1 | # json-ext
2 |
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7 |
8 | A set of utilities designed to extend JSON's capabilities, especially for handling large JSON data (over 100MB) efficiently:
9 |
10 | - [parseChunked()](#parsechunked) – Parses JSON incrementally; similar to [`JSON.parse()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/parse), but processing JSON data in chunks.
11 | - [stringifyChunked()](#stringifychunked) – Converts JavaScript objects to JSON incrementally; similar to [`JSON.stringify()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify), but returns a generator that yields JSON strings in parts.
12 | - [stringifyInfo()](#stringifyinfo) – Estimates the size of the `JSON.stringify()` result and identifies circular references without generating the JSON.
13 | - [parseFromWebStream()](#parsefromwebstream) – A helper function to parse JSON chunks directly from a Web Stream.
14 | - [createStringifyWebStream()](#createstringifywebstream) – A helper function to generate JSON data as a Web Stream.
15 |
16 | ### Key Features
17 |
18 | - Optimized to handle large JSON data with minimal resource usage (see [benchmarks](./benchmarks/README.md))
19 | - Works seamlessly with browsers, Node.js, Deno, and Bun
20 | - Supports both Node.js and Web streams
21 | - Available in both ESM and CommonJS
22 | - TypeScript typings included
23 | - No external dependencies
24 | - Compact size: 9.4Kb (minified), 3.8Kb (min+gzip)
25 |
26 | ### Why json-ext?
27 |
28 | - **Handles large JSON files**: Overcomes the limitations of V8 for strings larger than ~500MB, enabling the processing of huge JSON data.
29 | - **Prevents main thread blocking**: Distributes parsing and stringifying over time, ensuring the main thread remains responsive during heavy JSON operations.
30 | - **Reduces memory usage**: Traditional `JSON.parse()` and `JSON.stringify()` require loading entire data into memory, leading to high memory consumption and increased garbage collection pressure. `parseChunked()` and `stringifyChunked()` process data incrementally, optimizing memory usage.
31 | - **Size estimation**: `stringifyInfo()` allows estimating the size of resulting JSON before generating it, enabling better decision-making for JSON generation strategies.
32 |
33 | ## Install
34 |
35 | ```bash
36 | npm install @discoveryjs/json-ext
37 | ```
38 |
39 | ## API
40 |
41 | ### parseChunked()
42 |
43 | Functions like [`JSON.parse()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/parse), iterating over chunks to reconstruct the result object, and returns a [Promise](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise).
44 |
45 | > Note: `reviver` parameter is not supported yet.
46 |
47 | ```ts
48 | function parseChunked(input: Iterable<Chunk> | AsyncIterable<Chunk>): Promise<any>;
49 | function parseChunked(input: () => (Iterable<Chunk> | AsyncIterable<Chunk>)): Promise<any>;
50 |
51 | type Chunk = string | Buffer | Uint8Array;
52 | ```
53 |
54 | [Benchmark](https://github.com/discoveryjs/json-ext/tree/master/benchmarks#parse-chunked)
55 |
56 | Usage:
57 |
58 | ```js
59 | import { parseChunked } from '@discoveryjs/json-ext';
60 |
61 | const data = await parseChunked(chunkEmitter);
62 | ```
63 |
64 | Parameter `chunkEmitter` can be an iterable or async iterable that iterates over chunks, or a function returning such a value. A chunk can be a `string`, `Uint8Array`, or Node.js `Buffer`.
