source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/@babel/helpers/lib/helpers/applyDecs2305.js@ d565449

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1"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
6exports.default = applyDecs2305;
7var _checkInRHS = require("./checkInRHS.js");
8var _setFunctionName = require("./setFunctionName.js");
9var _toPropertyKey = require("./toPropertyKey.js");
10function applyDecs2305(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, classDecsHaveThis, instanceBrand, parentClass) {
11 function _bindPropCall(obj, name, before) {
12 return function (_this, value) {
13 if (before) {
14 before(_this);
15 }
16 return obj[name].call(_this, value);
17 };
18 }
19 function runInitializers(initializers, value) {
20 for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {
21 initializers[i].call(value);
22 }
23 return value;
24 }
25 function assertCallable(fn, hint1, hint2, throwUndefined) {
26 if (typeof fn !== "function") {
27 if (throwUndefined || fn !== void 0) {
28 throw new TypeError(hint1 + " must " + (hint2 || "be") + " a function" + (throwUndefined ? "" : " or undefined"));
29 }
30 }
31 return fn;
32 }
33 function applyDec(Class, decInfo, decoratorsHaveThis, name, kind, metadata, initializers, ret, isStatic, isPrivate, isField, isAccessor, hasPrivateBrand) {
34 function assertInstanceIfPrivate(target) {
35 if (!hasPrivateBrand(target)) {
36 throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
37 }
38 }
39 var decs = decInfo[0],
40 decVal = decInfo[3],
41 _,
42 isClass = !ret;
43 if (!isClass) {
44 if (!decoratorsHaveThis && !Array.isArray(decs)) {
45 decs = [decs];
46 }
47 var desc = {},
48 init = [],
49 key = kind === 3 ? "get" : kind === 4 || isAccessor ? "set" : "value";
50 if (isPrivate) {
51 if (isField || isAccessor) {
52 desc = {
53 get: (0, _setFunctionName.default)(function () {
54 return decVal(this);
55 }, name, "get"),
56 set: function (value) {
57 decInfo[4](this, value);
58 }
59 };
60 } else {
61 desc[key] = decVal;
62 }
63 if (!isField) {
64 (0, _setFunctionName.default)(desc[key], name, kind === 2 ? "" : key);
65 }
66 } else if (!isField) {
67 desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Class, name);
68 }
69 }
70 var newValue = Class;
71 for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= decoratorsHaveThis ? 2 : 1) {
72 var dec = decs[i],
73 decThis = decoratorsHaveThis ? decs[i - 1] : void 0;
74 var decoratorFinishedRef = {};
75 var ctx = {
76 kind: ["field", "accessor", "method", "getter", "setter", "class"][kind],
77 name: name,
78 metadata: metadata,
79 addInitializer: function (decoratorFinishedRef, initializer) {
80 if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) {
81 throw new Error("attempted to call addInitializer after decoration was finished");
82 }
83 assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer", "be", true);
84 initializers.push(initializer);
85 }.bind(null, decoratorFinishedRef)
86 };
87 try {
88 if (isClass) {
89 if (_ = assertCallable(, newValue, ctx), "class decorators", "return")) {
90 newValue = _;
91 }
92 } else {
93 ctx.static = isStatic;
94 ctx.private = isPrivate;
95 var get, set;
96 if (!isPrivate) {
97 get = function (target) {
98 return target[name];
99 };
100 if (kind < 2 || kind === 4) {
101 set = function (target, v) {
102 target[name] = v;
103 };
104 }
105 } else if (kind === 2) {
106 get = function (_this) {
107 assertInstanceIfPrivate(_this);
108 return desc.value;
109 };
110 } else {
111 if (kind < 4) {
112 get = _bindPropCall(desc, "get", assertInstanceIfPrivate);
113 }
114 if (kind !== 3) {
115 set = _bindPropCall(desc, "set", assertInstanceIfPrivate);
116 }
117 }
118 var access = ctx.access = {
119 has: isPrivate ? hasPrivateBrand.bind() : function (target) {
120 return name in target;
121 }
122 };
123 if (get) access.get = get;
124 if (set) access.set = set;
125 newValue =, isAccessor ? {
