source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/@use-gesture/core/dist/

Last change on this file was d565449, checked in by stefan toskovski <stefantoska84@…>, 4 weeks ago

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1'use strict';
3var maths = require('./');
5function _toPrimitive(input, hint) {
6 if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input;
7 var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive];
8 if (prim !== undefined) {
9 var res =, hint || "default");
10 if (typeof res !== "object") return res;
11 throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
12 }
13 return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input);
16function _toPropertyKey(arg) {
17 var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string");
18 return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key);
21function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
22 key = _toPropertyKey(key);
23 if (key in obj) {
24 Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
25 value: value,
26 enumerable: true,
27 configurable: true,
28 writable: true
29 });
30 } else {
31 obj[key] = value;
32 }
33 return obj;
36function ownKeys(e, r) {
37 var t = Object.keys(e);
38 if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
39 var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
40 r && (o = o.filter(function (r) {
41 return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable;
42 })), t.push.apply(t, o);
43 }
44 return t;
46function _objectSpread2(e) {
47 for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
48 var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {};
49 r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) {
50 _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]);
51 }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) {
52 Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r));
53 });
54 }
55 return e;
58const EVENT_TYPE_MAP = {
59 pointer: {
60 start: 'down',
61 change: 'move',
62 end: 'up'
63 },
64 mouse: {
65 start: 'down',
66 change: 'move',
67 end: 'up'
68 },
69 touch: {
70 start: 'start',
71 change: 'move',
72 end: 'end'
73 },
74 gesture: {
75 start: 'start',
76 change: 'change',
77 end: 'end'
78 }
80function capitalize(string) {
81 if (!string) return '';
82 return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
84const actionsWithoutCaptureSupported = ['enter', 'leave'];
85function hasCapture(capture = false, actionKey) {
86 return capture && !actionsWithoutCaptureSupported.includes(actionKey);
88function toHandlerProp(device, action = '', capture = false) {
89 const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device];
90 const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action;
91 return 'on' + capitalize(device) + capitalize(actionKey) + (hasCapture(capture, actionKey) ? 'Capture' : '');
93const pointerCaptureEvents = ['gotpointercapture', 'lostpointercapture'];
94function parseProp(prop) {
95 let eventKey = prop.substring(2).toLowerCase();
96 const passive = !!~eventKey.indexOf('passive');
97 if (passive) eventKey = eventKey.replace('passive', '');
98 const captureKey = pointerCaptureEvents.includes(eventKey) ? 'capturecapture' : 'capture';
99 const capture = !!~eventKey.indexOf(captureKey);
100 if (capture) eventKey = eventKey.replace('capture', '');
101 return {
102 device: eventKey,
103 capture,
104 passive
105 };
107function toDomEventType(device, action = '') {
108 const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device];
109 const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action;
110 return device + actionKey;
112function isTouch(event) {
113 return 'touches' in event;
115function getPointerType(event) {
116 if (isTouch(event)) return 'touch';
117 if ('pointerType' in event) return event.pointerType;
118 return 'mouse';
120function getCurrentTargetTouchList(event) {
121 return Array.from(event.touches).filter(e => {
122 var _event$currentTarget, _event$currentTarget$;
123 return === event.currentTarget || ((_event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget) === null || _event$currentTarget === void 0 || (_event$currentTarget$ = _event$currentTarget.contains) === null || _event$currentTarget$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$currentTarget$.call(_event$currentTarget,;
124 });
126function getTouchList(event) {
127 return event.type === 'touchend' || event.type === 'touchcancel' ? event.changedTouches : event.targetTouches;
129function getValueEvent(event) {
130 return isTouch(event) ? getTouchList(event)[0] : event;
132function distanceAngle(P1, P2) {
133 try {
134 const dx = P2.clientX - P1.clientX;
135 const dy = P2.clientY - P1.clientY;
136 const cx = (P2.clientX + P1.clientX) / 2;
137 const cy = (P2.clientY + P1.clientY) / 2;
138 const distance = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
139 const angle = -(Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180) / Math.PI;
140 const origin = [cx, cy];
141 return {
142 angle,
143 distance,
144 origin
145 };
146 } catch (_unused) {}
147 return null;
149function touchIds(event) {
150 return getCurrentTargetTouchList(event).map(touch => touch.identifier);
152function touchDistanceAngle(event, ids) {
153 const [P1, P2] = Array.from(event.touches).filter(touch => ids.includes(touch.identifier));
154 return distanceAngle(P1, P2);
156function pointerId(event) {
157 const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event);
158 return isTouch(event) ? valueEvent.identifier : valueEvent.pointerId;
160function pointerValues(event) {
