1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.extractComputedKeys = extractComputedKeys;
7 | exports.injectInitialization = injectInitialization;
8 | exports.memoiseComputedKey = memoiseComputedKey;
9 | var _core = require("@babel/core");
10 | var _traverse = require("@babel/traverse");
11 | const findBareSupers = _traverse.visitors.environmentVisitor({
12 | Super(path) {
13 | const {
14 | node,
15 | parentPath
16 | } = path;
17 | if (parentPath.isCallExpression({
18 | callee: node
19 | })) {
20 | this.push(parentPath);
21 | }
22 | }
23 | });
24 | const referenceVisitor = {
25 | "TSTypeAnnotation|TypeAnnotation"(path) {
26 | path.skip();
27 | },
28 | ReferencedIdentifier(path, {
29 | scope
30 | }) {
31 | if (scope.hasOwnBinding(path.node.name)) {
32 | scope.rename(path.node.name);
33 | path.skip();
34 | }
35 | }
36 | };
37 | function handleClassTDZ(path, state) {
38 | if (state.classBinding && state.classBinding === path.scope.getBinding(path.node.name)) {
39 | const classNameTDZError = state.file.addHelper("classNameTDZError");
40 | const throwNode = _core.types.callExpression(classNameTDZError, [_core.types.stringLiteral(path.node.name)]);
41 | path.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression([throwNode, path.node]));
42 | path.skip();
43 | }
44 | }
45 | const classFieldDefinitionEvaluationTDZVisitor = {
46 | ReferencedIdentifier: handleClassTDZ
47 | };
48 | function injectInitialization(path, constructor, nodes, renamer, lastReturnsThis) {
49 | if (!nodes.length) return;
50 | const isDerived = !!path.node.superClass;
51 | if (!constructor) {
52 | const newConstructor = _core.types.classMethod("constructor", _core.types.identifier("constructor"), [], _core.types.blockStatement([]));
53 | if (isDerived) {
54 | newConstructor.params = [_core.types.restElement(_core.types.identifier("args"))];
55 | newConstructor.body.body.push(_core.template.statement.ast`super(...args)`);
56 | }
57 | [constructor] = path.get("body").unshiftContainer("body", newConstructor);
58 | }
59 | if (renamer) {
60 | renamer(referenceVisitor, {
61 | scope: constructor.scope
62 | });
63 | }
64 | if (isDerived) {
65 | const bareSupers = [];
66 | constructor.traverse(findBareSupers, bareSupers);
67 | let isFirst = true;
68 | for (const bareSuper of bareSupers) {
69 | if (isFirst) {
70 | isFirst = false;
71 | } else {
72 | nodes = nodes.map(n => _core.types.cloneNode(n));
73 | }
74 | if (!bareSuper.parentPath.isExpressionStatement()) {
75 | const allNodes = [bareSuper.node, ...nodes.map(n => _core.types.toExpression(n))];
76 | if (!lastReturnsThis) allNodes.push(_core.types.thisExpression());
77 | bareSuper.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression(allNodes));
78 | } else {
79 | bareSuper.insertAfter(nodes);
80 | }
81 | }
82 | } else {
83 | constructor.get("body").unshiftContainer("body", nodes);
84 | }
85 | }
86 | function memoiseComputedKey(keyNode, scope, hint) {
87 | const isUidReference = _core.types.isIdentifier(keyNode) && scope.hasUid(keyNode.name);
88 | if (isUidReference) {
89 | return;
90 | }
91 | const isMemoiseAssignment = _core.types.isAssignmentExpression(keyNode, {
92 | operator: "="
93 | }) && _core.types.isIdentifier(keyNode.left) && scope.hasUid(keyNode.left.name);
94 | if (isMemoiseAssignment) {
95 | return _core.types.cloneNode(keyNode);
96 | } else {
97 | const ident = _core.types.identifier(hint);
98 | scope.push({
99 | id: ident,
100 | kind: "let"
101 | });
102 | return _core.types.assignmentExpression("=", _core.types.cloneNode(ident), keyNode);
103 | }
104 | }
105 | function extractComputedKeys(path, computedPaths, file) {
106 | const {
107 | scope
108 | } = path;
109 | const declarations = [];
110 | const state = {
111 | classBinding: path.node.id && scope.getBinding(path.node.id.name),
112 | file
113 | };
114 | for (const computedPath of computedPaths) {
115 | const computedKey = computedPath.get("key");
116 | if (computedKey.isReferencedIdentifier()) {
117 | handleClassTDZ(computedKey, state);
118 | } else {
119 | computedKey.traverse(classFieldDefinitionEvaluationTDZVisitor, state);
120 | }
121 | const computedNode = computedPath.node;
122 | if (!computedKey.isConstantExpression()) {
123 | const assignment = memoiseComputedKey(computedKey.node, scope, scope.generateUidBasedOnNode(computedKey.node));
124 | if (assignment) {
125 | declarations.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(assignment));
126 | computedNode.key = _core.types.cloneNode(assignment.left);
127 | }
128 | }
129 | }
130 | return declarations;
131 | }
132 |
133 | //# sourceMappingURL=misc.js.map