1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | const types_1 = require("./types");
4 | const __1 = require("..");
5 | const codegen_1 = require("../codegen");
6 | const ref_error_1 = require("../ref_error");
7 | const names_1 = require("../names");
8 | const code_1 = require("../../vocabularies/code");
9 | const ref_1 = require("../../vocabularies/jtd/ref");
10 | const util_1 = require("../util");
11 | const quote_1 = require("../../runtime/quote");
12 | const genSerialize = {
13 | elements: serializeElements,
14 | values: serializeValues,
15 | discriminator: serializeDiscriminator,
16 | properties: serializeProperties,
17 | optionalProperties: serializeProperties,
18 | enum: serializeString,
19 | type: serializeType,
20 | ref: serializeRef,
21 | };
22 | function compileSerializer(sch, definitions) {
23 | const _sch = __1.getCompilingSchema.call(this, sch);
24 | if (_sch)
25 | return _sch;
26 | const { es5, lines } = this.opts.code;
27 | const { ownProperties } = this.opts;
28 | const gen = new codegen_1.CodeGen(this.scope, { es5, lines, ownProperties });
29 | const serializeName = gen.scopeName("serialize");
30 | const cxt = {
31 | self: this,
32 | gen,
33 | schema: sch.schema,
34 | schemaEnv: sch,
35 | definitions,
36 | data: names_1.default.data,
37 | };
38 | let sourceCode;
39 | try {
40 | this._compilations.add(sch);
41 | sch.serializeName = serializeName;
42 | gen.func(serializeName, names_1.default.data, false, () => {
43 | gen.let(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) ``);
44 | serializeCode(cxt);
45 | gen.return(names_1.default.json);
46 | });
47 | gen.optimize(this.opts.code.optimize);
48 | const serializeFuncCode = gen.toString();
49 | sourceCode = `${gen.scopeRefs(names_1.default.scope)}return ${serializeFuncCode}`;
50 | const makeSerialize = new Function(`${names_1.default.scope}`, sourceCode);
51 | const serialize = makeSerialize(this.scope.get());
52 | this.scope.value(serializeName, { ref: serialize });
53 | sch.serialize = serialize;
54 | }
55 | catch (e) {
56 | if (sourceCode)
57 | this.logger.error("Error compiling serializer, function code:", sourceCode);
58 | delete sch.serialize;
59 | delete sch.serializeName;
60 | throw e;
61 | }
62 | finally {
63 | this._compilations.delete(sch);
64 | }
65 | return sch;
66 | }
67 | exports.default = compileSerializer;
68 | function serializeCode(cxt) {
69 | let form;
70 | for (const key of types_1.jtdForms) {
71 | if (key in cxt.schema) {
72 | form = key;
73 | break;
74 | }
75 | }
76 | serializeNullable(cxt, form ? genSerialize[form] : serializeEmpty);
77 | }
78 | function serializeNullable(cxt, serializeForm) {
79 | const { gen, schema, data } = cxt;
80 | if (!schema.nullable)
81 | return serializeForm(cxt);
82 | gen.if((0, codegen_1._) `${data} === undefined || ${data} === null`, () => gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1._) `"null"`), () => serializeForm(cxt));
83 | }
84 | function serializeElements(cxt) {
85 | const { gen, schema, data } = cxt;
86 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `[`);
87 | const first = gen.let("first", true);
88 | gen.forOf("el", data, (el) => {
89 | addComma(cxt, first);
90 | serializeCode({ ...cxt, schema: schema.elements, data: el });
91 | });
92 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `]`);
93 | }
94 | function serializeValues(cxt) {
95 | const { gen, schema, data } = cxt;
96 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `{`);
97 | const first = gen.let("first", true);
98 | gen.forIn("key", data, (key) => serializeKeyValue(cxt, key, schema.values, first));
99 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `}`);
100 | }
101 | function serializeKeyValue(cxt, key, schema, first) {
102 | const { gen, data } = cxt;
103 | addComma(cxt, first);
104 | serializeString({ ...cxt, data: key });
105 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `:`);
106 | const value = gen.const("value", (0, codegen_1._) `${data}${(0, codegen_1.getProperty)(key)}`);
107 | serializeCode({ ...cxt, schema, data: value });
108 | }
109 | function serializeDiscriminator(cxt) {
110 | const { gen, schema, data } = cxt;
111 | const { discriminator } = schema;
112 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `{${JSON.stringify(discriminator)}:`);
113 | const tag = gen.const("tag", (0, codegen_1._) `${data}${(0, codegen_1.getProperty)(discriminator)}`);
114 | serializeString({ ...cxt, data: tag });
115 | gen.if(false);
116 | for (const tagValue in schema.mapping) {
117 | gen.elseIf((0, codegen_1._) `${tag} === ${tagValue}`);
118 | const sch = schema.mapping[tagValue];