126 get: desc.get,
127 set: desc.set
128 } : desc[key], ctx);
129 if (isAccessor) {
130 if (typeof newValue === "object" && newValue) {
131 if (_ = assertCallable(newValue.get, "accessor.get")) {
132 desc.get = _;
133 }
134 if (_ = assertCallable(newValue.set, "accessor.set")) {
135 desc.set = _;
136 }
137 if (_ = assertCallable(newValue.init, "accessor.init")) {
138 init.push(_);
139 }
140 } else if (newValue !== void 0) {
141 throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
142 }
143 } else if (assertCallable(newValue, (isField ? "field" : "method") + " decorators", "return")) {
144 if (isField) {
145 init.push(newValue);
146 } else {
147 desc[key] = newValue;
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 } finally {
152 decoratorFinishedRef.v = true;
153 }
154 }
155 if (isField || isAccessor) {
156 ret.push(function (instance, value) {
157 for (var i = init.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
158 value = init[i].call(instance, value);
159 }
160 return value;
161 });
162 }
163 if (!isField && !isClass) {
164 if (isPrivate) {
165 if (isAccessor) {
166 ret.push(_bindPropCall(desc, "get"), _bindPropCall(desc, "set"));
167 } else {
168 ret.push(kind === 2 ? desc[key] :[key]));
169 }
170 } else {
171 Object.defineProperty(Class, name, desc);
172 }
173 }
174 return newValue;
175 }
176 function applyMemberDecs(Class, decInfos, instanceBrand, metadata) {
177 var ret = [];
178 var protoInitializers;
179 var staticInitializers;
180 var staticBrand = function (_) {
181 return (0, _checkInRHS.default)(_) === Class;
182 };
183 var existingNonFields = new Map();
184 function pushInitializers(initializers) {
185 if (initializers) {
186 ret.push(runInitializers.bind(null, initializers));
187 }
188 }
189 for (var i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
190 var decInfo = decInfos[i];
191 if (!Array.isArray(decInfo)) continue;
192 var kind = decInfo[1];
193 var name = decInfo[2];
194 var isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3;
195 var decoratorsHaveThis = kind & 16;
196 var isStatic = !!(kind & 8);
197 kind &= 7;
198 var isField = kind === 0;
199 var key = name + "/" + isStatic;
200 if (!isField && !isPrivate) {
201 var existingKind = existingNonFields.get(key);
202 if (existingKind === true || existingKind === 3 && kind !== 4 || existingKind === 4 && kind !== 3) {
203 throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
204 }
205 existingNonFields.set(key, kind > 2 ? kind : true);
206 }
207 applyDec(isStatic ? Class : Class.prototype, decInfo, decoratorsHaveThis, isPrivate ? "#" + name : (0, _toPropertyKey.default)(name), kind, metadata, isStatic ? staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [] : protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [], ret, isStatic, isPrivate, isField, kind === 1, isStatic && isPrivate ? staticBrand : instanceBrand);
208 }
209 pushInitializers(protoInitializers);
210 pushInitializers(staticInitializers);
211 return ret;
212 }
213 function defineMetadata(Class, metadata) {
214 return Object.defineProperty(Class, Symbol.metadata || Symbol.for("Symbol.metadata"), {
215 configurable: true,
216 enumerable: true,
217 value: metadata
218 });
219 }
220 if (arguments.length >= 6) {
221 var parentMetadata = parentClass[Symbol.metadata || Symbol.for("Symbol.metadata")];
222 }
223 var metadata = Object.create(parentMetadata == null ? null : parentMetadata);
224 var e = applyMemberDecs(targetClass, memberDecs, instanceBrand, metadata);
225 if (!classDecs.length) defineMetadata(targetClass, metadata);
226 return {
227 e: e,
228 get c() {
229 var initializers = [];
230 return classDecs.length && [defineMetadata(applyDec(targetClass, [classDecs], classDecsHaveThis,, 5, metadata, initializers), metadata), runInitializers.bind(null, initializers, targetClass)];
231 }
232 };
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