source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/@eslint-community/regexpp/index.d.ts@ 79a0317

Last change on this file since 79a0317 was 0c6b92a, checked in by stefan toskovski <stefantoska84@…>, 8 weeks ago

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1// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3
3declare module "@eslint-community/regexpp" {
4 import * as AST from "@eslint-community/regexpp/ast";
5 import { RegExpParser } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/parser";
6 import { RegExpValidator } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/validator";
7 import { RegExpVisitor } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/visitor";
8 export { RegExpSyntaxError } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/regexp-syntax-error";
9 export { AST, RegExpParser, RegExpValidator };
10 /**
11 * Parse a given regular expression literal then make AST object.
12 * @param source The source code to parse.
13 * @param options The options to parse.
14 * @returns The AST of the regular expression.
15 */
16 export function parseRegExpLiteral(
17 source: RegExp | string,
18 options?: RegExpParser.Options
19 ): AST.RegExpLiteral;
20 /**
21 * Validate a given regular expression literal.
22 * @param source The source code to validate.
23 * @param options The options to validate.
24 */
25 export function validateRegExpLiteral(
26 source: string,
27 options?: RegExpValidator.Options
28 ): void;
29 export function visitRegExpAST(
30 node: AST.Node,
31 handlers: RegExpVisitor.Handlers
32 ): void;
35declare module "@eslint-community/regexpp/ast" {
36 /**
37 * The type which includes all nodes.
38 */
39 export type Node = BranchNode | LeafNode;
40 /**
41 * The type which includes all branch nodes.
42 */
43 export type BranchNode =
44 | Alternative
45 | CapturingGroup
46 | CharacterClass
47 | CharacterClassRange
48 | ClassIntersection
49 | ClassStringDisjunction
50 | ClassSubtraction
51 | ExpressionCharacterClass
52 | Group
53 | LookaroundAssertion
54 | Modifiers
55 | Pattern
56 | Quantifier
57 | RegExpLiteral
58 | StringAlternative;
59 /**
60 * The type which includes all leaf nodes.
61 */
62 export type LeafNode =
63 | Backreference
64 | BoundaryAssertion
65 | Character
66 | CharacterSet
67 | Flags
68 | ModifierFlags;
69 /**
70 * The type which includes all atom nodes.
71 */
72 export type Element = Assertion | QuantifiableElement | Quantifier;
73 /**
74 * The type which includes all atom nodes that Quantifier node can have as children.
75 */
76 export type QuantifiableElement =
77 | Backreference
78 | CapturingGroup
79 | Character
80 | CharacterClass
81 | CharacterSet
82 | ExpressionCharacterClass
83 | Group
84 | LookaheadAssertion;
85 /**
86 * The type which includes all character class atom nodes.
87 */
88 export type CharacterClassElement =
89 | ClassRangesCharacterClassElement
90 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClassElement;
91 export type ClassRangesCharacterClassElement =
92 | Character
93 | CharacterClassRange
94 | CharacterUnicodePropertyCharacterSet
95 | EscapeCharacterSet;
96 export type UnicodeSetsCharacterClassElement =
97 | Character
98 | CharacterClassRange
99 | ClassStringDisjunction
100 | EscapeCharacterSet
101 | ExpressionCharacterClass
102 | UnicodePropertyCharacterSet
103 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
104 /**
105 * The type which defines common properties for all node types.
106 */
107 export interface NodeBase {
108 /** The node type. */
109 type: Node["type"];
110 /** The parent node. */
111 parent: Node["parent"];
112 /** The 0-based index that this node starts. */
113 start: number;
114 /** The 0-based index that this node ends. */
115 end: number;
116 /** The raw text of this node. */
117 raw: string;
118 }
119 /**
120 * The root node.
121 */
122 export interface RegExpLiteral extends NodeBase {
123 type: "RegExpLiteral";
124 parent: null;
125 pattern: Pattern;
126 flags: Flags;
127 }
128 /**
129 * The pattern.
130 */
131 export interface Pattern extends NodeBase {
132 type: "Pattern";
133 parent: RegExpLiteral | null;
134 alternatives: Alternative[];
135 }
136 /**
137 * The alternative.
138 * E.g. `a|b`
139 */
140 export interface Alternative extends NodeBase {
141 type: "Alternative";
142 parent: CapturingGroup | Group | LookaroundAssertion | Pattern;
143 elements: Element[];
144 }
145 /**
146 * The uncapturing group.
