source: resources/views/welcome.blade.php@ 8a258ab

Last change on this file since 8a258ab was 768f473, checked in by bube-ristovska <ristovska725@…>, 5 months ago

Final features

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[c454c0f]1<!DOCTYPE html>
2<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
5 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
7 <title>Laravel</title>
9 <!-- Fonts -->
10 <link rel="preconnect" href="">
11 <link href=",600&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" />
13 <!-- Styles -->
14 <style>
15 @import url(',700&display=swap');
16 .font-family-karla { font-family: karla; }
17 .bg-sidebar { background: #3d68ff; }
18 .cta-btn { color: #3d68ff; }
19 .upgrade-btn { background: #1947ee; }
20 .upgrade-btn:hover { background: #0038fd; }
21 .active-nav-link { background: #1947ee; }
22 .nav-item:hover { background: #1947ee; }
23 .account-link:hover { background: #3d68ff; }
24 </style>
25 <script src=""></script>
27 </head>
28 <body class="bg-gray-100 font-family-karla flex">
29 <aside class="relative bg-sidebar h-screen w-64 hidden sm:block shadow-xl">
30 <div class="p-6">
[cf84baa]31 @if (Session::get('is_policeman'))
32 <a href="#" class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold uppercase hover:text-gray-300">Полицаец</a>
[cf84baa]34 @else
35 <a href="#" class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold uppercase hover:text-gray-300">Началник</a>
[d9c4096]36 <button class="w-full bg-white cta-btn font-semibold py-2 mt-5 rounded-br-lg rounded-bl-lg rounded-tr-lg shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl hover:bg-gray-300 flex items-center justify-center">
37 <i class="fas fa-plus mr-3"></i> <a href="/register-policeman">Додади полицаец</a>
38 </button>
[cf84baa]39 @endif
[c454c0f]40 </div>
41 <nav class="text-white text-base font-semibold pt-3">
[75151c6]42 <a href="/" class="flex items-center active-nav-link text-white py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
[c454c0f]43 <i class="fas fa-tachometer-alt mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]44 Контролна табла
[c454c0f]45 </a>
[75151c6]46 <a href="/employees" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
[c454c0f]47 <i class="fas fa-sticky-note mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]48 Вработени
[c454c0f]49 </a>
[75151c6]50 <a href="/filter" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
[c454c0f]51 <i class="fas fa-table mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]52 Филтрирај граѓани
[c454c0f]53 </a>
[75151c6]54 <a href="/cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
[c454c0f]55 <i class="fas fa-align-left mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]56 Случаи
[c454c0f]57 </a>
[75151c6]58 <a href="/finished_cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-4 pl-6 nav-item">
[c454c0f]59 <i class="fas fa-calendar mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]60 Архива
[c454c0f]61 </a>
62 </nav>
63 <a href="#" class="absolute w-full upgrade-btn bottom-0 active-nav-link text-white flex items-center justify-center py-4">
64 <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-up mr-3"></i>
[c454c0f]66 </a>
67 </aside>
69 <div class="w-full flex flex-col h-screen overflow-y-hidden">
70 <!-- Desktop Header -->
71 <header class="w-full items-center bg-white py-2 px-6 hidden sm:flex">
72 <div class="w-1/2"></div>
73 <div x-data="{ isOpen: false }" class="relative w-1/2 flex justify-end">
74 <button @click="isOpen = !isOpen" class="realtive z-10 w-12 h-12 rounded-full overflow-hidden border-4 border-gray-400 hover:border-gray-300 focus:border-gray-300 focus:outline-none">
[249bf91]75 @php
76 $person = DB::select('select * from people where pe_id=:pe_id;', ['pe_id' => Session::get('pe_id')]);
78 if (!empty($person)) {
79 $image = $person[0]->picture;
80 } else {
81 $image = null;
82 }
83 @endphp
85 <img src="{{ $image }}">
[c454c0f]86 </button>
87 <button x-show="isOpen" @click="isOpen = false" class="h-full w-full fixed inset-0 cursor-default"></button>
88 <div x-show="isOpen" class="absolute w-32 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg py-2 mt-16">
[75151c6]89 <a href="#" class="block px-4 py-2 account-link hover:text-white">Профил</a>
90 <a href="#" class="block px-4 py-2 account-link hover:text-white">Помош</a>
[cf84baa]91 <a href="/logout" class="block px-4 py-2 account-link hover:text-white">Одјави се</a>
[c454c0f]92 </div>
93 </div>
94 </header>
96 <!-- Mobile Header & Nav -->
97 <header x-data="{ isOpen: false }" class="w-full bg-sidebar py-5 px-6 sm:hidden">
98 <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
[75151c6]99 <a href="/" class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold uppercase hover:text-gray-300">Началник</a>
[c454c0f]100 <button @click="isOpen = !isOpen" class="text-white text-3xl focus:outline-none">
101 <i x-show="!isOpen" class="fas fa-bars"></i>
102 <i x-show="isOpen" class="fas fa-times"></i>
103 </button>
104 </div>
106 <!-- Dropdown Nav -->
107 <nav :class="isOpen ? 'flex': 'hidden'" class="flex flex-col pt-4">
[75151c6]108 <a href="/" class="flex items-center active-nav-link text-white py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]109 <i class="fas fa-tachometer-alt mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]110 Контролна табла
[c454c0f]111 </a>