161 const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event);
162 return [valueEvent.clientX, valueEvent.clientY];
164const LINE_HEIGHT = 40;
165const PAGE_HEIGHT = 800;
166function wheelValues(event) {
167 let {
168 deltaX,
169 deltaY,
170 deltaMode
171 } = event;
172 if (deltaMode === 1) {
173 deltaX *= LINE_HEIGHT;
174 deltaY *= LINE_HEIGHT;
175 } else if (deltaMode === 2) {
176 deltaX *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
177 deltaY *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
178 }
179 return [deltaX, deltaY];
181function scrollValues(event) {
182 var _ref, _ref2;
183 const {
184 scrollX,
185 scrollY,
186 scrollLeft,
187 scrollTop
188 } = event.currentTarget;
189 return [(_ref = scrollX !== null && scrollX !== void 0 ? scrollX : scrollLeft) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0, (_ref2 = scrollY !== null && scrollY !== void 0 ? scrollY : scrollTop) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 0];
191function getEventDetails(event) {
192 const payload = {};
193 if ('buttons' in event) payload.buttons = event.buttons;
194 if ('shiftKey' in event) {
195 const {
196 shiftKey,
197 altKey,
198 metaKey,
199 ctrlKey
200 } = event;
201 Object.assign(payload, {
202 shiftKey,
203 altKey,
204 metaKey,
205 ctrlKey
206 });
207 }
208 return payload;
211function call(v, ...args) {
212 if (typeof v === 'function') {
213 return v(...args);
214 } else {
215 return v;
216 }
218function noop() {}
219function chain(...fns) {
220 if (fns.length === 0) return noop;
221 if (fns.length === 1) return fns[0];
222 return function () {
223 let result;
224 for (const fn of fns) {
225 result = fn.apply(this, arguments) || result;
226 }
227 return result;
228 };
230function assignDefault(value, fallback) {
231 return Object.assign({}, fallback, value || {});
235class Engine {
236 constructor(ctrl, args, key) {
237 this.ctrl = ctrl;
238 this.args = args;
239 this.key = key;
240 if (!this.state) {
241 this.state = {};
242 this.computeValues([0, 0]);
243 this.computeInitial();
244 if (this.init) this.init();
245 this.reset();
246 }
247 }
248 get state() {
249 return this.ctrl.state[this.key];
250 }
251 set state(state) {
252 this.ctrl.state[this.key] = state;
253 }
254 get shared() {
255 return this.ctrl.state.shared;
256 }
257 get eventStore() {
258 return this.ctrl.gestureEventStores[this.key];
259 }
260 get timeoutStore() {
261 return this.ctrl.gestureTimeoutStores[this.key];
262 }
263 get config() {
264 return this.ctrl.config[this.key];
265 }
266 get sharedConfig() {
267 return this.ctrl.config.shared;
268 }
269 get handler() {
270 return this.ctrl.handlers[this.key];
271 }
272 reset() {
273 const {
274 state,
275 shared,
276 ingKey,
277 args
278 } = this;
279 shared[ingKey] = state._active = = state._blocked = state._force = false;
280 state._step = [false, false];
281 state.intentional = false;
282 state._movement = [0, 0];
283 state._distance = [0, 0];
284 state._direction = [0, 0];
285 state._delta = [0, 0];
286 state._bounds = [[-Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, Infinity]];
287 state.args = args;
288 state.axis = undefined;
289 state.memo = undefined;
290 state.elapsedTime = state.timeDelta = 0;
291 state.direction = [0, 0];
292 state.distance = [0, 0];
293 state.overflow = [0, 0];
294 state._movementBound = [false, false];
295 state.velocity = [0, 0];
296 state.movement = [0, 0];
297 = [0, 0];
298 state.timeStamp = 0;
299 }
300 start(event) {
301 const state = this.state;
302 const config = this.config;
303 if (!state._active) {
304 this.reset();
305 this.computeInitial();
306 state._active = true;
307 =;
308 state.currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
309 state.lastOffset = config.from ? call(config.from, state) : state.offset;
310 state.offset = state.lastOffset;
311 state.startTime = state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp;
312 }
313 }
314 computeValues(values) {
315 const state = this.state;
316 state._values = values;
317 state.values = this.config.transform(values);
318 }
319 computeInitial() {
320 const state = this.state;
321 state._initial = state._values;
322 state.initial = state.values;
323 }
324 compute(event) {
325 const {
326 state,
327 config,
328 shared
329 } = this;
330 state.args = this.args;
331 let dt = 0;
332 if (event) {
333 state.event = event;
334 if (config.preventDefault && event.cancelable) state.event.preventDefault();
335 state.type = event.type;
336 shared.touches = this.ctrl.pointerIds.size || this.ctrl.touchIds.size;
337 shared.locked = !!document.pointerLockElement;
338 Object.assign(shared, getEventDetails(event));
339 shared.down = shared.pressed = shared.buttons % 2 === 1 || shared.touches > 0;
340 dt = event.timeStamp - state.timeStamp;
341 state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp;
342 state.elapsedTime = state.timeStamp - state.startTime;
343 }
344 if (state._active) {
345 const _absoluteDelta =;
346 maths.V.addTo(state._distance, _absoluteDelta);
347 }
348 if (this.axisIntent) this.axisIntent(event);
349 const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement;
350 const [t0, t1] = config.threshold;
351 const {
352 _step,
353 values
354 } = state;
355 if (config.hasCustomTransform) {
356 if (_step[0] === false) _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && values[0];
357 if (_step[1] === false) _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && values[1];
358 } else {
359 if (_step[0] === false) _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && Math.sign(_m0) * t0;
360 if (_step[1] === false) _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && Math.sign(_m1) * t1;
