Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of WikiStartMARnetCBPWS2015

04/07/15 16:34:45 (9 years ago)
Vangel Ajanovski



  • WikiStartMARnetCBPWS2015

    v31 v32  
    1818* Workshop welcome (Representative from MARNet)
    19 * Campus Best Practice - Overview (Jari)
    20 * Campus Best Practice - Experience in Finland (Janne)
    21 * MARNet involvement in the GN3+ Campus Best Practice task (Vangel Ajanovski)
     19* Campus Best Practice - Overview (Jari Miettinen - CSC/FUNET)
     20* Campus Best Practice - Experience in Finland (Janne Oksanen)
     21* MARNet involvement in the GN3+ Campus Best Practice task (Vangel Ajanovski - FCSE/MARNET)
    2222* Presentations of CBP documents from MARNet team in GN3+
    23  * Access control and monitoring for campus computer labs  (Vangel Ajanovski)
    24  * Implementation and monitoring of eduroam infrastructure using FortiGate wireless controllers (Anastas Mishev or Vladislav Bidikov)
    25  * Integration of federated identity management with Microsoft Office 365 (Boro Jakimovski or Vasko Sazdovski)
    26  * Cloud implementation using OpenNebula (Boro Jakimovski or Vasko Sazdovski)
     23 * Access control and monitoring for campus computer labs  (Vangel Ajanovski - FCSE/MARNET)
     24 * Implementation and monitoring of eduroam infrastructure using FortiGate wireless controllers (Anastas Mishev or Vladislav Bidikov  - FCSE/MARNET)
     25 * Integration of federated identity management with Microsoft Office 365 (Boro Jakimovski or Vasko Sazdovski  - FCSE/MARNET)
     26 * Cloud implementation using OpenNebula (Boro Jakimovski or Vasko Sazdovski  - FCSE/MARNET)
    2727* Open Discussion:
    2828 * Round the table introduction of all participants and involvement in university campuses