147 * E.g. `(?:ab)`
148 */
149 export interface Group extends NodeBase {
150 type: "Group";
151 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
152 modifiers: Modifiers | null;
153 alternatives: Alternative[];
154 }
155 /**
156 * The capturing group.
157 * E.g. `(ab)`, `(?<name>ab)`
158 */
159 export interface CapturingGroup extends NodeBase {
160 type: "CapturingGroup";
161 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
162 name: string | null;
163 alternatives: Alternative[];
164 references: Backreference[];
165 }
166 /**
167 * The lookaround assertion.
168 */
169 export type LookaroundAssertion = LookaheadAssertion | LookbehindAssertion;
170 /**
171 * The lookahead assertion.
172 * E.g. `(?=ab)`, `(?!ab)`
173 */
174 export interface LookaheadAssertion extends NodeBase {
175 type: "Assertion";
176 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
177 kind: "lookahead";
178 negate: boolean;
179 alternatives: Alternative[];
180 }
181 /**
182 * The lookbehind assertion.
183 * E.g. `(?<=ab)`, `(?<!ab)`
184 */
185 export interface LookbehindAssertion extends NodeBase {
186 type: "Assertion";
187 parent: Alternative;
188 kind: "lookbehind";
189 negate: boolean;
190 alternatives: Alternative[];
191 }
192 /**
193 * The quantifier.
194 * E.g. `a?`, `a*`, `a+`, `a{1,2}`, `a??`, `a*?`, `a+?`, `a{1,2}?`
195 */
196 export interface Quantifier extends NodeBase {
197 type: "Quantifier";
198 parent: Alternative;
199 min: number;
200 max: number;
201 greedy: boolean;
202 element: QuantifiableElement;
203 }
204 /**
205 * The character class.
206 * E.g. `[ab]`, `[^ab]`
207 */
208 export type CharacterClass =
209 | ClassRangesCharacterClass
210 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
211 interface BaseCharacterClass extends NodeBase {
212 type: "CharacterClass";
213 parent:
214 | Alternative
215 | ClassIntersection
216 | ClassSubtraction
217 | Quantifier
218 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
219 unicodeSets: boolean;
220 negate: boolean;
221 elements: CharacterClassElement[];
222 }
223 /**
224 * The character class used in legacy (neither `u` nor `v` flag) and Unicode mode (`u` flag).
225 *
226 * This character class is guaranteed to **not** contain strings.
227 *
228 * In Unicode sets mode (`v` flag), {@link UnicodeSetsCharacterClass} is used.
229 */
230 export interface ClassRangesCharacterClass extends BaseCharacterClass {
231 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
232 unicodeSets: false;
233 elements: ClassRangesCharacterClassElement[];
234 }
235 /**
236 * The character class used in Unicode sets mode (`v` flag).
237 *
238 * This character class may contain strings.
239 */
240 export interface UnicodeSetsCharacterClass extends BaseCharacterClass {
241 parent:
242 | Alternative
243 | ClassIntersection
244 | ClassSubtraction
245 | Quantifier
246 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
247 unicodeSets: true;
248 elements: UnicodeSetsCharacterClassElement[];
249 }
250 /**
251 * The character class.
252 * E.g. `[a-b]`
253 */
254 export interface CharacterClassRange extends NodeBase {
255 type: "CharacterClassRange";
256 parent: CharacterClass;
257 min: Character;
258 max: Character;
259 }
260 /**
261 * The assertion.
262 */
263 export type Assertion = BoundaryAssertion | LookaroundAssertion;
264 /**
265 * The boundary assertion.
266 */
267 export type BoundaryAssertion = EdgeAssertion | WordBoundaryAssertion;
268 /**
269 * The edge boundary assertion.
270 * E.g. `^`, `$`
271 */
272 export interface EdgeAssertion extends NodeBase {
273 type: "Assertion";
274 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
275 kind: "end" | "start";
276 }
277 /**
278 * The word bondary assertion.
279 * E.g. `\b`, `\B`
280 */
281 export interface WordBoundaryAssertion extends NodeBase {
282 type: "Assertion";
283 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
284 kind: "word";
285 negate: boolean;
286 }
287 /**
288 * The character set.
289 */
290 export type CharacterSet =
291 | AnyCharacterSet
292 | EscapeCharacterSet
293 | UnicodePropertyCharacterSet;
294 /**
295 * The dot.
296 * E.g. `.`
297 */
298 export interface AnyCharacterSet extends NodeBase {
299 type: "CharacterSet";
300 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
301 kind: "any";
302 }
303 /**
304 * The character class escape.
