1 | import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
2 | import { useParams, useNavigate, useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
3 | import { FaArrowLeft, FaHeart, FaTrash } from "react-icons/fa";
4 | import StarRating from "./StarRating";
5 | import Modal from "./ReviewModal";
6 | import styles from "../../css/RecipesCss/recipe-card-style.module.css";
7 | import ShoppingCart from '../ShoppingCartComponents/ShoppingCart';
8 |
9 | const RecipeCard = () => {
10 | const { id } = useParams();
11 | const navigate = useNavigate();
12 | const location = useLocation();
13 | const [recipeAndProducts, setRecipeAndProducts] = useState(null);
14 | const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
15 | const [newReview, setNewReview] = useState('');
16 | const [rating, setRating] = useState(0);
17 | const [reviews, setReviews] = useState([]);
18 | const [visibleReviews, setVisibleReviews] = useState(3);
19 | const [isFavorite, setIsFavorite] = useState(false);
20 | const [hasReviewed, setHasReviewed] = useState(false);
21 | const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
22 | const [deleteReviewId, setDeleteReviewId] = useState(null);
23 | const [modalMessage, setModalMessage] = useState("");
24 |
25 | const userEmail = localStorage.getItem("email");
26 | const token = localStorage.getItem("token");
27 |
28 | useEffect(() => {
29 | const fetchRecipe = async () => {
30 | try {
31 | const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/recipes/${id}`);
32 | const data = await response.json();
33 |
34 | setRecipeAndProducts(data);
35 | setReviews(data.reviews);
36 |
37 |
38 | const userReview = data.reviews.find(review => review.userEmail === userEmail);
39 | setHasReviewed(!!userReview);
40 |
41 | const favoriteResponse = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/favorite/check?userEmail=${userEmail}&recipeId=${id}`);
42 | const isFavorited = await favoriteResponse.json();
43 | setIsFavorite(isFavorited);
44 |
45 | setLoading(false);
46 | window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
47 | } catch (error) {
48 | console.error('Error fetching recipe:', error);
49 | setLoading(false);
50 | }
51 | };
52 |
53 | fetchRecipe();
54 | }, [id, userEmail]);
55 |
56 | const handleBackClick = () => {
57 | if (location.state?.fromMyReviews) {
58 | navigate('/profile', { state: { selected: 2 } });
59 | } else if(location.state?.fromMyFavoriteRecipes) {
60 | navigate('/profile', { state: { selected: 1 } })
61 | } else if (location.state?.fromHomepage) {
62 | navigate("/");
63 | window.scrollTo({ top: 550, behavior: "smooth" });
64 | } else if (location.state) {
65 | const { category, nationality, page, productIds } = location.state;
66 | const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
67 | if (category) searchParams.set('category', category);
68 | if (nationality) searchParams.set('nationality', nationality);
69 | if (productIds && productIds.length > 0) {
70 | productIds.forEach(id => searchParams.append('productId', id));
71 | }
72 | searchParams.set('page', page || 0);
73 | navigate(`/recipes?${searchParams.toString()}`, { state: location.state });
74 | } else {
75 | navigate("/recipes");
76 | }
77 | };
78 | const handleReviewSubmit = async () => {
79 | if (!token) {
80 | setModalMessage("You need to log in to submit a review.");
81 | setShowModal(true);
82 | return;
83 | }
84 |
85 | if (hasReviewed) {
86 | setModalMessage("You have already submitted a review for this recipe.");
87 | setShowModal(true);
88 | return;
89 | }
90 | if (rating === 0){
91 | setModalMessage("You cannot leave a rating of 0.");
92 | setShowModal(true);
93 | return;
94 | }
95 |
96 | try {
97 | const response = await fetch("http://localhost:8080/api/reviews", {
98 | method: "POST",
99 | headers: {
100 | "Content-Type": "application/json",
101 | Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
102 | },
103 | body: JSON.stringify({ recipeId: id, review: newReview, rating }),
104 | });
105 |
106 | if (response.ok) {
107 | const updatedReviews = await response.json();
108 | setReviews(updatedReviews.sort((a, b) => b.rating - a.rating));
109 | setNewReview("");
110 | setRating(0);
111 | setHasReviewed(true);
112 |
113 | } else {
114 | console.error("Failed to submit review:", await response.text());
115 | setModalMessage("Failed to submit review.");
116 | setShowModal(true);
117 | }
118 | } catch (error) {
119 | console.error("Error submitting review:", error);
120 | setModalMessage("Error submitting review.");
121 | setShowModal(true);
122 | }
123 | };
124 |
125 | const handleDeleteReview = async () => {
126 | if (!token) return;
127 |
128 | try {
129 | const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/reviews/${deleteReviewId}`, {
130 | method: 'DELETE',
131 | headers: {
132 | Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
133 | }
134 | });
135 |
136 | if (response.ok) {
137 | setReviews(reviews.filter(review => review.id !== deleteReviewId));
138 | setDeleteReviewId(null);
139 | setHasReviewed(false);
140 | setShowModal(false);
141 | } else {
142 | console.error('Error deleting review');
143 | setModalMessage("Error deleting review.");
144 | setShowModal(true);
145 | }
146 | } catch (error) {
147 | console.error('Error deleting review:', error);
148 | setModalMessage("Error deleting review.");
149 | setShowModal(true);
150 | }
151 | };
152 | const handleFavoriteClick = async () => {
153 | try {
154 | const response = await fetch("http://localhost:8080/api/favorite", {
155 | method: 'POST',
156 | headers: {
157 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
158 | },
159 | body: JSON.stringify({
160 | userEmail: localStorage.getItem("email"),
161 | recipeId: id
162 | })
163 | });
164 |
165 | if (response.ok) {
166 | setIsFavorite(!isFavorite);
167 | } else {
168 | alert("Failed to update favorite status.");
169 | }
170 | }
171 | catch (error) {
172 | alert("An error occurred while trying to add the recipe to your favorites.")
