source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/@use-gesture/core/dist/actions-fe213e88.esm.js

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1import { V, c as computeRubberband } from './maths-0ab39ae9.esm.js';
3function _toPrimitive(input, hint) {
4 if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input;
5 var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive];
6 if (prim !== undefined) {
7 var res =, hint || "default");
8 if (typeof res !== "object") return res;
9 throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
10 }
11 return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input);
14function _toPropertyKey(arg) {
15 var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string");
16 return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key);
19function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
20 key = _toPropertyKey(key);
21 if (key in obj) {
22 Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
23 value: value,
24 enumerable: true,
25 configurable: true,
26 writable: true
27 });
28 } else {
29 obj[key] = value;
30 }
31 return obj;
34function ownKeys(e, r) {
35 var t = Object.keys(e);
36 if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
37 var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
38 r && (o = o.filter(function (r) {
39 return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable;
40 })), t.push.apply(t, o);
41 }
42 return t;
44function _objectSpread2(e) {
45 for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
46 var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {};
47 r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) {
48 _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]);
49 }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) {
50 Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r));
51 });
52 }
53 return e;
56const EVENT_TYPE_MAP = {
57 pointer: {
58 start: 'down',
59 change: 'move',
60 end: 'up'
61 },
62 mouse: {
63 start: 'down',
64 change: 'move',
65 end: 'up'
66 },
67 touch: {
68 start: 'start',
69 change: 'move',
70 end: 'end'
71 },
72 gesture: {
73 start: 'start',
74 change: 'change',
75 end: 'end'
76 }
78function capitalize(string) {
79 if (!string) return '';
80 return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
82const actionsWithoutCaptureSupported = ['enter', 'leave'];
83function hasCapture(capture = false, actionKey) {
84 return capture && !actionsWithoutCaptureSupported.includes(actionKey);
86function toHandlerProp(device, action = '', capture = false) {
87 const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device];
88 const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action;
89 return 'on' + capitalize(device) + capitalize(actionKey) + (hasCapture(capture, actionKey) ? 'Capture' : '');
91const pointerCaptureEvents = ['gotpointercapture', 'lostpointercapture'];
92function parseProp(prop) {
93 let eventKey = prop.substring(2).toLowerCase();
94 const passive = !!~eventKey.indexOf('passive');
95 if (passive) eventKey = eventKey.replace('passive', '');
96 const captureKey = pointerCaptureEvents.includes(eventKey) ? 'capturecapture' : 'capture';
97 const capture = !!~eventKey.indexOf(captureKey);
98 if (capture) eventKey = eventKey.replace('capture', '');
99 return {
100 device: eventKey,
101 capture,
102 passive
103 };
105function toDomEventType(device, action = '') {
106 const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device];
107 const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action;
108 return device + actionKey;
110function isTouch(event) {
111 return 'touches' in event;
113function getPointerType(event) {
114 if (isTouch(event)) return 'touch';
115 if ('pointerType' in event) return event.pointerType;
116 return 'mouse';
118function getCurrentTargetTouchList(event) {
119 return Array.from(event.touches).filter(e => {
120 var _event$currentTarget, _event$currentTarget$;
121 return === event.currentTarget || ((_event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget) === null || _event$currentTarget === void 0 || (_event$currentTarget$ = _event$currentTarget.contains) === null || _event$currentTarget$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$currentTarget$.call(_event$currentTarget,;
122 });
124function getTouchList(event) {
125 return event.type === 'touchend' || event.type === 'touchcancel' ? event.changedTouches : event.targetTouches;
127function getValueEvent(event) {
128 return isTouch(event) ? getTouchList(event)[0] : event;
130function distanceAngle(P1, P2) {
131 try {
132 const dx = P2.clientX - P1.clientX;
133 const dy = P2.clientY - P1.clientY;
134 const cx = (P2.clientX + P1.clientX) / 2;
135 const cy = (P2.clientY + P1.clientY) / 2;
136 const distance = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
137 const angle = -(Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180) / Math.PI;
138 const origin = [cx, cy];
139 return {
140 angle,
141 distance,
142 origin
143 };
144 } catch (_unused) {}
145 return null;
147function touchIds(event) {
148 return getCurrentTargetTouchList(event).map(touch => touch.identifier);
150function touchDistanceAngle(event, ids) {
151 const [P1, P2] = Array.from(event.touches).filter(touch => ids.includes(touch.identifier));
152 return distanceAngle(P1, P2);
154function pointerId(event) {
155 const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event);
156 return isTouch(event) ? valueEvent.identifier : valueEvent.pointerId;
158function pointerValues(event) {
159 const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event);
160 return [valueEvent.clientX, valueEvent.clientY];
162const LINE_HEIGHT = 40;
163const PAGE_HEIGHT = 800;
164function wheelValues(event) {
165 let {
166 deltaX,
167 deltaY,
168 deltaMode
169 } = event;
170 if (deltaMode === 1) {
171 deltaX *= LINE_HEIGHT;
172 deltaY *= LINE_HEIGHT;
173 } else if (deltaMode === 2) {