361 }
362 state.intentional = _step[0] !== false || _step[1] !== false;
363 if (!state.intentional) return;
364 const movement = [0, 0];
365 if (config.hasCustomTransform) {
366 const [v0, v1] = values;
367 movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? v0 - _step[0] : 0;
368 movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? v1 - _step[1] : 0;
369 } else {
370 movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? _m0 - _step[0] : 0;
371 movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? _m1 - _step[1] : 0;
372 }
373 if (this.restrictToAxis && !state._blocked) this.restrictToAxis(movement);
374 const previousOffset = state.offset;
375 const gestureIsActive = state._active && !state._blocked ||;
376 if (gestureIsActive) {
377 state.first = state._active && !;
378 state.last = !state._active &&;
379 = shared[this.ingKey] = state._active;
380 if (event) {
381 if (state.first) {
382 if ('bounds' in config) state._bounds = call(config.bounds, state);
383 if (this.setup) this.setup();
384 }
385 state.movement = movement;
386 this.computeOffset();
387 }
388 }
389 const [ox, oy] = state.offset;
390 const [[x0, x1], [y0, y1]] = state._bounds;
391 state.overflow = [ox < x0 ? -1 : ox > x1 ? 1 : 0, oy < y0 ? -1 : oy > y1 ? 1 : 0];
392 state._movementBound[0] = state.overflow[0] ? state._movementBound[0] === false ? state._movement[0] : state._movementBound[0] : false;
393 state._movementBound[1] = state.overflow[1] ? state._movementBound[1] === false ? state._movement[1] : state._movementBound[1] : false;
394 const rubberband = state._active ? config.rubberband || [0, 0] : [0, 0];
395 state.offset = maths.computeRubberband(state._bounds, state.offset, rubberband);
396 = maths.V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset);
397 this.computeMovement();
398 if (gestureIsActive && (!state.last || dt > BEFORE_LAST_KINEMATICS_DELAY)) {
399 = maths.V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset);
400 const absoluteDelta =;
401 maths.V.addTo(state.distance, absoluteDelta);
402 state.direction =;
403 state._direction =;
404 if (!state.first && dt > 0) {
405 state.velocity = [absoluteDelta[0] / dt, absoluteDelta[1] / dt];
406 state.timeDelta = dt;
407 }
408 }
409 }
410 emit() {
411 const state = this.state;
412 const shared = this.shared;
413 const config = this.config;
414 if (!state._active) this.clean();
415 if ((state._blocked || !state.intentional) && !state._force && !config.triggerAllEvents) return;
416 const memo = this.handler(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, shared), state), {}, {
417 [this.aliasKey]: state.values
418 }));
419 if (memo !== undefined) state.memo = memo;
420 }
421 clean() {
422 this.eventStore.clean();
423 this.timeoutStore.clean();
424 }
427function selectAxis([dx, dy], threshold) {
428 const absDx = Math.abs(dx);
429 const absDy = Math.abs(dy);
430 if (absDx > absDy && absDx > threshold) {
431 return 'x';
432 }
433 if (absDy > absDx && absDy > threshold) {
434 return 'y';
435 }
436 return undefined;
438class CoordinatesEngine extends Engine {
439 constructor(...args) {
440 super(...args);
441 _defineProperty(this, "aliasKey", 'xy');
442 }
443 reset() {
444 super.reset();
445 this.state.axis = undefined;
446 }
447 init() {
448 this.state.offset = [0, 0];
449 this.state.lastOffset = [0, 0];
450 }
451 computeOffset() {
452 this.state.offset = maths.V.add(this.state.lastOffset, this.state.movement);
453 }
454 computeMovement() {
455 this.state.movement = maths.V.sub(this.state.offset, this.state.lastOffset);
456 }
457 axisIntent(event) {
458 const state = this.state;
459 const config = this.config;
460 if (!state.axis && event) {
461 const threshold = typeof config.axisThreshold === 'object' ? config.axisThreshold[getPointerType(event)] : config.axisThreshold;
462 state.axis = selectAxis(state._movement, threshold);
463 }
464 state._blocked = (config.lockDirection || !!config.axis) && !state.axis || !!config.axis && config.axis !== state.axis;
465 }
466 restrictToAxis(v) {
467 if (this.config.axis || this.config.lockDirection) {
468 switch (this.state.axis) {
469 case 'x':
470 v[1] = 0;
471 break;
472 case 'y':
473 v[0] = 0;
474 break;
475 }
476 }
477 }
480const identity = v => v;
481const DEFAULT_RUBBERBAND = 0.15;
482const commonConfigResolver = {
483 enabled(value = true) {
484 return value;
485 },
486 eventOptions(value, _k, config) {
487 return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, config.shared.eventOptions), value);
488 },
489 preventDefault(value = false) {
490 return value;
491 },
492 triggerAllEvents(value = false) {
493 return value;
494 },
495 rubberband(value = 0) {
496 switch (value) {
497 case true:
499 case false:
500 return [0, 0];
501 default:
502 return maths.V.toVector(value);
503 }
504 },
505 from(value) {
506 if (typeof value === 'function') return value;
507 if (value != null) return maths.V.toVector(value);
508 },
509 transform(value, _k, config) {
510 const transform = value || config.shared.transform;
511 this.hasCustomTransform = !!transform;
512 return transform || identity;
513 },
514 threshold(value) {
515 return maths.V.toVector(value, 0);
516 }
520const coordinatesConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {
521 axis(_v, _k, {
522 axis
523 }) {
524 this.lockDirection = axis === 'lock';
525 if (!this.lockDirection) return axis;
526 },
527 axisThreshold(value = DEFAULT_AXIS_THRESHOLD) {
528 return value;
529 },
530 bounds(value = {}) {
531 if (typeof value === 'function') {
532 return state => coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(value(state));
