source: resources/views/filter.blade.php@ 249bf91

Last change on this file since 249bf91 was 249bf91, checked in by bube-ristovska <ristovska725@…>, 5 months ago

New feature - details for employee

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 17.0 KB
1<!DOCTYPE html>
2<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
5 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
7 <title>Laravel</title>
9 <!-- Fonts -->
10 <link rel="preconnect" href="">
11 <link href=",600&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" />
13 <!-- Styles -->
14 <style>
15 @import url(',700&display=swap');
16 .font-family-karla { font-family: karla; }
17 .bg-sidebar { background: #3d68ff; }
18 .cta-btn { color: #3d68ff; }
19 .upgrade-btn { background: #1947ee; }
20 .upgrade-btn:hover { background: #0038fd; }
21 .active-nav-link { background: #1947ee; }
22 .nav-item:hover { background: #1947ee; }
23 .account-link:hover { background: #3d68ff; }
24 .flex-parent-element {
25 display: flex;
26 width: 50%;
27 }
29 .flex-child-element {
30 flex: 1;
31 margin: 4px;
32 }
34 .flex-child-element:first-child {
35 margin-right: 20px;
36 }
37 .container {
38 display: block;
39 position: relative;
40 padding-left: 35px;
41 margin-bottom: 12px;
42 cursor: pointer;
43 font-size: 22px;
44 -webkit-user-select: none;
45 -moz-user-select: none;
46 -ms-user-select: none;
47 user-select: none;
48 }
50 /* Hide the browser's default checkbox */
51 .container input {
52 position: absolute;
53 opacity: 0;
54 cursor: pointer;
55 height: 0;
56 width: 0;
57 }
59 /* Create a custom checkbox */
60 .checkmark {
61 position: absolute;
62 top: 0;
63 left: 0;
64 height: 25px;
65 width: 25px;
66 background-color: #eee;
67 }
69 /* On mouse-over, add a grey background color */
70 .container:hover input ~ .checkmark {
71 background-color: #ccc;
72 }
74 /* When the checkbox is checked, add a blue background */
75 .container input:checked ~ .checkmark {
76 background-color: #2196F3;
77 }
79 /* Create the checkmark/indicator (hidden when not checked) */
80 .checkmark:after {
81 content: "";
82 position: absolute;
83 display: none;
84 }
86 /* Show the checkmark when checked */
87 .container input:checked ~ .checkmark:after {
88 display: block;
89 }
91 /* Style the checkmark/indicator */
92 .container .checkmark:after {
93 left: 9px;
94 top: 5px;
95 width: 5px;
96 height: 10px;
97 border: solid white;
98 border-width: 0 3px 3px 0;
99 -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
100 -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
101 transform: rotate(45deg);
102 }
104 </style>
105 <script src=""></script>
108<body class="bg-gray-100 font-family-karla flex">
109<aside class="relative bg-sidebar h-screen w-64 hidden sm:block shadow-xl">
110 <div class="p-6">
111 @if (Session::get('is_policeman'))
112 <a href="#" class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold uppercase hover:text-gray-300">Полицаец</a>
113 <button class="w-full bg-white cta-btn font-semibold py-2 mt-5 rounded-br-lg rounded-bl-lg rounded-tr-lg shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl hover:bg-gray-300 flex items-center justify-center">
114 <i class="fas fa-plus mr-3"></i> <a href="/register-statement">Додади изјава</a>
115 </button>
116 @else
117 <a href="#" class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold uppercase hover:text-gray-300">Началник</a>
118 <button class="w-full bg-white cta-btn font-semibold py-2 mt-5 rounded-br-lg rounded-bl-lg rounded-tr-lg shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl hover:bg-gray-300 flex items-center justify-center">
119 <i class="fas fa-plus mr-3"></i> <a href="/register-policeman">Додади полицаец</a>
120 </button>
121 @endif
122 </div>
123 <nav class="text-white text-base font-semibold pt-3">
124 <a href="/" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
125 <i class="fas fa-tachometer-alt mr-3"></i>
126 Контролна табла
127 </a>
128 <a href="/employees" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
129 <i class="fas fa-sticky-note mr-3"></i>
130 Вработени
131 </a>
132 <a href="/filter" class="flex items-center active-nav-link text-white py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
133 <i class="fas fa-table mr-3"></i>
134 Филтрирај граѓани
135 </a>
136 <a href="/cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
137 <i class="fas fa-align-left mr-3"></i>
138 Случаи
139 </a>
140 <a href="/finished_cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
141 <i class="fas fa-calendar mr-3"></i>