174 deltaX *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
175 deltaY *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
176 }
177 return [deltaX, deltaY];
179function scrollValues(event) {
180 var _ref, _ref2;
181 const {
182 scrollX,
183 scrollY,
184 scrollLeft,
185 scrollTop
186 } = event.currentTarget;
187 return [(_ref = scrollX !== null && scrollX !== void 0 ? scrollX : scrollLeft) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0, (_ref2 = scrollY !== null && scrollY !== void 0 ? scrollY : scrollTop) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 0];
189function getEventDetails(event) {
190 const payload = {};
191 if ('buttons' in event) payload.buttons = event.buttons;
192 if ('shiftKey' in event) {
193 const {
194 shiftKey,
195 altKey,
196 metaKey,
197 ctrlKey
198 } = event;
199 Object.assign(payload, {
200 shiftKey,
201 altKey,
202 metaKey,
203 ctrlKey
204 });
205 }
206 return payload;
209function call(v, ...args) {
210 if (typeof v === 'function') {
211 return v(...args);
212 } else {
213 return v;
214 }
216function noop() {}
217function chain(...fns) {
218 if (fns.length === 0) return noop;
219 if (fns.length === 1) return fns[0];
220 return function () {
221 let result;
222 for (const fn of fns) {
223 result = fn.apply(this, arguments) || result;
224 }
225 return result;
226 };
228function assignDefault(value, fallback) {
229 return Object.assign({}, fallback, value || {});
233class Engine {
234 constructor(ctrl, args, key) {
235 this.ctrl = ctrl;
236 this.args = args;
237 this.key = key;
238 if (!this.state) {
239 this.state = {};
240 this.computeValues([0, 0]);
241 this.computeInitial();
242 if (this.init) this.init();
243 this.reset();
244 }
245 }
246 get state() {
247 return this.ctrl.state[this.key];
248 }
249 set state(state) {
250 this.ctrl.state[this.key] = state;
251 }
252 get shared() {
253 return this.ctrl.state.shared;
254 }
255 get eventStore() {
256 return this.ctrl.gestureEventStores[this.key];
257 }
258 get timeoutStore() {
259 return this.ctrl.gestureTimeoutStores[this.key];
260 }
261 get config() {
262 return this.ctrl.config[this.key];
263 }
264 get sharedConfig() {
265 return this.ctrl.config.shared;
266 }
267 get handler() {
268 return this.ctrl.handlers[this.key];
269 }
270 reset() {
271 const {
272 state,
273 shared,
274 ingKey,
275 args
276 } = this;
277 shared[ingKey] = state._active = = state._blocked = state._force = false;
278 state._step = [false, false];
279 state.intentional = false;
280 state._movement = [0, 0];
281 state._distance = [0, 0];
282 state._direction = [0, 0];
283 state._delta = [0, 0];
284 state._bounds = [[-Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, Infinity]];
285 state.args = args;
286 state.axis = undefined;
287 state.memo = undefined;
288 state.elapsedTime = state.timeDelta = 0;
289 state.direction = [0, 0];
290 state.distance = [0, 0];
291 state.overflow = [0, 0];
292 state._movementBound = [false, false];
293 state.velocity = [0, 0];
294 state.movement = [0, 0];
295 = [0, 0];
296 state.timeStamp = 0;
297 }
298 start(event) {
299 const state = this.state;
300 const config = this.config;
301 if (!state._active) {
302 this.reset();
303 this.computeInitial();
304 state._active = true;
305 =;
306 state.currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
307 state.lastOffset = config.from ? call(config.from, state) : state.offset;
308 state.offset = state.lastOffset;
309 state.startTime = state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp;
310 }
311 }
312 computeValues(values) {
313 const state = this.state;
314 state._values = values;
315 state.values = this.config.transform(values);
316 }
317 computeInitial() {
318 const state = this.state;
319 state._initial = state._values;
320 state.initial = state.values;
321 }
322 compute(event) {
323 const {
324 state,
325 config,
326 shared
327 } = this;
328 state.args = this.args;
329 let dt = 0;
330 if (event) {
331 state.event = event;
332 if (config.preventDefault && event.cancelable) state.event.preventDefault();
333 state.type = event.type;
334 shared.touches = this.ctrl.pointerIds.size || this.ctrl.touchIds.size;
335 shared.locked = !!document.pointerLockElement;
336 Object.assign(shared, getEventDetails(event));
337 shared.down = shared.pressed = shared.buttons % 2 === 1 || shared.touches > 0;
338 dt = event.timeStamp - state.timeStamp;
339 state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp;
340 state.elapsedTime = state.timeStamp - state.startTime;
341 }
342 if (state._active) {
343 const _absoluteDelta =;
344 V.addTo(state._distance, _absoluteDelta);
345 }
346 if (this.axisIntent) this.axisIntent(event);
347 const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement;
348 const [t0, t1] = config.threshold;
349 const {
350 _step,
351 values
352 } = state;
353 if (config.hasCustomTransform) {
354 if (_step[0] === false) _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && values[0];
355 if (_step[1] === false) _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && values[1];
356 } else {
357 if (_step[0] === false) _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && Math.sign(_m0) * t0;
358 if (_step[1] === false) _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && Math.sign(_m1) * t1;
359 }
360 state.intentional = _step[0] !== false || _step[1] !== false;
361 if (!state.intentional) return;
362 const movement = [0, 0];
363 if (config.hasCustomTransform) {
364 const [v0, v1] = values;
365 movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? v0 - _step[0] : 0;
366 movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? v1 - _step[1] : 0;
367 } else {
368 movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? _m0 - _step[0] : 0;
369 movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? _m1 - _step[1] : 0;
370 }
371 if (this.restrictToAxis && !state._blocked) this.restrictToAxis(movement);
372 const previousOffset = state.offset;
