1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.ExportAllDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration;
7 | exports.ExportDefaultDeclaration = ExportDefaultDeclaration;
8 | exports.ExportDefaultSpecifier = ExportDefaultSpecifier;
9 | exports.ExportNamedDeclaration = ExportNamedDeclaration;
10 | exports.ExportNamespaceSpecifier = ExportNamespaceSpecifier;
11 | exports.ExportSpecifier = ExportSpecifier;
12 | exports.ImportAttribute = ImportAttribute;
13 | exports.ImportDeclaration = ImportDeclaration;
14 | exports.ImportDefaultSpecifier = ImportDefaultSpecifier;
15 | exports.ImportExpression = ImportExpression;
16 | exports.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
17 | exports.ImportSpecifier = ImportSpecifier;
18 | exports._printAttributes = _printAttributes;
19 | var _t = require("@babel/types");
20 | var _index = require("../node/index.js");
21 | const {
22 | isClassDeclaration,
23 | isExportDefaultSpecifier,
24 | isExportNamespaceSpecifier,
25 | isImportDefaultSpecifier,
26 | isImportNamespaceSpecifier,
27 | isStatement
28 | } = _t;
29 | function ImportSpecifier(node) {
30 | if (node.importKind === "type" || node.importKind === "typeof") {
31 | this.word(node.importKind);
32 | this.space();
33 | }
34 | this.print(node.imported);
35 | if (node.local && node.local.name !== node.imported.name) {
36 | this.space();
37 | this.word("as");
38 | this.space();
39 | this.print(node.local);
40 | }
41 | }
42 | function ImportDefaultSpecifier(node) {
43 | this.print(node.local);
44 | }
45 | function ExportDefaultSpecifier(node) {
46 | this.print(node.exported);
47 | }
48 | function ExportSpecifier(node) {
49 | if (node.exportKind === "type") {
50 | this.word("type");
51 | this.space();
52 | }
53 | this.print(node.local);
54 | if (node.exported && node.local.name !== node.exported.name) {
55 | this.space();
56 | this.word("as");
57 | this.space();
58 | this.print(node.exported);
59 | }
60 | }
61 | function ExportNamespaceSpecifier(node) {
62 | this.tokenChar(42);
63 | this.space();
64 | this.word("as");
65 | this.space();
66 | this.print(node.exported);
67 | }
68 | let warningShown = false;
69 | function _printAttributes(node, hasPreviousBrace) {
70 | const {
71 | importAttributesKeyword
72 | } = this.format;
73 | const {
74 | attributes,
75 | assertions
76 | } = node;
77 | if (attributes && !importAttributesKeyword && !warningShown) {
78 | warningShown = true;
79 | console.warn(`\
80 | You are using import attributes, without specifying the desired output syntax.
81 | Please specify the "importAttributesKeyword" generator option, whose value can be one of:
82 | - "with" : \`import { a } from "b" with { type: "json" };\`
83 | - "assert" : \`import { a } from "b" assert { type: "json" };\`
84 | - "with-legacy" : \`import { a } from "b" with type: "json";\`
85 | `);
86 | }
87 | const useAssertKeyword = importAttributesKeyword === "assert" || !importAttributesKeyword && assertions;
88 | this.word(useAssertKeyword ? "assert" : "with");
89 | this.space();
90 | if (!useAssertKeyword && importAttributesKeyword !== "with") {
91 | this.printList(attributes || assertions);
92 | return;
93 | }
94 | const occurrenceCount = hasPreviousBrace ? 1 : 0;
95 | this.token("{", null, occurrenceCount);
96 | this.space();
97 | this.printList(attributes || assertions, {
98 | printTrailingSeparator: this.shouldPrintTrailingComma("}")
99 | });
100 | this.space();
101 | this.token("}", null, occurrenceCount);
102 | }
103 | function ExportAllDeclaration(node) {
104 | var _node$attributes, _node$assertions;
105 | this.word("export");
106 | this.space();
107 | if (node.exportKind === "type") {
108 | this.word("type");
109 | this.space();
110 | }
111 | this.tokenChar(42);
112 | this.space();
113 | this.word("from");
114 | this.space();
115 | if ((_node$attributes = node.attributes) != null && _node$attributes.length || (_node$assertions = node.assertions) != null && _node$assertions.length) {
116 | this.print(node.source, true);
117 | this.space();
118 | this._printAttributes(node, false);
119 | } else {
120 | this.print(node.source);
121 | }
122 | this.semicolon();
123 | }
124 | function maybePrintDecoratorsBeforeExport(printer, node) {
125 | if (isClassDeclaration(node.declaration) && printer._shouldPrintDecoratorsBeforeExport(node)) {
126 | printer.printJoin(node.declaration.decorators);
127 | }
128 | }
129 | function ExportNamedDeclaration(node) {
130 | maybePrintDecoratorsBeforeExport(this, node);
131 | this.word("export");
132 | this.space();
133 | if (node.declaration) {
