1 | import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
2 | import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
3 | import Modal from 'react-modal';
4 | import { FaArrowLeft } from 'react-icons/fa';
5 | import styles from '../css/DeliveryViewCss/delivery-view.module.css';
6 |
7 | Modal.setAppElement('#root');
8 |
9 | const DeliveryView = () => {
10 | const [activeOrders, setActiveOrders] = useState([]);
11 | const [ongoingOrder, setOngoingOrder] = useState(null);
12 | const [orderHistory, setOrderHistory] = useState([]);
13 | const [selectedOrder, setSelectedOrder] = useState(null);
14 | const [productOrders, setProductOrders] = useState([]);
15 | const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
16 | const [error, setError] = useState(null);
17 | const navigate = useNavigate();
18 |
19 | const fetchProductOrdersByOrderId = useCallback(async (orderId) => {
20 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
21 | try {
22 | const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/productOrders/order/${orderId}`, {
23 | method: 'GET',
24 | headers: {
25 | 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
26 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
27 | },
28 | });
29 |
30 | if (response.ok) {
31 | const productOrdersData = await response.json();
32 |
33 | const productOrdersWithNames = await Promise.all(
34 | productOrdersData.map(async (productOrder) => {
35 | const productName = await fetchProductName(productOrder.productId);
36 | return {
37 | ...productOrder,
38 | name: productName,
39 | };
40 | })
41 | );
42 |
43 | setProductOrders(productOrdersWithNames);
44 | } else {
45 | alert('Failed to fetch product orders for the selected order.');
46 | }
47 | } catch (error) {
48 | console.error('Error fetching product orders:', error);
49 | }
50 | }, []);
51 |
52 | const fetchProductName = async (productId) => {
53 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
54 | try {
55 | const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/products/${productId}`, {
56 | method: 'GET',
57 | headers: {
58 | 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
59 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
60 | },
61 | });
62 |
63 | if (response.ok) {
64 | const productData = await response.json();
65 | return productData.name;
66 | } else {
67 | return 'Unknown Product';
68 | }
69 | } catch (error) {
70 | console.error('Error fetching product name:', error);
71 | return 'Unknown Product';
72 | }
73 | };
74 |
75 | const fetchUserData = async (userId) => {
76 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
77 | try {
78 | const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/users/${userId}`, {
79 | method: 'GET',
80 | headers: {
81 | 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
82 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
83 | },
84 | });
85 |
86 | if (response.ok) {
87 | return await response.json();
88 | } else {
89 | console.error('Failed to fetch user details.');
90 | return null;
91 | }
92 | } catch (error) {
93 | console.error('Error fetching user details:', error);
94 | return null;
95 | }
96 | };const fetchDeliveryData = useCallback(async () => {
97 | try {
98 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
99 | if (!token) {
100 | alert('You need to be logged in to access this page.');
101 | navigate('/login');
102 | return;
103 | }
104 |
105 | const ongoingOrderData = await fetchOrderData('http://localhost:8080/api/deliveryperson/ongoing', token);
106 | if (ongoingOrderData) {
107 | const userData = await fetchUserData(ongoingOrderData.userId);
108 | setOngoingOrder({ ...ongoingOrderData, user: userData });
109 | await fetchProductOrdersByOrderId(ongoingOrderData.id);
110 | } else {
111 | const activeOrdersData = await fetchOrderData('http://localhost:8080/api/orders/activeOrders', token);
112 | if (activeOrdersData) {
113 | setActiveOrders(activeOrdersData);
114 | }
115 | }
116 |
117 | const historyData = await fetchOrderData('http://localhost:8080/api/orders/history', token);
118 | if (historyData) {
119 | const historyWithDetails = await Promise.all(
120 | historyData.map(async (order) => {
121 | const userData = await fetchUserData(order.userId);
122 | const productOrders = await fetchProductOrdersByOrderId(order.id);
123 | return { ...order, user: userData, productOrders };
124 | })
125 | );
126 | setOrderHistory(historyWithDetails);
127 | }
128 | } catch (err) {
129 | console.error('Error fetching delivery data:', err);
130 | setError('Failed to fetch delivery data.');
131 | } finally {
132 | setLoading(false);
133 | }
134 | }, [navigate, fetchProductOrdersByOrderId]);
135 |
136 | useEffect(() => {
137 | fetchDeliveryData();
138 | }, [fetchProductOrdersByOrderId, fetchDeliveryData]);
139 |
140 | const fetchOrderData = async (url, token) => {
141 | const response = await fetch(url, {
142 | method: 'GET',
143 | headers: {
144 | 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
145 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
146 | },
147 | });
148 | if (response.ok) {
149 | const text = await response.text();
150 | if (!text) {
151 | return null;
152 | }
153 | try {
154 | return JSON.parse(text);
155 | } catch (error) {
156 | console.error('Error parsing JSON:', error);
157 | return null;
158 | }
159 | } else if (response.status === 204) {
160 | return null;
161 | } else {
162 | throw new Error('Failed to fetch data');
163 | }
164 | };
165 | const acceptOrder = async (orderId) => {
166 | try {
167 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
168 | const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/orders/accept/${orderId}`, {
169 | method: 'POST',
170 | headers: {
171 | 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
172 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
173 | },
174 | });
175 |
176 | if (response.ok) {
177 | const acceptedOrder = activeOrders.find(order => order.id === orderId);
178 | const userData = await fetchUserData(acceptedOrder.userId);
179 | setOngoingOrder({ ...acceptedOrder, user: userData });
180 |
181 | setActiveOrders(prevOrders =>
182 | prevOrders.map(order => (order.id === orderId ? { ...order, accepted: true } : order))
183 | );
184 | setSelectedOrder(acceptedOrder);
185 | await fetchProductOrdersByOrderId(orderId);
186 | } else {
187 | alert('Order has already been accepted by another Delivery Person.');
188 | }
189 | } catch (error) {
190 | console.error('Error accepting order:', error);
191 | }
192 | };
193 |
194 |
195 | const finishOrder = async () => {
196 | try {
197 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
198 | const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/orders/finish/${ongoingOrder.id}`, {
199 | method: 'PUT',
200 | headers: {
201 | 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
202 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
203 | },
204 | });
205 |
206 | if (response.ok) {
207 | setOngoingOrder(null);
208 | await fetchDeliveryData();
209 | } else {
210 | alert('Failed to mark the order as finished.');
211 | }
212 | } catch (error) {
213 | console.error('Error finishing the order:', error);
214 | }
215 | };
216 |
217 | const openOrderDetails = async (order) => {
218 | const userData = await fetchUserData(order.userId);
219 | setSelectedOrder({ ...order, user: userData });
220 | await fetchProductOrdersByOrderId(order.id);
221 | };
222 |
223 |
224 | const splitAddress = (address) => {
225 | const [street = '', number = '', floor = ''] = address.split(';');
226 | return { street, number, floor };
227 | };
228 |
229 | const closeModal = () => {
230 | setSelectedOrder(null);
231 | };
232 |
233 | const handleBackClick = () => {
234 | navigate(-1);
235 | };
236 |
237 | if (loading) {
238 | return <p>Loading...</p>;
239 | }
240 |
241 | if (error) {
242 | return <p>{error}</p>;
243 | }
244 |
245 | return (