142 Архива
143 </a>
144 </nav>
145 <a href="#" class="absolute w-full upgrade-btn bottom-0 active-nav-link text-white flex items-center justify-center py-4">
146 <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-up mr-3"></i>
147 </a>
150<div class="w-full flex flex-col h-screen overflow-y-hidden">
151 <!-- Desktop Header -->
152 <header class="w-full items-center bg-white py-2 px-6 hidden sm:flex">
153 <div class="w-1/2"></div>
154 <div x-data="{ isOpen: false }" class="relative w-1/2 flex justify-end">
155 <button @click="isOpen = !isOpen" class="realtive z-10 w-12 h-12 rounded-full overflow-hidden border-4 border-gray-400 hover:border-gray-300 focus:border-gray-300 focus:outline-none">
156 @php
157 $person = DB::select('select * from people where pe_id=:pe_id;', ['pe_id' => Session::get('pe_id')]);
159 if (!empty($person)) {
160 $image = $person[0]->picture;
161 } else {
162 $image = null;
163 }
164 @endphp
166 <img src="{{ $image }}">
168 </button>
169 <button x-show="isOpen" @click="isOpen = false" class="h-full w-full fixed inset-0 cursor-default"></button>
170 <div x-show="isOpen" class="absolute w-32 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg py-2 mt-16">
171 <a href="#" class="block px-4 py-2 account-link hover:text-white">Профил</a>
172 <a href="#" class="block px-4 py-2 account-link hover:text-white">Помош</a>
173 <a href="/logout" class="block px-4 py-2 account-link hover:text-white">Одјави се</a>
174 </div>
175 </div>
176 </header>
178 <!-- Mobile Header & Nav -->
179 <header x-data="{ isOpen: false }" class="w-full bg-sidebar py-5 px-6 sm:hidden">
180 <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
181 <a href="/" class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold uppercase hover:text-gray-300">Началник</a>
182 <button @click="isOpen = !isOpen" class="text-white text-3xl focus:outline-none">
183 <i x-show="!isOpen" class="fas fa-bars"></i>
184 <i x-show="isOpen" class="fas fa-times"></i>
185 </button>
186 </div>
188 <!-- Dropdown Nav -->
189 <nav :class="isOpen ? 'flex': 'hidden'" class="flex flex-col pt-4">
190 <a href="/" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
191 <i class="fas fa-tachometer-alt mr-3"></i>
192 Контролна табла
193 </a>
194 <a href="/employees" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
195 <i class="fas fa-sticky-note mr-3"></i>
196 Вработени
197 </a>
198 <a href="/filter" class="flex items-center active-nav-link text-white py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
199 <i class="fas fa-table mr-3"></i>
200 Филтрирај граѓани
201 </a>
202 <a href="/cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
203 <i class="fas fa-align-left mr-3"></i>
204 Случаи
205 </a>
207 <a href="/finished_cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
208 <i class="fas fa-calendar mr-3"></i>
209 Архива
210 </a>
211 <a href="/help" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
212 <i class="fas fa-cogs mr-3"></i>
213 Помош
214 </a>
215 <a href="/myprofile" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
216 <i class="fas fa-user mr-3"></i>
217 Мој профил
218 </a>
219 <a href="/logout" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
220 <i class="fas fa-sign-out-alt mr-3"></i>
221 Одјави се
222 </a>
224 </nav>
225 <button class="w-full bg-white cta-btn font-semibold py-2 mt-5 rounded-br-lg rounded-bl-lg rounded-tr-lg shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl hover:bg-gray-300 flex items-center justify-center">
226 <i class="fas fa-plus mr-3"></i> Нов извештај
227 </button>
228 </header>
231 <main class="w-full flex-grow p-6">
233 <h1 class="text-3xl text-black pb-6">Филтрирај граѓани</h1>
234 <div style="width: 600px">
235 <form action="/filter" method="post">
236 @csrf
237 <div class="relative">
238 <div class="absolute inset-y-0 start-0 flex items-center ps-3 pointer-events-none">
239 <svg class="w-4 h-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
240 <path stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="m19 19-4-4m0-7A7 7 0 1 1 1 8a7 7 0 0 1 14 0Z"/>
241 </svg>
242 </div>
244 <label for="embg" class="mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 sr-only dark:text-white">Search</label>
245 <input type="text" id="embg" name="embg" class="block w-full p-4 ps-10 text-sm text-gray-900 border border-gray-300 rounded-lg bg-gray-50 focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:border-blue-500" placeholder="Пребарај матичен број..." >