65 |
66 | Examples:
67 |
68 | - Generator:
69 | ```js
70 | parseChunked(function*() {
71 | yield '{ "hello":';
72 | yield Buffer.from(' "wor'); // Node.js only
73 | yield new TextEncoder().encode('ld" }'); // returns Uint8Array
74 | });
75 | ```
76 | - Async generator:
77 | ```js
78 | parseChunked(async function*() {
79 | for await (const chunk of someAsyncSource) {
80 | yield chunk;
81 | }
82 | });
83 | ```
84 | - Array:
85 | ```js
86 | parseChunked(['{ "hello":', ' "world"}'])
87 | ```
88 | - Function returning iterable:
89 | ```js
90 | parseChunked(() => ['{ "hello":', ' "world"}'])
91 | ```
92 | - Node.js [`Readable`](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/stream.html#stream_readable_streams) stream:
93 | ```js
94 | import fs from 'node:fs';
95 |
96 | parseChunked(fs.createReadStream('path/to/file.json'))
97 | ```
98 | - Web stream (e.g., using [fetch()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API)):
99 | > Note: Iterability for Web streams was added later in the Web platform, not all environments support it. Consider using `parseFromWebStream()` for broader compatibility.
100 | ```js
101 | const response = await fetch('https://example.com/data.json');
102 | const data = await parseChunked(response.body); // body is ReadableStream
103 | ```
104 |
105 | ### stringifyChunked()
106 |
107 | Functions like [`JSON.stringify()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify), but returns a generator yielding strings instead of a single string.
108 |
109 | > Note: Returns `"null"` when `JSON.stringify()` returns `undefined` (since a chunk cannot be `undefined`).
110 |
111 | ```ts
112 | function stringifyChunked(value: any, replacer?: Replacer, space?: Space): Generator<string, void, unknown>;
113 | function stringifyChunked(value: any, options: StringifyOptions): Generator<string, void, unknown>;
114 |
115 | type Replacer =
116 | | ((this: any, key: string, value: any) => any)
117 | | (string | number)[]
118 | | null;
119 | type Space = string | number | null;
120 | type StringifyOptions = {
121 | replacer?: Replacer;
122 | space?: Space;
123 | highWaterMark?: number;
124 | };
125 | ```
126 |
127 | [Benchmark](https://github.com/discoveryjs/json-ext/tree/master/benchmarks#stream-stringifying)
128 |
129 | Usage:
130 |
131 | - Getting an array of chunks:
132 | ```js
133 | const chunks = [...stringifyChunked(data)];
134 | ```
135 | - Iterating over chunks:
136 | ```js
137 | for (const chunk of stringifyChunked(data)) {
138 | console.log(chunk);
139 | }
140 | ```
141 | - Specifying the minimum size of a chunk with `highWaterMark` option:
142 | ```js
143 | const data = [1, "hello world", 42];
144 |
145 | console.log([...stringifyChunked(data)]); // default 16kB
146 | // ['[1,"hello world",42]']
147 |
148 | console.log([...stringifyChunked(data, { highWaterMark: 16 })]);
149 | // ['[1,"hello world"', ',42]']
150 |
151 | console.log([...stringifyChunked(data, { highWaterMark: 1 })]);
152 | // ['[1', ',"hello world"', ',42', ']']
153 | ```
154 | - Streaming into a stream with a `Promise` (modern Node.js):
155 | ```js
156 | import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises';
157 | import fs from 'node:fs';
158 |
159 | await pipeline(
160 | stringifyChunked(data),
161 | fs.createWriteStream('path/to/file.json')
162 | );
163 | ```
164 | - Wrapping into a `Promise` streaming into a stream (legacy Node.js):
165 | ```js
166 | import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
167 |
168 | new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
169 | Readable.from(stringifyChunked(data))
170 | .on('error', reject)
171 | .pipe(stream)
172 | .on('error', reject)
173 | .on('finish', resolve);
174 | });
175 | ```
176 | - Writing into a file synchronously:
177 | > Note: Slower than `JSON.stringify()` but uses much less heap space and has no limitation on string length
178 | ```js
179 | import fs from 'node:fs';
180 |
181 | const fd = fs.openSync('output.json', 'w');
182 |
183 | for (const chunk of stringifyChunked(data)) {
184 | fs.writeFileSync(fd, chunk);
185 | }
186 |
187 | fs.closeSync(fd);
188 | ```
189 | - Using with fetch (JSON streaming):
190 | > Note: This feature has limited support in browsers, see [Streaming requests with the fetch API](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/capabilities/web-apis/fetch-streaming-requests)
191 |
192 | > Note: `ReadableStream.from()` has limited [support in browsers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream/from_static), use [`createStringifyWebStream()`](#createstringifywebstream) instead.
