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| 46 | <span>LOGGED IN AS : </span><p th:text="${session.user.ime}" th:unless="${session == null}">[...]</p>
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| 61 | <span class="findapartments-text06">CITY</span>
| 62 |
| 63 | <select class="findapartments-textinput1 input" name="cityname" id="cityname">
| 64 | <option th:each="city : ${cities}" th:value="${city.cityname}" th:name="city" th:text="${city.cityname}">
| 65 | </option>
| 66 | </select>
| 67 |
| 68 | </div>
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| 70 | </br>
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| 72 | <span class="findapartments-text07">BUDGET</span>
| 73 | <input
| 74 | type="text"
| 75 | placeholder="Budget"
| 76 | class="findapartments-textinput1 input"
| 77 | id="budget"
| 78 | name="budget"
| 79 | />
| 80 | </div>
| 81 | </br>
| 82 | </br>
| 83 | <div>
| 84 | <span class="findapartments-text08">NUMBER OF ROOMMATES</span>
| 85 | <input
| 86 | type="text"
| 87 | placeholder="Number of Roommates"
| 88 | class="findapartments-textinput2 input"
| 89 | id="number_of_roommates"
| 90 | name="number_of_roommates"
| 91 | />
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