373 const gestureIsActive = state._active && !state._blocked ||;
374 if (gestureIsActive) {
375 state.first = state._active && !;
376 state.last = !state._active &&;
377 = shared[this.ingKey] = state._active;
378 if (event) {
379 if (state.first) {
380 if ('bounds' in config) state._bounds = call(config.bounds, state);
381 if (this.setup) this.setup();
382 }
383 state.movement = movement;
384 this.computeOffset();
385 }
386 }
387 const [ox, oy] = state.offset;
388 const [[x0, x1], [y0, y1]] = state._bounds;
389 state.overflow = [ox < x0 ? -1 : ox > x1 ? 1 : 0, oy < y0 ? -1 : oy > y1 ? 1 : 0];
390 state._movementBound[0] = state.overflow[0] ? state._movementBound[0] === false ? state._movement[0] : state._movementBound[0] : false;
391 state._movementBound[1] = state.overflow[1] ? state._movementBound[1] === false ? state._movement[1] : state._movementBound[1] : false;
392 const rubberband = state._active ? config.rubberband || [0, 0] : [0, 0];
393 state.offset = computeRubberband(state._bounds, state.offset, rubberband);
394 = V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset);
395 this.computeMovement();
396 if (gestureIsActive && (!state.last || dt > BEFORE_LAST_KINEMATICS_DELAY)) {
397 = V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset);
398 const absoluteDelta =;
399 V.addTo(state.distance, absoluteDelta);
400 state.direction =;
401 state._direction =;
402 if (!state.first && dt > 0) {
403 state.velocity = [absoluteDelta[0] / dt, absoluteDelta[1] / dt];
404 state.timeDelta = dt;
405 }
406 }
407 }
408 emit() {
409 const state = this.state;
410 const shared = this.shared;
411 const config = this.config;
412 if (!state._active) this.clean();
413 if ((state._blocked || !state.intentional) && !state._force && !config.triggerAllEvents) return;
414 const memo = this.handler(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, shared), state), {}, {
415 [this.aliasKey]: state.values
416 }));
417 if (memo !== undefined) state.memo = memo;
418 }
419 clean() {
420 this.eventStore.clean();
421 this.timeoutStore.clean();
422 }
425function selectAxis([dx, dy], threshold) {
426 const absDx = Math.abs(dx);
427 const absDy = Math.abs(dy);
428 if (absDx > absDy && absDx > threshold) {
429 return 'x';
430 }
431 if (absDy > absDx && absDy > threshold) {
432 return 'y';
433 }
434 return undefined;
436class CoordinatesEngine extends Engine {
437 constructor(...args) {
438 super(...args);
439 _defineProperty(this, "aliasKey", 'xy');
440 }
441 reset() {
442 super.reset();
443 this.state.axis = undefined;
444 }
445 init() {
446 this.state.offset = [0, 0];
447 this.state.lastOffset = [0, 0];
448 }
449 computeOffset() {
450 this.state.offset = V.add(this.state.lastOffset, this.state.movement);
451 }
452 computeMovement() {
453 this.state.movement = V.sub(this.state.offset, this.state.lastOffset);
454 }
455 axisIntent(event) {
456 const state = this.state;
457 const config = this.config;
458 if (!state.axis && event) {
459 const threshold = typeof config.axisThreshold === 'object' ? config.axisThreshold[getPointerType(event)] : config.axisThreshold;
460 state.axis = selectAxis(state._movement, threshold);
461 }
462 state._blocked = (config.lockDirection || !!config.axis) && !state.axis || !!config.axis && config.axis !== state.axis;
463 }
464 restrictToAxis(v) {
465 if (this.config.axis || this.config.lockDirection) {
466 switch (this.state.axis) {
467 case 'x':
468 v[1] = 0;
469 break;
470 case 'y':
471 v[0] = 0;
472 break;
473 }
474 }
475 }
478const identity = v => v;
479const DEFAULT_RUBBERBAND = 0.15;
480const commonConfigResolver = {
481 enabled(value = true) {
482 return value;
483 },
484 eventOptions(value, _k, config) {
485 return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, config.shared.eventOptions), value);
486 },
487 preventDefault(value = false) {
488 return value;
489 },
490 triggerAllEvents(value = false) {
491 return value;
492 },
493 rubberband(value = 0) {
494 switch (value) {
495 case true:
497 case false:
498 return [0, 0];
499 default:
500 return V.toVector(value);
501 }
502 },
503 from(value) {
504 if (typeof value === 'function') return value;
505 if (value != null) return V.toVector(value);
506 },
507 transform(value, _k, config) {
508 const transform = value || config.shared.transform;
509 this.hasCustomTransform = !!transform;
510 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
511 const originalTransform = transform || identity;
512 return v => {
513 const r = originalTransform(v);
514 if (!isFinite(r[0]) || !isFinite(r[1])) {
515 console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: config.transform() must produce a valid result, but it was: [${r[0]},${[1]}]`);
516 }
517 return r;
518 };
519 }
520 return transform || identity;
521 },
522 threshold(value) {
523 return V.toVector(value, 0);
524 }
526if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
527 Object.assign(commonConfigResolver, {
528 domTarget(value) {
529 if (value !== undefined) {
530 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`);
531 }
532 return NaN;
533 },
534 lockDirection(value) {
535 if (value !== undefined) {
536 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``);
537 }
538 return NaN;
539 },
540 initial(value) {
541 if (value !== undefined) {
542 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`);
543 }
544 return NaN;
545 }
546 });
550const coordinatesConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {
551 axis(_v, _k, {
552 axis
553 }) {
554 this.lockDirection = axis === 'lock';
555 if (!this.lockDirection) return axis;
556 },
557 axisThreshold(value = DEFAULT_AXIS_THRESHOLD) {
558 return value;
559 },
560 bounds(value = {}) {
561 if (typeof value === 'function') {
562 return state => coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(value(state));
563 }
564 if ('current' in value) {
565 return () => value.current;
566 }
567 if (typeof HTMLElement === 'function' && value instanceof HTMLElement) {