533 }
534 if ('current' in value) {
535 return () => value.current;
536 }
537 if (typeof HTMLElement === 'function' && value instanceof HTMLElement) {
538 return value;
539 }
540 const {
541 left = -Infinity,
542 right = Infinity,
543 top = -Infinity,
544 bottom = Infinity
545 } = value;
546 return [[left, right], [top, bottom]];
547 }
550const KEYS_DELTA_MAP = {
551 ArrowRight: (displacement, factor = 1) => [displacement * factor, 0],
552 ArrowLeft: (displacement, factor = 1) => [-1 * displacement * factor, 0],
553 ArrowUp: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, -1 * displacement * factor],
554 ArrowDown: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, displacement * factor]
556class DragEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
557 constructor(...args) {
558 super(...args);
559 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'dragging');
560 }
561 reset() {
562 super.reset();
563 const state = this.state;
564 state._pointerId = undefined;
565 state._pointerActive = false;
566 state._keyboardActive = false;
567 state._preventScroll = false;
568 state._delayed = false;
569 state.swipe = [0, 0];
570 state.tap = false;
571 state.canceled = false;
572 state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this);
573 }
574 setup() {
575 const state = this.state;
576 if (state._bounds instanceof HTMLElement) {
577 const boundRect = state._bounds.getBoundingClientRect();
578 const targetRect = state.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
579 const _bounds = {
580 left: boundRect.left - targetRect.left + state.offset[0],
581 right: boundRect.right - targetRect.right + state.offset[0],
582 top: - + state.offset[1],
583 bottom: boundRect.bottom - targetRect.bottom + state.offset[1]
584 };
585 state._bounds = coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(_bounds);
586 }
587 }
588 cancel() {
589 const state = this.state;
590 if (state.canceled) return;
591 state.canceled = true;
592 state._active = false;
593 setTimeout(() => {
594 this.compute();
595 this.emit();
596 }, 0);
597 }
598 setActive() {
599 this.state._active = this.state._pointerActive || this.state._keyboardActive;
600 }
601 clean() {
602 this.pointerClean();
603 this.state._pointerActive = false;
604 this.state._keyboardActive = false;
605 super.clean();
606 }
607 pointerDown(event) {
608 const config = this.config;
609 const state = this.state;
610 if (event.buttons != null && (Array.isArray(config.pointerButtons) ? !config.pointerButtons.includes(event.buttons) : config.pointerButtons !== -1 && config.pointerButtons !== event.buttons)) return;
611 const ctrlIds = this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
612 if (config.pointerCapture) {
614 }
615 if (ctrlIds && ctrlIds.size > 1 && state._pointerActive) return;
616 this.start(event);
617 this.setupPointer(event);
618 state._pointerId = pointerId(event);
619 state._pointerActive = true;
620 this.computeValues(pointerValues(event));
621 this.computeInitial();
622 if (config.preventScrollAxis && getPointerType(event) !== 'mouse') {
623 state._active = false;
624 this.setupScrollPrevention(event);
625 } else if (config.delay > 0) {
626 this.setupDelayTrigger(event);
627 if (config.triggerAllEvents) {
628 this.compute(event);
629 this.emit();
630 }
631 } else {
632 this.startPointerDrag(event);
633 }
634 }
635 startPointerDrag(event) {
636 const state = this.state;
637 state._active = true;
638 state._preventScroll = true;
639 state._delayed = false;
640 this.compute(event);
641 this.emit();
642 }
643 pointerMove(event) {
644 const state = this.state;
645 const config = this.config;
646 if (!state._pointerActive) return;
647 const id = pointerId(event);
648 if (state._pointerId !== undefined && id !== state._pointerId) return;
649 const _values = pointerValues(event);
650 if (document.pointerLockElement === {
651 state._delta = [event.movementX, event.movementY];
652 } else {
653 state._delta = maths.V.sub(_values, state._values);
654 this.computeValues(_values);
655 }
656 maths.V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
657 this.compute(event);
658 if (state._delayed && state.intentional) {
659 this.timeoutStore.remove('dragDelay');
660 = false;
661 this.startPointerDrag(event);
662 return;
663 }
664 if (config.preventScrollAxis && !state._preventScroll) {
665 if (state.axis) {
666 if (state.axis === config.preventScrollAxis || config.preventScrollAxis === 'xy') {
667 state._active = false;
668 this.clean();
669 return;
670 } else {
671 this.timeoutStore.remove('startPointerDrag');
672 this.startPointerDrag(event);
673 return;
674 }
675 } else {
676 return;
677 }
678 }
679 this.emit();
680 }
681 pointerUp(event) {
682 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
683 try {
684 if (this.config.pointerCapture && {
685 ;
687 }
688 } catch (_unused) {
689 }
690 const state = this.state;
691 const config = this.config;
692 if (!state._active || !state._pointerActive) return;
693 const id = pointerId(event);
694 if (state._pointerId !== undefined && id !== state._pointerId) return;
695 this.state._pointerActive = false;
696 this.setActive();
697 this.compute(event);
698 const [dx, dy] = state._distance;
699 state.tap = dx <= config.tapsThreshold && dy <= config.tapsThreshold;
700 if (state.tap && config.filterTaps) {
701 state._force = true;
702 } else {
703 const [_dx, _dy] = state._delta;
704 const [_mx, _my] = state._movement;
705 const [svx, svy] = config.swipe.velocity;
706 const [sx, sy] = config.swipe.distance;
707 const sdt = config.swipe.duration;