305 * E.g. `\d`, `\s`, `\w`, `\D`, `\S`, `\W`
306 */
307 export interface EscapeCharacterSet extends NodeBase {
308 type: "CharacterSet";
309 parent:
310 | Alternative
311 | CharacterClass
312 | ClassIntersection
313 | ClassSubtraction
314 | Quantifier;
315 kind: "digit" | "space" | "word";
316 negate: boolean;
317 }
318 /**
319 * The unicode property escape.
320 * E.g. `\p{ASCII}`, `\P{ASCII}`, `\p{Script=Hiragana}`
321 */
322 export type UnicodePropertyCharacterSet =
323 | CharacterUnicodePropertyCharacterSet
324 | StringsUnicodePropertyCharacterSet;
325 interface BaseUnicodePropertyCharacterSet extends NodeBase {
326 type: "CharacterSet";
327 parent:
328 | Alternative
329 | CharacterClass
330 | ClassIntersection
331 | ClassSubtraction
332 | Quantifier;
333 kind: "property";
334 strings: boolean;
335 key: string;
336 value: string | null;
337 negate: boolean;
338 }
339 export interface CharacterUnicodePropertyCharacterSet
340 extends BaseUnicodePropertyCharacterSet {
341 strings: false;
342 value: string | null;
343 negate: boolean;
344 }
345 /** StringsUnicodePropertyCharacterSet is Unicode property escape with property of strings. */
346 export interface StringsUnicodePropertyCharacterSet
347 extends BaseUnicodePropertyCharacterSet {
348 parent:
349 | Alternative
350 | ClassIntersection
351 | ClassSubtraction
352 | Quantifier
353 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
354 strings: true;
355 value: null;
356 negate: false;
357 }
358 /**
359 * The expression character class.
360 * E.g. `[a--b]`, `[a&&b]`,`[^a--b]`, `[^a&&b]`
361 */
362 export interface ExpressionCharacterClass extends NodeBase {
363 type: "ExpressionCharacterClass";
364 parent:
365 | Alternative
366 | ClassIntersection
367 | ClassSubtraction
368 | Quantifier
369 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
370 negate: boolean;
371 expression: ClassIntersection | ClassSubtraction;
372 }
373 export type ClassSetOperand =
374 | Character
375 | ClassStringDisjunction
376 | EscapeCharacterSet
377 | ExpressionCharacterClass
378 | UnicodePropertyCharacterSet
379 | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
380 /**
381 * The character class intersection.
382 * E.g. `a&&b`
383 */
384 export interface ClassIntersection extends NodeBase {
385 type: "ClassIntersection";
386 parent: ClassIntersection | ExpressionCharacterClass;
387 left: ClassIntersection | ClassSetOperand;
388 right: ClassSetOperand;
389 }
390 /**
391 * The character class subtraction.
392 * E.g. `a--b`
393 */
394 export interface ClassSubtraction extends NodeBase {
395 type: "ClassSubtraction";
396 parent: ClassSubtraction | ExpressionCharacterClass;
397 left: ClassSetOperand | ClassSubtraction;
398 right: ClassSetOperand;
399 }
400 /**
401 * The character class string disjunction.
402 * E.g. `\q{a|b}`
403 */
404 export interface ClassStringDisjunction extends NodeBase {
405 type: "ClassStringDisjunction";
406 parent: ClassIntersection | ClassSubtraction | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass;
407 alternatives: StringAlternative[];
408 }
409 /** StringAlternative is only used for `\q{alt}`({@link ClassStringDisjunction}). */
410 export interface StringAlternative extends NodeBase {
411 type: "StringAlternative";
412 parent: ClassStringDisjunction;
413 elements: Character[];
414 }
415 /**
416 * The character.
417 * This includes escape sequences which mean a character.
418 * E.g. `a`, `あ`, `✿`, `\x65`, `\u0065`, `\u{65}`, `\/`
419 */
420 export interface Character extends NodeBase {
421 type: "Character";
422 parent:
423 | Alternative
424 | CharacterClass
425 | CharacterClassRange
426 | ClassIntersection
427 | ClassSubtraction
428 | Quantifier
429 | StringAlternative;
430 value: number;
431 }
432 /**
433 * The backreference.