246 <button type="submit" class="text-white absolute end-2.5 bottom-2.5 bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-4 py-2 dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 dark:focus:ring-blue-800">Search</button>
247 </div>
248 <div class="flex-parent-element">
249 <h3>Возраст</h3>
251 <div class="flex-child-element">
252 <label class="container">&lt;18
253 <input type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="0-18">
254 <span class="checkmark"></span>
255 </label>
257 <label class="container">19-25
258 <input type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="19-25">
259 <span class="checkmark"></span>
260 </label>
262 <label class="container">26-60
263 <input type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="26-60">
264 <span class="checkmark"></span>
265 </label>
267 <label class="container">60+
268 <input type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="60-120">
269 <span class="checkmark"></span>
270 </label>
271 </div>
273 <h3>Пол</h3>
274 <div class="flex-child-element">
275 <label class="container">М
276 <input type="checkbox" name="gender[]" value="M">
277 <span class="checkmark"></span>
278 </label>
280 <label class="container">Ж
281 <input type="checkbox" name="gender[]" value="F">
282 <span class="checkmark"></span>
283 </label>
284 </div>
286 </div>
287 </form>
288 </div>
290{{-- <div class="flex-parent-element">--}}
291{{-- <h3>Возраст</h3>--}}
293{{-- <div class="flex-child-element"> <label class="container">&lt;18 год--}}
294{{-- <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">--}}
295{{-- <span class="checkmark"></span>--}}
296{{-- </label>--}}
298{{-- <label class="container"> 19-25--}}
299{{-- <input type="checkbox">--}}
300{{-- <span class="checkmark"></span>--}}
301{{-- </label>--}}
303{{-- <label class="container">26-60--}}
304{{-- <input type="checkbox">--}}
305{{-- <span class="checkmark"></span>--}}
306{{-- </label>--}}
308{{-- <label class="container">60+--}}
309{{-- <input type="checkbox">--}}
310{{-- <span class="checkmark"></span>--}}
311{{-- </label>--}}
312{{-- </div>--}}
313{{-- <h3>Пол</h3>--}}
314{{-- <div class="flex-child-element">--}}
315{{-- <label class="container">М--}}
316{{-- <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">--}}
317{{-- <span class="checkmark"></span>--}}
318{{-- </label>--}}
320{{-- <label class="container">Ж--}}
321{{-- <input type="checkbox">--}}
322{{-- <span class="checkmark"></span>--}}
323{{-- </label>--}}
324{{-- </div>--}}
325{{-- </div>--}}
329 <div class="bg-white overflow-auto max-h-96">
330 <table class="min-w-full bg-white">
331 <thead class="bg-gray-800 text-white">
332 <tr>
333 <th class="text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">ЕМБГ</th>
334 <th class=" text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">Име</th>
335 <th class="text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">Презиме</th>
336 <th class=" text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">Пол</th>
337 <th class=" text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">Адреса</th>
338 <th class=" text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">Држава</th>
339 <th class=" text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">Националност</th>
340 <th class="text-left py-3 px-4 uppercase font-semibold text-sm">Телефон</th>
341 </tr>
342 </thead>
343 <tbody class="text-gray-700">
345 @foreach($peoples as $people)
346 <tr>
347 <td class=" text-left py-3 px-3">{{$people->embg}}</td>
348 <td class=" text-left py-3 px-3">{{$people->first_name}}</td>
349 <td class=" text-left py-3 px-3">{{$people->last_name}}</td>
350 <td class=" text-left py-3 px-3"> {{ $people->gender === 'F' ? 'Ж' : 'М' }}</td>
351 <td class=" text-left py-3 px-3">{{$people->address}}</td>
352 <td class=" text-left py-3 px-3">{{$people->country}}</td>
353 <td class=" text-left py-3 px-3">{{$people->nationality}}</td>
354 <td class="text-left py-3 px-3"><a class="hover:text-blue-500" href="tel:622322662">{{$people->contact}}</a></td>
355 </tr>
356 @endforeach
357 </tbody>
358 </table>
359 </div>
360 </main>
364<!-- AlpineJS -->
365<script src="" defer></script>
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367<script src="" integrity="sha256-KzZiKy0DWYsnwMF+X1DvQngQ2/FxF7MF3Ff72XcpuPs=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
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369<script src="" integrity="sha256-R4pqcOYV8lt7snxMQO/HSbVCFRPMdrhAFMH+vr9giYI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
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