708 if (state.elapsedTime < sdt) {
709 const _vx = Math.abs(_dx / state.timeDelta);
710 const _vy = Math.abs(_dy / state.timeDelta);
711 if (_vx > svx && Math.abs(_mx) > sx) state.swipe[0] = Math.sign(_dx);
712 if (_vy > svy && Math.abs(_my) > sy) state.swipe[1] = Math.sign(_dy);
713 }
714 }
715 this.emit();
716 }
717 pointerClick(event) {
718 if (!this.state.tap && event.detail > 0) {
719 event.preventDefault();
720 event.stopPropagation();
721 }
722 }
723 setupPointer(event) {
724 const config = this.config;
725 const device = config.device;
726 if (config.pointerLock) {
727 event.currentTarget.requestPointerLock();
728 }
729 if (!config.pointerCapture) {
730 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
731 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
732 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'cancel', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
733 }
734 }
735 pointerClean() {
736 if (this.config.pointerLock && document.pointerLockElement === this.state.currentTarget) {
737 document.exitPointerLock();
738 }
739 }
740 preventScroll(event) {
741 if (this.state._preventScroll && event.cancelable) {
742 event.preventDefault();
743 }
744 }
745 setupScrollPrevention(event) {
746 this.state._preventScroll = false;
747 persistEvent(event);
748 const remove = this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'change', this.preventScroll.bind(this), {
749 passive: false
750 });
751 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'end', remove);
752 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'cancel', remove);
753 this.timeoutStore.add('startPointerDrag', this.startPointerDrag.bind(this), this.config.preventScrollDelay, event);
754 }
755 setupDelayTrigger(event) {
756 this.state._delayed = true;
757 this.timeoutStore.add('dragDelay', () => {
758 this.state._step = [0, 0];
759 this.startPointerDrag(event);
760 }, this.config.delay);
761 }
762 keyDown(event) {
763 const deltaFn = KEYS_DELTA_MAP[event.key];
764 if (deltaFn) {
765 const state = this.state;
766 const factor = event.shiftKey ? 10 : event.altKey ? 0.1 : 1;
767 this.start(event);
768 state._delta = deltaFn(this.config.keyboardDisplacement, factor);
769 state._keyboardActive = true;
770 maths.V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
771 this.compute(event);
772 this.emit();
773 }
774 }
775 keyUp(event) {
776 if (!(event.key in KEYS_DELTA_MAP)) return;
777 this.state._keyboardActive = false;
778 this.setActive();
779 this.compute(event);
780 this.emit();
781 }
782 bind(bindFunction) {
783 const device = this.config.device;
784 bindFunction(device, 'start', this.pointerDown.bind(this));
785 if (this.config.pointerCapture) {
786 bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
787 bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
788 bindFunction(device, 'cancel', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
789 bindFunction('lostPointerCapture', '', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
790 }
791 if (this.config.keys) {
792 bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
793 bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
794 }
795 if (this.config.filterTaps) {
796 bindFunction('click', '', this.pointerClick.bind(this), {
797 capture: true,
798 passive: false
799 });
800 }
801 }
803function persistEvent(event) {
804 'persist' in event && typeof event.persist === 'function' && event.persist();
807const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement;
808function supportsTouchEvents() {
809 return isBrowser && 'ontouchstart' in window;
811function isTouchScreen() {
812 return supportsTouchEvents() || isBrowser && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1;
814function supportsPointerEvents() {
815 return isBrowser && 'onpointerdown' in window;
817function supportsPointerLock() {
818 return isBrowser && 'exitPointerLock' in window.document;
820function supportsGestureEvents() {
821 try {
822 return 'constructor' in GestureEvent;
823 } catch (e) {
824 return false;
825 }
827const SUPPORT = {
828 isBrowser,
829 gesture: supportsGestureEvents(),
830 touch: supportsTouchEvents(),
831 touchscreen: isTouchScreen(),
832 pointer: supportsPointerEvents(),
833 pointerLock: supportsPointerLock()
837const DEFAULT_DRAG_DELAY = 180;
843 mouse: 0,
844 touch: 0,
845 pen: 8
847const dragConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
848 device(_v, _k, {
849 pointer: {
850 touch = false,
851 lock = false,
852 mouse = false
853 } = {}
854 }) {
855 this.pointerLock = lock && SUPPORT.pointerLock;
856 if (SUPPORT.touch && touch) return 'touch';
857 if (this.pointerLock) return 'mouse';
858 if (SUPPORT.pointer && !mouse) return 'pointer';
859 if (SUPPORT.touch) return 'touch';
860 return 'mouse';
861 },
862 preventScrollAxis(value, _k, {
863 preventScroll
864 }) {
865 this.preventScrollDelay = typeof preventScroll === 'number' ? preventScroll : preventScroll || preventScroll === undefined && value ? DEFAULT_PREVENT_SCROLL_DELAY : undefined;
866 if (!SUPPORT.touchscreen || preventScroll === false) return undefined;
867 return value ? value : preventScroll !== undefined ? 'y' : undefined;
868 },
869 pointerCapture(_v, _k, {
870 pointer: {
871 capture = true,
872 buttons = 1,
873 keys = true
874 } = {}
875 }) {
876 this.pointerButtons = buttons;
877 this.keys = keys;
878 return !this.pointerLock && this.device === 'pointer' && capture;
879 },
880 threshold(value, _k, {
881 filterTaps = false,
882 tapsThreshold = 3,
883 axis = undefined
884 }) {
885 const threshold = maths.V.toVector(value, filterTaps ? tapsThreshold : axis ? 1 : 0);