434 * E.g. `\1`, `\k<name>`
435 */
436 export type Backreference = AmbiguousBackreference | UnambiguousBackreference;
437 interface BaseBackreference extends NodeBase {
438 type: "Backreference";
439 parent: Alternative | Quantifier;
440 ref: number | string;
441 ambiguous: boolean;
442 resolved: CapturingGroup | CapturingGroup[];
443 }
444 export interface AmbiguousBackreference extends BaseBackreference {
445 ref: string;
446 ambiguous: true;
447 resolved: CapturingGroup[];
448 }
449 export interface UnambiguousBackreference extends BaseBackreference {
450 ambiguous: false;
451 resolved: CapturingGroup;
452 }
453 /**
454 * The modifiers.
455 */
456 export interface Modifiers extends NodeBase {
457 type: "Modifiers";
458 parent: Group;
459 /**
460 * The add modifier flags.
461 */
462 add: ModifierFlags;
463 /**
464 * The remove modifier flags.
465 *
466 * `null` means no remove modifier flags. e.g. `(?ims:x)`
467 * The reason for `null` is that there is no position where the remove modifier flags appears. Must be behind the minus mark.
468 */
469 remove: ModifierFlags | null;
470 }
471 /**
472 * The modifier flags.
473 */
474 export interface ModifierFlags extends NodeBase {
475 type: "ModifierFlags";
476 parent: Modifiers;
477 dotAll: boolean;
478 ignoreCase: boolean;
479 multiline: boolean;
480 }
481 /**
482 * The flags.
483 */
484 export interface Flags extends NodeBase {
485 type: "Flags";
486 parent: RegExpLiteral | null;
487 dotAll: boolean;
488 global: boolean;
489 hasIndices: boolean;
490 ignoreCase: boolean;
491 multiline: boolean;
492 sticky: boolean;
493 unicode: boolean;
494 unicodeSets: boolean;
495 }
496 export {};
499declare module "@eslint-community/regexpp/parser" {
500 import type {
501 Flags,
502 RegExpLiteral,
503 Pattern,
504 } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/ast";
505 import type { EcmaVersion } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/ecma-versions";
506 export namespace RegExpParser {
507 /**
508 * The options for RegExpParser construction.
509 */
510 interface Options {
511 /**
512 * The flag to disable Annex B syntax. Default is `false`.
513 */
514 strict?: boolean;
515 /**
516 * ECMAScript version. Default is `2025`.
517 * - `2015` added `u` and `y` flags.
518 * - `2018` added `s` flag, Named Capturing Group, Lookbehind Assertion,
519 * and Unicode Property Escape.
520 * - `2019`, `2020`, and `2021` added more valid Unicode Property Escapes.
521 * - `2022` added `d` flag.
522 * - `2023` added more valid Unicode Property Escapes.
523 * - `2024` added `v` flag.
524 * - `2025` added duplicate named capturing groups, modifiers.
525 */
526 ecmaVersion?: EcmaVersion;
527 }
528 }
529 export class RegExpParser {
530 /**
531 * Initialize this parser.
532 * @param options The options of parser.
533 */
534 constructor(options?: RegExpParser.Options);
535 /**
536 * Parse a regular expression literal. E.g. "/abc/g"
537 * @param source The source code to parse.
538 * @param start The start index in the source code.
539 * @param end The end index in the source code.
540 * @returns The AST of the given regular expression.
541 */
542 parseLiteral(source: string, start?: number, end?: number): RegExpLiteral;
543 /**
544 * Parse a regular expression flags. E.g. "gim"
545 * @param source The source code to parse.
546 * @param start The start index in the source code.
547 * @param end The end index in the source code.
548 * @returns The AST of the given flags.
549 */
550 parseFlags(source: string, start?: number, end?: number): Flags;
551 /**
552 * Parse a regular expression pattern. E.g. "abc"
553 * @param source The source code to parse.
554 * @param start The start index in the source code.
555 * @param end The end index in the source code.
556 * @param flags The flags.
557 * @returns The AST of the given pattern.
558 */
559 parsePattern(
560 source: string,
561 start?: number,
562 end?: number,
563 flags?: {
564 unicode?: boolean;
565 unicodeSets?: boolean;
566 }
567 ): Pattern;
568 /**
569 * @deprecated Backward compatibility
570 * Use object `flags` instead of boolean `uFlag`.
571 *
572 * @param source The source code to parse.
573 * @param start The start index in the source code.
574 * @param end The end index in the source code.
575 * @param uFlag The flag to set unicode mode.
576 * @returns The AST of the given pattern.