[75151c6]112 <a href="/employees" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]113 <i class="fas fa-sticky-note mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]114 Вработени
[c454c0f]115 </a>
[75151c6]116 <a href="/filter" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]117 <i class="fas fa-table mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]118 Филтрирај граѓани
[c454c0f]119 </a>
[75151c6]120 <a href="/cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]121 <i class="fas fa-align-left mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]122 Случаи
[c454c0f]123 </a>
125 <a href="/finished_cases" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]126 <i class="fas fa-calendar mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]127 Архива
[c454c0f]128 </a>
[75151c6]129 <a href="/help" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]130 <i class="fas fa-cogs mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]131 Помош
[c454c0f]132 </a>
[75151c6]133 <a href="/myprofile" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]134 <i class="fas fa-user mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]135 Мој профил
[c454c0f]136 </a>
[75151c6]137 <a href="/logout" class="flex items-center text-white opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 py-2 pl-4 nav-item">
[c454c0f]138 <i class="fas fa-sign-out-alt mr-3"></i>
[75151c6]139 Одјави се
[c454c0f]140 </a>
[c454c0f]142 </nav>
[75151c6]143 <button class="w-full bg-white cta-btn font-semibold py-2 mt-5 rounded-br-lg rounded-bl-lg rounded-tr-lg shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl hover:bg-gray-300 flex items-center justify-center">
144 <i class="fas fa-plus mr-3"></i> Нов извештај
145 </button>
[c454c0f]146 </header>
148 <div class="w-full overflow-x-hidden border-t flex flex-col">
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[75151c6]150 <h1 class="text-3xl text-black pb-6">Контролна табла</h1>
152 <div class="flex flex-wrap mt-6">
153 <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2 pr-0 lg:pr-2">
154 <p class="text-xl pb-3 flex items-center">
155 <i class="fas fa-plus mr-3"></i> Месечни извештаи
156 </p>
157 <div class="p-6 bg-white">
158 <canvas id="chartOne" width="400" height="200"></canvas>
159 </div>
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162 <p class="text-xl pb-3 flex items-center">
[75151c6]163 <i class="fas fa-check mr-3"></i> Решени случаи
[c454c0f]164 </p>
165 <div class="p-6 bg-white">
166 <canvas id="chartTwo" width="400" height="200"></canvas>
167 </div>
168 </div>
169 </div>
[c454c0f]172 </main>
174 <footer class="w-full bg-white text-right p-4">
[75151c6]175 UI/UX инспирирано од <a target="_blank" href="" class="underline">David Grzyb</a>.
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188 <script>
189 var chartOne = document.getElementById('chartOne');
190 var myChart = new Chart(chartOne, {
191 type: 'bar',
192 data: {
[75151c6]193 labels: ['Јануари', 'Фебруари', 'Март', 'Април', 'Мај', 'Јуни'],
[c454c0f]194 datasets: [{
[75151c6]195 label: 'Прва половина на 2023 година',
[c454c0f]196 data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
197 backgroundColor: [
198 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
199 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
200 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
201 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
202 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
203 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
204 ],
205 borderColor: [
206 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
207 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
208 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
209 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
210 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
211 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
212 ],
213 borderWidth: 1
214 }]
215 },
216 options: {
217 scales: {
218 yAxes: [{
219 ticks: {
220 beginAtZero: true
221 }
222 }]
223 }
224 }
225 });
227 var chartTwo = document.getElementById('chartTwo');
228 var myLineChart = new Chart(chartTwo, {
229 type: 'line',
230 data: {
[75151c6]231 labels: ['Јануари', 'Фебруари', 'Март', 'Април', 'Мај', 'Јуни'],
[c454c0f]232 datasets: [{
[75151c6]233 label: 'До моменталниот месец',
[c454c0f]234 data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
235 backgroundColor: [
236 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
237 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
238 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
239 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
240 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
241 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
242 ],
243 borderColor: [
244 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
245 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
246 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
247 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
248 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
249 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
250 ],
251 borderWidth: 1
252 }]
253 },
254 options: {
255 scales: {
256 yAxes: [{
257 ticks: {
258 beginAtZero: true
259 }
260 }]
261 }
262 }
263 });
264 </script>
265 </body>
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