193 | ```js
194 | fetch('http://example.com', {
195 | method: 'POST',
196 | duplex: 'half',
197 | body: ReadableStream.from(stringifyChunked(data))
198 | });
199 | ```
200 | - Wrapping into `ReadableStream`:
201 | > Note: Use `ReadableStream.from()` or [`createStringifyWebStream()`](#createstringifywebstream) when no extra logic is needed
202 | ```js
203 | new ReadableStream({
204 | start() {
205 | this.generator = stringifyChunked(data);
206 | },
207 | pull(controller) {
208 | const { value, done } = this.generator.next();
209 |
210 | if (done) {
211 | controller.close();
212 | } else {
213 | controller.enqueue(value);
214 | }
215 | },
216 | cancel() {
217 | this.generator = null;
218 | }
219 | });
220 | ```
221 |
222 | ### stringifyInfo()
223 |
224 | ```ts
225 | export function stringifyInfo(value: any, replacer?: Replacer, space?: Space): StringifyInfoResult;
226 | export function stringifyInfo(value: any, options?: StringifyInfoOptions): StringifyInfoResult;
227 |
228 | type StringifyInfoOptions = {
229 | replacer?: Replacer;
230 | space?: Space;
231 | continueOnCircular?: boolean;
232 | }
233 | type StringifyInfoResult = {
234 | bytes: number; // size of JSON in bytes
235 | spaceBytes: number; // size of white spaces in bytes (when space option used)
236 | circular: object[]; // list of circular references
237 | };
238 | ```
239 |
240 | Functions like [`JSON.stringify()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify), but returns an object with the expected overall size of the stringify operation and a list of circular references.
241 |
242 | Example:
243 |
244 | ```js
245 | import { stringifyInfo } from '@discoveryjs/json-ext';
246 |
247 | console.log(stringifyInfo({ test: true }, null, 4));
248 | // {
249 | // bytes: 20, // Buffer.byteLength('{\n "test": true\n}')
250 | // spaceBytes: 7,
251 | // circular: []
252 | // }
253 | ```
254 |
255 | #### Options
256 |
257 | ##### continueOnCircular
258 |
259 | Type: `Boolean`
260 | Default: `false`
261 |
262 | Determines whether to continue collecting info for a value when a circular reference is found. Setting this option to `true` allows finding all circular references.
263 |
264 | ### parseFromWebStream()
265 |
266 | A helper function to consume JSON from a Web Stream. You can use `parseChunked(stream)` instead, but `@@asyncIterator` on `ReadableStream` has limited support in browsers (see [ReadableStream](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream) compatibility table).
267 |
268 | ```js
269 | import { parseFromWebStream } from '@discoveryjs/json-ext';
270 |
271 | const data = await parseFromWebStream(readableStream);
272 | // equivalent to (when ReadableStream[@@asyncIterator] is supported):
273 | // await parseChunked(readableStream);
274 | ```
275 |
276 | ### createStringifyWebStream()
277 |
278 | A helper function to convert `stringifyChunked()` into a `ReadableStream` (Web Stream). You can use `ReadableStream.from()` instead, but this method has limited support in browsers (see [ReadableStream.from()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream/from_static) compatibility table).
279 |
280 | ```js
281 | import { createStringifyWebStream } from '@discoveryjs/json-ext';
282 |
283 | createStringifyWebStream({ test: true });
284 | // equivalent to (when ReadableStream.from() is supported):
285 | // ReadableStream.from(stringifyChunked({ test: true }))
286 | ```
287 |
288 | ## License
289 |
290 | MIT