577 */
578 parsePattern(
579 source: string,
580 start?: number,
581 end?: number,
582 uFlag?: boolean
583 ): Pattern;
584 }
587declare module "@eslint-community/regexpp/validator" {
588 import type { EcmaVersion } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/ecma-versions";
589 export type RegExpValidatorSourceContext = {
590 readonly source: string;
591 readonly start: number;
592 readonly end: number;
593 readonly kind: "flags" | "literal" | "pattern";
594 };
595 export namespace RegExpValidator {
596 /**
597 * The options for RegExpValidator construction.
598 */
599 interface Options {
600 /**
601 * The flag to disable Annex B syntax. Default is `false`.
602 */
603 strict?: boolean;
604 /**
605 * ECMAScript version. Default is `2025`.
606 * - `2015` added `u` and `y` flags.
607 * - `2018` added `s` flag, Named Capturing Group, Lookbehind Assertion,
608 * and Unicode Property Escape.
609 * - `2019`, `2020`, and `2021` added more valid Unicode Property Escapes.
610 * - `2022` added `d` flag.
611 * - `2023` added more valid Unicode Property Escapes.
612 * - `2024` added `v` flag.
613 * - `2025` added duplicate named capturing groups, modifiers.
614 */
615 ecmaVersion?: EcmaVersion;
616 /**
617 * A function that is called when the validator entered a RegExp literal.
618 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
619 */
620 onLiteralEnter?: (start: number) => void;
621 /**
622 * A function that is called when the validator left a RegExp literal.
623 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
624 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
625 */
626 onLiteralLeave?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
627 /**
628 * A function that is called when the validator found flags.
629 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
630 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
631 * @param `g` flag.
632 * @param flags.ignoreCase `i` flag.
633 * @param flags.multiline `m` flag.
634 * @param flags.unicode `u` flag.
635 * @param flags.sticky `y` flag.
636 * @param flags.dotAll `s` flag.
637 * @param flags.hasIndices `d` flag.
638 * @param flags.unicodeSets `v` flag.
639 */
640 onRegExpFlags?: (
641 start: number,
642 end: number,
643 flags: {
644 global: boolean;
645 ignoreCase: boolean;
646 multiline: boolean;
647 unicode: boolean;
648 sticky: boolean;
649 dotAll: boolean;
650 hasIndices: boolean;
651 unicodeSets: boolean;
652 }
653 ) => void;
654 /**
655 * A function that is called when the validator found flags.
656 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
657 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
658 * @param global `g` flag.
659 * @param ignoreCase `i` flag.
660 * @param multiline `m` flag.
661 * @param unicode `u` flag.
662 * @param sticky `y` flag.
663 * @param dotAll `s` flag.
664 * @param hasIndices `d` flag.
665 *
666 * @deprecated Use `onRegExpFlags` instead.
667 */
668 onFlags?: (
669 start: number,
670 end: number,
671 global: boolean,
672 ignoreCase: boolean,
673 multiline: boolean,
674 unicode: boolean,
675 sticky: boolean,
676 dotAll: boolean,
677 hasIndices: boolean
678 ) => void;
679 /**
680 * A function that is called when the validator entered a pattern.
681 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
682 */
683 onPatternEnter?: (start: number) => void;
684 /**
685 * A function that is called when the validator left a pattern.
686 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
687 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
688 */
689 onPatternLeave?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
690 /**
691 * A function that is called when the validator entered a disjunction.
692 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
693 */
694 onDisjunctionEnter?: (start: number) => void;
695 /**
696 * A function that is called when the validator left a disjunction.
697 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
698 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
699 */
700 onDisjunctionLeave?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
701 /**
702 * A function that is called when the validator entered an alternative.
703 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
704 * @param index The 0-based index of alternatives in a disjunction.
705 */
706 onAlternativeEnter?: (start: number, index: number) => void;
707 /**
708 * A function that is called when the validator left an alternative.
709 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
710 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
711 * @param index The 0-based index of alternatives in a disjunction.
712 */
713 onAlternativeLeave?: (start: number, end: number, index: number) => void;
714 /**
715 * A function that is called when the validator entered an uncapturing group.
716 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
717 */
718 onGroupEnter?: (start: number) => void;
719 /**
720 * A function that is called when the validator left an uncapturing group.
721 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
722 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
723 */
724 onGroupLeave?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
725 /**
726 * A function that is called when the validator entered a modifiers.
727 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
728 */
729 onModifiersEnter?: (start: number) => void;
730 /**
731 * A function that is called when the validator left a modifiers.
732 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
733 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
734 */
735 onModifiersLeave?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
736 /**
737 * A function that is called when the validator found an add modifiers.