568 return value;
569 }
570 const {
571 left = -Infinity,
572 right = Infinity,
573 top = -Infinity,
574 bottom = Infinity
575 } = value;
576 return [[left, right], [top, bottom]];
577 }
580const KEYS_DELTA_MAP = {
581 ArrowRight: (displacement, factor = 1) => [displacement * factor, 0],
582 ArrowLeft: (displacement, factor = 1) => [-1 * displacement * factor, 0],
583 ArrowUp: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, -1 * displacement * factor],
584 ArrowDown: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, displacement * factor]
586class DragEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
587 constructor(...args) {
588 super(...args);
589 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'dragging');
590 }
591 reset() {
592 super.reset();
593 const state = this.state;
594 state._pointerId = undefined;
595 state._pointerActive = false;
596 state._keyboardActive = false;
597 state._preventScroll = false;
598 state._delayed = false;
599 state.swipe = [0, 0];
600 state.tap = false;
601 state.canceled = false;
602 state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this);
603 }
604 setup() {
605 const state = this.state;
606 if (state._bounds instanceof HTMLElement) {
607 const boundRect = state._bounds.getBoundingClientRect();
608 const targetRect = state.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
609 const _bounds = {
610 left: boundRect.left - targetRect.left + state.offset[0],
611 right: boundRect.right - targetRect.right + state.offset[0],
612 top: - + state.offset[1],
613 bottom: boundRect.bottom - targetRect.bottom + state.offset[1]
614 };
615 state._bounds = coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(_bounds);
616 }
617 }
618 cancel() {
619 const state = this.state;
620 if (state.canceled) return;
621 state.canceled = true;
622 state._active = false;
623 setTimeout(() => {
624 this.compute();
625 this.emit();
626 }, 0);
627 }
628 setActive() {
629 this.state._active = this.state._pointerActive || this.state._keyboardActive;
630 }
631 clean() {
632 this.pointerClean();
633 this.state._pointerActive = false;
634 this.state._keyboardActive = false;
635 super.clean();
636 }
637 pointerDown(event) {
638 const config = this.config;
639 const state = this.state;
640 if (event.buttons != null && (Array.isArray(config.pointerButtons) ? !config.pointerButtons.includes(event.buttons) : config.pointerButtons !== -1 && config.pointerButtons !== event.buttons)) return;
641 const ctrlIds = this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
642 if (config.pointerCapture) {
644 }
645 if (ctrlIds && ctrlIds.size > 1 && state._pointerActive) return;
646 this.start(event);
647 this.setupPointer(event);
648 state._pointerId = pointerId(event);
649 state._pointerActive = true;
650 this.computeValues(pointerValues(event));
651 this.computeInitial();
652 if (config.preventScrollAxis && getPointerType(event) !== 'mouse') {
653 state._active = false;
654 this.setupScrollPrevention(event);
655 } else if (config.delay > 0) {
656 this.setupDelayTrigger(event);
657 if (config.triggerAllEvents) {
658 this.compute(event);
659 this.emit();
660 }
661 } else {
662 this.startPointerDrag(event);
663 }
664 }
665 startPointerDrag(event) {
666 const state = this.state;
667 state._active = true;
668 state._preventScroll = true;
669 state._delayed = false;
670 this.compute(event);
671 this.emit();
672 }
673 pointerMove(event) {
674 const state = this.state;
675 const config = this.config;
676 if (!state._pointerActive) return;
677 const id = pointerId(event);
678 if (state._pointerId !== undefined && id !== state._pointerId) return;
679 const _values = pointerValues(event);
680 if (document.pointerLockElement === {
681 state._delta = [event.movementX, event.movementY];
682 } else {
683 state._delta = V.sub(_values, state._values);
684 this.computeValues(_values);
685 }
686 V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
687 this.compute(event);
688 if (state._delayed && state.intentional) {
689 this.timeoutStore.remove('dragDelay');
690 = false;
691 this.startPointerDrag(event);
692 return;
693 }
694 if (config.preventScrollAxis && !state._preventScroll) {
695 if (state.axis) {
696 if (state.axis === config.preventScrollAxis || config.preventScrollAxis === 'xy') {
697 state._active = false;
698 this.clean();
699 return;
700 } else {
701 this.timeoutStore.remove('startPointerDrag');
702 this.startPointerDrag(event);
703 return;
704 }
705 } else {
706 return;
707 }
708 }
709 this.emit();
710 }
711 pointerUp(event) {
712 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
713 try {
714 if (this.config.pointerCapture && {
715 ;
717 }
718 } catch (_unused) {
719 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
720 console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: If you see this message, it's likely that you're using an outdated version of \`@react-three/fiber\`. \n\nPlease upgrade to the latest version.`);
721 }
722 }
723 const state = this.state;
724 const config = this.config;
725 if (!state._active || !state._pointerActive) return;
726 const id = pointerId(event);
727 if (state._pointerId !== undefined && id !== state._pointerId) return;
728 this.state._pointerActive = false;
729 this.setActive();
730 this.compute(event);
731 const [dx, dy] = state._distance;
732 state.tap = dx <= config.tapsThreshold && dy <= config.tapsThreshold;
733 if (state.tap && config.filterTaps) {
734 state._force = true;
735 } else {
736 const [_dx, _dy] = state._delta;
737 const [_mx, _my] = state._movement;
738 const [svx, svy] = config.swipe.velocity;
739 const [sx, sy] = config.swipe.distance;
740 const sdt = config.swipe.duration;
741 if (state.elapsedTime < sdt) {
742 const _vx = Math.abs(_dx / state.timeDelta);
743 const _vy = Math.abs(_dy / state.timeDelta);
744 if (_vx > svx && Math.abs(_mx) > sx) state.swipe[0] = Math.sign(_dx);