134 | const declar = node.declaration;
135 | this.print(declar);
136 | if (!isStatement(declar)) this.semicolon();
137 | } else {
138 | if (node.exportKind === "type") {
139 | this.word("type");
140 | this.space();
141 | }
142 | const specifiers = node.specifiers.slice(0);
143 | let hasSpecial = false;
144 | for (;;) {
145 | const first = specifiers[0];
146 | if (isExportDefaultSpecifier(first) || isExportNamespaceSpecifier(first)) {
147 | hasSpecial = true;
148 | this.print(specifiers.shift());
149 | if (specifiers.length) {
150 | this.tokenChar(44);
151 | this.space();
152 | }
153 | } else {
154 | break;
155 | }
156 | }
157 | let hasBrace = false;
158 | if (specifiers.length || !specifiers.length && !hasSpecial) {
159 | hasBrace = true;
160 | this.tokenChar(123);
161 | if (specifiers.length) {
162 | this.space();
163 | this.printList(specifiers, {
164 | printTrailingSeparator: this.shouldPrintTrailingComma("}")
165 | });
166 | this.space();
167 | }
168 | this.tokenChar(125);
169 | }
170 | if (node.source) {
171 | var _node$attributes2, _node$assertions2;
172 | this.space();
173 | this.word("from");
174 | this.space();
175 | if ((_node$attributes2 = node.attributes) != null && _node$attributes2.length || (_node$assertions2 = node.assertions) != null && _node$assertions2.length) {
176 | this.print(node.source, true);
177 | this.space();
178 | this._printAttributes(node, hasBrace);
179 | } else {
180 | this.print(node.source);
181 | }
182 | }
183 | this.semicolon();
184 | }
185 | }
186 | function ExportDefaultDeclaration(node) {
187 | maybePrintDecoratorsBeforeExport(this, node);
188 | this.word("export");
189 | this.noIndentInnerCommentsHere();
190 | this.space();
191 | this.word("default");
192 | this.space();
193 | this.tokenContext |= _index.TokenContext.exportDefault;
194 | const declar = node.declaration;
195 | this.print(declar);
196 | if (!isStatement(declar)) this.semicolon();
197 | }
198 | function ImportDeclaration(node) {
199 | var _node$attributes3, _node$assertions3;
200 | this.word("import");
201 | this.space();
202 | const isTypeKind = node.importKind === "type" || node.importKind === "typeof";
203 | if (isTypeKind) {
204 | this.noIndentInnerCommentsHere();
205 | this.word(node.importKind);
206 | this.space();
207 | } else if (node.module) {
208 | this.noIndentInnerCommentsHere();
209 | this.word("module");
210 | this.space();
211 | } else if (node.phase) {
212 | this.noIndentInnerCommentsHere();
213 | this.word(node.phase);
214 | this.space();
215 | }
216 | const specifiers = node.specifiers.slice(0);
217 | const hasSpecifiers = !!specifiers.length;
218 | while (hasSpecifiers) {
219 | const first = specifiers[0];
220 | if (isImportDefaultSpecifier(first) || isImportNamespaceSpecifier(first)) {
221 | this.print(specifiers.shift());
222 | if (specifiers.length) {
223 | this.tokenChar(44);
224 | this.space();
225 | }
226 | } else {
227 | break;
228 | }
229 | }
230 | let hasBrace = false;
231 | if (specifiers.length) {
232 | hasBrace = true;
233 | this.tokenChar(123);
234 | this.space();
235 | this.printList(specifiers, {
236 | printTrailingSeparator: this.shouldPrintTrailingComma("}")
237 | });
238 | this.space();
239 | this.tokenChar(125);
240 | } else if (isTypeKind && !hasSpecifiers) {
241 | hasBrace = true;
242 | this.tokenChar(123);
243 | this.tokenChar(125);
244 | }
245 | if (hasSpecifiers || isTypeKind) {
246 | this.space();
247 | this.word("from");
248 | this.space();
249 | }
250 | if ((_node$attributes3 = node.attributes) != null && _node$attributes3.length || (_node$assertions3 = node.assertions) != null && _node$assertions3.length) {
251 | this.print(node.source, true);
252 | this.space();
253 | this._printAttributes(node, hasBrace);
254 | } else {
255 | this.print(node.source);
256 | }
257 | this.semicolon();
258 | }
259 | function ImportAttribute(node) {
260 | this.print(node.key);
261 | this.tokenChar(58);
262 | this.space();
263 | this.print(node.value);
264 | }
265 | function ImportNamespaceSpecifier(node) {
266 | this.tokenChar(42);
267 | this.space();
268 | this.word("as");
269 | this.space();
270 | this.print(node.local);
271 | }
272 | function ImportExpression(node) {
273 | this.word("import");
274 | if (node.phase) {
275 | this.tokenChar(46);
276 | this.word(node.phase);
277 | }
278 | this.tokenChar(40);
279 | this.print(node.source);
280 | if (node.options != null) {
281 | this.tokenChar(44);
282 | this.space();
283 | this.print(node.options);
284 | }
285 | this.tokenChar(41);
286 | }
287 |
288 | //# sourceMappingURL=modules.js.map