173 | }
174 | };
175 |
176 | const openDeleteModal = (reviewId) => {
177 | setDeleteReviewId(reviewId);
178 | setModalMessage("Are you sure you want to delete this review?");
179 | setShowModal(true);
180 | };
181 |
182 | const closeModal = () => {
183 | setShowModal(false);
184 | setDeleteReviewId(null);
185 | };
186 |
187 | if (loading) return <div className={styles.loading}>Loading...</div>;
188 | if (!recipeAndProducts) return <div className={styles.noRecipe}>No recipe found.</div>;
189 |
190 | return (
191 | <div className={styles.recipeCard}>
192 | <Modal
193 | isOpen={showModal}
194 | onClose={closeModal}
195 | title="Notification"
196 | deleteReviewId={deleteReviewId}
197 | handleDeleteReview={handleDeleteReview}
198 | >
199 | <p>{modalMessage}</p>
200 | </Modal>
201 | <div className={styles.backArrow} onClick={handleBackClick}>
202 | <FaArrowLeft />
203 | </div>
204 |
205 | <button
206 | className={`${styles.favoriteButton} ${isFavorite ? styles.favoriteActive : ''}`}
207 | onClick={handleFavoriteClick}
208 | >
209 | <FaHeart />
210 | </button>
211 | <div className={styles.recipeDetails}>
212 | <img
213 | src={recipeAndProducts.recipe.strMealThumb}
214 | alt={recipeAndProducts.recipe.strMeal}
215 | className={styles.recipeImage}
216 | />
217 | <div className={styles.textSection}>
218 | <h2>{recipeAndProducts.recipe.strMeal}</h2>
219 | <p className={styles.description}>{recipeAndProducts.recipe.strInstructions}</p>
220 | </div>
221 | </div>
222 |
223 | <div className={styles.ingredients}>
224 | <h3>Ingredients</h3>
225 | <ul>
226 | {recipeAndProducts.productsInRecipes.map(product => (
227 | <li key={product.id}>{product.name} - {product.measurement}</li>
228 | ))}
229 | </ul>
230 | </div>
231 | <ShoppingCart ingredients={recipeAndProducts.productsInRecipes} hideIngredients={false}/>
232 | <div className={styles.videoSection}>
233 | <div className={styles.videoSection}>
234 | <h3>Watch the Recipe</h3>
235 | </div>
236 | <div className={styles.video}>
237 | <iframe
238 | src={recipeAndProducts.recipe.strYoutube.replace("watch?v=", "embed/")}
239 | title="YouTube video player"
240 | allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
241 | allowFullScreen
242 | />
243 | </div>
244 | </div>
245 | <div className={styles.reviewsSection}>
246 | <h3>REVIEWS</h3>
247 | <ul>
248 | {reviews.slice(0, visibleReviews).map(review => (
249 | <li key={review.id} className={styles.reviewItem}>
250 | <div className={styles.reviewContent}>
251 | <strong>{review.userName} {review.userSurname}</strong>
252 | <span>{review.review}</span>
253 | </div>
254 | <span className={styles.ratingText}>Rating: {review.rating}</span>
255 | {review.userEmail === userEmail && (
256 | <button onClick={() => openDeleteModal(review.id)} className={styles.deleteButton}>
257 | <FaTrash /> Delete
258 | </button>
259 | )}
260 | </li>
261 |
262 | ))}
263 | </ul>
264 | {visibleReviews < reviews.length && (
265 | <button onClick={() => setVisibleReviews(prev => prev + 3)} className={styles.showMoreButton}>
266 | Show More
267 | </button>
268 | )}
269 |
270 | <div className={styles.addReview}>
271 | <h4>Add Your Review</h4>
272 | <textarea
273 | value={newReview}
274 | onChange={(e) => setNewReview(e.target.value)}
275 | placeholder="Write your review here..."
276 | />
277 | <StarRating rating={rating} setRating={setRating} />
278 | <button
279 | onClick={handleReviewSubmit}
280 | className={styles.submitReviewButton}
281 | >
282 | Submit Review
283 | </button>
284 | </div>
285 | </div>
286 | </div>
287 | );
288 | };
289 |
290 | export default RecipeCard;