Changeset 3c89e27
- Timestamp:
- 08/26/24 16:17:04 (6 months ago)
- Branches:
- main
- Parents:
- 5372778
- Location:
- app/Http/Controllers
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5372778 r3c89e27 9 9 class CrimeCaseController extends Controller 10 10 { 11 private function policeStationIsPoliceman() 12 { 13 return DB::table('police_station') 14 ->where('p_id', Session::get('p_id')) 15 ->get(); 16 } 17 private function policeStationIsOfficer() 18 { 19 return DB::table('police_station') 20 ->where('pe_id', Session::get('pe_id')) 21 ->get(); 22 } 11 23 function cases(){ 12 24 if(Session::get('pe_id') == null) { … … 14 26 } 15 27 16 17 28 if(Session::get('is_policeman')){ 18 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where p_id=:p_id;',['p_id'=> Session::get('p_id')]);29 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsPoliceman(); 19 30 } else { 20 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where pe_id=:pe_id;',['pe_id'=> Session::get('pe_id')]);31 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsOfficer(); 21 32 } 22 33 23 $cases = DB::select('select * from crime_case where p_id=:p_id;',['p_id'=> $police_station[0]->p_id]); 24 34 $cases = DB::table('crime_case') 35 ->where('p_id', $police_station[0]->p_id) 36 ->get(); 25 37 26 38 return view('cases', [ … … 44 56 'incident_place'=>'required' 45 57 ]); 46 $statement["statement_date"] = Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d');47 $covek = DB::select('select pe_id from people where embg=:embg;',['embg'=> $statement["embg"]]);58 $statement["statement_date"] = Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'); 59 $covek = DB::select('select pe_id from people where embg=:embg;',['embg'=> $statement["embg"]]); 48 60 $s_id_b = DB::select('select MAX(s_id) from statements'); 49 61 $s_id = $s_id_b[0]->max; 50 $s_id = $s_id +1 ;51 $policaec = DB::select('select pe_id from policeman where badge_no=:badge_no;',['badge_no'=> Session::get("badge_no")]);62 $s_id = $s_id +1 ; 63 $policaec = DB::select('select pe_id from policeman where badge_no=:badge_no;',['badge_no'=> Session::get("badge_no")]); 52 64 53 65 if ($role === 'witness') { … … 84 96 } 85 97 function finished_cases(){ 86 87 98 if(Session::get('is_policeman')){ 88 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where p_id=:p_id;',['p_id'=> Session::get('p_id')]);99 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsPoliceman(); 89 100 } else { 90 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where pe_id=:pe_id;',['pe_id'=> Session::get('pe_id')]);101 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsOfficer(); 91 102 } 92 103 93 $cases = DB::select('select * from crime_case where p_id=:p_id and c_status=\'Z\';', ['p_id' => $police_station[0]->p_id]); 94 104 $cases = DB::table('crime_case') 105 ->where('p_id', $police_station[0]->p_id) 106 ->where('c_status', 'Z') 107 ->get(); 95 108 return view('archive', [ 96 109 'cases' => $cases, … … 100 113 function case($wildcard){ 101 114 Session::put('c_id', $wildcard); 102 $case = DB::select('select * from crime_case where c_id=:c_id;',['c_id'=> $wildcard]); 103 $p_address = DB::select('select p_address from police_station where p_id=:p_id;',['p_id'=> $case[0]->p_id]); 104 $statements = DB::select('select * from statements where c_id=:c_id;',['c_id'=> $wildcard]); 105 115 $case = DB::table('crime_case') 116 ->where('c_id', $wildcard) 117 ->get(); 118 $p_address = DB::table('police_station') 119 ->where('p_id', $case[0]->p_id) 120 ->value('p_address'); 121 $statements = DB::table('statements') 122 ->where('c_id', $wildcard) 123 ->get(); 106 124 107 125 $victims=[]; … … 110 128 $evidence = []; 111 129 foreach ($statements as $statement) { 112 $evidence_id = DB::select('select * from mentions_evidence where s_id=:s_id;',['s_id'=> $statement->s_id]); 113 if (!empty($evidence_id)) { // Check if $evidence_id is not empty 114 $evidence_id[] = $evidence_id[0]; 115 } 130 $evidence_id = DB::table('mentions_evidence') 131 ->where('s_id', $statement->s_id) 132 ->get(); 133 // if (!empty($evidence_id)) { // Check if $evidence_id is not empty 134 // $evidence_id[] = $evidence_id[0]; 135 // } 116 136 } 117 137 $evidence_id=collect($evidence_id)->unique(); 118 138 foreach ($evidence_id as $e) { 119 $evidence = DB::select('select * from evidence where e_id=:e_id;',['e_id'=> $e->e_id]); 120 $evidence[] = $evidence[0]; 139 $evidence = DB::table('evidence') 140 ->where('e_id', $e->e_id)->get(); 141 121 142 } 122 143 foreach ($statements as $st){ 123 144 if (!($st->victim_pe_id)==NULL){ 124 $victim=DB::select('select * from people where pe_id=:pe_id;',['pe_id'=> $st->victim_pe_id]); 145 $victim = DB::table('people') 146 ->where('pe_id', $st->victim_pe_id)->get(); 125 147 $victims[] = $victim[0]; 126 148 } … … 128 150 foreach ($statements as $st){ 129 151 if (!($st->witness_pe_id)==NULL) { 130 $witnes = DB::select('select * from people where pe_id=:pe_id;', ['pe_id' => $st->witness_pe_id]); 152 $witnes = DB::table('people') 153 ->where('pe_id', $st->witness_pe_id)->get(); 131 154 $witness[] = $witnes[0]; 132 155 } 133 156 } 134 157 135 136 158 return view('case', [ 137 159 'case' => $case[0], 138 'p_address'=>$p_address [0]->p_address,160 'p_address'=>$p_address, 139 161 'statements'=>$statements, 140 162 'evidence'=>$evidence, -