886 this.filterTaps = filterTaps;
887 this.tapsThreshold = tapsThreshold;
888 return threshold;
889 },
890 swipe({
894 } = {}) {
895 return {
896 velocity: this.transform(maths.V.toVector(velocity)),
897 distance: this.transform(maths.V.toVector(distance)),
898 duration
899 };
900 },
901 delay(value = 0) {
902 switch (value) {
903 case true:
905 case false:
906 return 0;
907 default:
908 return value;
909 }
910 },
911 axisThreshold(value) {
912 if (!value) return DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD;
913 return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD), value);
914 },
915 keyboardDisplacement(value = DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_DISPLACEMENT) {
916 return value;
917 }
920function clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state) {
921 const [ox, oy] = state.overflow;
922 const [dx, dy] = state._delta;
923 const [dirx, diry] = state._direction;
924 if (ox < 0 && dx > 0 && dirx < 0 || ox > 0 && dx < 0 && dirx > 0) {
925 state._movement[0] = state._movementBound[0];
926 }
927 if (oy < 0 && dy > 0 && diry < 0 || oy > 0 && dy < 0 && diry > 0) {
928 state._movement[1] = state._movementBound[1];
929 }
933const PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO = 100;
934class PinchEngine extends Engine {
935 constructor(...args) {
936 super(...args);
937 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'pinching');
938 _defineProperty(this, "aliasKey", 'da');
939 }
940 init() {
941 this.state.offset = [1, 0];
942 this.state.lastOffset = [1, 0];
943 this.state._pointerEvents = new Map();
944 }
945 reset() {
946 super.reset();
947 const state = this.state;
948 state._touchIds = [];
949 state.canceled = false;
950 state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this);
951 state.turns = 0;
952 }
953 computeOffset() {
954 const {
955 type,
956 movement,
957 lastOffset
958 } = this.state;
959 if (type === 'wheel') {
960 this.state.offset = maths.V.add(movement, lastOffset);
961 } else {
962 this.state.offset = [(1 + movement[0]) * lastOffset[0], movement[1] + lastOffset[1]];
963 }
964 }
965 computeMovement() {
966 const {
967 offset,
968 lastOffset
969 } = this.state;
970 this.state.movement = [offset[0] / lastOffset[0], offset[1] - lastOffset[1]];
971 }
972 axisIntent() {
973 const state = this.state;
974 const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement;
975 if (!state.axis) {
976 const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(_m0) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(_m1);
977 if (axisMovementDifference < 0) state.axis = 'angle';else if (axisMovementDifference > 0) state.axis = 'scale';
978 }
979 }
980 restrictToAxis(v) {
981 if (this.config.lockDirection) {
982 if (this.state.axis === 'scale') v[1] = 0;else if (this.state.axis === 'angle') v[0] = 0;
983 }
984 }
985 cancel() {
986 const state = this.state;
987 if (state.canceled) return;
988 setTimeout(() => {
989 state.canceled = true;
990 state._active = false;
991 this.compute();
992 this.emit();
993 }, 0);
994 }
995 touchStart(event) {
996 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
997 const state = this.state;
998 const ctrlTouchIds = this.ctrl.touchIds;
999 if (state._active) {
1000 if (state._touchIds.every(id => ctrlTouchIds.has(id))) return;
1001 }
1002 if (ctrlTouchIds.size < 2) return;
1003 this.start(event);
1004 state._touchIds = Array.from(ctrlTouchIds).slice(0, 2);
1005 const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, state._touchIds);
1006 if (!payload) return;
1007 this.pinchStart(event, payload);
1008 }
1009 pointerStart(event) {
1010 if (event.buttons != null && event.buttons % 2 !== 1) return;
1011 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
1013 const state = this.state;
1014 const _pointerEvents = state._pointerEvents;
1015 const ctrlPointerIds = this.ctrl.pointerIds;
1016 if (state._active) {
1017 if (Array.from(_pointerEvents.keys()).every(id => ctrlPointerIds.has(id))) return;
1018 }
1019 if (_pointerEvents.size < 2) {
1020 _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event);
1021 }
1022 if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2) return;
1023 this.start(event);
1024 const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values()));
1025 if (!payload) return;
1026 this.pinchStart(event, payload);
1027 }
1028 pinchStart(event, payload) {
1029 const state = this.state;
1030 state.origin = payload.origin;
1031 this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle]);
1032 this.computeInitial();
1033 this.compute(event);
1034 this.emit();
1035 }
1036 touchMove(event) {
1037 if (!this.state._active) return;
1038 const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, this.state._touchIds);
1039 if (!payload) return;
1040 this.pinchMove(event, payload);
1041 }
1042 pointerMove(event) {
1043 const _pointerEvents = this.state._pointerEvents;
1044 if (_pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) {
1045 _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event);
1046 }
1047 if (!this.state._active) return;
1048 const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values()));
1049 if (!payload) return;
1050 this.pinchMove(event, payload);
1051 }
1052 pinchMove(event, payload) {
1053 const state = this.state;
1054 const prev_a = state._values[1];
1055 const delta_a = payload.angle - prev_a;
1056 let delta_turns = 0;
1057 if (Math.abs(delta_a) > 270) delta_turns += Math.sign(delta_a);
1058 this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle - 360 * delta_turns]);
1059 state.origin = payload.origin;
