source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/enums.d.ts

Last change on this file was d565449, checked in by stefan toskovski <stefantoska84@…>, 4 weeks ago

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1export declare const top: "top";
2export declare const bottom: "bottom";
3export declare const right: "right";
4export declare const left: "left";
5export declare const auto: "auto";
6export declare type BasePlacement = typeof top | typeof bottom | typeof right | typeof left;
7export declare const basePlacements: Array<BasePlacement>;
8export declare const start: "start";
9export declare const end: "end";
10export declare type Variation = typeof start | typeof end;
11export declare const clippingParents: "clippingParents";
12export declare const viewport: "viewport";
13export declare type Boundary = Element | Array<Element> | typeof clippingParents;
14export declare type RootBoundary = typeof viewport | "document";
15export declare const popper: "popper";
16export declare const reference: "reference";
17export declare type Context = typeof popper | typeof reference;
18export declare type VariationPlacement = "top-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end" | "right-start" | "right-end" | "left-start" | "left-end";
19export declare type AutoPlacement = "auto" | "auto-start" | "auto-end";
20export declare type ComputedPlacement = VariationPlacement | BasePlacement;
21export declare type Placement = AutoPlacement | BasePlacement | VariationPlacement;
22export declare const variationPlacements: Array<VariationPlacement>;
23export declare const placements: Array<Placement>;
24export declare const beforeRead: "beforeRead";
25export declare const read: "read";
26export declare const afterRead: "afterRead";
27export declare const beforeMain: "beforeMain";
28export declare const main: "main";
29export declare const afterMain: "afterMain";
30export declare const beforeWrite: "beforeWrite";
31export declare const write: "write";
32export declare const afterWrite: "afterWrite";
33export declare const modifierPhases: Array<ModifierPhases>;
34export declare type ModifierPhases = typeof beforeRead | typeof read | typeof afterRead | typeof beforeMain | typeof main | typeof afterMain | typeof beforeWrite | typeof write | typeof afterWrite;
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