745 if (_vy > svy && Math.abs(_my) > sy) state.swipe[1] = Math.sign(_dy);
746 }
747 }
748 this.emit();
749 }
750 pointerClick(event) {
751 if (!this.state.tap && event.detail > 0) {
752 event.preventDefault();
753 event.stopPropagation();
754 }
755 }
756 setupPointer(event) {
757 const config = this.config;
758 const device = config.device;
759 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
760 try {
761 if (device === 'pointer' && config.preventScrollDelay === undefined) {
762 const currentTarget = 'uv' in event ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget;
763 const style = window.getComputedStyle(currentTarget);
764 if (style.touchAction === 'auto') {
765 console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: The drag target has its \`touch-action\` style property set to \`auto\`. It is recommended to add \`touch-action: 'none'\` so that the drag gesture behaves correctly on touch-enabled devices. For more information read this:\n\nThis message will only show in development mode. It won't appear in production. If this is intended, you can ignore it.`, currentTarget);
766 }
767 }
768 } catch (_unused2) {}
769 }
770 if (config.pointerLock) {
771 event.currentTarget.requestPointerLock();
772 }
773 if (!config.pointerCapture) {
774 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
775 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
776 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'cancel', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
777 }
778 }
779 pointerClean() {
780 if (this.config.pointerLock && document.pointerLockElement === this.state.currentTarget) {
781 document.exitPointerLock();
782 }
783 }
784 preventScroll(event) {
785 if (this.state._preventScroll && event.cancelable) {
786 event.preventDefault();
787 }
788 }
789 setupScrollPrevention(event) {
790 this.state._preventScroll = false;
791 persistEvent(event);
792 const remove = this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'change', this.preventScroll.bind(this), {
793 passive: false
794 });
795 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'end', remove);
796 this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'cancel', remove);
797 this.timeoutStore.add('startPointerDrag', this.startPointerDrag.bind(this), this.config.preventScrollDelay, event);
798 }
799 setupDelayTrigger(event) {
800 this.state._delayed = true;
801 this.timeoutStore.add('dragDelay', () => {
802 this.state._step = [0, 0];
803 this.startPointerDrag(event);
804 }, this.config.delay);
805 }
806 keyDown(event) {
807 const deltaFn = KEYS_DELTA_MAP[event.key];
808 if (deltaFn) {
809 const state = this.state;
810 const factor = event.shiftKey ? 10 : event.altKey ? 0.1 : 1;
811 this.start(event);
812 state._delta = deltaFn(this.config.keyboardDisplacement, factor);
813 state._keyboardActive = true;
814 V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
815 this.compute(event);
816 this.emit();
817 }
818 }
819 keyUp(event) {
820 if (!(event.key in KEYS_DELTA_MAP)) return;
821 this.state._keyboardActive = false;
822 this.setActive();
823 this.compute(event);
824 this.emit();
825 }
826 bind(bindFunction) {
827 const device = this.config.device;
828 bindFunction(device, 'start', this.pointerDown.bind(this));
829 if (this.config.pointerCapture) {
830 bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
831 bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
832 bindFunction(device, 'cancel', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
833 bindFunction('lostPointerCapture', '', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
834 }
835 if (this.config.keys) {
836 bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
837 bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
838 }
839 if (this.config.filterTaps) {
840 bindFunction('click', '', this.pointerClick.bind(this), {
841 capture: true,
842 passive: false
843 });
844 }
845 }
847function persistEvent(event) {
848 'persist' in event && typeof event.persist === 'function' && event.persist();
851const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement;
852function supportsTouchEvents() {
853 return isBrowser && 'ontouchstart' in window;
855function isTouchScreen() {
856 return supportsTouchEvents() || isBrowser && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1;
858function supportsPointerEvents() {
859 return isBrowser && 'onpointerdown' in window;
861function supportsPointerLock() {
862 return isBrowser && 'exitPointerLock' in window.document;
864function supportsGestureEvents() {
865 try {
866 return 'constructor' in GestureEvent;
867 } catch (e) {
868 return false;
869 }
871const SUPPORT = {
872 isBrowser,
873 gesture: supportsGestureEvents(),
874 touch: supportsTouchEvents(),
875 touchscreen: isTouchScreen(),
876 pointer: supportsPointerEvents(),
877 pointerLock: supportsPointerLock()
881const DEFAULT_DRAG_DELAY = 180;
887 mouse: 0,
888 touch: 0,
889 pen: 8
891const dragConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
892 device(_v, _k, {
893 pointer: {
894 touch = false,
895 lock = false,
896 mouse = false
897 } = {}
898 }) {
899 this.pointerLock = lock && SUPPORT.pointerLock;
900 if (SUPPORT.touch && touch) return 'touch';
901 if (this.pointerLock) return 'mouse';
902 if (SUPPORT.pointer && !mouse) return 'pointer';
903 if (SUPPORT.touch) return 'touch';
904 return 'mouse';
905 },
906 preventScrollAxis(value, _k, {
907 preventScroll
908 }) {
909 this.preventScrollDelay = typeof preventScroll === 'number' ? preventScroll : preventScroll || preventScroll === undefined && value ? DEFAULT_PREVENT_SCROLL_DELAY : undefined;
910 if (!SUPPORT.touchscreen || preventScroll === false) return undefined;
911 return value ? value : preventScroll !== undefined ? 'y' : undefined;
912 },
913 pointerCapture(_v, _k, {
914 pointer: {
915 capture = true,
916 buttons = 1,
917 keys = true
918 } = {}
919 }) {
920 this.pointerButtons = buttons;