738 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
739 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
740 * @param flags flags.
741 * @param flags.ignoreCase `i` flag.
742 * @param flags.multiline `m` flag.
743 * @param flags.dotAll `s` flag.
744 */
745 onAddModifiers?: (
746 start: number,
747 end: number,
748 flags: {
749 ignoreCase: boolean;
750 multiline: boolean;
751 dotAll: boolean;
752 }
753 ) => void;
754 /**
755 * A function that is called when the validator found a remove modifiers.
756 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
757 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
758 * @param flags flags.
759 * @param flags.ignoreCase `i` flag.
760 * @param flags.multiline `m` flag.
761 * @param flags.dotAll `s` flag.
762 */
763 onRemoveModifiers?: (
764 start: number,
765 end: number,
766 flags: {
767 ignoreCase: boolean;
768 multiline: boolean;
769 dotAll: boolean;
770 }
771 ) => void;
772 /**
773 * A function that is called when the validator entered a capturing group.
774 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
775 * @param name The group name.
776 */
777 onCapturingGroupEnter?: (start: number, name: string | null) => void;
778 /**
779 * A function that is called when the validator left a capturing group.
780 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
781 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
782 * @param name The group name.
783 */
784 onCapturingGroupLeave?: (
785 start: number,
786 end: number,
787 name: string | null
788 ) => void;
789 /**
790 * A function that is called when the validator found a quantifier.
791 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
792 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
793 * @param min The minimum number of repeating.
794 * @param max The maximum number of repeating.
795 * @param greedy The flag to choose the longest matching.
796 */
797 onQuantifier?: (
798 start: number,
799 end: number,
800 min: number,
801 max: number,
802 greedy: boolean
803 ) => void;
804 /**
805 * A function that is called when the validator entered a lookahead/lookbehind assertion.
806 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
807 * @param kind The kind of the assertion.
808 * @param negate The flag which represents that the assertion is negative.
809 */
810 onLookaroundAssertionEnter?: (
811 start: number,
812 kind: "lookahead" | "lookbehind",
813 negate: boolean
814 ) => void;
815 /**
816 * A function that is called when the validator left a lookahead/lookbehind assertion.
817 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
818 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
819 * @param kind The kind of the assertion.
820 * @param negate The flag which represents that the assertion is negative.
821 */
822 onLookaroundAssertionLeave?: (
823 start: number,
824 end: number,
825 kind: "lookahead" | "lookbehind",
826 negate: boolean
827 ) => void;
828 /**
829 * A function that is called when the validator found an edge boundary assertion.
830 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
831 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
832 * @param kind The kind of the assertion.
833 */
834 onEdgeAssertion?: (
835 start: number,
836 end: number,
837 kind: "end" | "start"
838 ) => void;
839 /**
840 * A function that is called when the validator found a word boundary assertion.
841 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
842 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
843 * @param kind The kind of the assertion.
844 * @param negate The flag which represents that the assertion is negative.
845 */
846 onWordBoundaryAssertion?: (
847 start: number,
848 end: number,
849 kind: "word",
850 negate: boolean
851 ) => void;
852 /**
853 * A function that is called when the validator found a dot.
854 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
855 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
856 * @param kind The kind of the character set.
857 */
858 onAnyCharacterSet?: (start: number, end: number, kind: "any") => void;
859 /**
860 * A function that is called when the validator found a character set escape.
861 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
862 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
863 * @param kind The kind of the character set.
864 * @param negate The flag which represents that the character set is negative.
865 */
866 onEscapeCharacterSet?: (
867 start: number,
868 end: number,
869 kind: "digit" | "space" | "word",
870 negate: boolean
871 ) => void;
872 /**
873 * A function that is called when the validator found a Unicode proerty escape.
874 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
875 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
876 * @param kind The kind of the character set.
877 * @param key The property name.
878 * @param value The property value.
879 * @param negate The flag which represents that the character set is negative.
880 * @param strings If true, the given property is property of strings.
881 */
882 onUnicodePropertyCharacterSet?: (
883 start: number,
884 end: number,
885 kind: "property",
886 key: string,
887 value: string | null,
888 negate: boolean,
889 strings: boolean
890 ) => void;
891 /**
892 * A function that is called when the validator found a character.
893 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
894 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
895 * @param value The code point of the character.
896 */
897 onCharacter?: (start: number, end: number, value: number) => void;
898 /**
899 * A function that is called when the validator found a backreference.
900 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
901 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
902 * @param ref The key of the referred capturing group.