1060 state.turns = delta_turns;
1061 state._movement = [state._values[0] / state._initial[0] - 1, state._values[1] - state._initial[1]];
1062 this.compute(event);
1063 this.emit();
1064 }
1065 touchEnd(event) {
1066 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
1067 if (!this.state._active) return;
1068 if (this.state._touchIds.some(id => !this.ctrl.touchIds.has(id))) {
1069 this.state._active = false;
1070 this.compute(event);
1071 this.emit();
1072 }
1073 }
1074 pointerEnd(event) {
1075 const state = this.state;
1076 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
1077 try {
1079 } catch (_unused) {}
1080 if (state._pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) {
1081 state._pointerEvents.delete(event.pointerId);
1082 }
1083 if (!state._active) return;
1084 if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2) {
1085 state._active = false;
1086 this.compute(event);
1087 this.emit();
1088 }
1089 }
1090 gestureStart(event) {
1091 if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
1092 const state = this.state;
1093 if (state._active) return;
1094 this.start(event);
1095 this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]);
1096 state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
1097 this.compute(event);
1098 this.emit();
1099 }
1100 gestureMove(event) {
1101 if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
1102 if (!this.state._active) return;
1103 const state = this.state;
1104 this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]);
1105 state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
1106 const _previousMovement = state._movement;
1107 state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation];
1108 state._delta = maths.V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement);
1109 this.compute(event);
1110 this.emit();
1111 }
1112 gestureEnd(event) {
1113 if (!this.state._active) return;
1114 this.state._active = false;
1115 this.compute(event);
1116 this.emit();
1117 }
1118 wheel(event) {
1119 const modifierKey = this.config.modifierKey;
1120 if (modifierKey && (Array.isArray(modifierKey) ? !modifierKey.find(k => event[k]) : !event[modifierKey])) return;
1121 if (!this.state._active) this.wheelStart(event);else this.wheelChange(event);
1122 this.timeoutStore.add('wheelEnd', this.wheelEnd.bind(this));
1123 }
1124 wheelStart(event) {
1125 this.start(event);
1126 this.wheelChange(event);
1127 }
1128 wheelChange(event) {
1129 const isR3f = ('uv' in event);
1130 if (!isR3f) {
1131 if (event.cancelable) {
1132 event.preventDefault();
1133 }
1134 }
1135 const state = this.state;
1136 state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO * state.offset[0], 0];
1137 maths.V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1138 clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state);
1139 this.state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
1140 this.compute(event);
1141 this.emit();
1142 }
1143 wheelEnd() {
1144 if (!this.state._active) return;
1145 this.state._active = false;
1146 this.compute();
1147 this.emit();
1148 }
1149 bind(bindFunction) {
1150 const device = this.config.device;
1151 if (!!device) {
1152 bindFunction(device, 'start', this[device + 'Start'].bind(this));
1153 bindFunction(device, 'change', this[device + 'Move'].bind(this));
1154 bindFunction(device, 'end', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
1155 bindFunction(device, 'cancel', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
1156 bindFunction('lostPointerCapture', '', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
1157 }
1158 if (this.config.pinchOnWheel) {
1159 bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this), {
1160 passive: false
1161 });
1162 }
1163 }
1166const pinchConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {
1167 device(_v, _k, {
1168 shared,
1169 pointer: {
1170 touch = false
1171 } = {}
1172 }) {
1173 const sharedConfig = shared;
1174 if ( && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture) return 'gesture';
1175 if (SUPPORT.touch && touch) return 'touch';
1176 if (SUPPORT.touchscreen) {
1177 if (SUPPORT.pointer) return 'pointer';
1178 if (SUPPORT.touch) return 'touch';
1179 }
1180 },
1181 bounds(_v, _k, {
1182 scaleBounds = {},
1183 angleBounds = {}
1184 }) {
1185 const _scaleBounds = state => {
1186 const D = assignDefault(call(scaleBounds, state), {
1187 min: -Infinity,
1188 max: Infinity
1189 });
1190 return [D.min, D.max];
1191 };
1192 const _angleBounds = state => {
1193 const A = assignDefault(call(angleBounds, state), {
1194 min: -Infinity,
1195 max: Infinity
1196 });
1197 return [A.min, A.max];
1198 };
1199 if (typeof scaleBounds !== 'function' && typeof angleBounds !== 'function') return [_scaleBounds(), _angleBounds()];
1200 return state => [_scaleBounds(state), _angleBounds(state)];
1201 },
1202 threshold(value, _k, config) {
1203 this.lockDirection = config.axis === 'lock';
1204 const threshold = maths.V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0);
1205 return threshold;
1206 },
1207 modifierKey(value) {
1208 if (value === undefined) return 'ctrlKey';
1209 return value;
1210 },
1211 pinchOnWheel(value = true) {
1212 return value;
1213 }
1216class MoveEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1217 constructor(...args) {
1218 super(...args);
1219 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'moving');
1220 }
1221 move(event) {
1222 if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
1223 if (!this.state._active) this.moveStart(event);else this.moveChange(event);
1224 this.timeoutStore.add('moveEnd', this.moveEnd.bind(this));