921 this.keys = keys;
922 return !this.pointerLock && this.device === 'pointer' && capture;
923 },
924 threshold(value, _k, {
925 filterTaps = false,
926 tapsThreshold = 3,
927 axis = undefined
928 }) {
929 const threshold = V.toVector(value, filterTaps ? tapsThreshold : axis ? 1 : 0);
930 this.filterTaps = filterTaps;
931 this.tapsThreshold = tapsThreshold;
932 return threshold;
933 },
934 swipe({
938 } = {}) {
939 return {
940 velocity: this.transform(V.toVector(velocity)),
941 distance: this.transform(V.toVector(distance)),
942 duration
943 };
944 },
945 delay(value = 0) {
946 switch (value) {
947 case true:
949 case false:
950 return 0;
951 default:
952 return value;
953 }
954 },
955 axisThreshold(value) {
956 if (!value) return DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD;
957 return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD), value);
958 },
959 keyboardDisplacement(value = DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_DISPLACEMENT) {
960 return value;
961 }
963if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
964 Object.assign(dragConfigResolver, {
965 useTouch(value) {
966 if (value !== undefined) {
967 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`);
968 }
969 return NaN;
970 },
971 experimental_preventWindowScrollY(value) {
972 if (value !== undefined) {
973 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`);
974 }
975 return NaN;
976 },
977 swipeVelocity(value) {
978 if (value !== undefined) {
979 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`);
980 }
981 return NaN;
982 },
983 swipeDistance(value) {
984 if (value !== undefined) {
985 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`);
986 }
987 return NaN;
988 },
989 swipeDuration(value) {
990 if (value !== undefined) {
991 throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`);
992 }
993 return NaN;
994 }
995 });
998function clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state) {
999 const [ox, oy] = state.overflow;
1000 const [dx, dy] = state._delta;
1001 const [dirx, diry] = state._direction;
1002 if (ox < 0 && dx > 0 && dirx < 0 || ox > 0 && dx < 0 && dirx > 0) {
1003 state._movement[0] = state._movementBound[0];
1004 }
1005 if (oy < 0 && dy > 0 && diry < 0 || oy > 0 && dy < 0 && diry > 0) {
1006 state._movement[1] = state._movementBound[1];
1007 }
1011const PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO = 100;
1012class PinchEngine extends Engine {
1013 constructor(...args) {
1014 super(...args);
1015 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'pinching');
1016 _defineProperty(this, "aliasKey", 'da');
1017 }
1018 init() {
1019 this.state.offset = [1, 0];
1020 this.state.lastOffset = [1, 0];
1021 this.state._pointerEvents = new Map();
1022 }
1023 reset() {
1024 super.reset();
1025 const state = this.state;
1026 state._touchIds = [];
1027 state.canceled = false;
1028 state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this);
1029 state.turns = 0;
1030 }
1031 computeOffset() {
1032 const {
1033 type,
1034 movement,
1035 lastOffset
1036 } = this.state;
1037 if (type === 'wheel') {
1038 this.state.offset = V.add(movement, lastOffset);
1039 } else {
1040 this.state.offset = [(1 + movement[0]) * lastOffset[0], movement[1] + lastOffset[1]];
1041 }
1042 }
1043 computeMovement() {
1044 const {
1045 offset,
1046 lastOffset
1047 } = this.state;
1048 this.state.movement = [offset[0] / lastOffset[0], offset[1] - lastOffset[1]];
1049 }
1050 axisIntent() {
1051 const state = this.state;
1052 const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement;
1053 if (!state.axis) {
1054 const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(_m0) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(_m1);
1055 if (axisMovementDifference < 0) state.axis = 'angle';else if (axisMovementDifference > 0) state.axis = 'scale';
1056 }
1057 }
1058 restrictToAxis(v) {
1059 if (this.config.lockDirection) {
1060 if (this.state.axis === 'scale') v[1] = 0;else if (this.state.axis === 'angle') v[0] = 0;
1061 }
1062 }
1063 cancel() {
1064 const state = this.state;
1065 if (state.canceled) return;
1066 setTimeout(() => {
1067 state.canceled = true;
1068 state._active = false;
1069 this.compute();
1070 this.emit();
1071 }, 0);
1072 }
1073 touchStart(event) {
1074 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
1075 const state = this.state;
1076 const ctrlTouchIds = this.ctrl.touchIds;
1077 if (state._active) {
1078 if (state._touchIds.every(id => ctrlTouchIds.has(id))) return;
1079 }
1080 if (ctrlTouchIds.size < 2) return;
1081 this.start(event);
1082 state._touchIds = Array.from(ctrlTouchIds).slice(0, 2);
1083 const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, state._touchIds);
1084 if (!payload) return;
1085 this.pinchStart(event, payload);
1086 }
1087 pointerStart(event) {
1088 if (event.buttons != null && event.buttons % 2 !== 1) return;
1089 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
1091 const state = this.state;
1092 const _pointerEvents = state._pointerEvents;
1093 const ctrlPointerIds = this.ctrl.pointerIds;
1094 if (state._active) {
1095 if (Array.from(_pointerEvents.keys()).every(id => ctrlPointerIds.has(id))) return;
1096 }
1097 if (_pointerEvents.size < 2) {
1098 _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event);
1099 }
1100 if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2) return;
1101 this.start(event);
1102 const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values()));
1103 if (!payload) return;
1104 this.pinchStart(event, payload);
1105 }
1106 pinchStart(event, payload) {
1107 const state = this.state;
1108 state.origin = payload.origin;
1109 this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle]);
1110 this.computeInitial();
1111 this.compute(event);
1112 this.emit();
1113 }
1114 touchMove(event) {
1115 if (!this.state._active) return;
1116 const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, this.state._touchIds);