119 | serializeSchemaProperties({ ...cxt, schema: sch }, discriminator);
120 | }
121 | gen.endIf();
122 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `}`);
123 | }
124 | function serializeProperties(cxt) {
125 | const { gen } = cxt;
126 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `{`);
127 | serializeSchemaProperties(cxt);
128 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `}`);
129 | }
130 | function serializeSchemaProperties(cxt, discriminator) {
131 | const { gen, schema, data } = cxt;
132 | const { properties, optionalProperties } = schema;
133 | const props = keys(properties);
134 | const optProps = keys(optionalProperties);
135 | const allProps = allProperties(props.concat(optProps));
136 | let first = !discriminator;
137 | let firstProp;
138 | for (const key of props) {
139 | if (first)
140 | first = false;
141 | else
142 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `,`);
143 | serializeProperty(key, properties[key], keyValue(key));
144 | }
145 | if (first)
146 | firstProp = gen.let("first", true);
147 | for (const key of optProps) {
148 | const value = keyValue(key);
149 | gen.if((0, codegen_1.and)((0, codegen_1._) `${value} !== undefined`, (0, code_1.isOwnProperty)(gen, data, key)), () => {
150 | addComma(cxt, firstProp);
151 | serializeProperty(key, optionalProperties[key], value);
152 | });
153 | }
154 | if (schema.additionalProperties) {
155 | gen.forIn("key", data, (key) => gen.if(isAdditional(key, allProps), () => serializeKeyValue(cxt, key, {}, firstProp)));
156 | }
157 | function keys(ps) {
158 | return ps ? Object.keys(ps) : [];
159 | }
160 | function allProperties(ps) {
161 | if (discriminator)
162 | ps.push(discriminator);
163 | if (new Set(ps).size !== ps.length) {
164 | throw new Error("JTD: properties/optionalProperties/disciminator overlap");
165 | }
166 | return ps;
167 | }
168 | function keyValue(key) {
169 | return gen.const("value", (0, codegen_1._) `${data}${(0, codegen_1.getProperty)(key)}`);
170 | }
171 | function serializeProperty(key, propSchema, value) {
172 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `${JSON.stringify(key)}:`);
173 | serializeCode({ ...cxt, schema: propSchema, data: value });
174 | }
175 | function isAdditional(key, ps) {
176 | return ps.length ? (0, codegen_1.and)(...ps.map((p) => (0, codegen_1._) `${key} !== ${p}`)) : true;
177 | }
178 | }
179 | function serializeType(cxt) {
180 | const { gen, schema, data } = cxt;
181 | switch (schema.type) {
182 | case "boolean":
183 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1._) `${data} ? "true" : "false"`);
184 | break;
185 | case "string":
186 | serializeString(cxt);
187 | break;
188 | case "timestamp":
189 | gen.if((0, codegen_1._) `${data} instanceof Date`, () => gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1._) `'"' + ${data}.toISOString() + '"'`), () => serializeString(cxt));
190 | break;
191 | default:
192 | serializeNumber(cxt);
193 | }
194 | }
195 | function serializeString({ gen, data }) {
196 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1._) `${(0, util_1.useFunc)(gen, quote_1.default)}(${data})`);
197 | }
198 | function serializeNumber({ gen, data }) {
199 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1._) `"" + ${data}`);
200 | }
201 | function serializeRef(cxt) {
202 | const { gen, self, data, definitions, schema, schemaEnv } = cxt;
203 | const { ref } = schema;
204 | const refSchema = definitions[ref];
205 | if (!refSchema)
206 | throw new ref_error_1.default(self.opts.uriResolver, "", ref, `No definition ${ref}`);
207 | if (!(0, ref_1.hasRef)(refSchema))
208 | return serializeCode({ ...cxt, schema: refSchema });
209 | const { root } = schemaEnv;
210 | const sch = compileSerializer.call(self, new __1.SchemaEnv({ schema: refSchema, root }), definitions);
211 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1._) `${getSerialize(gen, sch)}(${data})`);
212 | }
213 | function getSerialize(gen, sch) {
214 | return sch.serialize
215 | ? gen.scopeValue("serialize", { ref: sch.serialize })
216 | : (0, codegen_1._) `${gen.scopeValue("wrapper", { ref: sch })}.serialize`;
217 | }
218 | function serializeEmpty({ gen, data }) {
219 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1._) `JSON.stringify(${data})`);
220 | }
221 | function addComma({ gen }, first) {
222 | if (first) {
223 | gen.if(first, () => gen.assign(first, false), () => gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `,`));
224 | }
225 | else {
226 | gen.add(names_1.default.json, (0, codegen_1.str) `,`);
227 | }
228 | }
229 | //# sourceMappingURL=serialize.js.map |