903 */
904 onBackreference?: (
905 start: number,
906 end: number,
907 ref: number | string
908 ) => void;
909 /**
910 * A function that is called when the validator entered a character class.
911 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
912 * @param negate The flag which represents that the character class is negative.
913 * @param unicodeSets `true` if unicodeSets mode.
914 */
915 onCharacterClassEnter?: (
916 start: number,
917 negate: boolean,
918 unicodeSets: boolean
919 ) => void;
920 /**
921 * A function that is called when the validator left a character class.
922 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
923 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
924 * @param negate The flag which represents that the character class is negative.
925 */
926 onCharacterClassLeave?: (
927 start: number,
928 end: number,
929 negate: boolean
930 ) => void;
931 /**
932 * A function that is called when the validator found a character class range.
933 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
934 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
935 * @param min The minimum code point of the range.
936 * @param max The maximum code point of the range.
937 */
938 onCharacterClassRange?: (
939 start: number,
940 end: number,
941 min: number,
942 max: number
943 ) => void;
944 /**
945 * A function that is called when the validator found a class intersection.
946 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
947 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
948 */
949 onClassIntersection?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
950 /**
951 * A function that is called when the validator found a class subtraction.
952 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
953 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
954 */
955 onClassSubtraction?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
956 /**
957 * A function that is called when the validator entered a class string disjunction.
958 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
959 */
960 onClassStringDisjunctionEnter?: (start: number) => void;
961 /**
962 * A function that is called when the validator left a class string disjunction.
963 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
964 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
965 */
966 onClassStringDisjunctionLeave?: (start: number, end: number) => void;
967 /**
968 * A function that is called when the validator entered a string alternative.
969 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
970 * @param index The 0-based index of alternatives in a disjunction.
971 */
972 onStringAlternativeEnter?: (start: number, index: number) => void;
973 /**
974 * A function that is called when the validator left a string alternative.
975 * @param start The 0-based index of the first character.
976 * @param end The next 0-based index of the last character.
977 * @param index The 0-based index of alternatives in a disjunction.
978 */
979 onStringAlternativeLeave?: (
980 start: number,
981 end: number,
982 index: number
983 ) => void;
984 }
985 }
986 /**
987 * The regular expression validator.
988 */
989 export class RegExpValidator {
990 /**
991 * Initialize this validator.
992 * @param options The options of validator.
993 */
994 constructor(options?: RegExpValidator.Options);
995 /**
996 * Validate a regular expression literal. E.g. "/abc/g"
997 * @param source The source code to validate.
998 * @param start The start index in the source code.
999 * @param end The end index in the source code.
1000 */
1001 validateLiteral(source: string, start?: number, end?: number): void;
1002 /**
1003 * Validate a regular expression flags. E.g. "gim"
1004 * @param source The source code to validate.
1005 * @param start The start index in the source code.
1006 * @param end The end index in the source code.
1007 */
1008 validateFlags(source: string, start?: number, end?: number): void;
1009 /**
1010 * Validate a regular expression pattern. E.g. "abc"
1011 * @param source The source code to validate.
1012 * @param start The start index in the source code.
1013 * @param end The end index in the source code.
1014 * @param flags The flags.
1015 */
1016 validatePattern(
1017 source: string,
1018 start?: number,
1019 end?: number,
1020 flags?: {
1021 unicode?: boolean;
1022 unicodeSets?: boolean;
1023 }
1024 ): void;
1025 /**
1026 * @deprecated Backward compatibility
1027 * Use object `flags` instead of boolean `uFlag`.
1028 * @param source The source code to validate.
1029 * @param start The start index in the source code.
1030 * @param end The end index in the source code.
1031 * @param uFlag The flag to set unicode mode.
1032 */
1033 validatePattern(
1034 source: string,
1035 start?: number,
1036 end?: number,
1037 uFlag?: boolean
1038 ): void;
1039 }
1042declare module "@eslint-community/regexpp/visitor" {
1043 import type {
1044 Alternative,
1045 Assertion,
1046 Backreference,
1047 CapturingGroup,
1048 Character,
1049 CharacterClass,
1050 CharacterClassRange,
1051 CharacterSet,
1052 ClassIntersection,
1053 ClassStringDisjunction,
1054 ClassSubtraction,
1055 ExpressionCharacterClass,
1056 Flags,
1057 Group,
1058 ModifierFlags,
1059 Modifiers,
1060 Node,
1061 Pattern,
1062 Quantifier,
1063 RegExpLiteral,
1064 StringAlternative,
1065 } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/ast";
1066 /**
1067 * The visitor to walk on AST.
