1 | import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 | import loginStyles from '../../css/AuthenticationCss/login-style.module.css';
3 | import registerStyles from '../../css/AuthenticationCss/register-style.module.css';
4 | import logo from '../../images/logo.png';
5 | import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
6 | import { faEye, faEyeSlash } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
7 | import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
8 | import PostRegister from './PostRegister';
9 |
10 | const Register = () => {
11 | const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState('');
12 | const [lastName, setLastName] = useState('');
13 | const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = useState(false);
14 | const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
15 | const [confirmPassword, setConfirmPassword] = useState('');
16 | const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
17 | const [passwordStrength, setPasswordStrength] = useState('');
18 | const [passwordIndicatorColor, setPasswordIndicatorColor] = useState('');
19 | const [emailIsValid, setEmailIsValid] = useState(true);
20 | const [hasBeenRegistered, setHasBeenRegistered] = useState(false);
21 |
22 | const capitalizeFirstLetter = (string) => {
23 | return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
24 | };
25 |
26 | const handleNameChange = (e) => {
27 | setFirstName(capitalizeFirstLetter(e.target.value));
28 | };
29 |
30 | const handleSurnameChange = (e) => {
31 | setLastName(capitalizeFirstLetter(e.target.value));
32 | };
33 |
34 | const togglePasswordVisibility = () => {
35 | setShowPassword(!showPassword);
36 | };
37 |
38 | const handleEmailChange = (e) => {
39 | const emailValue = e.target.value;
40 | setEmail(emailValue);
41 |
42 | const emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
43 | setEmailIsValid(emailRegex.test(emailValue));
44 | };
45 |
46 | const handlePasswordChange = (e) => {
47 | setPassword(e.target.value);
48 | };
49 |
50 | const handleConfirmPasswordChange = (e) => {
51 | setConfirmPassword(e.target.value);
52 | };
53 |
54 | const validatePassword = () => {
55 | let strengthMessage = '';
56 | let strengthColor = '';
57 | let isStrongPassword = false;
58 |
59 | if (password.length < 6) {
60 | strengthMessage = 'Password must be at least 6 characters';
61 | strengthColor = 'red';
62 | } else {
63 | const hasUpperCase = /[A-Z]/.test(password);
64 | const hasLowerCase = /[a-z]/.test(password);
65 | const hasNumbers = /\d/.test(password);
66 | const hasSpecialChars = /[!@#$%^&*(),.?":{}|<>]/.test(password);
67 |
68 | if (hasUpperCase && hasLowerCase && hasNumbers && hasSpecialChars) {
69 | isStrongPassword = true;
70 | } else {
71 | strengthMessage = 'Password should include uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters';
72 | strengthColor = 'orange';
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | setPasswordStrength(strengthMessage);
77 | setPasswordIndicatorColor(strengthColor);
78 |
79 | return isStrongPassword;
80 | };
81 |
82 | const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
83 | e.preventDefault();
84 |
85 | const isStrongPassword = validatePassword();
86 |
87 | if (password !== confirmPassword) {
88 | setPasswordStrength('Passwords do not match');
89 | setPasswordIndicatorColor('red');
90 | return;
91 | }
92 |
93 | if (!isStrongPassword) {
94 | return;
95 | }
96 |
97 | if (!emailIsValid) {
98 | return;
99 | }
100 |
101 | try {
102 | const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/api/register', {
103 | method: 'POST',
104 | headers: {
105 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
106 | },
107 | body: JSON.stringify({
108 | email,
109 | password,
110 | name: firstName,
111 | surname: lastName,
112 | }),
113 | });
114 |
115 | if (response.ok) {
116 | setHasBeenRegistered(true);
117 | } else {
118 | const errorText = await response.text();
119 | setPasswordStrength(errorText);
120 | setPasswordIndicatorColor('red');
121 | }
122 | } catch (error) {
123 | console.error('Error during registration:', error);
124 | setPasswordStrength('An error occurred during registration. Please try again.');
125 | setPasswordIndicatorColor('red');
126 | }
127 | };
128 |
129 | return (
130 | <>
131 | {hasBeenRegistered ? (
132 | <PostRegister />
133 | ) : (
134 | <div className={loginStyles.loginContainer}>
135 | <div className={loginStyles.backgroundContainer}></div>
136 | <div className={loginStyles.overlay}>
137 | <form className={loginStyles.form} id="register-form" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
138 | <img src={logo} alt="Logo" className={loginStyles.logo} />
139 | <p className={loginStyles.title}>Create an Account</p>
140 | <p className={registerStyles.message}>Signup now and get full access to our app.</p>
141 | <div className={registerStyles.flex}>
142 | <label>
143 | <input
144 | className={loginStyles.input}
145 | type="text"
146 | value={firstName}
147 | onChange={handleNameChange}
148 | required
149 | />
150 | <span>Firstname</span>
151 | </label>
152 | <label>
153 | <input
154 | className={loginStyles.input}
155 | type="text"
156 | value={lastName}
157 | onChange={handleSurnameChange}
158 | required
159 | />
160 | <span>Lastname</span>
161 | </label>
162 | </div>
163 |
164 | <label>
165 | <input
166 | className={`${loginStyles.input} ${emailIsValid ? '' : registerStyles.invalid}`}
167 | type="email"
168 | value={email}
169 | onChange={handleEmailChange}
170 | required
171 | />
172 | <span>Email</span>
173 | </label>
174 |
175 | <label>
176 | <input
177 | className={`${loginStyles.input} ${loginStyles.passwordInput}`}
178 | type={showPassword ? 'text' : 'password'}
179 | id="password"
180 | value={password}
181 | onChange={handlePasswordChange}
182 | required
183 | />
184 | <span>Password</span>
185 | <span className={loginStyles.eye} onClick={togglePasswordVisibility}>
186 | <FontAwesomeIcon icon={showPassword ? faEyeSlash : faEye} id="show-password" />
187 | </span>
188 | </label>
189 | <label>
190 | <input
191 | className={`${loginStyles.input} ${loginStyles.passwordInput}`}
192 | type={showPassword ? 'text' : 'password'}
193 | id="confirm-password"
194 | value={confirmPassword}
195 | onChange={handleConfirmPasswordChange}
196 | required
197 | />
198 | <span>Confirm password</span>
199 | </label>
200 | <div id="password-indicator" className={registerStyles.passwordIndicator} style={{ color: passwordIndicatorColor }}>
201 | {passwordStrength}
202 | </div>
203 | <button className={loginStyles.submit} type="submit">
204 | Create account
205 | </button>
206 | <p className={loginStyles.signin}>
207 | Already have an account? <Link to="/Login">Log into existing account</Link>
208 | </p>
209 | </form>
210 | </div>
211 | </div>
212 | )}
213 | </>
214 | );
215 | };
216 |
217 | export default Register;