1117 if (!payload) return;
1118 this.pinchMove(event, payload);
1119 }
1120 pointerMove(event) {
1121 const _pointerEvents = this.state._pointerEvents;
1122 if (_pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) {
1123 _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event);
1124 }
1125 if (!this.state._active) return;
1126 const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values()));
1127 if (!payload) return;
1128 this.pinchMove(event, payload);
1129 }
1130 pinchMove(event, payload) {
1131 const state = this.state;
1132 const prev_a = state._values[1];
1133 const delta_a = payload.angle - prev_a;
1134 let delta_turns = 0;
1135 if (Math.abs(delta_a) > 270) delta_turns += Math.sign(delta_a);
1136 this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle - 360 * delta_turns]);
1137 state.origin = payload.origin;
1138 state.turns = delta_turns;
1139 state._movement = [state._values[0] / state._initial[0] - 1, state._values[1] - state._initial[1]];
1140 this.compute(event);
1141 this.emit();
1142 }
1143 touchEnd(event) {
1144 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
1145 if (!this.state._active) return;
1146 if (this.state._touchIds.some(id => !this.ctrl.touchIds.has(id))) {
1147 this.state._active = false;
1148 this.compute(event);
1149 this.emit();
1150 }
1151 }
1152 pointerEnd(event) {
1153 const state = this.state;
1154 this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
1155 try {
1157 } catch (_unused) {}
1158 if (state._pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) {
1159 state._pointerEvents.delete(event.pointerId);
1160 }
1161 if (!state._active) return;
1162 if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2) {
1163 state._active = false;
1164 this.compute(event);
1165 this.emit();
1166 }
1167 }
1168 gestureStart(event) {
1169 if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
1170 const state = this.state;
1171 if (state._active) return;
1172 this.start(event);
1173 this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]);
1174 state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
1175 this.compute(event);
1176 this.emit();
1177 }
1178 gestureMove(event) {
1179 if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
1180 if (!this.state._active) return;
1181 const state = this.state;
1182 this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]);
1183 state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
1184 const _previousMovement = state._movement;
1185 state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation];
1186 state._delta = V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement);
1187 this.compute(event);
1188 this.emit();
1189 }
1190 gestureEnd(event) {
1191 if (!this.state._active) return;
1192 this.state._active = false;
1193 this.compute(event);
1194 this.emit();
1195 }
1196 wheel(event) {
1197 const modifierKey = this.config.modifierKey;
1198 if (modifierKey && (Array.isArray(modifierKey) ? !modifierKey.find(k => event[k]) : !event[modifierKey])) return;
1199 if (!this.state._active) this.wheelStart(event);else this.wheelChange(event);
1200 this.timeoutStore.add('wheelEnd', this.wheelEnd.bind(this));
1201 }
1202 wheelStart(event) {
1203 this.start(event);
1204 this.wheelChange(event);
1205 }
1206 wheelChange(event) {
1207 const isR3f = ('uv' in event);
1208 if (!isR3f) {
1209 if (event.cancelable) {
1210 event.preventDefault();
1211 }
1212 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && !event.defaultPrevented) {
1213 console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option.\n\nThis message will only appear in development mode.`);
1214 }
1215 }
1216 const state = this.state;
1217 state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO * state.offset[0], 0];
1218 V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1219 clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state);
1220 this.state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
1221 this.compute(event);
1222 this.emit();
1223 }
1224 wheelEnd() {
1225 if (!this.state._active) return;
1226 this.state._active = false;
1227 this.compute();
1228 this.emit();
1229 }
1230 bind(bindFunction) {
1231 const device = this.config.device;
1232 if (!!device) {
1233 bindFunction(device, 'start', this[device + 'Start'].bind(this));
1234 bindFunction(device, 'change', this[device + 'Move'].bind(this));
1235 bindFunction(device, 'end', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
1236 bindFunction(device, 'cancel', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
1237 bindFunction('lostPointerCapture', '', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
1238 }
1239 if (this.config.pinchOnWheel) {
1240 bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this), {
1241 passive: false
1242 });
1243 }
1244 }
1247const pinchConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {
1248 device(_v, _k, {
1249 shared,
1250 pointer: {
1251 touch = false
1252 } = {}
1253 }) {
1254 const sharedConfig = shared;
1255 if ( && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture) return 'gesture';
1256 if (SUPPORT.touch && touch) return 'touch';
1257 if (SUPPORT.touchscreen) {
1258 if (SUPPORT.pointer) return 'pointer';
1259 if (SUPPORT.touch) return 'touch';
1260 }
1261 },
1262 bounds(_v, _k, {
1263 scaleBounds = {},
1264 angleBounds = {}
1265 }) {
1266 const _scaleBounds = state => {
1267 const D = assignDefault(call(scaleBounds, state), {
1268 min: -Infinity,
1269 max: Infinity
1270 });
1271 return [D.min, D.max];
1272 };
1273 const _angleBounds = state => {
1274 const A = assignDefault(call(angleBounds, state), {
1275 min: -Infinity,
1276 max: Infinity
1277 });
1278 return [A.min, A.max];
1279 };
1280 if (typeof scaleBounds !== 'function' && typeof angleBounds !== 'function') return [_scaleBounds(), _angleBounds()];
1281 return state => [_scaleBounds(state), _angleBounds(state)];
1282 },
