9
127 | (10); -- user10
128 |
129 | -- Add new threads
130 | INSERT INTO thread (content, user_id)
131 | VALUES
132 | ('Main content for topic thread 3', 6), --10
133 | ('Main content for topic thread 4', 7), --11
134 | ('Discussion content for topic 3', 6), --12
135 | ('Discussion content for topic 4', 7), --13
136 | ('Project-specific thread content 3', 8), --14
137 | ('Reply to topic 3', 9), --15
138 | ('Further discussion on topic 4', 10), --16
139 | ('Main content for topic thread 5', 6), --17
140 | ('Project-specific thread content 4', 10); --18
141 |
142 | -- Add embeddable_thread entries for topic and discussion threads
143 | INSERT INTO embeddable_thread (id)
144 | VALUES
145 | (10), (11), (12), (13), (15), (16), (17);
146 |
147 | -- Add new project_threads
148 | INSERT INTO project_thread (id, title, repo_url)
149 | VALUES
150 | (14, 'Project 3 Thread', 'http://github.com/project3'),
151 | (18, 'Project 4 Thread', 'http://github.com/project4');
152 |
153 | -- Add new topic_threads
154 | INSERT INTO topic_thread (id, title, parent_id)
155 | VALUES
156 | (10, 'Topic 3', 14),
157 | (11, 'Topic 4', NULL),
158 | (17, 'Topic 8', NULL);
159 |
160 | -- Add new topic_guidelines
161 | INSERT INTO topic_guidelines (topic_id, description)
162 | VALUES
163 | (10, 'Stay on topic'),
164 | (11, 'No personal attacks');
165 |
166 | -- Add new discussion_threads
167 | INSERT INTO discussion_thread (id, parent_id)
168 | VALUES
169 | (12, 10),
170 | (13, 11),
171 | (15, 10),
172 | (16, 13);
173 |
174 | -- Add new likes
175 | INSERT INTO likes (user_id, thread_id)
176 | VALUES
177 | (6, 12),
178 | (7, 13),
179 | (8, 14),
180 | (9, 15),
181 | (10, 16);
182 |
183 | -- Add new blacklisted_user entries
184 | INSERT INTO blacklisted_user (topic_id, user_id, moderator_id, start_date, end_date, reason)
185 | VALUES
186 | (10, 7, 6, NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '5 days', 'Repeated off-topic posts'),
187 | (11, 8, 7, NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '10 days', 'Harassment');
188 |
189 | -- Add new submissions
190 | INSERT INTO submission (created_by, status, description)
191 | VALUES
192 | (6, 'PENDING', 'Request for new feature'),
193 | (7, 'ACCEPTED', 'Bug report');
194 |
195 | -- Add new reports
196 | INSERT INTO report (id, thread_id, for_user_id)
197 | VALUES
198 | (3, 10, 7),
199 | (4, 11, 8);
200 |
201 | -- Associate developers with projects
202 | INSERT INTO developer_associated_with_project (project_id, developer_id, started_at)
203 | VALUES
204 | (14, 6, NOW()), -- user6 associated with Project 3
205 | (14, 7, NOW()), -- user7 associated with Project 3
206 | (18, 8, NOW()), -- user8 associated with Project 4
207 | (18, 9, NOW()); -- user9 associated with Project 4
208 |
209 | -- Add new channels
210 | INSERT INTO channel (name, description, project_id, developer_id)
211 | VALUES
212 | ('General2', 'General discussion', 14, 6), -- Created by user6 for Project 3
213 | ('Bugs', 'Bug reports and fixes', 14, 7), -- Created by user7 for Project 3
214 | ('General2', 'General discussion', 18, 8), -- Created by user8 for Project 4
215 | ('Ideas', 'Feature ideas', 18, 9); -- Created by user9 for Project 4
216 |
217 | -- Add new messages (only users associated with the project can send messages)
218 | INSERT INTO messages (sent_at, content, sent_by, project_id, channel_name)
219 | VALUES
220 | (NOW(), 'Welcome to Project 3!', 6, 14, 'General'), -- Sent by user6 in Project 3
221 | (NOW(), 'Found a bug in the login module.', 7, 14, 'Bugs'), -- Sent by user7 in Project 3
222 | (NOW(), 'Let’s discuss new features.', 8, 18, 'General'), -- Sent by user8 in Project 4
223 | (NOW(), 'I have an idea for a new feature.', 9, 18, 'Ideas'); -- Sent by user9 in Project 4
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |