1 | import styles from "../../css/ApplicationFormCss/ApplicationForm.module.css"
2 | import modalStyles from "../../css/ApplicationFormCss/AlertModal.module.css";
3 | import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
4 | import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
5 |
6 | const RecipeApplication = () => {
7 | const [recipeName, setRecipeName] = useState('');
8 | const [recipeDesc, setRecipeDesc] = useState('');
9 | const [recipeCategory, setRecipeCategory] = useState('');
10 | const [recipeOrigin, setRecipeOrigin] = useState('');
11 | const [recipeVideoUrl, setRecipeVideoUrl] = useState('');
12 | const [recipeMealThumb, setRecipeMealThumb] = useState('');
13 | const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState([{ ingredient: '', dose: '' }]);
14 |
15 | const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
16 | const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
17 | const navigate = useNavigate();
18 |
19 | useEffect(() => {
20 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
21 | setIsLoggedIn(!!token);
22 | }, []);
23 |
24 | const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
25 | e.preventDefault();
26 | try {
27 | const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
28 |
29 | const payload = {
30 | recipeName: recipeName,
31 | recipeDesc: recipeDesc,
32 | recipeCategory: recipeCategory,
33 | recipeOrigin: recipeOrigin,
34 | recipeVideoURL: recipeVideoUrl,
35 | recipeMealThumb: recipeMealThumb,
36 | ingredients: ingredients
37 | };
38 |
39 | const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/api/recipes/add', {
40 | method: 'POST',
41 | headers: {
42 | 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
43 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
44 | },
45 | body: JSON.stringify(payload)
46 | });
47 |
48 | if (response.ok) {
49 | setShowModal(true);
50 | setTimeout(() => {
51 | setShowModal(false);
52 | navigate('/');
53 | }, 2500);
54 | } else {
55 | alert('Failed to submit application');
56 | }
57 | } catch (error) {
58 | console.error('Error submitting application:', error);
59 | alert('An error occurred while submitting the application.');
60 | }
61 | };
62 |
63 | const handleAddIngredient = () => {
64 | setIngredients([...ingredients, { ingredient: '', dose: '' }]);
65 | };
66 |
67 | const handleRemoveIngredient = (index) => {
68 | const newIngredients = ingredients.filter((_, i) => i !== index);
69 | setIngredients(newIngredients);
70 | };
71 |
72 | const handleIngredientChange = (index, value) => {
73 | const newIngredients = [...ingredients];
74 | newIngredients[index].ingredient = value;
75 | setIngredients(newIngredients);
76 | };
77 |
78 | const handleDoseChange = (index, value) => {
79 | const newIngredients = [...ingredients];
80 | newIngredients[index].dose = value;
81 | setIngredients(newIngredients);
82 | };
83 |
84 | if (!isLoggedIn) {
85 | return (
86 | <div className={styles.formContainer}>
87 | <div className={styles.messageContainer}>
88 | <h2 className={styles.formTitle}>Please log in to add your recipe.</h2>
89 | <button onClick={() => navigate('/login')} className={styles.loginButton}>
90 | Go to Login
91 | </button>
92 | </div>
93 | </div>
94 | );
95 | }
96 |
97 | return (
98 | <div className={styles.formContainer}>
99 | <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className={styles.applicationForm}>
100 | <h2 className={styles.formTitle}>Apply for your recipe to be added!</h2>
101 |
102 | <div className={styles.formGroup}>
103 | <label htmlFor="recipeName">Recipe Name:</label>
104 | <input
105 | type="text"
106 | id="recipeName"
107 | onChange={(e) => setRecipeName(e.target.value)}
108 | placeholder="Enter recipe name"
109 | required
110 | />
111 | </div>
112 |
113 | <div className={styles.formGroup}>
114 | <label htmlFor="description">Recipe Description:</label>
115 | <textarea
116 | id="description"
117 | rows="6"
118 | placeholder="Write a guide on how to prepare the recipe..."
119 | onChange={(e) => setRecipeDesc(e.target.value)}
120 | required
121 | style={{ resize: "none" }}
122 | />
123 | </div>
124 |
125 | <div className={styles.formGroup}>
126 | <div className={styles.innerFormContainer}>
127 | <div className={styles.innerFormData}>
128 | <label htmlFor="category">Category:</label>
129 | <input
130 | type="text"
131 | id="category"
132 | onChange={(e) => setRecipeCategory(e.target.value)}
133 | placeholder={"Breakfast, Lunch, Beef..."}
134 | />
135 | </div>
136 | <div className={styles.innerFormData}>
137 | <label htmlFor="origin">Nationality:</label>
138 | <input
139 | type="text"
140 | id="origin"
141 | onChange={(e) => setRecipeOrigin(e.target.value)}
142 | placeholder={"Italian, French, German..."}
143 | />
144 | </div>
145 | </div>
146 | </div>
147 |
148 | <div className={styles.formGroup}>
149 | <label>Ingredients:</label>
150 | {ingredients.map((ingredientItem, index) => (
151 | <div key={index} className={styles.innerFormContainer}>
152 | <div className={styles.innerFormData}>
153 | <input
154 | type="text"
155 | placeholder="Ingredient"
156 | value={ingredientItem.ingredient}
157 | onChange={(e) => handleIngredientChange(index, e.target.value)}
158 | required
159 | />
160 | </div>
161 | <div className={styles.innerFormData}>
162 | <input
163 | type="text"
164 | placeholder="Dose"
165 | value={ingredientItem.dose}
166 | onChange={(e) => handleDoseChange(index, e.target.value)}
167 | required
168 | />
169 | </div>
170 | <button type="button" className={styles.removeIngredientButton} onClick={() => handleRemoveIngredient(index)}>Remove</button>
171 | </div>
172 | ))}
173 | <button type="button" className={styles.addIngredientButton} onClick={handleAddIngredient}>Add Ingredient</button>
174 | </div>
175 |
176 | <div className={styles.formGroup}>
177 | <label htmlFor="mealThumb">Meal Thumbnail:</label>
178 | <input
179 | type="url"
180 | id="mealThumb"
181 | onChange={(e) => setRecipeMealThumb(e.target.value)}
182 | placeholder="Insert url of a picture of the recipe..."
183 | required
184 | />
185 | </div>
186 |
187 | <div className={styles.formGroup}>
188 | <label htmlFor="video">Video URL:</label>
189 | <input
190 | type="url"
191 | id="video"
192 | onChange={(e) => setRecipeVideoUrl(e.target.value)}
193 | placeholder="Insert url of the video of the recipe..."
194 | required
195 | />
196 | </div>
197 |
198 | <div className={styles.buttonContainer}>
199 | <button type="submit" className={styles.submitButton}>
200 | Submit Application
201 | </button>
202 | </div>
203 | </form>
204 |
205 | {showModal && (
206 | <>
207 | <div className={`${modalStyles.modalOverlay} ${modalStyles.show}`}></div>
208 | <div className={`${modalStyles.alertModal} ${modalStyles.show}`}>
209 | <h3>Application Submitted!</h3>
210 | <p>Your application has been submitted successfully. You will be redirected to the homepage shortly.</p>
211 | <button className={modalStyles.closeButton} onClick={() => setShowModal(false)}>
212 | Close
213 | </button>
214 | </div>
215 | </>
216 | )}
217 | </div>
218 | );
219 | };
220 |
221 | export default RecipeApplication;