1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
4 |
5 | var core = require('@babel/core');
6 | var helperPluginUtils = require('@babel/helper-plugin-utils');
7 |
8 | function isNameOrLength(key) {
9 | if (core.types.isIdentifier(key)) {
10 | return key.name === "name" || key.name === "length";
11 | }
12 | if (core.types.isStringLiteral(key)) {
13 | return key.value === "name" || key.value === "length";
14 | }
15 | return false;
16 | }
17 | function isStaticFieldWithValue(node) {
18 | return (core.types.isClassProperty(node) || core.types.isClassPrivateProperty(node)) && node.static && !!node.value;
19 | }
20 | const hasReferenceVisitor = {
21 | ReferencedIdentifier(path, state) {
22 | if (path.node.name === state.name) {
23 | state.ref();
24 | path.stop();
25 | }
26 | },
27 | Scope(path, {
28 | name
29 | }) {
30 | if (path.scope.hasOwnBinding(name)) {
31 | path.skip();
32 | }
33 | }
34 | };
35 | function isReferenceOrThis(node, name) {
36 | return core.types.isThisExpression(node) || name && core.types.isIdentifier(node, {
37 | name
38 | });
39 | }
40 | const hasReferenceOrThisVisitor = {
41 | "ThisExpression|ReferencedIdentifier"(path, state) {
42 | if (isReferenceOrThis(path.node, state.name)) {
43 | state.ref();
44 | path.stop();
45 | }
46 | },
47 | FunctionParent(path, state) {
48 | if (path.isArrowFunctionExpression()) return;
49 | if (state.name && !path.scope.hasOwnBinding(state.name)) {
50 | path.traverse(hasReferenceVisitor, state);
51 | }
52 | path.skip();
53 | if (path.isMethod()) {
54 | if (path.requeueComputedKeyAndDecorators) {
55 | path.requeueComputedKeyAndDecorators();
56 | } else {
57 | require("@babel/traverse").NodePath.prototype.requeueComputedKeyAndDecorators.call(path);
58 | }
59 | }
60 | }
61 | };
62 | function getPotentiallyBuggyFieldsIndexes(path) {
63 | var _path$node$id;
64 | const buggyPublicStaticFieldsIndexes = [];
65 | let classReferenced = false;
66 | const className = (_path$node$id = path.node.id) == null ? void 0 : _path$node$id.name;
67 | const hasReferenceState = {
68 | name: className,
69 | ref: () => classReferenced = true
70 | };
71 | if (className) {
72 | for (const el of path.get("body.body")) {
73 | if (el.node.computed) {
74 | el.get("key").traverse(hasReferenceVisitor, hasReferenceState);
75 | if (classReferenced) break;
76 | }
77 | }
78 | }
79 | let nextPotentiallyBuggy = false;
80 | const {
81 | body
82 | } = path.node.body;
83 | for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
84 | const node = body[i];
85 | if (!nextPotentiallyBuggy) {
86 | if (core.types.isStaticBlock(node)) {
87 | classReferenced = true;
88 | nextPotentiallyBuggy = true;
89 | } else if (isStaticFieldWithValue(node)) {
90 | if (!classReferenced) {
91 | if (isReferenceOrThis(node.value, className)) {
92 | classReferenced = true;
93 | } else {
94 | path.get(`body.body.${i}.value`).traverse(hasReferenceOrThisVisitor, hasReferenceState);
95 | }
96 | }
97 | if (classReferenced) {
98 | nextPotentiallyBuggy = !path.scope.isPure(node.value);
99 | }
100 | }
101 | }
102 | if (core.types.isClassProperty(node, {
103 | static: true
104 | }) && (nextPotentiallyBuggy || node.computed || isNameOrLength(node.key))) {
105 | buggyPublicStaticFieldsIndexes.push(i);
106 | }
107 | }
108 | return buggyPublicStaticFieldsIndexes;
109 | }
110 | function getNameOrLengthStaticFieldsIndexes(path) {
111 | const indexes = [];
112 | const {
113 | body
114 | } = path.node.body;
115 | for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
116 | const node = body[i];
117 | if (core.types.isClassProperty(node, {
118 | static: true,
119 | computed: false
120 | }) && isNameOrLength(node.key)) {
121 | indexes.push(i);
122 | }
123 | }
124 | return indexes;
125 | }
126 | function toRanges(nums) {
127 | const ranges = [];
128 | if (nums.length === 0) return ranges;
129 | let start = nums[0];
130 | let end = start + 1;
131 | for (let i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) {
132 | if (nums[i] <= nums[i - 1]) {
133 | throw new Error("Internal Babel error: nums must be in ascending order");
134 | }
135 | if (nums[i] === end) {
136 | end++;
137 | } else {
138 | ranges.push([start, end]);
139 | start = nums[i];
140 | end = start + 1;
141 | }
142 | }
143 | ranges.push([start, end]);
144 | return ranges;
145 | }
146 |
147 | function buildFieldsReplacement(fields, scope, file) {
148 | return core.types.staticBlock(fields.map(field => {
149 | const key = field.computed || !core.types.isIdentifier(field.key) ? field.key : core.types.stringLiteral(field.key.name);
150 | return core.types.expressionStatement(core.types.callExpression(file.addHelper("defineProperty"), [core.types.thisExpression(), key, field.value || scope.buildUndefinedNode()]));
151 | }));
152 | }
153 | var index = helperPluginUtils.declare(api => {
154 | api.assertVersion("^7.0.0-0 || >8.0.0-alpha <8.0.0-beta");
155 | const setPublicClassFields = api.assumption("setPublicClassFields");
156 | return {
157 | name: "bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly",
158 | visitor: {
159 | Class(path) {
160 | const ranges = toRanges(setPublicClassFields ? getNameOrLengthStaticFieldsIndexes(path) : getPotentiallyBuggyFieldsIndexes(path));
161 | for (let i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
162 | const [start, end] = ranges[i];
163 | const startPath = path.get("body.body")[start];
164 | startPath.replaceWith(buildFieldsReplacement(path.node.body.body.slice(start, end), path.scope, this.file));
165 | for (let j = end - 1; j > start; j--) {
166 | path.get("body.body")[j].remove();
167 | }
168 | }
169 | }
170 | }
171 | };
172 | });
173 |
174 | exports.default = index;
175 | //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map