1068 */
1069 export class RegExpVisitor {
1070 /**
1071 * Initialize this visitor.
1072 * @param handlers Callbacks for each node.
1073 */
1074 constructor(handlers: RegExpVisitor.Handlers);
1075 /**
1076 * Visit a given node and descendant nodes.
1077 * @param node The root node to visit tree.
1078 */
1079 visit(node: Node): void;
1080 }
1081 export namespace RegExpVisitor {
1082 interface Handlers {
1083 onAlternativeEnter?: (node: Alternative) => void;
1084 onAlternativeLeave?: (node: Alternative) => void;
1085 onAssertionEnter?: (node: Assertion) => void;
1086 onAssertionLeave?: (node: Assertion) => void;
1087 onBackreferenceEnter?: (node: Backreference) => void;
1088 onBackreferenceLeave?: (node: Backreference) => void;
1089 onCapturingGroupEnter?: (node: CapturingGroup) => void;
1090 onCapturingGroupLeave?: (node: CapturingGroup) => void;
1091 onCharacterEnter?: (node: Character) => void;
1092 onCharacterLeave?: (node: Character) => void;
1093 onCharacterClassEnter?: (node: CharacterClass) => void;
1094 onCharacterClassLeave?: (node: CharacterClass) => void;
1095 onCharacterClassRangeEnter?: (node: CharacterClassRange) => void;
1096 onCharacterClassRangeLeave?: (node: CharacterClassRange) => void;
1097 onCharacterSetEnter?: (node: CharacterSet) => void;
1098 onCharacterSetLeave?: (node: CharacterSet) => void;
1099 onClassIntersectionEnter?: (node: ClassIntersection) => void;
1100 onClassIntersectionLeave?: (node: ClassIntersection) => void;
1101 onClassStringDisjunctionEnter?: (node: ClassStringDisjunction) => void;
1102 onClassStringDisjunctionLeave?: (node: ClassStringDisjunction) => void;
1103 onClassSubtractionEnter?: (node: ClassSubtraction) => void;
1104 onClassSubtractionLeave?: (node: ClassSubtraction) => void;
1105 onExpressionCharacterClassEnter?: (
1106 node: ExpressionCharacterClass
1107 ) => void;
1108 onExpressionCharacterClassLeave?: (
1109 node: ExpressionCharacterClass
1110 ) => void;
1111 onFlagsEnter?: (node: Flags) => void;
1112 onFlagsLeave?: (node: Flags) => void;
1113 onGroupEnter?: (node: Group) => void;
1114 onGroupLeave?: (node: Group) => void;
1115 onModifierFlagsEnter?: (node: ModifierFlags) => void;
1116 onModifierFlagsLeave?: (node: ModifierFlags) => void;
1117 onModifiersEnter?: (node: Modifiers) => void;
1118 onModifiersLeave?: (node: Modifiers) => void;
1119 onPatternEnter?: (node: Pattern) => void;
1120 onPatternLeave?: (node: Pattern) => void;
1121 onQuantifierEnter?: (node: Quantifier) => void;
1122 onQuantifierLeave?: (node: Quantifier) => void;
1123 onRegExpLiteralEnter?: (node: RegExpLiteral) => void;
1124 onRegExpLiteralLeave?: (node: RegExpLiteral) => void;
1125 onStringAlternativeEnter?: (node: StringAlternative) => void;
1126 onStringAlternativeLeave?: (node: StringAlternative) => void;
1127 }
1128 }
1131declare module "@eslint-community/regexpp/regexp-syntax-error" {
1132 import type { RegExpValidatorSourceContext } from "@eslint-community/regexpp/validator";
1133 export class RegExpSyntaxError extends SyntaxError {
1134 index: number;
1135 constructor(message: string, index: number);
1136 }
1137 export function newRegExpSyntaxError(
1138 srcCtx: RegExpValidatorSourceContext,
1139 flags: {
1140 unicode: boolean;
1141 unicodeSets: boolean;
1142 },
1143 index: number,
1144 message: string
1145 ): RegExpSyntaxError;
1148declare module "@eslint-community/regexpp/ecma-versions" {
1149 export type EcmaVersion =
1150 | 5
1151 | 2015
1152 | 2016
1153 | 2017
1154 | 2018
1155 | 2019
1156 | 2020
1157 | 2021
1158 | 2022
1159 | 2023
1160 | 2024
1161 | 2025;
1162 export const latestEcmaVersion = 2025;
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