1225 }
1226 moveStart(event) {
1227 this.start(event);
1228 this.computeValues(pointerValues(event));
1229 this.compute(event);
1230 this.computeInitial();
1231 this.emit();
1232 }
1233 moveChange(event) {
1234 if (!this.state._active) return;
1235 const values = pointerValues(event);
1236 const state = this.state;
1237 state._delta = maths.V.sub(values, state._values);
1238 maths.V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1239 this.computeValues(values);
1240 this.compute(event);
1241 this.emit();
1242 }
1243 moveEnd(event) {
1244 if (!this.state._active) return;
1245 this.state._active = false;
1246 this.compute(event);
1247 this.emit();
1248 }
1249 bind(bindFunction) {
1250 bindFunction('pointer', 'change', this.move.bind(this));
1251 bindFunction('pointer', 'leave', this.moveEnd.bind(this));
1252 }
1255const moveConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
1256 mouseOnly: (value = true) => value
1259class ScrollEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1260 constructor(...args) {
1261 super(...args);
1262 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'scrolling');
1263 }
1264 scroll(event) {
1265 if (!this.state._active) this.start(event);
1266 this.scrollChange(event);
1267 this.timeoutStore.add('scrollEnd', this.scrollEnd.bind(this));
1268 }
1269 scrollChange(event) {
1270 if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
1271 const state = this.state;
1272 const values = scrollValues(event);
1273 state._delta = maths.V.sub(values, state._values);
1274 maths.V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1275 this.computeValues(values);
1276 this.compute(event);
1277 this.emit();
1278 }
1279 scrollEnd() {
1280 if (!this.state._active) return;
1281 this.state._active = false;
1282 this.compute();
1283 this.emit();
1284 }
1285 bind(bindFunction) {
1286 bindFunction('scroll', '', this.scroll.bind(this));
1287 }
1290const scrollConfigResolver = coordinatesConfigResolver;
1292class WheelEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1293 constructor(...args) {
1294 super(...args);
1295 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'wheeling');
1296 }
1297 wheel(event) {
1298 if (!this.state._active) this.start(event);
1299 this.wheelChange(event);
1300 this.timeoutStore.add('wheelEnd', this.wheelEnd.bind(this));
1301 }
1302 wheelChange(event) {
1303 const state = this.state;
1304 state._delta = wheelValues(event);
1305 maths.V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1306 clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state);
1307 this.compute(event);
1308 this.emit();
1309 }
1310 wheelEnd() {
1311 if (!this.state._active) return;
1312 this.state._active = false;
1313 this.compute();
1314 this.emit();
1315 }
1316 bind(bindFunction) {
1317 bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this));
1318 }
1321const wheelConfigResolver = coordinatesConfigResolver;
1323class HoverEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1324 constructor(...args) {
1325 super(...args);
1326 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'hovering');
1327 }
1328 enter(event) {
1329 if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
1330 this.start(event);
1331 this.computeValues(pointerValues(event));
1332 this.compute(event);
1333 this.emit();
1334 }
1335 leave(event) {
1336 if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
1337 const state = this.state;
1338 if (!state._active) return;
1339 state._active = false;
1340 const values = pointerValues(event);
1341 state._movement = state._delta = maths.V.sub(values, state._values);
1342 this.computeValues(values);
1343 this.compute(event);
1344 = state.movement;
1345 this.emit();
1346 }
1347 bind(bindFunction) {
1348 bindFunction('pointer', 'enter', this.enter.bind(this));
1349 bindFunction('pointer', 'leave', this.leave.bind(this));
1350 }
1353const hoverConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
1354 mouseOnly: (value = true) => value
1357const EngineMap = new Map();
1358const ConfigResolverMap = new Map();
1359function registerAction(action) {
1360 EngineMap.set(action.key, action.engine);
1361 ConfigResolverMap.set(action.key, action.resolver);
1363const dragAction = {
1364 key: 'drag',
1365 engine: DragEngine,
1366 resolver: dragConfigResolver
1368const hoverAction = {
1369 key: 'hover',
1370 engine: HoverEngine,
1371 resolver: hoverConfigResolver
1373const moveAction = {
1374 key: 'move',
1375 engine: MoveEngine,
1376 resolver: moveConfigResolver
1378const pinchAction = {
1379 key: 'pinch',
1380 engine: PinchEngine,
1381 resolver: pinchConfigResolver
1383const scrollAction = {
1384 key: 'scroll',
1385 engine: ScrollEngine,
1386 resolver: scrollConfigResolver
1388const wheelAction = {
1389 key: 'wheel',
1390 engine: WheelEngine,
1391 resolver: wheelConfigResolver
1394exports.ConfigResolverMap = ConfigResolverMap;
1395exports.EngineMap = EngineMap;
1396exports.SUPPORT = SUPPORT;
1397exports._defineProperty = _defineProperty;
1398exports._objectSpread2 = _objectSpread2;
1399exports.chain = chain;
1400exports.dragAction = dragAction;
1401exports.hoverAction = hoverAction;
1402exports.isTouch = isTouch;
1403exports.moveAction = moveAction;
1404exports.parseProp = parseProp;
1405exports.pinchAction = pinchAction;
1406exports.registerAction = registerAction;
1407exports.scrollAction = scrollAction;
1408exports.toDomEventType = toDomEventType;
1409exports.toHandlerProp = toHandlerProp;
1410exports.touchIds = touchIds;
1411exports.wheelAction = wheelAction;
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.