1283 threshold(value, _k, config) {
1284 this.lockDirection = config.axis === 'lock';
1285 const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0);
1286 return threshold;
1287 },
1288 modifierKey(value) {
1289 if (value === undefined) return 'ctrlKey';
1290 return value;
1291 },
1292 pinchOnWheel(value = true) {
1293 return value;
1294 }
1297class MoveEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1298 constructor(...args) {
1299 super(...args);
1300 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'moving');
1301 }
1302 move(event) {
1303 if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
1304 if (!this.state._active) this.moveStart(event);else this.moveChange(event);
1305 this.timeoutStore.add('moveEnd', this.moveEnd.bind(this));
1306 }
1307 moveStart(event) {
1308 this.start(event);
1309 this.computeValues(pointerValues(event));
1310 this.compute(event);
1311 this.computeInitial();
1312 this.emit();
1313 }
1314 moveChange(event) {
1315 if (!this.state._active) return;
1316 const values = pointerValues(event);
1317 const state = this.state;
1318 state._delta = V.sub(values, state._values);
1319 V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1320 this.computeValues(values);
1321 this.compute(event);
1322 this.emit();
1323 }
1324 moveEnd(event) {
1325 if (!this.state._active) return;
1326 this.state._active = false;
1327 this.compute(event);
1328 this.emit();
1329 }
1330 bind(bindFunction) {
1331 bindFunction('pointer', 'change', this.move.bind(this));
1332 bindFunction('pointer', 'leave', this.moveEnd.bind(this));
1333 }
1336const moveConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
1337 mouseOnly: (value = true) => value
1340class ScrollEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1341 constructor(...args) {
1342 super(...args);
1343 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'scrolling');
1344 }
1345 scroll(event) {
1346 if (!this.state._active) this.start(event);
1347 this.scrollChange(event);
1348 this.timeoutStore.add('scrollEnd', this.scrollEnd.bind(this));
1349 }
1350 scrollChange(event) {
1351 if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
1352 const state = this.state;
1353 const values = scrollValues(event);
1354 state._delta = V.sub(values, state._values);
1355 V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1356 this.computeValues(values);
1357 this.compute(event);
1358 this.emit();
1359 }
1360 scrollEnd() {
1361 if (!this.state._active) return;
1362 this.state._active = false;
1363 this.compute();
1364 this.emit();
1365 }
1366 bind(bindFunction) {
1367 bindFunction('scroll', '', this.scroll.bind(this));
1368 }
1371const scrollConfigResolver = coordinatesConfigResolver;
1373class WheelEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1374 constructor(...args) {
1375 super(...args);
1376 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'wheeling');
1377 }
1378 wheel(event) {
1379 if (!this.state._active) this.start(event);
1380 this.wheelChange(event);
1381 this.timeoutStore.add('wheelEnd', this.wheelEnd.bind(this));
1382 }
1383 wheelChange(event) {
1384 const state = this.state;
1385 state._delta = wheelValues(event);
1386 V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
1387 clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state);
1388 this.compute(event);
1389 this.emit();
1390 }
1391 wheelEnd() {
1392 if (!this.state._active) return;
1393 this.state._active = false;
1394 this.compute();
1395 this.emit();
1396 }
1397 bind(bindFunction) {
1398 bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this));
1399 }
1402const wheelConfigResolver = coordinatesConfigResolver;
1404class HoverEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
1405 constructor(...args) {
1406 super(...args);
1407 _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'hovering');
1408 }
1409 enter(event) {
1410 if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
1411 this.start(event);
1412 this.computeValues(pointerValues(event));
1413 this.compute(event);
1414 this.emit();
1415 }
1416 leave(event) {
1417 if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
1418 const state = this.state;
1419 if (!state._active) return;
1420 state._active = false;
1421 const values = pointerValues(event);
1422 state._movement = state._delta = V.sub(values, state._values);
1423 this.computeValues(values);
1424 this.compute(event);
1425 = state.movement;
1426 this.emit();
1427 }
1428 bind(bindFunction) {
1429 bindFunction('pointer', 'enter', this.enter.bind(this));
1430 bindFunction('pointer', 'leave', this.leave.bind(this));
1431 }
1434const hoverConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
1435 mouseOnly: (value = true) => value
1438const EngineMap = new Map();
1439const ConfigResolverMap = new Map();
1440function registerAction(action) {
1441 EngineMap.set(action.key, action.engine);
1442 ConfigResolverMap.set(action.key, action.resolver);
1444const dragAction = {
1445 key: 'drag',
1446 engine: DragEngine,
1447 resolver: dragConfigResolver
1449const hoverAction = {
1450 key: 'hover',
1451 engine: HoverEngine,
1452 resolver: hoverConfigResolver
1454const moveAction = {
1455 key: 'move',
1456 engine: MoveEngine,
1457 resolver: moveConfigResolver
1459const pinchAction = {
1460 key: 'pinch',
1461 engine: PinchEngine,
1462 resolver: pinchConfigResolver
1464const scrollAction = {
1465 key: 'scroll',
1466 engine: ScrollEngine,
1467 resolver: scrollConfigResolver
1469const wheelAction = {
1470 key: 'wheel',
1471 engine: WheelEngine,
1472 resolver: wheelConfigResolver
1475export { ConfigResolverMap as C, EngineMap as E, SUPPORT as S, _objectSpread2 as _, _defineProperty as a, touchIds as b, chain as c, toHandlerProp as d, dragAction as e, pinchAction as f, hoverAction as h, isTouch as i, moveAction as m, parseProp as p, registerAction as r, scrollAction as s, toDomEventType as t, wheelAction as w };
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.