246 | <div className={styles.container}>
247 | <h1>Delivery Dashboard</h1>
248 | <div className={styles.backArrow} onClick={handleBackClick}>
249 | <FaArrowLeft />
250 | </div>
251 | {ongoingOrder && (
252 | <section className={styles.section}>
253 | <h2>Ongoing Delivery</h2>
254 | <div className={styles.card}>
255 | <h3>Order #{ongoingOrder.id}</h3>
256 | <p><strong>Street:</strong> {splitAddress(ongoingOrder.address).street}</p>
257 | <p><strong>Number:</strong> {splitAddress(ongoingOrder.address).number}</p>
258 | <p><strong>Floor:</strong> {splitAddress(ongoingOrder.address).floor}</p>
259 | {ongoingOrder.user && (
260 | <>
261 | <p><strong>Phone Number:</strong> {ongoingOrder.user.phoneNumber}</p>
262 | <p><strong>Name:</strong> {ongoingOrder.user.userName} {ongoingOrder.user.userSurname}</p>
263 | </>
264 | )}
265 | <button className={styles.button} onClick={finishOrder}>
266 | Mark as Finished
267 | </button>
268 | <button className={styles.button} onClick={() => openOrderDetails(ongoingOrder)}>
269 | View Details
270 | </button>
271 | </div>
272 | </section>
273 | )}
274 | {!ongoingOrder && (
275 | <section className={styles.section}>
276 | <h2>Active Orders</h2>
277 | <div className={styles.cardsContainer}>
278 | {activeOrders.length === 0 ? (
279 | <p>No active orders at the moment.</p>
280 | ) : (
281 | activeOrders.map(order => {
282 | const { street, number, floor } = splitAddress(order.address);
283 | return (
284 | <div key={order.id} className={styles.card}>
285 | <h3>Order #{order.id}</h3>
286 | <p><strong>Street: </strong>{street}</p>
287 | <p><strong>Number: </strong>{number}</p>
288 | <p><strong>Floor: </strong>{floor}</p>
289 | {!order.accepted && (
290 | <button className={styles.button} onClick={() => acceptOrder(order.id)}>
291 | Accept Order
292 | </button>
293 | )}
294 | </div>
295 | );
296 | })
297 | )}
298 | </div>
299 | </section>
300 | )}
301 | <section className={styles.section}>
302 | <h2>Order History</h2>
303 | <div className={styles.cardsContainer}>
304 | {orderHistory.length === 0 ? (
305 | <p>No order history available.</p>
306 | ) : (
307 | orderHistory.map(order => {
308 | const { street, number, floor } = splitAddress(order.address);
309 | const { user } = order;
310 | return (
311 | <div key={order.id} className={styles.card}>
312 | <h3>Order #{order.id}</h3>
313 | <p><strong>Street:</strong> {street}</p>
314 | <p><strong>Number:</strong> {number}</p>
315 | <p><strong>Floor:</strong> {floor}</p>
316 | {user && (
317 | <>
318 | <p><strong>Phone Number:</strong> {user.phoneNumber}</p>
319 | <p><strong>Name:</strong> {user.userName} {user.userSurname}</p>
320 | </>
321 | )}
322 | <button className={styles.button} onClick={() => openOrderDetails(order)}>
323 | View Details
324 | </button>
325 | </div>
326 | );
327 | })
328 | )}
329 | </div>
330 | </section>
331 | {selectedOrder && (
332 | <Modal
333 | isOpen={!!selectedOrder}
334 | onRequestClose={closeModal}
335 | contentLabel="Order Details"
336 | className={styles.modal}
337 | overlayClassName={styles.overlay}
338 | >
339 | <h2>Order Details - #{selectedOrder.id}</h2>
340 |
341 | {selectedOrder.address && (() => {
342 | const [street = '', number = '', floor = ''] = selectedOrder.address.split(';');
343 | return (
344 | <>
345 | <p><strong>Street:</strong> {street}</p>
346 | <p><strong>Number:</strong> {number}</p>
347 | <p><strong>Floor:</strong> {floor}</p>
348 | </>
349 | );
350 | })()}
351 |
352 | <p><strong>Products:</strong></p>
353 | <ul>
354 | {productOrders.length > 0 ? (
355 | productOrders.map(productOrder => (
356 | <li key={productOrder.id}>
357 | {productOrder.name} - {productOrder.quantity} grams
358 | </li>
359 | ))
360 | ) : (
361 | <li>No products available.</li>
362 | )}
363 | </ul>
364 | <button className={styles.button} onClick={closeModal}>Close</button>
365 | </Modal>
366 | )}
367 | </div>
368 | );
369 | };
370 |
371 | export default DeliveryView;