r5372778 r3c89e27 12 12 class OfficerController extends Controller 13 13 { 14 private function policeStationIsPoliceman() 15 { 16 return DB::table('police_station') 17 ->where('p_id', Session::get('p_id')) 18 ->get(); 19 } 20 private function policeStationIsOfficer() 21 { 22 return DB::table('police_station') 23 ->where('pe_id', Session::get('pe_id')) 24 ->get(); 25 } 14 26 function employees() 15 27 { … … 18 30 } 19 31 if(Session::get('is_policeman')){ 20 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where p_id=:p_id;',['p_id'=> Session::get('p_id')]);32 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsPoliceman(); 21 33 } else { 22 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where pe_id=:pe_id;',['pe_id'=> Session::get('pe_id')]);34 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsOfficer(); 23 35 } 24 $results = DB::select('select * from policeman join people on policeman.pe_id = people.pe_id where p_id=:p_id;',['p_id'=> $police_station[0]->p_id]); 25 // $results = DB::select('select * from policeman join people on policeman.pe_id = people.pe_id;'); 36 $results = DB::table('policeman') 37 ->join('people', 'policeman.pe_id', '=', 'people.pe_id') 38 ->where('policeman.p_id', $police_station[0]->p_id) 39 ->get(); 40 26 41 27 42 return view('employees', [ … … 33 48 function show($id){ 34 49 if(Session::get('is_policeman')){ 35 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where p_id=:p_id;',['p_id'=> Session::get('p_id')]);50 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsPoliceman(); 36 51 } else { 37 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where pe_id=:pe_id;',['pe_id'=> Session::get('pe_id')]);52 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsOfficer(); 38 53 } 39 $result = DB::select('select * from policeman join people on policeman.pe_id = people.pe_id where p_id=:p_id and people.pe_id=:pe_id;',['p_id'=> $police_station[0]->p_id, 'pe_id' => $id]); 40 $cases = DB::select('select * from statements where pe_id=:pe_id;',['pe_id' => $id]); 41 54 $result = DB::table('policeman') 55 ->join('people', 'policeman.pe_id', '=', 'people.pe_id') 56 ->where('p_id', $police_station[0]->p_id) 57 ->where('people.pe_id', $id) 58 ->get(); 59 $cases = DB::table('statements') 60 ->where('pe_id', $id) 61 ->get(); 42 62 return view('employee', [ 43 63 'employee' => $result[0], … … 61 81 62 82 63 $police_station = DB::select('select * from police_station where pe_id=:pe_id;',['pe_id'=> Session::get('pe_id')]); 64 65 $pe_id = DB::select('select pe_id from people where embg = :embg;', ['embg' => $policeman["embg"]]); 66 DB::insert('INSERT INTO policeman (pe_id, badge_no, p_date_of_employment, rank, p_id, p_password) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [$pe_id[0]->pe_id, $policeman["badge_no"], Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'), $policeman["rank"], $police_station[0]->p_id,$policeman["password"]]); 83 $police_station = $this->policeStationIsOfficer(); 84 $pe_id = DB::table('people') 85 ->where('embg', $policeman['embg'])->get(); 86 $data = [ 87 'pe_id' => $pe_id[0]->pe_id, 88 'badge_no' => $policeman["badge_no"], 89 'p_date_of_employment' => Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'), 90 'rank' => $policeman["rank"], 91 'p_id' => $police_station[0]->p_id, 92 'p_password' => $policeman["password"] 93 ]; 94 DB::table('policeman')->insert($data); 95 // DB::insert('INSERT INTO policeman (pe_id, badge_no, p_date_of_employment, rank, p_id, p_password) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [$pe_id[0]->pe_id, $policeman["badge_no"], Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'), $policeman["rank"], $police_station[0]->p_id,$policeman["password"]]); 67 96 return redirect()->back()->with('message',"Додадено"); 68 97 } 69 98 70 99 100 101 71 102 } -
r5372778 r3c89e27 13 13 return view('login'); 14 14 } 15 $peoples = DB::select('select * from people;'); 16 15 $peoples = DB::table('people')->get(); 17 16 return view('filter', [ 18 17 'peoples' => $peoples … … 75 74 { 76 75 $embg = $request->input('embg'); 77 $person = DB:: select('SELECT * FROM people WHERE embg = :embg', ['embg' => $embg]);78 76 $person = DB::table('people') 77 ->where('embg', $embg)->get(); 79 78 return response()->json($person[0] ?? null); 80 79 } -
r5372778 r3c89e27 24 24 'password' => 'required' 25 25 ]); 26 26 27 $password = $credentials['password']; 27 28 $badge_no = $credentials['badge_no']; 29 if (!is_numeric($badge_no)) { 30 // Redirect back with an error message 31 return back()->withErrors(['password' => 'Invalid credentials']); 32 } 28 33 // mozhe da se najavi kako policaec i kako officer, znaeme koj e koj po znachkata 29 34 … … 69 74 return back()->withErrors(['password' => 'Invalid credentials']); 70 75 } 71 72 76 public function logout() 73 77 {
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