1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.default = void 0;
7 | var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils");
8 | var _core = require("@babel/core");
9 | var _noHelperImplementation = require("./no-helper-implementation.js");
10 | var _helperSkipTransparentExpressionWrappers = require("@babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers");
11 | function buildLoopBody(path, declar, newBody) {
12 | let block;
13 | const bodyPath = path.get("body");
14 | const body = newBody != null ? newBody : bodyPath.node;
15 | if (_core.types.isBlockStatement(body) && Object.keys(path.getBindingIdentifiers()).some(id => bodyPath.scope.hasOwnBinding(id))) {
16 | block = _core.types.blockStatement([declar, body]);
17 | } else {
18 | block = _core.types.toBlock(body);
19 | block.body.unshift(declar);
20 | }
21 | return block;
22 | }
23 | var _default = exports.default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((api, options) => {
24 | var _options$assumeArray, _options$allowArrayLi, _api$assumption;
25 | api.assertVersion(7);
26 | {
27 | const {
28 | assumeArray,
29 | allowArrayLike,
30 | loose
31 | } = options;
32 | if (loose === true && assumeArray === true) {
33 | throw new Error(`The loose and assumeArray options cannot be used together in @babel/plugin-transform-for-of`);
34 | }
35 | if (assumeArray === true && allowArrayLike === true) {
36 | throw new Error(`The assumeArray and allowArrayLike options cannot be used together in @babel/plugin-transform-for-of`);
37 | }
38 | {
39 | if (allowArrayLike && /^7\.\d\./.test(api.version)) {
40 | throw new Error(`The allowArrayLike is only supported when using @babel/core@^7.10.0`);
41 | }
42 | }
43 | }
44 | const iterableIsArray = (_options$assumeArray = options.assumeArray) != null ? _options$assumeArray : !options.loose && api.assumption("iterableIsArray");
45 | const arrayLikeIsIterable = (_options$allowArrayLi = options.allowArrayLike) != null ? _options$allowArrayLi : api.assumption("arrayLikeIsIterable");
46 | const skipIteratorClosing = (_api$assumption = api.assumption("skipForOfIteratorClosing")) != null ? _api$assumption : options.loose;
47 | if (iterableIsArray && arrayLikeIsIterable) {
48 | throw new Error(`The "iterableIsArray" and "arrayLikeIsIterable" assumptions are not compatible.`);
49 | }
50 | if (iterableIsArray) {
51 | return {
52 | name: "transform-for-of",
53 | visitor: {
54 | ForOfStatement(path) {
55 | const {
56 | scope
57 | } = path;
58 | const {
59 | left,
60 | await: isAwait
61 | } = path.node;
62 | if (isAwait) {
63 | return;
64 | }
65 | const right = (0, _helperSkipTransparentExpressionWrappers.skipTransparentExprWrapperNodes)(path.node.right);
66 | const i = scope.generateUidIdentifier("i");
67 | let array = scope.maybeGenerateMemoised(right, true);
68 | if (!array && _core.types.isIdentifier(right) && path.get("body").scope.hasOwnBinding(right.name)) {
69 | array = scope.generateUidIdentifier("arr");
70 | }
71 | const inits = [_core.types.variableDeclarator(i, _core.types.numericLiteral(0))];
72 | if (array) {
73 | inits.push(_core.types.variableDeclarator(array, right));
74 | } else {
75 | array = right;
76 | }
77 | const item = _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(array), _core.types.cloneNode(i), true);
78 | let assignment;
79 | if (_core.types.isVariableDeclaration(left)) {
80 | assignment = left;
81 | assignment.declarations[0].init = item;
82 | } else {
83 | assignment = _core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", left, item));
84 | }
85 | path.replaceWith(_core.types.forStatement(_core.types.variableDeclaration("let", inits), _core.types.binaryExpression("<", _core.types.cloneNode(i), _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(array), _core.types.identifier("length"))), _core.types.updateExpression("++", _core.types.cloneNode(i)), buildLoopBody(path, assignment)));
86 | }
87 | }
88 | };
89 | }
90 | const buildForOfArray = (0, _core.template)`
91 | for (var KEY = 0, NAME = ARR; KEY < NAME.length; KEY++) BODY;
92 | `;
93 | const buildForOfNoIteratorClosing = _core.template.statements`
96 | `;
97 | const buildForOf = _core.template.statements`
99 | try {
100 | for (ITERATOR_HELPER.s(); !(STEP_KEY = ITERATOR_HELPER.n()).done;) BODY;
101 | } catch (err) {
102 | ITERATOR_HELPER.e(err);
103 | } finally {
105 | }
106 | `;
107 | const builder = skipIteratorClosing ? {
108 | build: buildForOfNoIteratorClosing,
109 | helper: "createForOfIteratorHelperLoose",
110 | getContainer: nodes => nodes
111 | } : {
112 | build: buildForOf,
113 | helper: "createForOfIteratorHelper",
114 | getContainer: nodes => nodes[1].block.body
115 | };
116 | function _ForOfStatementArray(path) {
117 | const {
118 | node,
119 | scope
120 | } = path;
121 | const right = scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(node.right, "arr");
122 | const iterationKey = scope.generateUidIdentifier("i");
123 | const loop = buildForOfArray({
124 | BODY: node.body,
125 | KEY: iterationKey,
126 | NAME: right,
127 | ARR: node.right
128 | });
129 | _core.types.inherits(loop, node);
130 | const iterationValue = _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(right), _core.types.cloneNode(iterationKey), true);
131 | let declar;
132 | const left = node.left;
133 | if (_core.types.isVariableDeclaration(left)) {
134 | left.declarations[0].init = iterationValue;
135 | declar = left;
136 | } else {
137 | declar = _core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", left, iterationValue));
138 | }
139 | loop.body = buildLoopBody(path, declar, loop.body);
140 | return loop;
141 | }
142 | return {
143 | name: "transform-for-of",
144 | visitor: {
145 | ForOfStatement(path, state) {
146 | const right = path.get("right");
147 | if (right.isArrayExpression() || right.isGenericType("Array") || _core.types.isArrayTypeAnnotation(right.getTypeAnnotation())) {
148 | path.replaceWith(_ForOfStatementArray(path));
149 | return;
150 | }
151 | {
152 | if (!state.availableHelper(builder.helper)) {
153 | (0, _noHelperImplementation.default)(skipIteratorClosing, path, state);
154 | return;
155 | }
156 | }
157 | const {
158 | node,
159 | parent,
160 | scope
161 | } = path;
162 | const left = node.left;
163 | let declar;
164 | const stepKey = scope.generateUid("step");
165 | const stepValue = _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.identifier(stepKey), _core.types.identifier("value"));
166 | if (_core.types.isVariableDeclaration(left)) {
167 | declar = _core.types.variableDeclaration(left.kind, [_core.types.variableDeclarator(left.declarations[0].id, stepValue)]);
168 | } else {
169 | declar = _core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", left, stepValue));
170 | }
171 | const nodes = builder.build({
172 | CREATE_ITERATOR_HELPER: state.addHelper(builder.helper),
173 | ITERATOR_HELPER: scope.generateUidIdentifier("iterator"),
174 | ARRAY_LIKE_IS_ITERABLE: arrayLikeIsIterable ? _core.types.booleanLiteral(true) : null,
175 | STEP_KEY: _core.types.identifier(stepKey),
176 | OBJECT: node.right,
177 | BODY: buildLoopBody(path, declar)
178 | });
179 | const container = builder.getContainer(nodes);
180 | _core.types.inherits(container[0], node);
181 | _core.types.inherits(container[0].body, node.body);
182 | if (_core.types.isLabeledStatement(parent)) {
183 | container[0] = _core.types.labeledStatement(parent.label, container[0]);
184 | path.parentPath.replaceWithMultiple(nodes);
185 | path.skip();
186 | } else {
187 | path.replaceWithMultiple(nodes);
188 | }
189 | }
190 | }
191 | };
192 | });
193 |
194 | //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map